International News Briefing: strikes in Peru and housing struggles in France and Spanish State – The Red Herald

Author: A.R.
Categories: Featured, International
Description: We hereby share resumes of news we found published in the revolutionary press.
Modified Time: 2024-11-16T15:06:14+00:00
Published Time: 2024-11-17T02:05:47+08:00
Sections: Featured, International, France, Housing, Peru, Protests, Spanish State, English, pll_6738b3d076e6a
Tags: France, Housing, Peru, Protests, Spanish State
Type: article
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Featured image: SUTE JAUJA block in the national strike in Peru. Source: Nuevo Peru.

We hereby share resumes of news we found published in the revolutionary press.


During the past months, there have been many national strikes by transport workers which have blocked the country. The old State announced in September the state of emergency to try to fix a situation which was out of control. This decision was completely useless and the local media reported on more strikes in October . Between November 13 and 15, a new strike was carried out against the so-called “Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation” (APEC), a key date in the country for the country-sellers and Yankee imperialism. Nuevo Peru reported that the teachers of SUTEP-REGIÓN JUNÍN and other several organizations in Huancayo and Jauja joined the national strike at the end of October.

Nuevo Peru reports that in the strike from 13 th to 15 th of November, the road between Huancayo and Huancavelica was blocked by members of the Front of Defense, the SUTE REGIONAL HUANCAVELICA and students of the National University of Huancavelica.

Source: Nuevo Perú

SUTE JAUJA also participated in the strike, and numerous roads of the country have been blocked due to the agreement for the strike by the transport workers in Piura, Arequipa and some parts of Lima.

Source: Nuevo Perú

We hereby share reports written on this situation by Nuevo Peru:


La Cause du Peuple has recently reported that worker families in Toulouse occupied the school Bastide. The occupation took place on October 8 by parents organized in the proletarian neighborhood of Mirail, and they had the support of the teachers. Among the participants, was the People’s Committee of Mutual Aid and Solidarity of Mirail (Comité Populaire d’entraide et de Solidarité – CPES) which had an important role. The families did not have homes and the bourgeois State never provided any solution to the, having children going to the school but to sleep on the streets.

Source: La Cause du Peuple

We hereby share the report about it, in which a statement is included:

Additionally this same CPES from Mirail reported on a victory. After months of mobilization and struggle, residents of the neighborhood achieved a solution to their heating problems which faced several blocks of apartments. 15 apartments will receive the needed renovations. The families were facing strong colds and were getting sick due to that. The CPES called the residents of the proletarian neighborhood to continue organizing and struggling together.

Source: La Cause du Peuple

We hereby share the full report:

Spanish State

On November 10, a demonstration for housing took place in Albacete. Servir al Pueblo stated that “the housing movement resurges after years of disorganization”, highlighting that this is a step forward by this movement in the city.

Hundreds of people joined the march called for by the platform “Albacete for Housing”, on which local and national bourgeois press reported, alarmed by how the mobilization was bringing workers demands to the bourgeois neighborhoods of the city. The mobilization had a combative character and several organizations and social movements joined it, among them, the Revolutionary Committee of Albacete. Flags of the International Communist League (ICL) waved in the demonstration.
