Featured image: Yankee imperialism flag burnt during the protests against the APEC in Lima. Source: social media.
Between 15 th and 16 th of November, the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum) Summit took place in Lima, Peru. As Nuevo Perú denounced , this attracted a new contingent of Yankee troops. The Peruvian people has called to protest against this summit and has made coincide this event with the national strike. We have recently reported on the national strike and the recent protests in the country. The old Peruvian State had prepared a contingent of 33,000 national police officer s deployed in Lima.
This big repressive deployment has not prevented the protests to take place the previous days and during the APEC Summit itself. Massive protests have taken place in the capital of Peru, where great combativeness by the protesters who have clashed with police have been witnessed. During the protests Yankee imperialism’s flags were burned, the imperialist intervention in Peru has been protested and has been shouted: “Yankees out of Peru!”:
The repressive forces have been even cornered and forced to retreat in several occasions due to the strength of the protests:
There are numerous images and videos of clashes and combative protests:

Source: AP Foto/Silvia Izquierdo

Source: Adriana Núñez Rabascall, Voz de América

Source: Diario Sin Fronteras
Nine protesters have been detained so far.