CPI (Maoist) released a video about its 20th anniversary events – The Red Herald

Author: A.R.
Categories: Asia, Featured
Description: Yeni Demokrasi has reported on a video released on occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
Modified Time: 2024-11-16T14:55:40+00:00
Published Time: 2024-11-17T16:56:24+08:00
Sections: Asia, Featured, CPI (Maoist), India, People's War, English, pll_6738b220dc247
Tags: CPI (Maoist), India, People's War
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg

Yeni Demokrasi has reported on a video released on occasion of the 20 th Anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party of India (Maoist).

We hereby share the video:

Source: https://redherald.org/2024/11/17/cpi-maoist-released-a-video-about-its-20th-anniversary-events/