We hereby share an unofficial translation of an article published by Periódico Mural from Mexico.
On November 6, the family of the missing human rights defender, Sandra Domínguez Martínez, decided to set up a permanent sit-in in front of the government palace of Oaxaca, which since the 2006 repression has been renamed by some organizations as “palace of the ignominy”.

That day, the family denounced through a press conference the inaction of the authorities in the search and alive presentation of the feminist Ayuuk lawyer, as well as a series of acts of harassment, intimidation and surveilling against various members of the family and the lawyers accompanying them in the case. For Sandra’s mother and sisters, settling into a sit-in has been a mechanism to safeguard their integrity while maintaining the demand for alive presentation.

The firmness of Mrs. Aracely and her daughters Kenia and Kisha has moved the people of Oaxaca and broad organized sectors that have shown their solidarity with the Domínguez Martínez family by participating in the sit-in. The presence of organizations such as Consorcio Oaxaca, Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo and the Comedora Comunitaria has been noticeable from the first moment, and we have also witnessed the “day of solidarity with the Domínguez Martínez family” promoted by radio broadcasters, poets, artists and members of civil society who have carried out various activities throughout this week. In this sense, the work of the colleagues from Radio Plantón 92.3FM has been notable, who on November 11 broadcasted live for four hours in a row.

At the closing of this edition, the Domínguez Martínez family’s sit-in is still continuing, and tomorrow the State governor, Salomón Jara Cruz, will deliver his 2 nd government report for which he has already set up a stand in the city’s main square.

Could it be that the State has already found Sandra’s whereabouts and that this is what will be reported right in front of the sit-in?