Featured image: flags waving at the Encampment Menino Jonatas. Source: A Nova Democracia (AND).
The peasants of the Encampment Menino Jonatas in Barro Branco, Jaqueira, defeated once again an attack by the big landlord company Agropecuária Mata Sul S/A. The goons of latifundium attacked the encampment, and once again they fled due to the resistance of the peasant self-defense.
As AND describes the criminal operation by the goons, it was a coward attack in which they “destroyed a fence and caused the invasion of more than 30 head of cattle during the night of November 14, at 9:00 pm, into the Camp. According to the residents, the cattle was brought into the camp by the goons in order to cause disturbances and destruction in the camp, and justify a new attack by the Bolsonarists against the peasant masses, under the pretext of ‘removing the cattle’ previously sent by them to the area.”
The peasants made the cattle retreat with their own forces, but then three cars of the company came to the encampment and lingered around the area to try to frighten the peasants. Also a drone was flying over the encampment.

The peasants organized themselves quickly and used fireworks to warn the residents and to organize the self-defense before the new attack. Witnessing the quick organization by the peasants, the goons fled from the area.

During the dawn after that day, again a drone surveilled the lands. More cattle was introduced in the area to give an excuse to the company to enter the camp, so another henchman of the company, Alison Manoel Silva, entered the lands and made pictures of the peasants.
The peasants denounce the continuous attacks and harassment by the Latifundium, but they also state that they are achieving several victories. A peasant stated to AND: “They will not intimidate the peasants. The flag of the Agrarian Revolution, along with the flag of the Heroic National Resistance of the Palestinian People, still waves at the heights of the lands of Barro Branco and makes the latifundium and all the reactionaries tremble”.