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Hernán Doval ¡Hasta la victoria, siempre!

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Perdemos a un médico ejemplar que puso siempre sus conocimientos al servicio del pueblo. Se destacó como un brillante clínico cardiólogo, investigador y maestro. Reconocido en nuestro país, y fuera de él, por sus aportes científicos, sostenidos en una sólida formación marxista, y en una ideología que rechazó siempre con vehemencia la mercantilización de una profesión tan digna.

Hernán fue reconocido y admirado no sólo por los médicos jóvenes que se formaron con él, sino por toda la comunidad científica. Sus aportes y su práctica se proyectaron también hacia los sectores más humildes.

Despedimos a un verdadero comunista, que lo demostró siempre, en todos los actos de su vida.

Hernán querido, hasta la victoria, siempre!

Despedida- velatorio , el lunes 18 de noviembre de 8 a 11 horas, Casa Alberio, Valle 286. Caballito, CABA.

En Chacarita aproximadamente 11.30 horas.

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Punalippu (Finland): Solidarity with the victims of Spanish imperialism in Valencia! – The Red Herald

We hereby share a statement published by the Editorial board of Punalippu.

According to official information, over 220 people died and many are still missing after flooding caused by heavy rain in Valencia, Spanish State. This situation is however not about a natural catastrophe but that Spanish imperialism murdered hundreds with its negligence and completely abandoned the masses of the people also after the flood.

In the bourgeois media they have tried to hide the true culprit and the true scope of the destruction. It is commonly known that this type of natural phenomena is typical for the Iberian peninsula and that it tends to worsen with climate change. Experts have warned already a long time ago that multiple buildings are vulnerable for flooding. Buildings were built against regulations and the bourgeois government at all levels allowed this. The flooding could have been prevented with many means of infrastructure. However the the government did nothing to prevent the destruction of the floods. In addition to this, recently the regional government of Valencia dismantled the unit responsible for aid for natural catastrophes. The risk for flooding was known five days before. Even when the immediate danger of floods was known, the residents were not warned and told to seek shelter. Over 60 % of the dead were found in their car. Their death could have been prevented if they had known to seek shelter. The government warned about the flood in some of its social media accounts, but there was no centralized communication. It also closed some of its offices but did not warn the residents. Only six hours after the residents were sent a warning to their mobile phones, but at this point hundreds of people had already died.

The regional government has promised financial support to the flood victims, but this is only crumbs. This miserable money will not bring back their homes and relatives. The officials have left the masses to mend for themselves. The rescue effort was inadequate due to for example that the regional government of Carlos Mazón refused to accept aid from other regions. However, the masses have shown great resourcefulness and solidarity: hundreds have come to the area with supplies, helping in rescue efforts and organizing food and shelter to the victims. The Spanish State has done nothing but tried to polish its image with the suffering of the masses: on the 3 rd of November the King Felipe VI, the Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and the president of the regional government of Valencia Carlos Mazón came to visit the worst affected areas. The enraged masses however expelled them, calling them murderers and attacking them with sticks and stones and throwing mud on them.

In many places there has been huge demonstrations, which have been largest in Valencia, where hundreds of thousands demanded the Spanish State to be held accountable and marched towards the city hall. In the demonstration also the flags of the International Communist League and the Anti-imperialist League were seen. Once again Spanish imperialism showed its ugly face in front of the rage of the masses: the police was protecting murderers, violently repressing the masses who demanded justice. Clashes ensued between police and the demonstrators, in which 31 police officers were injured. Seven demonstrators were detained, of which six have been released with or pending charges and one is still in prison.

We express our solidarity with the masses who have suffered from the negligence of Spanish imperialism and who make efforts to show solidarity in the midst of the catastrophe. We express our solidarity with those who face repression due to demanding justice. We express our solidarity with the comrades in Valencia who are struggling to serve the people and to unmask Spanish imperialism.

Mazón – murderer!

Proletarians of Valencia, we are with you!

It was not the rain, it was the Spanish State! Sánch e z and Mazón – murderers!

The editorial board of Punalippu

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pc 16 novembre - Mattarella, si conferma pienamente "Re travicello"

Come possiamo leggere in Wikipedia: "Re travicello si usa per indicare, spesso in senso dispregiativo, un sovrano inetto o una persona che occupa una posizione importante, ma che non ha autorità o capacità sufficienti a esercitarne il potere".

Ma non è questo che ha fatto e che fa il Presidente Mattarella? E l'altro giorno  all’evento per i 25 anni dell’Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori, di fronte a degli studenti in modo pietoso e imbarazzante ha cercato pure di giustificarsi: "Ho promulgato leggi che non condividevo, ma era mio dovere farlo... erano state votate dal Parlamento e io ho il dovere di promulgare a meno che non siano evidenti incostituzionalità" .

Ma Mattarella, come dicono anche dei lavoratori, è diventato un "presidente firmaiolo"; firma tutto anche leggi platealmente illegittime; dando in questo un grande appoggio, legittimità ad un governo oggi della Meloni che per sua stessa composizione, per i principi che proclama, per gli atti, i decreti che vara totalmente antidemocratici, è fuori dalla Costituzione antifascista, .

E' falso quello che ha detto Mattarella. Ha firmato eccome leggi, o avalla norme in approvazione che

sono apertamente anticostituzionali. Ne citiamo alcune

L'Autonomia differenziata - vi è stata recentemente la bocciatura da parte della Corte Costituzionale, in particolare nella parte che riguarda i Lep: la Consulta ha detto che è incostituzionale che vengano decisi dal governo, con dpcm.

Il Premierato è in contrasto con la Costituzione.

La questione della separazione del potere esecutivo da quello giudiziario, che sta comportando un attacco continuo alla Magistratura è in contrasto con gli artt. 101 e 104 della Costituzione che pongono la questione della indipendenza della Magistratura.

Tutte le norme anti migranti sono in aperto contrasto col diritto d'asilo previsto dall'art. 10 della Costituzione.

Il Ddl 1660 introduce nuovi reati e quindi sanzioni, condanne, che violano apertamente principi democratici della Costituzione. Che farà Mattarella, non lo firmerà?

Per non parlare di tutte le dichiarazioni di ministri del governo, del presidente del Senato che si rifanno apertamente al fascismo, legittimano manifestazioni di fascisti contro i principi e articoli antifascisti della Costituzione. Ma Mattarella, che dovrebbe essere garante della Costituzione, non dice nulla.

Come nulla ha fatto o fa a fronte delle decisioni del governo di sostegno alle guerre, di usare anche fondi per le spese sociali per gli armamenti, alla faccia dell'art.11 della Costituzione...

E potremmo continuare

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Continuons le combat ! Libérons Georges Abdallah! - la grand journèe de lutte du 15 decembre

Georges Abdallah doit être déclaré libre !
Continuons le combat ! Libérons Georges Abdallah
Chers amis, chers camarades,
Souvenez-vous ! Le 8 juin 2023, une nouvelle phase s'est ouverte dans notre combat pour la libération de
Georges Abdallah : alors que la mobilisation, sur le terrain, dans la diversité de ses expressions, ne cessait
déjà de s’amplifier, Georges Abdallah avait alors accepté de lancer une nouvelle offensive juridique en
déposant une dixième demande de libération-expulsion vers son pays le Liban. Cette demande a été
examinée le 7 octobre dernier lors d’une audience qui s’est tenue à la prison même de Lannemezan et dont
le délibéré tombera demain en cette journée du 15 novembre. Or nous le clamons ici haut et fort alors que
nous sommes réunis devant ce lieu de représentativité de l’Etat français qui maintient Georges Abdallah enprison depuis maintenant plus de 40 ans : le 15 novembre, demain, Georges Abdallah doit être déclaré
libre !
Libre pour que se clôt cette affaire d’Etat dont chacun des actes constitue un véritable scandale d’Etat
durant lequel le pouvoir politique n’a eu de cesse de violer les règles de son propre droit et de bafouer sa
propre justice avec comme vous le savez, durant ces quarante années placées sous le coup de la « raison
d’Etat » : des vices de procédures et des passages à répétition d’un motif d’inculpation à un autre, un
manquement à la parole d’Etat dès 1985, la fabrique de nouvelles preuves et de nouvelles accusations, une
campagne médiatique de diabolisation, des ingérences et pressions étasunienne et israélienne
incessantes au plus haut degré de l’Etat et sur la justice française, un avocat travaillant pour les services
secrets français, des traitements d’exception et un maintien en prison de ce prisonnier d’exception sous le
coup de la perpétuité réelle malgré deux décisions judiciaires pour le libérer - la dernière ayant été
prononcée pratiquement jour pour jour il y a désormais 12 ans, le 21 novembre 2012.
Libre aussi, Georges Abdallah doit l’être déclaré demain pour que soit mis un coup d’arrêt à ces vengeancesd’Etat à l’encontre de ce résistant communiste révolutionnaire de toute une vie : pour que soit porté un coupd’arrêt définitif à cette vengeance implacable de l’entité sioniste en raison du soutien indéfectible de
Georges Abdallah à l’héroïque résistance des peuples libanais et palestinien et au droit juste et légitime de
ce dernier à libérer sa terre historique qu’est la Palestine de la mer au Jourdain de l’oppression coloniale
génocidaire ; libre pour que soit porté un coup d’arrêt définitif à cette vengeance de l’Etat états-unien en
raison du combat résolument anti-impérialiste de Georges Abdallah et de sa dénonciation inlassable des
crimes et des guerres de ce système impérialiste contre les peuples et nations opprimées ; libre pour que
soit porté un coup d’arrêt définitif à cette vengeance de l’Etat français contre Georges Abdallah pour sa
dénonciation de l’implication active de notre propre impérialisme dans la déstabilisation du Liban, dans
l’oppression du peuple palestinien et dans le pillage du monde arabe pour la défense de ses seuls intérêts
au Moyen-Orient.
Alors oui, naturellement au vu de cette identité et de cet engagement politiques jamais reniés de cet
authentique résistant, nous n’avons pas été étonnés d’apprendre que, lors de l’audience du 7 octobre
dernier, les représentantes du parquet et donc du pouvoir, se sont déclarées opposées à sa libération avec
toujours ces mêmes déclamations usées jusqu’à la corde depuis plus de 40 ans, arguant que cette
libération - étant demandée par des organisations qualifiées de terroristes mais en vérité aussi par le
gouvernement de son pays, le Liban - constituerait une victoire du « terrorisme ».
Cette libération, dans l’unité de notre solidarité, nous la clamons non pas pour ce qu’elle serait mais pour
ce qu’elle est : celle d’un résistant, véritable internationaliste, détenu aux mains de l’ennemi – à l’image de
tous ces flambeaux de la résistance incarcéré dans les geôles sionistes - ayant lutté contre l’occupant selon
ce droit historique, juste et légitime à résister et à se libérer de l’exploitation, de l’oppression, de la
colonisation et de l’impérialisme. Alors oui, aujourd’hui comme demain s’il le faut, nous exigeons et
continuerons à exiger la libération de notre camarade au cri de : « la résistance est un droit ! Libérez GeorgesAbdallah ! »
Oui, Georges Abdallah, tes camarades sont là ! Le 26 octobre derniers, nous étions plus de 4000 à
Lannemezan devant ces « abominables murs » de ces « sinistres lieux » à crier notre détermination sans
faille à continuer le combat jusqu’à ta libération. Plus de 18 villes organisaient le 24 octobre dernier des
rassemblements conjoints devant les instances de l’Etat pour réclamer ta libération ; aujourd’hui, cette
même exigence est à nouveau portée conjointement, trois semaines après, mais cette fois dans plus de
trente villes partout en France à l’appel de Campagne Unitaire et soutenu par plus de cent organisations,
associations, syndicats, médias non assujettis au pouvoir, comités et collectifs locaux. Rien ne peut
désormais arrêter notre élan solidaire et populaire pour ta libération indissociable de notre soutien
inconditionnel à la lutte de libération nationale du peuple palestinien et à la résistance des peuples du
Liban, du Yémen et de tous les peuples opprimés.
Alors oui, demain, 15 novembre, Georges Abdallah doit être déclaré libre ! Mais nous le savons et nous
pouvons d’ores et déjà l’affirmer : parce que ce délibéré du 15 n’est qu’une étape de ce processus judiciaire lui-même étalé sur encore de longs mois d’appels, nous réaffirmons ici notre total engagement à continuer le combat et à toujours plus intensifier ce rapport de force pour faire rompre la digue car ni Gaza, ni Georges Abdallah, ni ses soutiens ne porteront jamais le drapeau blanc de la capitulation pour la victoire ou lavictoire !
La résistance palestinienne vit, vivra et vaincra !
Continuons le combat ! Libérons Georges Abdallah !
Car c’est ensemble et seulement ensemble, camarades, que nous vaincrons !
Paris, le 13 novembre 2024
Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

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Georges Ibrahim Abdallah: after the favorable court decision, let’s intensify the mobilization for his release! – The Red Herald

We hereby share an unofficial translation of an article by La Cause du Peuple.

The news just broke out recently: the French justice has ruled in favor of the release of Georges Abdallah, the longest political prisoner in France and Europe. It is a step taken in the political struggle for the release of this great revolutionary resistance member, and Lebanese communist activist in the Palestinian cause, who became over the course of his 40 years of captivity a symbol of what resistance and arbitrary power mean.

While in 2013, the last trial for his release, the justice system accompanied its decision to release him with an expulsion notice (which the various governments on the right and the left have always refused to sign, signifying his continuing detention), this time none of that was required. There is therefore potentially a possibility that George will regain his freedom and this can only be by intensifying the mobilization carried out nationally and internationally by the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of George Ibrahim Abdallah (CUPLGIA).

It is common knowledge that this struggle is solely political, and therefore has absolutely nothing to do with “law” or “justice”. This is why we must affirm that it is not insignificant if this decision comes after the growth of the mobilizations orchestrated by CUPLGIA which was marked by the powerful and combative demonstration of Lannemezan which brought together more than 4000 people. The Unitary Campaign, at the request of Georges, launched the slogan to massively develop rallies in France and abroad because only mass mobilization has the power to collapse the State.

Georges will be released when his release costs the State more politically than leaving him locked up. This mobilization campaign opened with a first wave on Thursday, October 24 before the Lannemezan demonstration with around twenty cities mobilized throughout France and abroad (Belgium). A new milestone was reached this Thursday, November 14 with no less than 33 cities in mainland France and colonies (Réunion, Corsica) and abroad (Brussels, Barcelona) being combatively mobilized for the rights of the people. All this demonstrates that mobilization pays, that it can always develop, and that large sectors of society support Palestine and oppose the genocide of which George’s situation is a part.

But this great mobilization campaign goes beyond Georges Abdallah or Palestine, it is also a movement for the defense of our democratic rights and in particular that of having opinions, of gathering, of expressing oneself and of struggling. We recall that since October 7, 2023, no less than 800 people have been prosecuted by the French justice system for advocating terrorism, dozens of demonstrations have been banned and were followed by arrests. Through the criminalization of the struggle to defend Palestine, they are trying to crush the entire political, trade-unionist and social movement. Faced with reactionarization, this is not the time for silence, to bow down, but to struggle, and in this sense the CUPLGIA and all the revolutionary and democratic forces have a clear, clear and precise battle plan. So that State’s attacks turn into a popular counter-offensive.

The Unity Campaign has already called for a major day of international action the day before Georges’ trial appeal! The social, trade-unionist and political movement must return to the path of the offensive, mass mobilizations are the expression of the desire not to retreat any further. The CUPLGIA intends to intensify the Mobilization Campaign and make it the spearhead of the defense of our democratic rights.

More broadly, activists from the Unity Campaign and various groups supporting Palestine and its Resistance believe that it is necessary to develop a powerful Palestine Defense Movement, a mass and anti-imperialist movement, supporting the glorious Palestinian resistance and its people struggling against the most perfidious, vile and criminal of adversaries: US imperialism and the US-Zionist regime.

La Cause du Peuple supports this major mobilization campaign and participates in it in our own way. As a revolutionary and democratic newspaper we know that we are a threat to the bourgeoisie and that in return we are threatened. Popular mobilization is the most powerful shield, strong mobilizations from different sectors (workers, peasants) are developing, we will have to put class solidarity into action against the system and its henchmen. We therefore call to join the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, to group around it, in the diversity of our commitments, and to carry out a thousand solidarity initiatives for Georges and Palestine so that Georges is definitively released!

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Long Live Our 2nd Congress! ORGANIZE THE REVOLUTION, WIN THE FUTURE! - info for debate

Explanation No: 2024/5

Our Party TKP-ML has successfully concluded its 2nd Congress in the summer months of 2024. Our 2nd Congress was shaped as the product of our party will in a period when the Turkish state's assimilation, denial and annihilation attacks on the fundamental rights and freedoms of our people of Turkish and Kurdish nations, various nationalities and beliefs continued at full speed, and increased its fascist aggression against the revolutionary and communist movement, in the harsh economic conditions our people were forced to live in.

Our 2nd Congress, which was convened under conditions where the signs of the Third Imperialist War of Division in the international arena are becoming increasingly evident and regional wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe continue in full intensity; first evaluated the activities of our party after the 1st Congress. Drawing lessons from its shortcomings and mistakes in the class struggle, it took them as the justification for the successes of the coming process. It emphasized the importance of organizing the party within the masses and mass struggles. It confirmed the applicability of our party's “near but forward” line in the struggle for the People's Democratic Revolution.

Our 2nd Congress also analyzed the economic and social structure of Turkey, which is an important topic of discussion in the history of our party's more than half a century of struggle and reached certain conclusions. The 2nd Congress of our party has determined, Turkey's social formation to be of comprador capitalist and feudal remnants of the economic and social structure dominated by an economic and social structure, accordingly, the nature and path of the revolution in Turkey has changed.

Based on the unique characteristics of the People's Democratic Revolution, our Party has updated the program and statute of our party. It determined that the principal contradiction among the main contradictions today is the contradiction between imperialism, comprador capitalism, feudal remnants and the broad masses of the people; In the process of the People's Democratic Revolution, the main contradiction is the contradiction between comprador capitalism, feudal remnants and the broad masses of the people.

Our 2nd Congress: based on this concrete reality, accepted that the revolution in Turkey is at the stage of the People's Democratic Revolution and that this revolution can only be realized through armed struggle. It affirmed that the revolution in Turkey will not follow the same line with as the successful revolutions of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world, and that it has its own specificities.

The understanding that “Our revolution will have its own specificities. People’s War in Turkey, guerrilla warfare will not be the same as previous examples. Turkey has its own characteristics, differences in terms of the region in which it is located” which was decided at the 7th Conference of our Party (2002) and continued to be discussed at the 8th Conference (2007) was advanced by the party will and the current situation was analyzed correctly.

Our Congress determined that in the struggle for the People's Democratic Revolution, work within the cities and the working class is primary; that work in the countryside and among the poor peasants has become secondary; that the revolutionary struggle will rise on the basis of armed struggle from the beginning to the end; that the guerrilla struggle, which aims at armed popular uprising but on the basis of “small groups, great daring”, is applicable from the beginning to the end of the revolution.

Our 2nd Congress embraces the struggle of the Kurdish nation and other minority nationalities against nationalism, racism and chauvinism. It regards the struggle of other oppressed nationalities and beliefs, especially the Kurdish nation, against all kinds of fascist oppression, mass killings, bans, national and religious oppression of the Turkish ruling classes as part of its own struggle.

Our 2nd Congress accepts that in the stage of increasing violence and massacres against women, women's struggle against patriarchy, feudal remnants, capitalism, imperialism and fascism is intertwined, therefore the struggle for gender equality and the fight against patriarchy, is part of the Democratic People's Revolution and decisive in the organizing of the masses of women.

Our 2nd Congress has renewed its view that within the Democratic People’s Revolution struggle, the HBDH and KBDH are utmost important struggle fronts.

Our 2nd Congress salutes with communist pride, especially the revolutionary memory and legacy of our immortalized comrades and the struggle of our imprisoned comrades who are still resisting under severe conditions of isolation and torture, who continue to show their commitment to our party and the revolution with great will.

Our 2nd Congress salutes our supporters and militants, families of martyrs and prisoners, who did not spare their lives and labor in our struggle for the People's Democratic Revolution, which has exceeded half a century.

Our party TKP-ML continues its resolve and determination, for our people’s liberation from the imperialist and comprador capitalist exploitation and fascist oppression; to lead the struggle for independence, freedom and people’s democracy, and to conclude this struggle with democratic revolution.

Glory to our 2nd Congress!

Long Live our Party TKP-ML, TİKKO, KKB, TMLGB under its leadership!

Long Live Democratic People’s Revolution!

Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!

Long Live Marxism Leninism Maoism!

TKP-ML Central Committee

November 2024

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Trump eleito, o que virá agora? - Novo MEPR Brasil for debate

Trump eleito, o que virá agora?


Nossa análise das eleições norte-americanas

A essência do imperialismo ianque, baluarte da reação mundial e inimigo número um dos povos do mundo, não se altera de nenhuma maneira com a eleição de um presidente do partido dito democrata ou republicano. Como sublinhava o grande Lênin, o imperialismo não é uma política, mas o estágio do capitalismo caracterizado pelo predomínio dos monopólios e pela tendência à reação e à violência. Numa palavra, o imperialismo é a guerra, ele dizia. Basta ver a atitude do insepulto Biden diante do genocídio palestino, cujo apoio ao projeto colonialista sionista tenha sido quiçá sem precedentes. Nem mesmo a mudança da embaixada dos Estados Unidos em Jerusalém, definida por Trump no seu primeiro mandato, foi revertida pelo mandatário senil. Daí, se vê o quão cínica e mesmo odiosa foi a campanha com o slogan “freedom” conduzida por Kamala Harris, ela própria, uma promotora e depois congressista das mais hostis à população pobre e negra norte-americana. Esse cinismo não passou despercebido, pois, em um país no qual o voto é facultativo, a mobilização dos eleitores joga um papel decisivo, e tudo indica que a alta abstenção foi maior precisamente entre os sufragistas do Partido Democrata.

Supor que as atuais contradições vigentes no mundo se alterarão bruscamente pela eleição de Trump seria um erro, crasso e inaceitável, concebível apenas por reformistas que perderam qualquer compromisso com a luta consequente, mesmo por direitos democráticos em sentido estrito – pois estes se conquistam, e não se imploram de algum amo qualquer.

Isto não significa que seria indiferente a eleição de Trump ou Kamala, como tampouco seria a de Bolsonaro no Brasil em 2022. É preciso ver as situações em seu contexto específico, e o que assistimos na verdade foi um amplo rechaço da população norte-americana ao sistema político do seu país, rechaço este capturado por um plutocrata de extrema-direita, eleito agora com predominância no voto direto e maioria na Câmara, Senado e Suprema Corte. Pode-se pensar em uma correlação entre a crise da hegemonia norte-americana e a decadência da democracia burguesa no interior do país, com a ascensão de um politiqueiro fascista que concentrará poderes como nenhum outro incumbente nas últimas décadas. Nesse sentido, a relação entre o atual mandato de Trump e o de Biden ou Kamala – e mesmo o seu primeiro mandato – é a de uma distinção radical. Presume-se, dentro dos Estados Unidos, à medida que recrudesçam as deportações e brutalidades policiais contra os mais pobres, e mesmo a reversão de direitos civis básicos, um verdadeiro tufão de mobilizações populares nos próximos anos. É por isso, e não por uma difusa filiação a teses identitárias, que a dita “intelligentsia” liberal, concentrada nos monopólios de comunicação, opta em maioria pelos candidatos ditos “progressistas” (direitistas perfumados ou social-democratas): estes são os que oferecem menos turbulência para a administração ordinária dos negócios capitalistas.

Vejamos, por exemplo, a mais candente questão do mundo atual, a causa Palestina. A eleição de Trump encoraja o prosseguimento da agressão sionista e torna ainda mais improvável qualquer solução diplomática para o conflito que seja benéfica para a resistência. Israel seguirá agindo como um porrete nas mãos do imperialismo ianque, usado para forçar os regimes que lhe são hostis à capitulação ou a uma negociação desvantajosa. De outro lado, a tendência que se viu nos últimos anos, de uma implosão dos fóruns “multilaterais” (como a ONU) em favor de uma espécie de lei do mais forte escancarada, tende a se agravar, o que pode gerar exatamente o efeito contrário do proferido por Trump em campanha: maior, e não menor escalada das guerras mundo afora e consequente envolvimento dos ianques nelas, embora pela via prioritária das guerras por procuração. Seguirão se acumulando extraordinários materiais inflamáveis no Oriente Médio e a radicalização do discurso de Trump contra o Irã pode, no lugar de fortalecer a capitulação deste regime, como pretendido, alimentar as forças mais anti-estadunidenses em Teerã e estreitar seus vínculos com a Rússia. Não esqueçamos que foi Trump quem ordenou o assassinato do general da Guarda Revolucionária Iraniana Qassem Soleimani em abril de 2020, gerando uma crise sem precedentes recentes entre os dois países. Nesse sentido, é possível que Trump busque retomar os acordos entre Arábia Saudita e Israel, valendo-se das contradições entre aquele país e o Irã, o que no entanto será muito difícil de se obter enquanto persista a guerra de agressão em Gaza, pelo repúdio que geraria entre os povos árabes. À invencível resistência palestina cabe resistir e reunir suas forças quase sobre-humanas para sustentar o esforço de guerra em condições adversas, situação que de resto tem sido o seu pão de cada dia desde a Nakba em 1948. Na verdade, uma particularidade da resistência palestina, incluindo o Hamas, em comparação com outras organizações que compõem o chamado “eixo da resistência”, tem sido a relativa independência que mantém frente a diferentes potências mundiais e regionais, bem como a habilidade com que se utiliza das suas contradições em favor dos interesses nacionais. Nada possuindo de si, nada entrega e nada negocia: esta é a tragédia e ao mesmo tempo a força da resistência palestina, uma espécie de “proletariado” no interior do sistema estatal contemporâneo.

Sob Trump, a pugna com a China tende a se agravar. Do ponto de vista ianque, a tentativa de pôr fim à guerra de agressão russa contra a Ucrânia, numa saída de humilhação nacional desta, com perda de território em favor de Putin (Trump bravateou que acabaria com a guerra “em um dia”), busca encerrar uma frente europeia a fim de se concentrar na Ásia. Assim, Trump buscaria arrancar uma espécie de neutralidade de Putin, para afastá-lo ou pelo menos matizar a sua aliança com Xi-Jinping. É possível que as provocações envolvendo a questão de Taiwan tenham novos capítulos à frente, e não se deve descartar que a China, por sua vez, tente dar o troco, aproveitando o dito “protecionismo” de Trump para avançar sua penetração econômica e politica não só na região como na África e América Latina, através de diferentes “parcerias” (leia-se: a exportação de capitais típica de uma potência imperialista emergente). É da natureza do imperialismo a luta pela hegemonia, e qualquer subestimação da ambição chinesa para fazê-lo, qualquer análise que exagere o aspecto “cooperação” na relação Estados Unidos-China ou congele a atual superioridade norte-americana ao invés de vê-la dentro de um contexto histórico, econômico, político e militar dinâmico – a China já é a segunda maior fabricante de armamento militar no mundo, atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos e já à frente da Rússia – seria antidialética em teoria e oportunista em política, uma vez que flertaria com a ideia de um “ultra imperialismo”. Essa disputa pela hegemonia se agravará nos próximos anos, como uma lei de ferro, e é certo que os países da Ásia, África e América Latina continuarão a ser zonas de fricção mundial e de tempestades revolucionárias, destacadamente a Ásia.

Sobre esta última questão, abramos um parêntese. Precisamente na Ásia, se concentra enorme tradição de luta revolucionária, maiores forças comunistas organizadas (incluindo as diversas organizações maoistas clandestinas na própria China, mas também no Nepal, em Bangladesh etc), destacadamente as guerras populares nas Filipinas e na Índia. Aí também ocorrem poderosos movimentos de libertação nacional, como na Caxemira. Não são organizações fictícias, mas os principais polos de mobilização revolucionária na atualidade, ainda que com diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento. Ou seja, nesta parte do globo confluem fatores objetivos e subjetivos extraordinários, a descortinar gigantescas perspectivas para as lutas revolucionárias nas próximas décadas. Ressaltamos a particular importância, nesse contexto complexo, de celebrar os vinte anos de fundação do Partido Comunista da Índia (Maoista), não só de suas ações como de suas formulações, que são na atualidade uma espécie de “âncora estratégica da revolução mundial”.

Finalmente, a vitória de Trump encoraja as forças mais militaristas, racistas e chauvinistas mundo afora. Na verdade, a ascensão destas forças proto ou mesmo inteiramente fascistas numa série de países, incluídos países imperialistas (haja vista o seu recrudescimento na própria Alemanha, sintomático na medida em que aí também foi mais agudo do que em qualquer outro país o trauma da sua ação), não é acidental e indica o amadurecimento de uma nova guerra imperialista mundial, ainda que a sua eclosão a curto prazo não pareça o cenário mais provável – embora nenhum marxista consequente possa descartá-la enquanto exista o sistema imperialista, o que seria revisar de um modo descarado as formulações de Lênin e de Mao. Isso ocorre porque do ponto de vista desses próprios países, a única alternativa econômica a essa guerra seria praticar uma tal espoliação contra seus trabalhadores “nacionais” que os empurraria para a guerra civil. Nos países dominados (ausente o aspecto, para eles vedado, de disputa por hegemonia mundial), a ascensão deste novo fascismo se volta mais extremadamente ainda contra o “inimigo interno”, está associada ao saqueio impiedoso das reservas naturais e da força de trabalho locais em favor de uma ou outra potência, saqueio este cada vez menos compatível com formas democrático-liberais de governo, que aí já são frágeis por definição.

No caso do Brasil, a tendência que vimos nas últimas eleições, tanto nacionais quanto municipais, de expressiva votação da extrema-direita (em que pese a derrota de Bolsonaro, condicionada em grande medida pelos efeitos econômicos da pandemia), se fortalece para o próximo pleito presidencial. O governo de Lula/PT promete reagir aos ventos do norte indo ainda mais à direita, de modo a acalmar os “mercados”, com brutal corte de “gastos” (na verdade, os mínimos investimentos sociais) e capitulação às forças reacionárias do “centrão” (em essência, aliança do latifúndio, dos financistas e dos pistoleiros clericais). Com isso, frustrará sua base social, já grandemente desmobilizada, mas não ganhará tampouco a confiança de vastos setores sensibilizados pela propaganda “antissistema” bolsonarista, que independe da própria figura de Bolsonaro. Este é um caso clássico em que a criação se libertou da criatura, embora esta siga sendo relevante. Mudando o que deve ser mudado, aquela frustração foi a razão essencial da derrota de Kamala e da vitória de Trump, inclusive entre camadas historicamente leais ao partido dito democrata daquele país. Enfim, no Brasil, a possibilidade de a extrema-direita recobrar forças aumentará no curto prazo a disputa pela liderança no seu seio, o que tende a torná-la mais e não menos agressiva, ao contrário do que dizem (mais pregam do que creem) os analistas burgueses.

Diante deste cenário, o que se coloca para os estudantes, trabalhadores e intelectuais populares é vincular-se cada dia mais aos pobres do campo e da cidade; construir poderosos movimentos em defesa de terra, trabalho, moradia, transporte, educação, saúde, lazer, cultura etc; explicar aos pauperizados e descontentes, através de palavras simples e de atos, que a sua rebelião é justa e não pode ser canalizada pelos fascistas, pois estes são na verdade os seus piores inimigos; demonstrar que a alternativa à falida democracia burguesa é a Revolução de Nova Democracia. É preciso fazer das escolas e universidades grandes bastiões das ideias avançadas e convocar a juventude a que se some em massa às fileiras revolucionárias. Também se reveste de enorme importância o manejo correto da frente única, contra a guerra imperialista a nível mundial e contra o fascismo, o racismo e o militarismo no interior dos países, frente única que só pode cumprir um papel efetivo se estiver sob a hegemonia do proletariado. A política de apaziguamento praticada pelos liberais burgueses e pelos seus acólitos oportunistas não contém, senão alimenta os setores mais reacionários. Estes só podem ser barrados por uma forte mobilização popular. O reformismo, nas suas formas eleitoreiras ou supostamente “radicais”, é uma impossibilidade tanto teórica como prática: é tempo de radicalização da luta de classes em toda a linha.

Novo MEPR – 7 de novembro de 2024.

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la liberation de Georges Abdallah - nous l'attendons vraiment - la mobilitation continue!

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International News Briefing: strikes in Peru and housing struggles in France and Spanish State – The Red Herald

Featured image: SUTE JAUJA block in the national strike in Peru. Source: Nuevo Peru.

We hereby share resumes of news we found published in the revolutionary press.


During the past months, there have been many national strikes by transport workers which have blocked the country. The old State announced in September the state of emergency to try to fix a situation which was out of control. This decision was completely useless and the local media reported on more strikes in October . Between November 13 and 15, a new strike was carried out against the so-called “Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation” (APEC), a key date in the country for the country-sellers and Yankee imperialism. Nuevo Peru reported that the teachers of SUTEP-REGIÓN JUNÍN and other several organizations in Huancayo and Jauja joined the national strike at the end of October.

Nuevo Peru reports that in the strike from 13 th to 15 th of November, the road between Huancayo and Huancavelica was blocked by members of the Front of Defense, the SUTE REGIONAL HUANCAVELICA and students of the National University of Huancavelica.

Source: Nuevo Perú

SUTE JAUJA also participated in the strike, and numerous roads of the country have been blocked due to the agreement for the strike by the transport workers in Piura, Arequipa and some parts of Lima.

Source: Nuevo Perú

We hereby share reports written on this situation by Nuevo Peru:



La Cause du Peuple has recently reported that worker families in Toulouse occupied the school Bastide. The occupation took place on October 8 by parents organized in the proletarian neighborhood of Mirail, and they had the support of the teachers. Among the participants, was the People’s Committee of Mutual Aid and Solidarity of Mirail (Comité Populaire d’entraide et de Solidarité – CPES) which had an important role. The families did not have homes and the bourgeois State never provided any solution to the, having children going to the school but to sleep on the streets.

Source: La Cause du Peuple

We hereby share the report about it, in which a statement is included:

Additionally this same CPES from Mirail reported on a victory. After months of mobilization and struggle, residents of the neighborhood achieved a solution to their heating problems which faced several blocks of apartments. 15 apartments will receive the needed renovations. The families were facing strong colds and were getting sick due to that. The CPES called the residents of the proletarian neighborhood to continue organizing and struggling together.

Source: La Cause du Peuple

We hereby share the full report:

Spanish State

On November 10, a demonstration for housing took place in Albacete. Servir al Pueblo stated that “the housing movement resurges after years of disorganization”, highlighting that this is a step forward by this movement in the city.

Hundreds of people joined the march called for by the platform “Albacete for Housing”, on which local and national bourgeois press reported, alarmed by how the mobilization was bringing workers demands to the bourgeois neighborhoods of the city. The mobilization had a combative character and several organizations and social movements joined it, among them, the Revolutionary Committee of Albacete. Flags of the International Communist League (ICL) waved in the demonstration.

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CPI (Maoist) Condemns Police Action Targeting Residents Of Village In Mahabubnagar District

Mahabubnagar District, November 15, 2024: The CPI (Maoist) has strongly condemned the police action targeting the residents of Lagacherla village of Telangana’s Mahabubnagar district, where the farmers have been protesting against the establishment of a pharma city.

In a letter released to the press, Comrade Jagan, spokesperson for the Telangana State Committee of the Maoist Party, came down heavily on the Congress Party government’s stand. Comrade Jagan accused the government of planning to seize natural resources and deprive farmers of their agricultural lands in Lagacherla for the pharma city project.

Comrade Jagan also highlighted that the Congress Party, which has been in power for 11 months, failed to fulfill its promises to the people. It was working for corporate interests instead. Comrade Jagan accused the government of trampling on citizens’ rights and handing over the State to corporate entities.

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pc 16 novembre - Francia - verso la liberazione effettiva di Georges Ibrahim Abdallah? La lotta continua!

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Após 40 anos na prisão George Abdallah tem liberdade anunciada; grupos clamam por elevar a solidariedade internacional - A Nova Democracia

O preso político mais antigo da Europa, George Abdallah, teve sua liberdade anunciada neste sábado, 16, após procuradores da França chegarem num acordo para que o revolucionário libanês seja posto em liberdade no dia 06 de dezembro, sob a condição de que ele deixe o país. O escritório do procurador de antiterrorismo da França disse que vai recorrer da decisão.

Da guerra civil no Líbano às ações internacionais

George Ibrahim Abdallah, 73, é um militante histórico do movimento comunista internacional e combatente da causa palestina. Em sua juventude compôs o Partido Nacional-Socilista Sírio e a Frente Popular pela Libertação da Palestina – Operações Externas (FPLP-OE), organização marxista-leninista, engajando-se na luta armada contra o sionismo desde o Líbano. Em 1979 Abdallah funda, junto de outros 30 militantes, as Facções Armadas Revolucionárias Libanesas, grupo formado por cristão maronitas em solidariedade à causa palestina, e que foi muito ativo no Líbano durante a guerra civil de 1982 e no exterior, com ligações com a Fração do Exército Vermelho (RAF) da Alemanha Ocidental e as Brigadas Vermelhas da Itália.

Entre 1980 e 1987 o grupo, sob direção de George, realizou mais de 18 ataques a bomba na Europa Ocidental contra alvos do sionismo e imperialismo, principalmente ianque. Também foram responsáveis pelo aniquilamento do adjunto militar da Embaixada Americana em Paris, Tenente Coronel Charles R. Ray e do diplomata israelense Ya’akov Bar Simantov, além de outros alvos de peso.

Um convicto militante que resistiu às durezas do cárcere

Abdallah foi preso em 1984 após seu carro ser parado pela polícia a caminho de Lyon. Foi detido inicialmente por porte ilegal de armas e passaportes falsos, mas logo foi condenado por uma corte francesa pelo envolvimento nas mortes de Ray e Bar Simantov. A sentença de prisão perpétua teve seu tempo mínimo cumprido em 1999, e desde então a cada dois anos é possível a defesa de Abdallah requisitar a sua soltura.

Abdallah é escoltado por policial francês para ser julgado em Lyon, 1984.

Abdallah é reconhecido internacionalmente por sua convicção ideológica, demonstrada principalmente através de sua postura firme na prisão. Nunca renunciou aos seus propósitos nem se arrependeu de nenhum de seus atos, negando-se a colaborar em qualquer nível com a polícia francesa. Sempre se manteve solidário a outros presos políticos, engajando-se em campanhas internacionais pela libertação de Ahmad Saadat e outros. É hoje o preso político mais antigo da Europa, servindo já 40 anos de sentença. Por conta disso a luta por sua libertação tem sido símbolo da luta pela libertação de todos os presos políticos mundialmente.

Mês internacional de ações para libertação de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah – A Nova Democracia
Republicamos a tradução de matéria do portal The Red Herald.

Movimento internacional pela liberdade de George Abdallah

Um forte movimento internacional chamado Campanha Unitária pela Liberdade de George Ibrahim Abdallah (CUPLGIA) tem sido responsável por manter acesa a chama de sua libertação em todo o mundo. Em uma ação recente o grupo realizou manifestações em 33 cidades na França, incluindo Reunión e Córsega, bem como Bélgica e Espanha simultaneamente, conforme informações do periódico revolucionário francês La Cause du Peuple.

Em 2013 uma corte já havia sido a favor da soltura do militante comunista, porém  o então Ministro do Interior da França Manuel Valls, seguindo ordens da embaixada americana, recusou-se a possibilitar que ele saísse do país, o que era condição para a sua liberdade.

França: Combativa manifestação exige a liberdade de Georges Abdallah – A Nova Democracia
Pelo quarto ano consecutivo, manifestantes franceses lançaram a campanha pela liberdade de Georges Abdallah, comunista apoiador da Resistência Palestina, que

Com a elevação monumental da propaganda e solidariedade à causa palestina desde a ofensiva Dilúvio de Al Aqsa em 07 de outubro de 2023, o papel histórico de militantes como Abdallah tem sido cada vez mais considerado entre círculos democráticos e revolucionários da Europa. Por conta disso o CUPLGIA afirma que agora há uma possibilidade real de que Abdallah seja enfim liberto e chama todos os democratas, revolucionários e simpatizantes da causa palestina a elevarem a campanha internacional pela sua libertação.

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Αθήνα: Εκδήλωση του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) στο Πολυτεχνείο

Με επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε η εκδήλωση του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ), στο πλαίσιο του τριήμερου εορτασμού της εξέγερσης του Νοέμβρη, εντός του ιστορικού χώρου του Πολυτεχνείου. Πριν το ξεκίνημα των εισηγήσεων, έγινε αναφορά στον πρόωρα χαμένο σύντροφό μας, Άλκη Γραβάνη, και τηρήθηκε ενός λεπτού σιγή.

Η εισήγηση της συντρόφισσας Μαρίζας Κραψίτη αναφέρθηκε στα ιστορικά γεγονότα της εξέγερσης και των επετείων της, αλλά δεν έμεινε μόνο σε αυτά, υπογραμμίζοντας τη σύνδεσή τους με τα σημερινά ζητήματα που τίθενται στο κίνημα και την Αριστερά.

Ο σύντροφος Δημήτρης Γαγγάδης, στη συνέχεια, έκανε την κεντρική εισήγηση της εκδήλωσης, αναλύοντας τις κρίσιμες εξελίξεις στον κόσμο και τη χώρα, τους κινδύνους που προκύπτουν για τους λαούς από τα αντιδραστικά αδιέξοδα που συσσωρεύει το καπιταλιστικό-ιμπεριαλιστικό σύστημα, την αντιπαράθεση στις πολιτικές δυνάμεις με αναφορά στο κίνημα, καθώς και τα κρίσιμα καθήκοντα πάλης για την εργατική τάξη, τον λαό και τη νεολαία.

Ακολούθησε πλούσια συζήτηση, με πολλές παρεμβάσεις συντρόφων και συναγωνιστών. Η εκδήλωση ολοκληρώθηκε με κάλεσμα από την πλευρά του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) για μαζική συμμετοχή στις επερχόμενες μάχες: την αντιιμπεριαλιστική διαδήλωση του Πολυτεχνείου προς την αμερικανική πρεσβεία και την πανελλαδική -πανεργατική απεργία στις 20 του μήνα.

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A new important document of CPI (Maoist) - Post-election scenario-Our tasks! - 1 - published from ICSPWI

first part

Post-election scenario-Our tasks!

Under the leadership of Modi the formation of NDA coalition government will continue the main danger of Brahmanical RSS-BJP for the people and country.

• Let us militantly resist Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism and the anti-people policies of the fascist Modi’s alliance government by building various forums of United Front at all levels!

• Let us fight back the war of elimination ‘Operation Kagaar’ unleashed by the murderous government by preparing the Party, PLGA and the people for class struggle-guerrilla war!


The CC of the CPI (Maoist) firstly conveys revolutionary greetings to the people of the areas of revolutionary movement for boycotting the elections to the Loksabha on the call of the Party. The BJP made a conspiratorial plan in the leadership of Modi-Amit Shah-Mohan Bhagavat to gain majority in the elections and to transform the country into a Hindu theocratic state and thus facilitate the way for the exploitation of the imperialists, comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and big landlords without stop. The Constitution needs to be changed basically so as to establish a Hindu theocratic state that divides the people on the basis of religion. For the purpose, it needs to gain three fourths i.e., 403 of the total 543 seats. Thus came forth its slogan ‘Ab Ki baar-400 par’. In a Hindu state, the discrimination towards religious minorities in education, employment, legislative bodies, judiciary and other such spheres would become Constitutional. A majoritarian state or an apartheid state will be formed where Muslims and Christians will not have equal rights and Hindus alone will have powers on all the spheres. BJP entered the arena well prepared to win the election with this evil plan. Majority of the opposition parties formed into an alliance in the name of INDIA and entered the arena.

Let us evaluate the situation after elections and formulate the necessary tasks for the revolutionary movement. In our country that the ruling exploitive classes boast to be ‘the biggest democracy’ of the world, elections were held as a farce to the 18th Loksabha and the Assemblies in Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim, Odisha and Arunachal Pradesh from April 19th to June 1st. Let us see how the elections took place. The Election commission permitted to spend Rs. 25,000 per candidate for the election in 1952 that rose to 95 lakhs by now. This is 380 times more. However the limit applies only for the candidate but not the party he belongs to. EC assessed the expenditure of all the parties in this election at Rs. 1,42,000 crores. It amounts to Rs.1400 per vote. Every ruling party gave ticket to the rich alone. According to the Association for Democracy Reforms (ADR), 8360 candidates participated in the election out of whom 1644 have a criminal history. 251 of the newly elected have a criminal history. Five percent of the candidates have assets above one hundred crores. 541 are very rich. These elections once again clearly showed how costly ‘democracy’ is in our country and that ordinary people cannot stand or win in the election and why genuine democracy lacks. If we see the trend of the elections – selling and buying of votes became an affair of public market. Misappropriation was in the rule. The EC seized Rs. 11,000 crores in this election. This is three times more than the amount of Rs. 3,477 crores see in 2019. In spite of the hype for voting made by the EC, the ruling parties, the NGOs and the media, polling was at a mere 65.79 percent in 2024 when compared to 67.4 percent in 2019. The percentage of polling gradually decreased phase by phase. Above 35 crore people did not vote. In the semi-colonial, semi-feudal country where Parliamentary democracy has no meaning, people in the many areas of the country who are unable to understand the alternative to solve their problems are choosing boycott of election as a weapon. The number of voters is above 97 crores in the general election. Votes polled were 64.2 crores including invalid and NOTA ones. Out of this polling BJP got 36.6 percentage of votes (23 crores), whereas its alliance got 7 percent votes (4.5 crore). The vote share of NDA-BJP was mere 43.6 3 percent (27.5 crore votes). According to the ECI declared data the total polled votes were 64.2 crores, but the alliance under the leadership of BJP got only 27.5 crore votes. This reveals that this is the minority vote and failed to get the confidence of majority people and unfit to form the government. But this alliance with the majority of seats in the parliament came in to power shows how fake is this democracy! Apart from BJP got how many seats and votes, the real danger of the people- RSS-BJP could not be defeated without resisting it in all fronts by the people to save the country and themselves. As mentioned earlier, the objective of BJP in this election is to trample all the civil and democratic rights of the people of the states, nationalities and the indigenous tribes in the name of ‘new India’ and ‘developed India’; to formulate brutal civil and criminal codes worse than during the colonial rule, to formulate Acts that change the fundamental essence of the Indian Constitution and wipe out the nominal, democratic, federal system in the country; to get hold of by hook or crook the Legislative bodies, the police, Para-military and other departments, education, health and other sectors, the manifestos of religious and cultural organizations and all voluntary organizations and those of Non-Resident Indians; and to fill them with Hindutva forces; thus structuralize Brahmanic Hindutva corporate-military rule. BJP felt it can do all these if it comes to power the third time. Most of the imperialist countries, the domestic and foreign corporate companies and feudal forces of the country supported it to serve their interests. These classes have been encouraging Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism for the past few years in their economic and political interests.

The RSS, Vishwa Hindu Parishat and BJP brought into force all its machinery in the country and all over the world into propaganda to support its majoritarianism and majoritarian rule in the past ten years. The entire government machinery was in support of it. The propaganda was such that Modi alone was competing in each constituency, in the name of Modi guarantee. In the midst of this propaganda the BJP left its own party election manifesto and took up hate and false propaganda against the manifest of the opposition INDIA out of fear of defeat. 4 The EC responsible for free and fair elections without hate propaganda acted against it. The Modi government appointed new commissioners with the history of being pro-BJP to EC just two days before announcing the election schedule. The Supreme Court was silent towards this move while it was a violation of its judgment. The EC rejected to take action on the hate speech of Modi. It played a pro-BJP and anti-opposition role all through the process of elections. It took a dual policy. The Modi clique utilized it as an instrument with a prior plan.

INDIA alliance declared saving Indian Constitution and protecting democracy as their objectives. But they were not organized. There were several contradictions and disunity in the alliance. People did not have strong belief in it. All these helped the Modi clique.

In spite of any number of conspiracies of the Modi clique and any amount of efforts of INDIA, no party gained majority. The divisive politics of the BJP and the anti-incumbency feeling like in Andhra Pradesh gave relatively more votes for the NDA alliance. Even though, BJP gained 240 seats and NDA gained 293. INDIA gained 234 and others 16. Therefore, BJP stepped down and had to form the government together with its NDA allies on simple majority. This is an indication of the utter discontent among the people towards the exploitive policies of the ruling classes, the corruption and misappropriation of the leaders and the contradictions among the ption and misappropriation of the leaders and the contradictions among the ruling classes.

The anti-people policies implemented by the earlier governments in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha and at the same time the machinations of RSSBJP, use of money power and misuse of State machinery led RSS-BJP to come in the power independently in Odisha and an alliance in Andhra Pradesh. In Arunachal Pradesh BJP was able to retain its power with its machination tactics, money power and misuse of State machinery. In Sikkim, due to anti-incumbency Sikkim Democratic Front lost the election and Sikkim Krantikari Morcha won the election. Due to the anti-people policies of every bourgeoisie political party, no party are having guarantee to come back to power again after five years. That's why people are unable to understand the real alternative and they are finding no option other than to 5 choose any one of the exploitative ruling parties. When the people consolidate with the practice of the revolutionary party and immerse in the call given by it, then the people will find real alternative.

The anti-people policies of BJP led to its .failure to achieve its target

Majority people opposed the Hindu majoritarian ideology, the bureaucratic attitude basing on brute majority and its Brahmanic Hindutva Fascist rule. People protested the massacres and the bureaucratic rule in Manipur and Kashmir. Although the Modi clique instigated religious sentiments through the building of Ram mandir, it didn’t work on the workers, peasants, middle classes, small and medium traders and producers who had several problems and that of unemployment on the whole. CAA brought forth few days before the elections also did not achieve the expected results. Most of the Dalit people suffering from untouchability, mob lynching, human scavenging and other such problems voted against Modi in this election. We also see that the government employees does not vote to BJP this time. The repressive policies of the government towards women who faced patriarchal suppression, atrocities and murders out of prestige and towards the tribal people who fought for jal-jungle-zameen against corporatisation and militarization can be said to be strong reasons that led to the failure of BJP to achieve its target. Several You Tubers exposed and questioned the policies of the Modi government that had more effect on voters.

BJP could not achieve its sinister objective of crossing 400 seats due to the opposition of the people to the Modi's rule and the consequence of their anti-government vote. It utterly failed to gain even simple majority. Especially people of Tamilnadu, Punjab, Kerala and West Bengal rejected Hindutva politics. People of Mone, Toonsang, Lengleng, Kifir, Nomatur and Sheklak of Nagaland boycotted elections on the call of the Eastern Nagaland People’s Organization in protest to the negligence of the Modi government towards the demand for separate state of Frontier Nagaland. People of the areas of strong revolutionary movement boycotted elections on the call of the Party in the direction of eestablishing an alternate genuine New Democratic politics and organs of political power. People of areas of nationality liberation movement and anti-displacement struggles mostly boycotted elections in protest to the anti-people and repressive policies of the central and the state governments. People of few villages in UP, Bihar and Tamilnadu boycotted elections in protest to lack of minimum facilities. All the candidates who were in the election battle field are exploitive thieves and the people did not find alternative, so many voters pressed the NOTA (None Of The Above) button.

Hiding these facts the NDA is trying to deceive the people with its Goebbels propaganda that there was an all-round development in Modi’s rule, that is the reason the people elected a strong government, that this is a historic people’s judgment, that they would continue to work for the allround development of the people, that Modi has a clear vision towards developed India and that he has a big role in gaining respect for India and in the elimination of poverty. In fact the election results show that people judged against Modi and BJP and that this is a big political and moral blow to Modi.

The Modi clique over dependent on Modi with over confident, it looked down the activists of RSS with arrogancy, Nadda stated that there is no need of RSS for the BJP's election campaign now, few seniors who were thought to be coming in the Modi's way and few juniors in the name of lack proper experience kept aside in the BJP. Those who jumped from other parties were given much priority and those of the other parties opposed for a long time by the BJP were accepted into BJP and given tickets. All these led to discontent among the opposition cliques in RSS and BJP. The number of votes for BJP were lesser in 135 seats when compared to the earlier election. It even failed to win the seat in Ayodhya. RSS Sir Sangh Chaalak Mohan Bhagavat himself openly commented on over confidence and ego of BJP.

Modi aggressively implemented the agenda of RSS. He had its support and that of Adani and Ambani. This gradually increased ego and over confidence in the Modi clique and it came to be bureaucratic. The evil force of Modi clique and its bureaucracy rose and strengthened out of the 7 hegemony of the RSS in any part of the country, the countless massacres and atrocities it unleashed, the bureaucratic rule and rise in Hindu communal hate ideology, politics and culture.


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Marcha dos povos em defesa da Palestina reúne milhares de manifestantes em Copacabana, RJ - A Nova Democracia

A manifestação, convocada por mais de 300 entidades e organizações populares, faz parte da agenda de mobilizações em virtude da realização do G-20 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. À frente do ato uma faixa com os dizeres “Lula rompa com Israel, contra o genocídio”.

Manifestantes lotam calçadão em Copacabana. Fotos: Fepal – Matheus Alves; Priscila Ramos; Cadu Souza

Mesmo debaixo de chuva, milhares de manifestantes tomaram o calçadão para denunciar o genocídio perpetrado por Israel contra o povo palestino. O G-20, encontro das economias mais industrializadas do mundo, ocorrerá entre os dias 18 e 19 de novembro no Rio, e deve reunir chefes de Estado de 47 países, incluso Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, Emanoel Macron e Benjamin Netanyahu.

Entidades convocam manifestação em defesa da Palestina durante reunião do G20 no Rio; AND realizará cobertura ao vivo – A Nova Democracia
Manifestação ocorrerá na próxima segunda feira às 10h na praça Cinelândia.

O governo federal decretou uma operação de garantia da lei e da ordem (GLO) em todo o território fluminense entre os dias do evento, e a segurança foi reforçada para receber as delegações internacionais. Na segunda-feira deve ocorrer um grande ato com concentração as 10h na Cinelândia , centro do Rio, para o qual os olhos de todo o mundo estarão voltados.

Manifestantes lotam calçadão em Copacabana. Fotos: Fepal – Matheus Alves; Priscila Ramos; Cadu Souza

A manifestação de hoje é mais uma prova da importância internacional da questão palestina. Uma declaração será lançada ao final da reunião, porém, em virtude dos interesses imperialistas de EUA e Israel, não é esperada nenhuma menção ao genocídio contra o povo palestino.

Manifestantes lotam calçadão em Copacabana. Fotos: Fepal – Matheus Alves; Priscila Ramos; Cadu Souza

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Solidaridad desde Noruega: «¡Son los imperialistas, no el clima, los que están matando al pueblo!»

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Solidaridad desde Finlandia: «¡Solidaridad con las víctimas del imperialismo español en Valencia!»

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Solidaridad desde Colombia: «Saludo al pueblo de Valencia»

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¡Los tribunales ordenan la liberación de Georges Abdallah!

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Die Nachricht ist gerade herausgekommen: Die französische Justiz hat ihre Entscheidung zugunsten der Freilassung von Georges Abdallah gefällt, dem längsten politischen Gefangenen in Frankreich und Europa. Dies ist ein Schritt vorwärts im politischen Kampf für die Freilassung dieses großen Mitglieds des revolutionären Widerstands und kommunistischen Aktivisten aus dem Libanon, der im Laufe seiner 40-jährigen Gefangenschaft zu einem Symbol für Widerstand und willkürliche Machtausübung geworden ist.

Während im Jahr 2013, beim letzten Prozess um seine Freilassung, das Justizsystem seiner Entscheidung zur Freilassung einen Ausweisungsbescheid beilegte (den die verschiedenen Regierungen von rechts und links immer abgelehnt haben, was seine fortdauernde Inhaftierung bedeutete), war dies diesmal nicht erforderlich. Daher besteht möglicherweise die Möglichkeit, dass Georges seine Freiheit zurückgewinnt, und dies kann nur durch die Intensivierung der nationalen und internationalen Mobilisierung der Einheitlichen Kampagne für die Befreiung von Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (CUPLGIA) geschehen.

Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass dieser Kampf ausschließlich politisch ist und daher absolut nichts mit „Recht“ oder „Gesetz“ zu tun hat. Deshalb müssen wir betonen, dass es nicht unbedeutend ist, dass diese Entscheidung nach dem Wachstum der von der CUPLGIA (Einheitliche Kampagne zur Befreiung von Georges Ibrahim Abdallah ) organisierten Mobilisierungen getroffen wurde, die durch die kraftvolle und kämpferische Demonstration in Lannemezan gekennzeichnet war, an der mehr als 4000 Menschen teilnahmen. Die Einheitliche Kampagne hat auf Geheiß von Georges das Motto ausgegeben, in Frankreich und im Ausland massive Kundgebungen zu entwickeln, denn nur die Massenmobilisierung hat die Macht, den Staat in die Knie zu zwingen.

Georges wird freigelassen, wenn seine Freilassung den Staat politisch mehr kostet als ihn eingesperrt zu lassen. Die Mobilisierungskampagne begann mit einer ersten Welle am Donnerstag, den 24. Oktober, vor der Demonstration in Lannemezan, bei der rund zwanzig Städte in ganz Frankreich und im Ausland (Belgien) mobilisiert wurden. Ein neuer Meilenstein wurde am Donnerstag, den 14. November, erreicht, als nicht weniger als 33 Städte im französischen Festland und in den Kolonien (Réunion, Korsika) sowie im Ausland (Brüssel, Barcelona) kämpferisch mobilisiert wurden für die Rechte der Menschen. All dies zeigt, dass Mobilisierung sich auszahlt, dass sie sich immer weiter entwickeln kann und dass große Teile der Gesellschaft Palästina unterstützen und sich gegen den Völkermord wenden, von dem Georges' Situation Teil ist.

Aber diese große Mobilisierungskampagne geht über Georges Abdallah oder Palästina hinaus; sie ist auch eine Bewegung zur Verteidigung unserer demokratischen Rechte, insbesondere des Rechts auf Meinung und Ausdruck davon, Versammlung und Kampf. Wir erinnern daran, dass seit dem 7. Oktober 2023 nicht weniger als 800 Menschen von der französischen Justiz wegen der Befürwortung von Terrorismus verfolgt, Dutzende von Demonstrationen verboten wurden und es zu Festnahmen kam. Durch die Kriminalisierung des Kampfes zur Verteidigung Palästinas versuchen sie, die gesamte politische, gewerkschaftliche und soziale Bewegung zu zerschlagen. Im Angesicht der Reaktionarisierung ist jetzt nicht die Zeit für Stille oder Unterwerfung, sondern für den Kampf, und in diesem Sinne haben die CUPLGIA und alle revolutionären und demokratischen Kräfte einen klaren, präzisen Kampfplan. Damit die Angriffe des Staates in eine Volks-Gegenoffensive umschlagen.

Die Einheitliche Kampagne hat bereits zu einem großen internationalen Aktionstag am Tag vor Georges' Berufungsverhandlung aufgerufen! Die soziale, gewerkschaftliche und politische Bewegung muss wieder auf den offensiven Kurs zurückkehren; Massenmobilisierungen sind der Ausdruck des Wunsches, nicht weiter zurückzuweichen. Die CUPLGIA beabsichtigt, die Mobilisierungskampagne zu intensivieren und sie zum Hauptanliegen der Verteidigung unserer demokratischen Rechte zu machen.

Breiter gefasst glauben Aktivisten der Einheitlichen Kampagne und verschiedener Gruppen, die Palästina und seinen Widerstand unterstützen, dass es notwendig ist, eine starke Bewegung zur Verteidigung Palästinas zu entwickeln, eine Massen- und antiimperialistische Bewegung, die den glorreichen palästinensischen Widerstand und sein Volk unterstützt, das gegen die perfidesten, niederträchtigsten und kriminellsten Gegner kämpft: den US-Imperialismus und das US-zionistische Regime.

La Cause du Peuple unterstützt diese große Mobilisierungskampagne und beteiligt sich auf unsere eigene Weise daran. Als revolutionäre und demokratische Zeitung wissen wir, dass wir eine Bedrohung für die Bourgeoisie sind und dass wir im Gegenzug bedroht werden. Die Mobilisierung des Volkes ist der stärkste Schild, starke Mobilisierungen aus verschiedenen Sektoren (Arbeiter, Bauern) entwickeln sich, und wir müssen die Klassensolidarität gegen das System und seine Handlanger in die Tat umsetzen. Daher rufen wir dazu auf, sich der Einheitlichen Kampagne zur Befreiung von Georges Abdallah anzuschließen, sich um sie zu gruppieren, in der Vielfalt unserer Engagements, und tausend Solidaritätsinitiativen für Georges und Palästina durchzuführen, damit Georges endgültig freigelassen wird!

Der Text ist eine Übersetzung eines Artikels von La Cause du Peuple .

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Von Bremen nach Valencia: Solidarität!

Vor Kurzem wurde eine Malung an der Universität in Bremen mit der Parole „Von Bremen nach Valencia: Proletarische und Volkssolidarität gegen den mörderischen imperialistischen Staat!“ und mit „RB“ unterzeichnet gefunden.

Diesen Solidaritätsaktion reiht sich ein in eine Vielzahl an Aktionen die in den letzten Tagen in unterschiedlichen Städten in der BRD dokumentiert wurden und richtet sich gegen den spanischen Staat , der mit seinem Nichthandeln das Blut des Volkes an den Händen trägt. Hiermit dokumentieren wir einige Bilder, die wir erhalten haben.

valencia bremen 2

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Manifestação contra a escala 6x1 toma as ruas em Manaus, AM - A Nova Democracia

No dia 15/11, ativistas, trabalhadores, estudantes e democratas em geral protagonizaram uma grande manifestação em repúdio à escala 6×1. Os manifestantes, às centenas, realizaram sua caminhada na avenida Autaz Mirim, na Zona Leste de Manaus, área com alto fluxo comercial.

Foram contabilizadas cerca de 300 pessoas no ato que percorreu as ruas com cartazes, faixas e carro de som, enquanto panfletava-se para motoristas e trabalhadores dos comércios ao redor, recebendo um amplo apoio da população local.

Foto: Caio Mota / Coletivo Proteja

O ato contou também com apresentações culturais tradicionais que, em meio a caminhada, embalavam e elevavam a moral dos manifestantes com músicas.

Um dos trabalhadores, que estava presente no ato, afirmou ao correspondente local do AND que “isso aí é muito importante, porque o povo já cansou dessa escravidão, cansou de não poder ver a família e de estar cansado demais para fazer qualquer coisa”.

Durante a manifestação, ativistas ligados ao comitê de apoio ao AND em Manaus venderam e distribuíram dezenas de unidades do jornal impresso, tanto para manifestantes como para os trabalhadores que observavam o ato.

Foto: Banco de dados AND

Os organizadores, um grupo de dezenas de entidades, sindicatos e coletivos, garantiu que essa não será a última atividade da campanha e já vem se articulando para novas movimentações até que a pauta seja completamente atendida.

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Trabalhadores protestam contra escala 6x1 em Juazeiro e Petrolina, em BA e PE - A Nova Democracia

No último dia 15, a pauta contra a esgotante escala de trabalho 6×1, que levou milhares de pessoas às ruas em todo o país, também mobilizou dezenas de estudantes, professores, ativistas de movimentos sociais e trabalhadores em geral para ir às ruas de Petrolina e Juazeiro, externando o repúdio às condições de trabalho a que o povo brasileiro tem sido submetido pelas forças opressoras deste país, que agem sob os ditames do imperialismo ianque, sangue-suga de nossa nação.

A concentração do ato começou na cidade de Juazeiro-BA, na orla da cidade, onde ativistas produziam cartazes e convocavam a população a se juntar à manifestação, ressaltando sua justeza e necessidade. Ainda na concentração, muitos companheiros fizeram falas denunciando o sistema de trabalho 6×1 e seus beneficiários, as grandes corporações imperialistas e locais, e o sistema bancário, que suga o rendimento dos pequenos proprietários.

Uma professora do Movimento Classista dos Trabalhadores em Educação (Moclate) destacou em sua fala que essa luta se levanta em uma situação política nacional e internacional, onde as massas travam lutas cada vez mais combativas, em que o heroico povo palestino ergue alto a luta revolucionária, convocando todos a combater. Ela afirmou que o crescimento da extrema direita demonstra a profundidade da crise a que chegou a velha ordem e a impossibilidade das classes dominantes de seguirem governando como antes. Nesse contexto, corresponde ao povo elevar o protesto popular e construir a Greve Geral de Resistência Nacional, como caminho para derrotar a escala 6×1.

A manifestação seguiu pela ponte que liga Juazeiro a Petrolina, onde os manifestantes, de forma altiva, entoavam palavras de ordem, e muitos motoristas que passavam pela ponte demonstravam apoio usando a buzina.

O ato seguiu para a frente da prefeitura de Petrolina, momento em que muitos companheiros faziam falas de agitação para a população que passava pelo local. Uma das companheiras do comitê de apoio ao AND também fez agitação, destacando o momento decisivo pelo qual passamos na história do país. Na mesma semana em que os camponeses de Barro Branco expulsam e derrotam novamente a extrema-direita d movimento “Invasão Zero”, as massas trabalhadoras se erguem em rechaço à jornada 6×1, demonstrando amplo potencial de mobilização e a tendência ao crescimento das manifestações, que se espalham como rastilho de pólvora pelo país.

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pc 17 novembre - I crimini di guerra disgustosi dei soldati israeliani vanno smascherati - un contributo

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pc 17 novembre - Vogliono insegnare ai bambini a fare la guerra, a sparare... Da Taranto a Palermo

TARANTO - All'esercitazione nazionale interforze che prevede anche un'occupazione della città con gare sportive, eventi, "pasta party", ecc. E cìè anche per i bambini!

INFATTI A mia domanda... la risposta di un militare in tuta mimetica: questa sagoma e' per far fare le foto ai bambini...
P.S. aggiungo che la sagoma fa parte di tutto un contesto che non e' da meno. Tutti i manichini presenti sono armati di tutto punto...
Una compagna di Taranto

PALERMO - Lo Slai Cobas per il sc denuncia come gravissimo quanto accaduto a Palermo nella scuola statale Borsellino, dove alcuni giorni fa all’interno di una iniziativa didattica per la sicurezza stradale alcuni vigili urbani, simulando un arresto, con l’ausilio di un cane addestrato hanno sparato colpi di pistola a salve davanti ai piccoli alunni della scuola dell’infanzia e della scuola primaria.
I bambini in particolare della scuola dell’infanzia si sono impauriti e hanno iniziato a piangere, si legge in un quotidiano locale “«Papà lo sai questa mattina hanno sparato a scuola per uccidere il cattivo, si è sentito dire un genitore dalla figlia di 4 anni appena tornata dall’asilo. “Lo giuro, per un secondo mi si è gelato il sangue nelle vene – racconta il genitore – poi mi ha spiegato cosa era successo e sono rimasto sconvolto, senza parole» (da La Repubblica Palermo).
E’ paradossale che la Dirigente Scolastica che ha subito preso le distanze dall’iniziativa non sapesse nei dettagli come questa sarebbe stata svolta, così come minimo sono ipocrite le scuse del Comandante dei vigili urbani alle famiglie dei bambini mentre ha fatto presente che da ora in poi queste iniziative non si organizzeranno più nelle scuole di primo grado ma alle superiori si. Per gli studenti delle scuole di secondo grado nella scuola attuale che tanto piace al governo Meloni le esercitazioni militari e poliziesche vanno bene!
Ed è stato assolutamente vergognoso utilizzare, per giustificarsi, il fatto che parecchi bambini della scuola primaria abbiano applaudito, ma i bambini sono bambini appunto e in generale seguono gli esempi, le incitazioni che arrivano dai cosiddetti adulti, da chi li dovrebbe educare, vedi alcune maestre che hanno incitato i bambini ad applaudire come si sente nel video pubblicato e diffuso sui mass media.
Da più parti si è sollevato nell’immediato lo stesso interrogativo: cosa c’entrano gli spari, la simulazione di un’azione repressiva con una iniziativa didattica volta alla sicurezza stradale?
E se l’interrogativo è logico e naturale, purtroppo invece non c’è affatto da sorprendersi poiché anche questa negativa “lezione” fatta nella scuola di Palermo si inserisce nella concezione e azione concreta del governo Meloni/Valditara che mentre si riempie arrogantemente la bocca di “legalità” a scuola, di “educazione alla convivenza civile” di “educazione civica” e via dicendo, nei fatti vuole invece sempre più imporre una scuola che deve sempre più essere quella dell’alternanza scuola-lavoro al servizio della logica militare e della guerra, quella in cui agli studenti si insegna come usare il manganello, vedi l’osceno caso di Genova, la scuola del voto in condotta e della repressione, dell’umiliazione degli studenti alla Valditara maniera e contemporaneamente della loro irregimentazione, e come si vede già sin da quando sono piccoli.
Esprimendo solidarietà agli alunni e ai genitori che hanno giustamente protestato, non possiamo che ribadire che questa scuola deve essere rigettata e combattuta ma per farlo occorre lottare ad ampio raggio contro il governo Meloni.
Slai Cobas per il sindacato di classe Palermo

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Vogliono insegnare ai bambini a fare la guerra, a sparare... Da Taranto a Palermo

TARANTO - All'esercitazione nazionale interforze che prevede anche un'occupazione della città con gare sportive, eventi, "pasta party", ecc. E cìè anche per i bambini!
INFATTI A mia domanda... la risposta di un militare in tuta mimetica: questa sagoma e' per far fare le foto ai bambini...
P.S. aggiungo che la sagoma fa parte di tutto un contesto che non e' da meno. Tutti i manichini presenti sono armati di tutto punto...
Una compagna di Taranto

PALERMO - Lo Slai Cobas per il sc denuncia come gravissimo quanto accaduto a Palermo nella scuola statale Borsellino, dove alcuni giorni fa all’interno di una iniziativa didattica per la sicurezza stradale alcuni vigili urbani, simulando un arresto, con l’ausilio di un cane addestrato hanno sparato colpi di pistola a salve davanti ai piccoli alunni della scuola dell’infanzia e della scuola primaria.
I bambini in particolare della scuola dell’infanzia si sono impauriti e hanno iniziato a piangere, si legge in un quotidiano locale “«Papà lo sai questa mattina hanno sparato a scuola per uccidere il cattivo, si è sentito dire un genitore dalla figlia di 4 anni appena tornata dall’asilo. “Lo giuro, per un secondo mi si è gelato il sangue nelle vene – racconta il genitore – poi mi ha spiegato cosa era successo e sono rimasto sconvolto, senza parole» (da La Repubblica Palermo).
E’ paradossale che la Dirigente Scolastica che ha subito preso le distanze dall’iniziativa non sapesse nei dettagli come questa sarebbe stata svolta, così come minimo sono ipocrite le scuse del Comandante dei vigili urbani alle famiglie dei bambini mentre ha fatto presente che da ora in poi queste iniziative non si organizzeranno più nelle scuole di primo grado ma alle superiori si. Per gli studenti delle scuole di secondo grado nella scuola attuale che tanto piace al governo Meloni le esercitazioni militari e poliziesche vanno bene!
Ed è stato assolutamente vergognoso utilizzare, per giustificarsi, il fatto che parecchi bambini della scuola primaria abbiano applaudito, ma i bambini sono bambini appunto e in generale seguono gli esempi, le incitazioni che arrivano dai cosiddetti adulti, da chi li dovrebbe educare, vedi alcune maestre che hanno incitato i bambini ad applaudire come si sente nel video pubblicato e diffuso sui mass media.
Da più parti si è sollevato nell’immediato lo stesso interrogativo: cosa c’entrano gli spari, la simulazione di un’azione repressiva con una iniziativa didattica volta alla sicurezza stradale?
E se l’interrogativo è logico e naturale, purtroppo invece non c’è affatto da sorprendersi poiché anche questa negativa “lezione” fatta nella scuola di Palermo si inserisce nella concezione e azione concreta del governo Meloni/Valditara che mentre si riempie arrogantemente la bocca di “legalità” a scuola, di “educazione alla convivenza civile” di “educazione civica” e via dicendo, nei fatti vuole invece sempre più imporre una scuola che deve sempre più essere quella dell’alternanza scuola-lavoro al servizio della logica militare e della guerra, quella in cui agli studenti si insegna come usare il manganello, vedi l’osceno caso di Genova, la scuola del voto in condotta e della repressione, dell’umiliazione degli studenti alla Valditara maniera e contemporaneamente della loro irregimentazione, e come si vede già sin da quando sono piccoli.
Esprimendo solidarietà agli alunni e ai genitori che hanno giustamente protestato, non possiamo che ribadire che questa scuola deve essere rigettata e combattuta ma per farlo occorre lottare ad ampio raggio contro il governo Meloni.
Slai Cobas per il sindacato di classe Palermo

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pc 17 novembre - La servetta Meloni al summit imperialista del G20 in Brasile. La solidarietà alla Palestina ha aperto le contestazioni del vertice

Mentre il vertice del G20 ha preso il via a Rio, in Brasile, i movimenti sociali hanno organizzato una protesta in solidarietà con la Palestina, per denunciare il ruolo dei paesi del nord globale nel genocidio in corso.

Meloni in qualità di presidente G7 e presidente del consiglio italiano domani sarà al summit del G20 che si terrà a Rio de Janeiro il 18-19 novembre.

Un summit imperialista di guerra delle potenze che con le armi si stanno scontrando per procura in Ucraina, che stanno appoggiando lo Stato terrorista di Israele nel genocidio in Palestina e nella guerra di aggressione al Libano e nei bombardamenti in Iran, in Siria e Yemen. Un summit imperialista i cui partecipanti, dai governi USA/UE, Russia (che non sarà presente), Cina, sono parte attiva nella spartizione del mondo per la rapina delle risorse energetiche e delle materie prime per mandare avanti la loro produzione capitalistica, che si scontrano comunque in una guerra commerciale che è un preludio di quella militare. Un summit imperialista che è anche il primo che vede riuniti i principali leader del mondo dopo la vittoria di Donald Trump. Un summit imperialista a cui partecipano i governi reazionari seduti al banchetto a masticare gli avanzi ma comunque fieri di essere al servizio dei padroni imperialisti.

Tutti questi “signori”, per le loro fiere del nulla, delle chiacchiere a vuoto, occuperanno – come sempre

– le città con le loro truppe, la loro polizia, che prima dell’evento “ripuliranno” i luoghi del summit dalla presenza di chi vive in miseria e povertà per non urtare la passerella dei ricchi e potenti e che sono pronti alla repressione perché non ci siano contestazioni che arrivino troppo vicino a loro.

Questo summit imperialista è anche un insulto ai proletari e alle masse povere e oppresse del mondo: come possono parlare, loro che sono i responsabili di miseria, guerre, migrazioni, delle crisi economiche, delle crisi climatiche, parlare di “lotta alla povertà”?

E’ per tutto questo che è espressione del loro mondo decadente che ostacola il progresso e lo sviluppo dell’umanità, che rovescia sui proletari e sui popoli le loro crisi e le loro guerre, è per tutto questo che quando si incontrano si devono blindare per tenere lontano ed impedire le proteste. I militari saranno presenti nelle strade di Rio de Janeiro durante il vertice del G20, per ordine del presidente Lula che ha cercato, in questi giorni, di ripulirsi l’immagine partecipando ai controvertici dei movimenti pacifisti e ambientalisti, dei social forum. Il governo intende “proteggere la sicurezza di tutti coloro che verranno”, cioè degli imperialisti e genocidi che si incontreranno durante il summit, come il presidente Biden e il primo ministro israeliano Netanyahu.

Durante il summit sono previste grandi giornate di manifestazioni e per lunedì intanto si annuncia una grande manifestazione antimperialista e a sostegno della Palestina.

Al summit saranno presenti tra gli altri Biden, Milei (che ha già fatto sapere che si rifiuta di firmare i documenti del G20 su "uguaglianza di genere" e "sostenibilità"), Erdogan, Modi e Meloni che interverrà nella prima e nella terza sessione di lavoro, previste per lunedì 18 novembre: la prima sarà dedicata alla lotta alla fame e alla povertà, mentre la terza allo sviluppo sostenibile e alla transizione energetica. Dopo il G20 Meloni andrà in Argentina ad incontrare proprio l'ultrareazionario Milei.

Il premier italiano rimarcherà “l’impegno dell’Italia nella cornice del Piano Mattei per sostenere progetti strategici per l’Africa come il Corridoio di Lobito che nel futuro potranno cambiare la vita di milioni di persone” . Progetti ed investimenti, questi ultimi dichiarati, che bisognerà vedere se il governo fascio-imperialista italiano riuscirà a mettere in pratica.

Ora, quando leggiamo o ascoltiamo la stampa che riporta le veline del governo, quando si parla di “piano Mattei” sappiamo che si tratta di un piano neocoloniale e anche gli investimenti del cosiddetto “Corridoio di Lobito” sono di quella natura, e non solo, perché riguardano anche il contrasto alla Cina. Il “corridoio di Lobito" collega l’Angola, lo Zambia, la Repubblica Democratica del Congo (Rdc) e altri Paesi nell’Africa australe, e l’Italia a guida Meloni aveva progettato un investimento di 320 milioni di dollari deciso durante la riunione G7 di Borgo Egnazia.

I paesi coinvolti sono di vitale importanza per gli interessi imperialisti. Il Congo è il più grande produttore mondiale di cobalto, rappresentandone circa il 70% della produzione globale, vende la maggior parte dei suoi minerali grezzi alla Cina per la lavorazione, punta ad attirare nuovi investimenti con il Corridoio di Lobito in un impianto di precursori di batterie che potrebbe costare solo un terzo di un impianto equivalente in Cina o negli Stati Uniti. In questo senso sottrarre alla Cina social-imperialista queste materie prime è parte della guerra commerciale contro di essa da parte dell’imperialismo occidentale USA/UE.

Congo e Zambia sono i principali produttori di rame dell’Africa; l’Angola ha 36 dei 51 minerali che sono fondamentali per le tecnologie di energia verde. Il valore del Corridoio di Lobito per lo spostamento di prodotti dall’ Africa centro-meridionale fino al porto angolano sull’Atlantico era stata già compresa dai colonizzatori belgi e portoghesi, che costruirono la linea ferroviaria originale tra il 1902 e il 1929, ma che fu distrutta durante una guerra civile e l’indipendenza dell’Angola nel 1975.

Quindi “piano Mattei” è l’ultimo nome che si è dato alla rapina imperialista delle risorse dei popoli dell’Africa, di cui l’Italia imperialista è parte attiva.

Nei prossimi giorni seguiranno altre info/denunce su questo summit e sulla partecipazione della capa del governo fascio-imperialista italiano

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pc - 17 novembre - L’iperblindato ferox del sottosegretario Delmastro

La nota della Giunta sulle esternazioni del sottosegretario alla Giustizia Delmastro

Diceva il Sottosegretario Delmastro di “non avere i detenuti nella sua delega”, ma evidentemente il suo cuore batteva comunque per loro. Tanto da gioire nel proprio intimo nel pensarli dietro i vetri oscurati dei moderni blindati tecnologici messi a disposizione della polizia penitenziaria.

Se ne occupa, quindi, dei detenuti, al di là delle deleghe, e lo fa dal punto di vista del più truce dei carcerieri. Interprete della visione, al tempo stesso ridicola e brutale, di uno Stato cinico e vendicativo,

che gioisce nel vedere il recluso incalzato e schiacciato senza respiro nell’acciaio feroce del suo blindato.

Eppure non era proprio il Sottosegretario Delmastro a dire “garantisti nel processo… giustizialisti nell’esecuzione”? E non sa forse che al 41-bis e all’Alta Sicurezza, al cui servizio è destinato l’iperblindato della sofferenza, sono destinati indifferentemente anche gli indagati e gli imputati presunti innocenti?

Se questa è la sua idea delle garanzie chissà cosa starà ora escogitando per il trasporto esclusivo dei condannati. Quale nuova sadica macchina restrittiva giustizialista, da mostrare con orgoglio ai giovani di questo Paese, starà progettando, è difficile immaginarlo. Ma se simili sforzi della fantasia il sottosegretario Delmastro li facesse lontano dal Ministero della Giustizia, sarebbe certo meglio per tutti, e soprattutto per l’idea della sicurezza che dovrebbe avere a cuore questo Paese, ben più sana, civile e rispettosa della dignità della persona.

Roma, 16 novembre 2024

La Giunta

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pc 17 novembre - Questo Foglio di via non deve passare - Hannoun deve restare!

Abbiamo appena saputo che all’amico e fratello Mohammad Hannoun, esponente dell’ API, è stato notificato un foglio di via da Milano.

La motivazione sarebbe la sua giustificazione pubblica della risposta dei manifestanti solidali con il popolo palestinese vittima di un genocidio, a quelle vigliacche e nutrite squadracce sioniste e fasciste che hanno imperversato per Amsterdam stracciando e bruciando bandiere palestinesi e inneggiando allo sterminio nazisionista dei bambini e delle bambine palestinesi. Una reazione che riteniamo comprensibile legittima umana e naturale di fronte a un genocidio.

Ci fa anche inorridire l’ accostamento all’ antisemitismo di una naturale reazione ad una orribile e disumana apologia di genocidio. Un paragone ignobile e strumentale e perché non abbiamo mai sentito elevarsi la stessa indignazione in più di un intero anno di disumano sterminio a Gaza.

Un’indignazione ipocrita e miserabile perché rapporta l’allontanamento da Amsterdam a calci nel sedere dei nazisionisti appartenenti a una tifoseria nota per la loro ideologia razzista, arabofobica, islamofobica e fascista, con il contorno dell’apologia dello stupro delle “donne del nemico”, al genocidio pianificato di un popolo.

Mohammad è uno di noi, un nostro amico e fratello da tempo oggetto della persecuzione sionista e dei suoi complici al governo italiano sotto la pressione delle comunità sioniste ubriache di odio e di suprematismo.

Come risposta a questo atto repressivo e persecutorio vogliamo inviare a Mohammad e alla sua famiglia la nostra massima solidarietà e il nostro affetto.

A presto ancora insieme in piazza per la Palestina. Per una Palestina libera. No allo stato di polizia!

Le compagne e i compagni del Csa Vittoria (Milano)

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CPI (Maoist) released a video about its 20th anniversary events – The Red Herald

Yeni Demokrasi has reported on a video released on occasion of the 20 th Anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party of India (Maoist).

We hereby share the video:

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pc 17 novembre - Padroni e governo assassini: come Satnam Singh, un operaio egiziano infortunato è stato scaricato in un distributore di benzina!

Senza una rivolta, senza una lotta contro questo governo dei padroni, la sicurezza non potrà mai esserci per i lavoratori.

Nello sciopero del 29 lo dobbiamo dire forte e chiaro!

Gorizia: ferito in cantiere, lasciato davanti a un distributore

Accade a Grado: un lavoratore egiziano di 53 anni, vittima di un incidente, non viene soccorso ma abbandonato nei pressi di un benzinaio. È in ospedale in codice rosso

16 novembre 2024

Vittima di un incidente sul lavoro, è poi stato lasciato nei pressi di un distributore di benzina. È successo a Grado, in provincia di Gorizia. L’uomo, egiziano di 53 anni, è rimasto ferito riportando traumi in vari punti del corpo dopo essere caduto da un'altezza di circa tre metri, probabilmente in un cantiere. Secondo la prima ricostruzione delle agenzie, invece di essere soccorso l’uomo sarebbe stato lasciato nei pressi di un distributore. Lo stesso operaio si è poi rivolto al benzinaio per chiedere di essere soccorso. Gli operatori del 118 arrivati sul posto l'hanno trovato ancora cosciente, ma con dolori forti. In ambulanza e poi in elicottero è stato trasportato all'ospedale di Udine in codice rosso.

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Mexiko: Der Staat lässt eine bekannte Frauenrechtsaktivistin verschwinden

Anfang Oktober wurde bekannt, dass Sandra Estéfana Domínguez Martínez verschwand. Dieser Vorfall reiht sich ein in eine Reihe solcher „Vorfälle“ in Mexiko, wo insbesondere bekannte Aktivisten und Persönlichkeiten aus dem Volk, die sich gegen die Angriffe des mexikanischen Staates wehren, plötzlich verschwinden. Sandra Estéfana Domínguez Martínez ist vor allem unter der indigenen Bevölkerung in Oaxaca eine bekannte Frauenrechtsaktivistin und Aktivistin für die Rechte der Indigenen.

Der Fall des Verschwindens von Sandra Estéfana Domínguez Martínez hat eine breite Kampagne nicht nur innerhalb der revolutionären und demokratischen Bewegung in Mexikos und international ausgelöst, auch die bürgerlichen Medien sowie offizielle Stellen wie Menschenrechtsbüros und Abteilungen der UN fordern die Behörden Mexikos auf, sich zu äußern und Sandra Estéfana Domínguez Martínez zu finden.

Die demokratische Volkszeitung Periódico Mural hält dazu fest: „Leider ist Sandra Domínguez heute eine der über 600 Frauen, die während der Regierung von Salomón Jara Cruz im Bundesstaat Oaxaca verschwunden sind, und der über 116.000 Menschen, die im ganzen Land seit Beginn des Krieges gegen das Volk verschwunden sind, der drei Phasen durchlaufen hat: den „schmutzigen Krieg“, den „Krieg gegen Drogen“ und die gegenwärtige Militarisierung des Landes.“

Revolutionäre Organisationen wie Sol Rojo und viele weitere demokratische Organisationen und Initiativen sowie Menschenrechtsaktivisten starteten eine Kampagne und fordern: „Weil ihr sie uns lebendig genommen habt, wollen wir sie lebend zurück!“

Das Verschwindenlassen von bekannten Aktivisten ist in Mexiko, aber auch in anderen Ländern, eine gängige Praxis der Herrschenden, um vor allem die Bewegungen aus dem Volk einzuschüchtern und diese einzudämmen.


red herald org.

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Brazil – Interview a peasant leader: “The struggle for land is the struggle for power”

maoist road suppport all classe's struggles in Brasil.

We publish some excerpts of an unofficial translation of an interview with Mestre Joelson by A Nova Demcoracia . Mestre Joelson is the coordinator of Teia dos Povos, which according to him is a “gathering of communities, territories, peoples and political organizations, from rural and urban areas”, which wants to form a “struggle alliance independent from electoral politics and State institutions”. Joelson is a historic leader of the struggle in Brazil and a resident of Bahia, of the Terra Vista settlement.

Joelson starts talking about the first years of Terra Vista Settlement, which at first, in 1992 was led by MST and it occupied the land where cacao was harvest, which was 70% of Bahia’s GDP, by latifundium. But all plants were killed by a fungus and that left 25.000 families impoverished. So then the families retook the land and founded Terra Vista settlement. It was later, in 1997 and 1998 when a new wave of mobilizations arose in the movements for struggle for land in Bahia. Now, as AND states, there are still important attacks against the peasants in the area, the most outstanding is the Mãe Bernadette Revolutionary Area, organized by the League of Poor Peasants (LCP), carried out the self-demarcation of their lands in a “People’s Court”, facing and defeating armed bands by the latifundium.

Joelson also states on the character of the struggle for land:

“Look, it’s not new that the State, the State apparatus, is at the service of the latifundia. That comes from Colonial Brazil. The State is a legal arm, an armed arm to contain the struggle for land. Because the struggle for land is the struggle for power. Whoever has land and territory has power. Those who don’t have it, don’t have power. And we have to understand that the struggle for land is also an anti-capitalist struggle. If it doesn’t have these characteristics, struggling against the government and against capital, it has no meaning. Because capitalism is no longer reformable. There is no longer any condition for reforms. So it’s a struggle against capital”, stated Joelson.

In addition to that, he also speaks on how the social movements awaited for the PT government to solve the land problem with the agrarian reform, which never came. “This is an anti-capitalist struggle, an antagonistic struggle, in which latifundium has to die, agribusiness has to die, so that the landless peasants can survive. So there is no possible agreement in this struggle.”

He states clearly that Invasão Zero is part of the armed groups of the latifundium, which take advantage of the non organization of the social movements: “When movements come together, prepare the struggle and face Invasão Zero, this group disappears. So it is the inability of social movements to organize themselves to face Brazil’s greatest enemy, Brazil’s oldest enemy, which is the latifundium (…)”. The peasant ended stating: “A class alliance against latifundium, liberalism and capitalism is urgent. And not to carry out agrarian reform, as that no longer fits”.

Similarly, as the conclusions of a statement b y LCP:

“Our struggle is just, our cause is sacred! We call on the peasants to build armed self-defense organizations in the struggle for land in the same proportion and caliber as the latifundium does! We call on the peasant leaders who did not bend the knee, the squatter leaders, the indigenous peoples, the Quilombola organizations, the populations affected by dams, mining and eucalyptus plantations, the proletarian masses and other workers in the city, who are increasingly struggling in defense of their trampled rights, to close ranks with our brave peasantry, on the path of the Agrarian Revolution.”

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ΤΡΙΚΑΛΑ | Επιτυχημένη η εκδήλωση των Αγωνιστικών Κινήσεων Εκπαιδευτικών

Με επιτυχία ολοκληρώθηκε η εκδήλωση των Αγωνιστικών Κινήσεων Εκπαιδευτικών στα Τρίκαλα, με αφορμή την 51η επέτειο της εξέγερσης του Πολυτεχνείου. Ο χώρος του Σουίτα Art Cafe ήταν γεμάτος από νωρίς, κάτι που δείχνει ότι τόσο στα πλαίσια του κλάδου των εκπαιδευτικών όσο και ευρύτερα σε τμήματα του λαού, υπάρχει διάθεση για προβληματισμό και συζήτηση.

Η εισήγηση έγινε από τον Κώστα Μιχαλάκη, μέλος των Αγωνιστικών Κινήσεων, όπου έκανε μια αναφορά στα κομβικά κινήματα όλης της περιόδου από την εξέγερση του Πολυτεχνείου έως το σήμερα. Οι αναφορές είχαν να κάνουν με το νεολαιίστικο κίνημα όλης αυτής της περιόδου, με σημαντικούς αγώνες όπως τις μεγάλες απεργίες των εκπαιδευτικών αλλά και κεντρικούς πολιτικούς αγώνες που έχει δώσει ο λαός τα τελευταία 50 χρόνια. Στη συνέχεια η ιστορικός Ελένη Πασχαλούδη, βασισμένη στην έρευνά της για το πολιτικό τραγούδι από τη δεκαετία του 1960 και μετά (κυρίως), πήρε τη σκυτάλη και άνοιξε την κουβέντα για την σχέση λαϊκού κινήματος και τραγουδιού, την αλληλοτροφοδότησή τους και πώς αυτό εκφράστηκε στην περίοδο της δικτατορίας και μετέπειτα.

Στη συνέχεια δόθηκε ραντεβού για την επόμενη ημέρα στη συγκέντρωση της εξέγερσης του Πολυτεχνείου και η βραδιά έκλεισε με τραγούδια της εποχής από τους Στέλλα Γουλοπούλου, Βαγγέλη Ζαχαράκη, Παύλο Λουκά, Σαράντη Μούτο και Γιώργο Τσιλιχρήστο.

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CE: Manifestantes vão às ruas em Fortaleza pelo fim da escala 6x1 - A Nova Democracia

Dentro do conjunto de protestos ao redor do país, fortalezenses se reuniram nesta sexta (15/11), por volta das 10h da manhã, na Praça do Ferreira (Centro da cidade). A manifestação, que contou com mais de 1000 pessoas, chamou a atenção do bairro.

Ao longo da passeat, que partiu da Praça do Ferreira, passando por várias ruas comerciais até culminar na Praça da Estação, também no Centro, entoou-se palavras de ordem como “Não é mole não! 6×1 só é boa pra patrão!”, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5 mil, ou para a 6×1 ou paramos o Brasil!”.

Os manifestantes do Coletivo Carcará rechaçaram o governo Luiz Inácio por aplicar o pacote de cortes do FMI no Brasil e em apoio à Greve Geral de Resistência Nacional.

As palavras de ordem foram bem recebidas pelos trabalhadores e população em geral. Em pleno feriado, boa parte das lojas do Centro de Fortaleza estavam abertas, com os vendedores trabalhando como em qualquer outro dia normal.

Durante todo o curso da manifestação, a massa presente demonstrou muita vontade de denunciar a situação na qual se encontra. Em fala no microfone, uma ferroviária denunciou ainda que a realidade da mulher trabalhadora (isto é: mais da metade da mão de obra assalariada no Brasil) é ainda mais dura: trabalha 6 dias por semana, e no dia de folga tem de cumprir com os deveres domésticos.

Também entrevistamos um ativista do Coletivo Carcará. A militante afirmou que: “essa pauta ter explodido nos últimos dias é a prova de que o povo não está conformado com o atual estado de coisas. É preciso saudar a mobilização da massa, romper quaisquer ilusões com o parlamento anti-povo e com o atual governo de turno, que segue fazendo cortes no orçamento e não demonstra nenhuma intenção em defender os direitos do povo. Por fim, colocar as nossas esperanças e energias numa proposta concreta e efetiva de luta, que obrigue os que trabalham contra o povo a ceder e, assim, conquistar o fim desse escárnio que é a escala 6×1, além de mais direitos: a Greve Geral de Resistência Nacional!”

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ΤΡΙΚΑΛΑ | Για την διαδήλωση του Πολυτεχνείου

Η οργάνωση Τρικάλων του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) από κοινού με άλλες δυνάμεις (ΑΝΤΑΡΣΥΑ και Ανάρες) μετά από σύσκεψη είχαν καλέσει σε συγκέντρωση και διαδήλωση για την επέτειο της εξέγερσης του Πολυτεχνείου. Αποφασίστηκε να γίνει στη 1:00 μμ στην πλατεία Ρήγα Φεραίου. Νωρίτερα στον ίδιο χώρο είχαν καλέσει το Εργατικό Κέντρο Τρικάλων και σύλλογοι και σωματεία που ελέγχονται από το ΠΑΜΕ, με μια ανακοίνωση που ουσιαστικά καλούσε τις όποιες άλλες κινήσεις να συνταχθούν κάτω από το πλαίσιό τους. Έτσι αποφασίστηκε και πραγματοποιήθηκε χωριστή συγκέντρωση που αναδείκνυε τον χαρακτήρα της εξέγερσης του Πολυτεχνείου και τα επίδικά του στο σήμερα.

Στη συγκέντρωση φωνάχτηκαν συνθήματα και μοιράστηκε πλατιά η κομματική προκήρυξη που καλούσε και στην απεργία της 20ης Νοέμβρη, δίνοντας έτσι τον τόνο ότι ο αγώνας πρέπει να συνεχιστεί. Στη συνέχεια ακολούθησε πορεία στους κεντρικούς δρόμους της πόλης κάτω από το ενιαίο μπλοκ των συλλογικοτήτων που στηρίχτηκε από το ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) και την ΑΝΤΑΡΣΥΑ και φωνάζοντας συνθήματα ενάντια στην κυβερνητική πολιτική καθώς και αντιπολεμικά-αντιιμπεριαλιστικά, δόθηκε αγωνιστικό στίγμα στη φετινή επέτειο.

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PR: Manifestação em Curitiba reúne mais de 600 pessoas contra a escala 6x1 - A Nova Democracia

Mais de 600 pessoas se reuniram no centro de Curitiba, no dia 15 de novembro, para exigir o fim da extenuante escala de trabalho 6×1. A concentração teve início por volta das 15 horas, e os manifestantes marcharam pelas ruas do centro da capital paranaense, um dos principais polos comerciais da cidade.

O ato seguiu até a Câmara Municipal de Curitiba e, no caminho, adentrou o Shopping Estação, um dos maiores centros comerciais da cidade.

O protesto corresponde à série de mobilizações nacionais, em que milhares de trabalhadores levantam a histórica bandeira pela conquista de mais tempo para estudo, lazer e pela melhoria das condições de trabalho e vida.

Durante a passagem pela Rua Marechal Deodoro, uma importante via comercial do centro curitibano, várias lojas começaram a fechar suas portas antes do horário previsto, que seria às 17 horas.

Um destaque foi a rede Casas Bahia: enquanto uma unidade fechava abruptamente após panfletagem e tentativa de entrevista por parte de um correspondente local do Jornal A Nova Democracia , outra permaneceu aberta com seus trabalhadores se unindo ao ato.

Foto: Reprodução

Em um momento emblemático durante a manifestação, um segurança tentou impedir uma entrevista entre o correspondente do jornal e um trabalhador, alegando que “o ato estava atrapalhando o fechamento da loja”, numa tentativa de restringir o apoio dos trabalhadores presentes.

No entanto, um promotor de telefonia que estava do lado de fora expressou seu apoio ao protesto: “Somente assim para ter um impacto e os políticos notarem o que a gente precisa. Apoio demais, até já assinei lá a nota”, referindo-se aos abaixo-assinados que circulam pelo País em apoio à luta das diversas categorias da classe operária.

Em frente à loja Magazine Luiza, quando questionados sobre como se sentiam trabalhando em pleno feriado e sobre a proposta do fim da escala 6×1, os vendedores foram categóricos: “O fim dessa escala seria um sonho”. Uma vendedora acrescentou: “Eu super apoio o ato. Tenho uma filha e queria passar mais tempo com ela, mas tenho que trabalhar todos os dias. Quando chega o domingo e tenho um tempo livre, estou sempre muito cansada”.

Foto: Reprodução

A manifestação seguiu até chegar ao Shopping Estação. Os manifestantes mais combativos entraram no shopping e realizaram uma intensa agitação entre as lojas.

O ato se encerrou em frente à Câmara Municipal de Curitiba, na Praça Eufrásio Correia, após uma jornada marcada pela combatividade e pelo apoio crescente dos trabalhadores à luta pelo fim da escala 6×1.

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El PCI (Maoísta) publica un vídeo sobre los eventos llevados a cabo por su 20º aniversario

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Από τη κατάθεση στεφάνου του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) στο μνημείο του Πολυτεχνείου (Σάββατο 16/11)

Κατάθεση στεφάνου στο μνημείο του Πολυτεχνείου πραγματοποίησε το ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) χθες Σάββατο 16 Νοέμβρη του 2024 καλώντας τον λαό σε αγώνα για ζωή, δουλειά, δικαιώματα και ανεξαρτησία. Συνθήματα αλληλεγγύης στην πάλη των λαών όλου του κόσμου και ακόμα πιο ιδιαίτερα του λαού της Παλαιστίνης θυμίζοντας ότι η μόνη προοπτική όλων των λαών, όπου και του δικού μας, είναι ο αγώνας για επανάσταση και σοσιαλισμό.

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RJ: AND entrevista estudantes da UFRJ que realizaram manifestação contra os cortes de água e luz na Universidade - A Nova Democracia

Na manhã da última quarta-feira (13/11), um ato composto principalmente por estudantes da Escola de Belas Artes (EBA) e da Faculdade de Aquitetura (FAU) rechaçou os cortes de água e luz na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). O AND entrevistou dois estudantes que participavam do ato.

A UFRJ vem sofrendo sucessivos congelamentos nos últimos anos que afetam todo o funcionamento da Universidade. Dois incêndios, por exemplo, afetaram a universidade em 2021 e em 2023, como resultado da política de congelamento.

Sob o governo Luiz Inácio, não tem sido diferente: em agosto deste ano, o governo federal congelou 60 milhões do orçamento da universidade.

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pc 17 novembre - A milano, come ogni sabato, per la Palestina

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Πρώτες εικόνες και βίντεο από την πορεία του Πολυτεχνείου στην Αθήνα

Δημοσιεύουμε τις πρώτες φωτογραφίες και βίντεο από τη συμμετοχή του μπλοκ του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ), των Αγωνιστικών Κινήσεων Εκπαιδευτικών, των φοιτητικών Αγωνιστικών Κινήσεων και της Μαθητικής Αντίστασης στην μαζική πορεία του Πολυτεχνείου. Στο μπλοκ συμμετείχαν και σύντροφοι του TKP/ML.

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Ηγουμενίτσα- πορεία Πολυτεχνείου

Με συγκέντρωση και πορεία τιμήθηκε η 51η επέτειος της εξέγερσης του Πολυτεχνείου στην Ηγουμενίτσα. Μερικές δεκάδες κόσμος κατέβηκε το πρωί στην κεντρική πλατεία όπου καλούσαν το Εργ. Κέντρο (ΠΑΜΕ), το ΚΚΕ (μ-λ) και το Μ-Λ ΚΚΕ. Αυτοί ήταν και οι πολιτικοί φορείς που συμμετείχαν με πανό και συγκροτημένα μπλοκ στην πορεία.

Παρότι οι εξελίξεις παγκόσμια και στη χώρα μας είναι ιδιαίτερα επικίνδυνες για τους λαούς, με τους ανταγωνισμούς των ιμπεριαλιστών να κλιμακώνονται στα ενεργά πολεμικά μέτωπα και να μεταφράζονται σε ποτάμια αίματος, με τη φτώχεια να εξαπλώνεται και το κεφάλαιο να διαμορφώνει όρους απόλυτης εκμετάλλευσης και εξαθλίωσης των λαϊκών στρωμάτων, με την κρατική καταστολή και τη φασιστικοποίηση να επιχειρείται να εμπεδοθεί ως "κανονικότητα" από το σύστημα, παρόλα αυτά και πολλά άλλα, οι δυνάμεις που κυριαρχούν στο συνδικαλιστικό κίνημα, το Εργατικό Κέντρο και τα σωματεία που ελέγχει, δεν έκαναν το παραμικρό για να μαζικοποιηθεί η συγκέντρωση και να βρει υπόσταση και συνέχεια ο αγώνας του Πολυτεχνείου. Αποδεικνύεται ξανά ότι αυτοί που τότε πολέμησαν την κατάληψη συνεχίζουν τον ίδιο υπονομευτικό ρόλο στο σήμερα, τόσο πολιτικά όσο και οργανωτικά. Εξάλλου το απέδειξαν με την πλήρη συμμόρφωσή τους στις απαγορεύσεις κατά την περίοδο της καραντίνας. Ούτε συγκεντρώσεις ούτε πορείες χρειάζονται, μόνο ολιγομελείς αντιπροσωπείες να καταθέτουν στεφάνι.

Ωστόσο κόντρα και ενάντια στις προσπάθειες να καταστήσουν την εξέγερση ένα "αδειανό πουκάμισο" , το πνεύμα της παραμένει ζωντανό, ολοζώντανο, το ίδιο και το αντιιμπεριαλιστικό της περιεχόμενο! Και παρακινεί κόσμο να επιμένει να κατεβαίνει στη συγκέντρωση για να διαδηλώσει και να ξαναφωνάξει "ΦΟΝΙΑΔΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΛΑΩΝ ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΟΙ", "ΕΞΩ ΟΙ ΒΑΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ ΝΑΤΟ" , "ΦΙΛΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗ ΤΩΝ ΛΑΩΝ", "ΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ ΣΤΟ ΦΑΣΙΣΜΟ ΚΑΙ ΤΟΝ ΙΜΠΕΡΙΑΛΙΣΜΟ" "ΛΕΥΤΕΡΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΑΛΑΙΣΤΙΝΗ"...

Ως ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) θα είμαστε από αυτούς που επιμένουν! Θα συνεχίσουμε με τα υλικά μας, τις προκηρύξεις, τα πανό, τις εκδηλώσεις και τις συζητήσεις να καλούμε τον κόσμο να κατέβει στο δρόμο για να οικοδομήσει μαζικό κίνημα, ως τη μόνη διέξοδο για να κερδίσει ζωή και δικαιώματα. Κόντρα και ενάντια σε όσους λοιδορούν αυτή την προοπτική, προτείνοντας το τίποτα, δηλαδή την υποταγή! ΟΛΟΙ ΣΤΟΥΣ ΔΡΌΜΟΥΣ λοιπόν, ΟΛΟΙ στην ΑΠΕΡΓΙΑ στις 20 Νοέμβρη!

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Norway: New Program of Kampkomiteen – The Red Herald

We share an unofficial translation of the document published by Kampkomiteen.

Workers and oppressed of all countries, unite!


1. Struggle against imperialism, the economic and political system that currently dominates the world. Imperialism divides the world into a small group of imperialist countries on one side, which exploit and oppress the vast majority of the world’s oppressed countries and peoples on the other side.

2. Struggle against all imperialism, especially Norwegian imperialism, which is the main enemy of the working people in this country. Struggle against Yankee imperialism (USA), which is the main enemy of the oppressed peoples of all the world. Condemn all other imperialists, including Chinese and Russian imperialism. Cultivate solidarity with the struggles of the oppressed peoples and the exploited classes by uniting with their struggle against imperialism. Form alliances with consistent anti-imperialists around the world.

3. Struggle against price increases and cuts in welfare. Class struggle for wages and rights. Struggle for combative trade unions. Unite the working class on the basis of class struggle.

4. Struggle against the undermining of the people’s democratic rights and freedoms, against police violence and surveillance. Struggle against the imperialists’ reactionary development characterized by militarism and fascism.

5. Struggle against patriarchy, male chauvinism, and violence against women. Struggle against prostitution. Struggle for the social and economic rights of working women.

6. Struggle against attacks on migrants and Muslims. Struggle against racism. Defend the democratic freedoms and rights of the masses from oppressed nations and from all religious minorities.

7. Struggle for the rights of the youth. Unite students and pupils against cuts and oppression, for international solidarity and in support of the struggle of the working class.

8. Solidarity with political prisoners and war prisoners under the slogan, “Defend the Political Prisoners!”.

9. Develop and spread a new anti-imperialist culture. Cultivate class consciousness and a spirit of serving the people. Struggle against substance abuse, sexualization and individualism.


November 2024

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Video: solidarity from Colombia with the people of Valencia – The Red Herald

Nueva Democracia reports that “after an important meeting to move forward in the formation of an Anti-Imperialist People’s Front in the country”, anti-imperialist activists made a video. The activists made posters with messages such as: “Long live Proletarian Internationalism!”, “In face of the State’s negligence and repression, struggle and people’s organization”, “Down with Spanish imperialism!”, “It were not the rains, it was the Spanish State!” and “Sánchez and Mazón, MURDERERS”.

We hereby share the video:

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Oaxaca: the sit-in of Sandra Dominguez’s family and the 2nd government report – The Red Herald

We hereby share an unofficial translation of an article published by Periódico Mural from Mexico.

On November 6, the family of the missing human rights defender, Sandra Domínguez Martínez, decided to set up a permanent sit-in in front of the government palace of Oaxaca, which since the 2006 repression has been renamed by some organizations as “palace of the ignominy”.

That day, the family denounced through a press conference the inaction of the authorities in the search and alive presentation of the feminist Ayuuk lawyer, as well as a series of acts of harassment, intimidation and surveilling against various members of the family and the lawyers accompanying them in the case. For Sandra’s mother and sisters, settling into a sit-in has been a mechanism to safeguard their integrity while maintaining the demand for alive presentation.

The firmness of Mrs. Aracely and her daughters Kenia and Kisha has moved the people of Oaxaca and broad organized sectors that have shown their solidarity with the Domínguez Martínez family by participating in the sit-in. The presence of organizations such as Consorcio Oaxaca, Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo and the Comedora Comunitaria has been noticeable from the first moment, and we have also witnessed the “day of solidarity with the Domínguez Martínez family” promoted by radio broadcasters, poets, artists and members of civil society who have carried out various activities throughout this week. In this sense, the work of the colleagues from Radio Plantón 92.3FM has been notable, who on November 11 broadcasted live for four hours in a row.

At the closing of this edition, the Domínguez Martínez family’s sit-in is still continuing, and tomorrow the State governor, Salomón Jara Cruz, will deliver his 2 nd government report for which he has already set up a stand in the city’s main square.

Could it be that the State has already found Sandra’s whereabouts and that this is what will be reported right in front of the sit-in?

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PE: Coletivo Mangue Vermelho realiza colagem de lambes e cartazes pela UFPE campus Recife na volta às aulas - A Nova Democracia

Na última segunda-feira, dia 11/11, na volta às aulas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (campus Recife) o Coletivo Mangue Vermelho realizou a colagem de 170 lambes em diversos centros da universidade a fim de mobilizar os estudantes em torno das principais lutas travadas pelo movimento.

Os lambes tratavam de temas como a defesa do Ensino Público e de uma universidade a serviço do povo, a luta pela terra – principalmente a Resistência Camponesa em Barro Branco , no município de Jaqueira (PE) – e a Heroica Resistência Palestina, ao expor as consignas: “ Derrubar os muros da Universidade! Servir ao povo no campo e na cidade! ”,“ Todo apoio ao Acampamento Menino Jonatas em Barro Branco/PE! ”, “ Palestina Livre! Palestina Triunfará! ”, entre tantas outras.

Os ativistas relataram que foram abordados por um funcionário da UFPE no Niate do Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, que impediu a continuidade da colagem no local e afirmou que esta ação “faria mal à estrutura do prédio e iria contra as normas da universidade”.

Os estudantes denunciam que é recorrente o impedimento de atividades do Coletivo Mangue Vermelho no Niate do CFCH, a exemplo de quando uma plenária sobre o corte de verbas na Educação Pública , realizada no dia 19/08, foi interrompida por um funcionário e um guarda da segurança privada TKS de maneira policialesca.

Essa perseguição contra movimentos estudantis independentes vem aumentando nos últimos tempos, à medida que os estudantes impulsionam cada vez mais as justas lutas do povo.

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ΓΙΑΝΝΕΝΑ | Για τη φετινή 17 Νοέμβρη

Από νωρίς οι Αγωνιστικές Κινήσεις και το ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) συγκεντρώθηκαν στη Δόμπολη, από όπου θα ξεκινούσε και η φετινή διαδήλωση για τα 51 χρόνια από την εξέγερση του Πολυτεχνείου.

Οι προκηρύξεις που μοιράζονταν στη συγκέντρωση, οι ανακοινώσεις από τη μικροφωνική και η μουσική που «έντυνε» την παρέμβαση, στόχο είχαν να αποτυπώσουν πως ο Νοέμβρης ζει στους σημερινούς αγώνες του λαού και της νεολαίας.

Φοιτητικοί σύλλογοι, οργανώσεις της εξωκοινοβουλευτικής αριστεράς και του α/α χώρου συμμετείχαν στη διαδήλωση που ακολούθησε, η οποία κινήθηκε στο κέντρο των Ιωαννίνων. Η έλλειψη παλμού στη διαδήλωση ήταν φανερή, γεγονός που συνδέεται με την απουσία μαζικών γενικών συνελεύσεων στα πανεπιστήμια. Διαδήλωση ξεχωριστή έκαναν για άλλη μια χρονιά και οι δυνάμεις του ΚΚΕ λίγο νωρίτερα.

Στα πλαίσια της προσπάθειας ανοίγματος της συζήτησης για τις κρίσιμες και επικίνδυνες εξελίξεις για τους λαούς στον κόσμο και τη χώρα, το Σάββατο (16/11) το ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) έκανε εκδήλωση με θέμα «Στον πόλεμο που φέρνουν οι ιμπεριαλιστές, ΜΟΝΟΣ ΦΡΑΓΜΟΣ Η ΠΑΛΗ ΤΩΝ ΛΑΩΝ».

Πριν την έναρξη της πολιτικής εκδήλωσης, ανακοινώθηκε από τους συντρόφους του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ), στους συναγωνιστές και τους φίλους που παρευρίσκονταν στην αίθουσα, το δυσβάσταχτο νέο του άδικου και πρόωρου θανάτου του συντρόφου μας, του Άλκη Γραβάνη. Στη μνήμη του συντρόφου, κρατήθηκε ενός λεπτού σιγή.

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Peasants hit back another attack by the latifundium in Barro Branco – The Red Herald

Featured image: flags waving at the Encampment Menino Jonatas. Source: A Nova Democracia (AND).

The peasants of the Encampment Menino Jonatas in Barro Branco, Jaqueira, defeated once again an attack by the big landlord company Agropecuária Mata Sul S/A. The goons of latifundium attacked the encampment, and once again they fled due to the resistance of the peasant self-defense.

As AND describes the criminal operation by the goons, it was a coward attack in which they “destroyed a fence and caused the invasion of more than 30 head of cattle during the night of November 14, at 9:00 pm, into the Camp. According to the residents, the cattle was brought into the camp by the goons in order to cause disturbances and destruction in the camp, and justify a new attack by the Bolsonarists against the peasant masses, under the pretext of ‘removing the cattle’ previously sent by them to the area.”

The peasants made the cattle retreat with their own forces, but then three cars of the company came to the encampment and lingered around the area to try to frighten the peasants. Also a drone was flying over the encampment.

Source: AND

The peasants organized themselves quickly and used fireworks to warn the residents and to organize the self-defense before the new attack. Witnessing the quick organization by the peasants, the goons fled from the area.

Source: AND

During the dawn after that day, again a drone surveilled the lands. More cattle was introduced in the area to give an excuse to the company to enter the camp, so another henchman of the company, Alison Manoel Silva, entered the lands and made pictures of the peasants.

The peasants denounce the continuous attacks and harassment by the Latifundium, but they also state that they are achieving several victories. A peasant stated to AND: “They will not intimidate the peasants. The flag of the Agrarian Revolution, along with the flag of the Heroic National Resistance of the Palestinian People, still waves at the heights of the lands of Barro Branco and makes the latifundium and all the reactionaries tremble”.

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Για τον Άλκη

Είναι από εκείνα που ποτέ δεν θα ‘θελες να ακούσεις,

που ποτέ δεν είσαι έτοιμος να αποδεχτείς.

Και πώς να αποδεχτείς στ’ αλήθεια πως ένας νέος άνθρωπος «φεύγει» στα τριανταδύο του χρόνια.

Πως η μάνα του δεν θα τον ξανασφίξει στην αγκαλιά της.

Πως ο πατέρας του δεν θα τον ξανακαμαρώσει.

Πως με τον αδερφό του δεν θα ξαναμοιραστούν τις σκέψεις τους.

Πως οι φίλοι του δεν θα τον ξαναβρούν στη συντροφιά τους.

Πως οι σύντροφοί του δεν θα τον δουν ξανά να πορεύεται μαζί τους στους δρόμους του αγώνα για έναν καλύτερο κόσμο.

Αυτόν τον κόσμο που ο Άλκης τον κουβαλούσε μέσα του.

Που τον εξέφραζε μέσα από όλο του το είναι.

Με το χαμόγελο, το βλέμμα, τη συμπεριφορά του.

Φροντίζοντας πάντα να μην δείχνει στους άλλους πως ήξερε γι’ αυτό που ερχόταν.

Β. Σαμαράς

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Έφυγε από κοντά μας ο σύντροφος Άλκης.

Είναι δυσβάστακτος ο πόνος όταν χάνεις συντρόφους και γίνεται ακόμη πιο επώδυνη η απώλεια όταν αφορά νέο σύντροφο και αγωνιστή, έναν νεολαίο, έναν πραγματικό φίλο.

Φτωχύναμε από την πρόωρη απώλεια του κομμουνιστή, συντρόφου μας, Άλκη Γραβάνη – Αποστολόπουλου και μαζί μας φτώχυνε και το νεολαιίστικο κίνημα. Γιατί όταν χάνεται ένας νέος, που αποφασίζει από τα μαθητικά του χρόνια να συγκροτήσει μια συνείδηση αντίστασης απέναντι στο κοινωνικό αυτό σύστημα και τις κυβερνήσεις του· όταν παλεύει να δημιουργήσει ένα μέλλον ανθρώπινο· όταν έχει όραμα για ένα καλύτερο αύριο· όταν αρνείται να αποδεχθεί την αδικία και την εκμετάλλευση, που συναντά από μαθητής· όταν εντάσσεται στους κοινωνικούς αγώνες όπως έκανε ο Άλκης, τότε πιστεύουμε ότι στην πραγματικότητα χάνεται ένας σπουδαίος αγωνιστής. Ένας αγωνιστής από εκείνους που αποτελούν ζωογόνο δύναμη στο άνυδρο τοπίο που διανύουμε. Είμαστε όμως σίγουροι ότι τέτοιοι αγωνιστές βάζουν γερά το λιθαράκι τους για να προχωρήσει μπροστά η κοινωνία μας και να δει καλύτερο μέλλον η νεολαία μας.

Ο Άλκης γεννήθηκε το 1992 και μεγάλωσε στην Τούμπα. Από μαθητής συνδέεται με το κίνημα, όταν ξεσπάνε οι μαθητικές κινητοποιήσεις και οι σχολικές καταλήψεις απέναντι στους ταξικούς φραγμούς που προωθεί η κυβέρνηση. Με την ευαισθησία που τον διακρίνει πρωτοστατεί στους μαζικούς αγώνες και τις καταλήψεις που προκαλεί η δολοφονία του Αλέξη Γρηγορόπουλου. Εντάσσεται στη Μαθητική Αντίσταση μπαίνοντας με πιο οργανωμένο τρόπο στους μαθητικούς αγώνες διαμορφώνοντας παράλληλα την πολιτική του φυσιογνωμία.

Το 2010 περνάει στην Ιατρική Σχολή Ιωαννίνων. Εντάσσεται στις Αγωνιστικές Κινήσεις και γρήγορα περνάει στην οργάνωση του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) από το πρώτο έτος, έχοντας διαμορφώσει την ιδεολογική και πολιτική του συγκρότηση κόντρα στην αστική ιδεολογία και απέναντι σε άλλες απόψεις και ρεύματα, που γέννησε εκείνη η πλούσια πολιτική περίοδος. Συμμετέχει από την πρώτη στιγμή στο φοιτητικό κίνημα, αναλαμβάνει καθοδηγητικά καθήκοντα, ενώ ταυτόχρονα είναι παρών σε όλες τις δράσεις της οργάνωσης, σε όλους τους μικρούς και μεγάλους αγώνες του λαού στην πόλη των Ιωαννίνων.

Την περίοδο της καραντίνας επιστρέφει στην Θεσσαλονίκη  και παρεμβαίνει ενεργά κόντρα στους αποκλεισμούς και τις απαγορεύσεις μαζί με την οργάνωση. Το 2021 πάει φαντάρος στον Έβρο ως γιατρός και το 2022 διορίζεται ως ειδικευόμενος Παθολόγος στο ΓΝ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ "Γ. ΠΑΠΑΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ". Σχεδόν ταυτόχρονα, το Νοέμβρη του 2022 διαγιγνώσκεται με καρκίνο.

Ο Άλκης διακρινόταν για την επιμονή του στις απόψεις του και δεν παραιτούνταν  από την προσπάθεια να πείσει αλλά και να παλέψει γι’ αυτές. Πάλεψε στα ίσια τις εκδηλώσεις της αρρώστιας και δεν σταμάτησε να αγωνίζεται δίνοντας κουράγιο με τη στάση του στους οικείους του, αλλά και στους συντρόφους του.  Δεν σταματάει να εργάζεται, ούτε να συμμετέχει στην οργάνωση και στο κίνημα. Συμμετέχει και παρακολουθεί τις διαδικασίες της 10ης Συνδιάσκεψης δίνοντας ένα δυνατό μήνυμα στους συντρόφους του για το χαρακτήρα που πρέπει να δείχνουμε ακόμη και σε πολύ δύσκολες περιόδους της ζωής μας.

Πεισματάρης με κοφτερό μυαλό και πολύ χιούμορ. Άγγιξε πολύ κόσμο ο Άλκης στα 32 χρόνια του και τους άγγιξε βαθιά. Πολιτικά, κοινωνικά, συναισθηματικά. Όλοι έχουν να λένε για την ανιδιοτέλειά του, την προθυμία του, την προσφορά του.

Αγωνιστής με πολιτική οξυδέρκεια και αποφασιστικότητα, χωρίς ταλαντεύσεις, με ζηλευτή σταθερότητα στην υπεράσπιση της λαϊκής υπόθεσης. Αγαπητός και πιστός φίλος στη νεολαία της οργάνωσης. Ένας νέος που στάθηκε με όλες του τις δυνάμεις στο πλευρό των εργατών, με το μέρος των καταπιεσμένων. Πάλεψε μέχρι τέλους την αρρώστια του αφήνοντας πολύτιμη παρακαταθήκη στους συντρόφους του και ιδιαίτερα στους νεότερους για το περιεχόμενο της έννοιας του λαϊκού αγωνιστή, την ουσία της ένταξης στο κίνημα και σε μια κομμουνιστική οργάνωση. Να μάθουμε, να παλεύουμε στα πάνω και στα κάτω της ζωής, με όραμα μια καλύτερη κοινωνία, όπως μας έδειξε ο Άλκης.

Εκφράζουμε τα πιο θερμά συλλυπητήρια μας στην μητέρα του Ελένη, στον πατέρα του Χρήστο και στον αδελφό του Ιάσονα.

Άλκη. Πολύτιμε σύντροφε. Θα σε θυμόμαστε για πάντα και θα σε τιμάμε με τους αγώνες μας.

14 Νοέμβρη 2024

Το Κ.Ο. του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ)

*Η ημερομηνία και ο τόπος της πολιτικής κηδείας του συντρόφου μας θα δημοσιοποιηθεί με επόμενη ανακοίνωση

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Das Telefongespräch des Paten von Hamburg mit dem Chef der russischen Aggressoren kommt zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht von ungefähr. Während in den Vereinigten Staaten der kommende Präsident gewählt ist und in Deutschland die Bourgeoisie den Wahlkampf begonnen hat, macht die russische Armee täglich Fortschritte im imperialistischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine und dringt tiefer ins Landesinnere vor.

100 Milliarden internationaler militärischer Hilfen reichen nicht aus, um das ausverkaufte Land zu verteidigen. Das ändert auch Bidens kürzliche Erlaubnis für Angriffe "tief in Russland" mit US-amerikanischen Waffen nicht. Der russische Imperialismus scheint auf dem Weg, seine minimalen Kriegsziele zu erreichen und einen bedeutenden Teil der Ukraine im Osten dauerhaft zu besetzen. Obgleich diese Tatsache – wie es so oft mit der Realität ist – in der deutschen bürgerlichen Presse fast gar keine Beachtung findet, ist das Gespräch von Scholz mit Putin ein Zugeständnis an den russischen Imperialismus.

Landesverkäufer Selenskyj, der offenbar mittlerweile auch, wie jeder andere, den Gangster aus dem Kanzleramt zu lächerlich findet, um seinen Nachnamen noch zu nennen, sagte treffend: Der Anruf von Olaf öffnet meiner Meinung nach die Büchse der Pandora. Das eben spiegelt eine neue Realität in der Ukraine wieder, von der Putin im ersten Gespräch mit Scholz seit zwei Jahren auch gesprochen haben soll. Die Ukraine ist in dieser Zeit ein tragisches Beispiel für ein Land, das im Kampf gegen die imperialistische Aggression nicht auf seine eigenen Kräfte vertraut, sondern auf die zwieträchtige „Unterstützung“ der Imperialisten. Mehrere hunderttausend patriotische Leben, Menschen, die ihr Heimatland verteidigen wollten, wurden unter den Fahnen eines Lakaienregimes und von Faschisten verschwendet und als Kanonenfutter für die Interessen des Yankee-Imperialismus, des deutschen etc. und der Clique in Kiew benutzt.

Trumps Amtsantritt hat, was die Ukraine angeht, ein gutes Timing. Er kann sein Wahlversprechen, den Krieg schnell zu „beenden“, Realität werden lassen, ohne dass am bisherigen Kriegsverlauf oder den strategischen Interessen und Handlungsweise des Yankee-Imperialismus etwas ändern würde. Seine strategischen Ziele bezüglich des russischen Imperialismus, Einkreisung, „Containment“ und seine Vernichtung als imperialistische Supermacht durch sein nukleares Erbe ändern sich nicht mit der neuen Regierung, wie wir letzte Woche bereits betont habe n.

In die gleiche Richtung wie Trump geht Olaf nun und versucht, als Teil seines Wahlkampfs, noch als „Friedenskanzler“ die Bühne zu verlassen. Das Ausmaß an Heuchelei all der bürgerlichen Politiker, die mit dem imperialistischen Krieg und den Leben von hunderttausenden Menschen für ihre Karriereposten schachern, ist schier immens. Die Büchse der Pandora hat Selenskyj jedoch selbst schon vor langer Zeit geöffnet. Den Moment der bevorstehenden Niederlage, den er nun erfasst hat, hat er selber mit eingeleitet.

Die Lage für die Ukraine ist düster: Der gewagte Vorstoß aufs russische Territorium neigt sich dem Ende zu, die Vertreibung der Ukrainer aus Kursk bahnt sich an. Dann hätten die Russen das Momentum auf ihrer Seite, besonders, wenn zusätzlich die Front in der Südostukraine bricht, die unter ständigem Druck täglich ein Stückchen weiter ins Landesinnere rückt. Noch ist die Front in der Südostukraine in städtischen Gegenden, es geht von einer Stadt zur nächsten. Doch dahinter kommt bis zum Dnjepr vorwiegend offenes Gelände, was schlechter zu verteidigen ist und für den Eindringling eine geringere Überzahl zum Vordringen und Einnehmen erfordert als die Stadt. Die Waffen der NATO bringen dort noch weniger. Die Front der Ukraine ist zudem überdehnt und es mangelt an Soldaten; die Moral, für den Landesverräter zu sterben, ist schwach.

Front Ukraine November 2024

Quelle: liveuamap.com

Fällt die Ostfront und marschiert Belarus zudem ein (deren interne Probleme gerade weniger gravierend erscheinen), dann fällt die Ukraine. In diesem Fall wäre die Aufteilung der Ukraine entlang des Dnjepr ein realistisches Szenario, eine Teilung des Landes ähnlich wie in Korea, mit einer von der NATO stark mili t arisierten Westukraine und einer Ostukraine, die gut möglich von Russland sogar direkt von annektiert werden würde . Das würde wiederum unter anderem auch starken Einfluss auf die Entwicklung in Moldau und Georgien haben. Der deutsche Imperialismus hingegen würde in einer Hinsicht auch stark profitieren: Durch massenhafte Migration aus der Ostukraine würden dem deutschen Imperialismus massenhaft neue Arbeitskräfte zulaufen, und entsprechend seiner chauvinistischen Logik, je weißer die Migranten, desto besser, auch die „richtigen“; auch die Wirtschaft der hauptsächlich von Deutschland ausgebeuteten Halbkolonie Polen würde profitieren.

Titelbild: Putin und Scholz – Es gibt wieder Annährungen (Quelle: faz.de)

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Αυτός είναι ο σύντροφος μας. Μόνο θαυμασμό.

Πόσο δύσκολο. Και δε φταίει το λειψό το λεξιλόγιο. Είναι και ο φόβος μην τα κάνεις πιο δύσκολα.

Από τις πρώτες μας επαφές, όταν γνωριστήκαμε κι αρχίσαμε να συζητάμε αίσθηση προκαλούσε η διαρκής αναζήτηση της ερμηνείας, της αλήθειας του κόσμου και το πνεύμα του πρωτοπόρου.

Η δυνατότητα του να μη φλυαρεί, αλλά να επικεντρώνει στο ουσιώδες ήταν εντυπωσιακή, παρά το νεαρό της ηλικίας. Η συμμετοχή του στο κίνημα και η όρεξη να ενισχύσει την ιδεολογική του συγκρότηση, δέθηκαν με την κομμουνιστική κοσμοαντίληψη. Πολύ γρήγορα η νεανική ευαισθησία έδωσε τη θέση της, σε ένα σταθερό συνειδητό αγωνιστή. Γιατί ο Άλκης ήταν συνειδητός. Δε δρούσε παρορμητικά. Πείθονταν, πάλευε και προχωρούσε.

Από τα πρώτα χρόνια δράσης στο πανεπιστήμιο, έμαθε να λειτουργεί πλατιά κοινοδρασιακά.

Έγινε σημείο αναφοράς για τους συμφοιτητές του. Την ίδια στιγμή, η αντιπαράθεση με τα ρεύματα του ρεφορμισμού και της αναρχοαυτονομίας ήταν μια κατάκτηση που επέδρασσε καταλυτικά στις Αγωνιστικές Κινήσεις.

Δεν είναι τυχαία τα αποτελέσματα στην Ιατρική και συνολικά στη σπουδάζουσα, την περίοδο που ανέλαβε καθοδηγητικά καθήκοντα. Μάθημα διαπαιδαγώγησης προς όλους, η προσπάθεια του να απαντιέται πολιτικά το κάθε τι. Να μην κρύβονται ζητήματα.

Η τάση για αναζήτηση του σωστού, τον οδηγούσε σε απολογισμούς του απόλυτου μέτρου. Σιχαίνονταν τις ωραιοποιήσεις.

Κέρδισε την αναγνώριση και το σεβασμό από όλη την τοπική οργάνωση.

Η βάση της τιμιότητας και της ντομπροσύνης, μπολιάστηκαν με τις εργατικές επιρροές που δέχονταν από συντρόφους. Πάλευε να βελτιώνεται συνεχώς. Δεν είχε κανένα στοιχείο μικροαστικού εγωισμού. Ήταν πλέον ένας κομμουνιστής που δεν κάνει πίσω.

Αυτός που μας γέμιζε με περηφάνια με τα κότσια του.

- Ρε Άλκη ήσουν μόνος σου ανάμεσα στους μπράβους;;

- Άσε με τώρα γιατί τα πήρα πολύ

Αυτός που όταν έξυνε το κεφάλι του και σήκωνε τα μανίκια ήξερες ότι έρχεται απάντηση καταιγίδα..

Αυτός που έσκαγε στα γέλια όταν του έλεγες ότι είναι οι πιο άχρηστοι συνωμότες

- Τι κάνετε εδώ στην Αγ. Κοσμά πρέπει όλη η γειτονιά να μάθει τα πάντα;;

- Ε αφού ο Χρηστάκης…

Ακριβώς δυο χρόνια πριν, τις 17 Νοέμβρη στο τηλέφωνο.

Βρεθήκαμε στη Θεσσαλονίκη.

Πες και στους Χρήστιδες να ξέρουν.

Κι ο Πέτρος. Πες τους.

Θα το παλέψω. Μαζί.

Αυτός είναι ο σύντροφος μας. Μόνο θαυμασμό.


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