Video: solidarity from Colombia with the people of Valencia – The Red Herald

Author: G.D.
Categories: Featured, The Americas
Description: Nueva Democracia reports that “after an important meeting to move forward in the formation of an Anti-Imperialist People’s Front in the country”, anti-imperialist activists made a video.
Modified Time: 2024-11-17T18:10:31+00:00
Published Time: 2024-11-18T03:39:46+08:00
Sections: Featured, The Americas, Anti-imperialism, Colombia, Proletarian internationalism, Spanish State, English
Tags: Anti-imperialism, Colombia, Proletarian internationalism, Spanish State
Type: article
Images: 000000.png

Nueva Democracia reports that “after an important meeting to move forward in the formation of an Anti-Imperialist People’s Front in the country”, anti-imperialist activists made a video. The activists made posters with messages such as: “Long live Proletarian Internationalism!”, “In face of the State’s negligence and repression, struggle and people’s organization”, “Down with Spanish imperialism!”, “It were not the rains, it was the Spanish State!” and “Sánchez and Mazón, MURDERERS”.

We hereby share the video:
