Second part
The nature and policies of NDA alliance - Our stand
Since no party including BJP gained majority, it became the largest party but had to form a coalition government with its NDA allies. However the NDA government and the RSS-BJP are yet the main danger to the country. Imperialists welcomed the election of Modi as the Prime Minister in the NDA government. There will not be any major change in its policies in the interests of the imperialists, comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and feudal landlords and in the brutal attacks on the people of the oppressed classes, sections and nationalities and on their revolutionary, democratic voices.
There was large speculation about big majority for BJP that created a false boom in Delhi and Mumbai stock exchanges. Thirty lakh crores rupees of ordinary investors were looted. Even before the government was formed there was the NEET paper leak, the scam of grace marks, the toll tax was very high, there were terrorist accusations against democratic voices such as writer Arundhati Roy and whereas Medha Patkar was awarded prison sentence for five months. The unceasing fire in Manipur and the killing of youth aspiring freedom in the name of terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir shall rise in the rule of the coalition government. The past six months have been witnessing the murders of revolutionaries and revolutionary people in scores of numbers in each operation in Operation Kagaar by the Indian Army and Air force in the veil of Para-military, the Para-military, and the Special and Commando forces of the states in the areas of revolutionary movement. The invitation to Modi to attend G7 meet in Italy with the confidence that he would win shows that they need Modi and that Modi’s rule is in their interests. In the name of 'Indianising' the Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and the Evidence Act that have been being implemented since the British rule, changed as Bharathiya Nyaya Samhita, Bharathiya Nagarik Suraksha Samhita and Bharathiya Sakshya Adhiniyam which are more draconian than during the time ofthe 8 colonialists. In the name of speedy justice this will leads to give indiscriminate punishments on the big scale and the State will become police state. Allies did not expressed even minimum objection that shows how brutal and bureaucratic the coalition government is going to be.
In order to overcome the world economic crisis, the imperialists need resources, cheap labor power and a broad market in the backward countries. They need evil rulers like Modi in those countries. They need them to adopt policies in the interests of the imperialists, comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and feudal landlords and implement those aggressively in fascist methods. It is beyond doubt that NDA rule will definitely carry them through. All the Parliamentary opposition parties including Congress shall nominally oppose these and try to deceive the people to the best of their strength. These show superficial protest to the massacres of the tribal people, especially in Dandakaranya fighting for jaljungle-zameen-ijjat-adhikar. This is the nature of the comprador ruling class parties that act differently while in power. Therefore, we need to bring the people out of the illusions on these parties. We need to understand that any bourgeois party is the same and works in the interests of the imperialists.
Intensifying contradictions among the ruling cliques
Like it did in the past ten years, the BJP under the leadership of Modi is going to conspire to eat away not only the opposition parties but also the NDA allies. There are such experiences in the past. Internal strife came to fore at the time of oath taking ceremony. Key Minister Posts were taken by BJP and unimportant ones were given to the allies. It was a fact that Modi led the 70 ministers from his office in the past ten years like a dictator. Now whoever might be the Minister of whatever department and from whichever party, Modi, his clique and the advisers and bureaucrats will lead. There will be no democracy at least for even in namesake. In this background, contradictions shall increase among the ruling classes. Internal strife shall intensify among the NDA allies. Nitish and Chandrababu Naidu are representatives of the comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and feudal classes. They are loyal servants of the imperialists. But they do not have a 9 religious agenda like the BJP. However, since NDA is an opportunistic alliance, they would definitely look for an alternative if anything goes against their interests. So, due to the big brother attitude and hegemony of BJP, contradictions shall gradually intensify not only in the central government but also in the NDA allies and the parties. This will lead to political crisis. As a result of all these, all the major contradictions in the country shall intensify.
In the background of imperialist crisis Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism is strengthening. The crisis is exposing the destructive nature of imperialism. People’s struggles are arising against imperialist exploitation and oppression all over the world. The ruling classes of the country clearly understood from the elections that any anti-people policies to exploit the country would be facing strong resistance from the people. Even though the ruling classes of the country are the main enemies of the people, the majority Hindus are being instigated against the minority Muslims, Christians, North East nationalities, the Dalit and tribal people like enemies. There are attacks on minorities. In the background of the election to the Loksabha we cannot imagine that such attacks will stop in the rule of NDA. The ruling classes unleash intense repression on one hand and on the other, try to divert the struggles of the oppressed people against exploitation and oppression and for their rights from going towards revolutionary violence. The conditions demand that these forces must fight more and unitedly.
The BJP that won for the third time will work in the direction of establishing Hindu state by 2047. It shall make preparations to come to power in the election in 2029 and also in the states from now itself. The imperialist globalization policies and Brahmanic Hindutva Fascist policies of the government are against the interests of the exploited people, sections and nationalities and the country. So, the struggles of the broad people against these policies shall widen and intensify. BJP wants an opposition free country and so the opposition parties will have to face the attempts to break their unity. It will affect the nominal federal nature of the country. So the opposition parties and the state governments will need to fight against this. Organizations, unions, parties, intellectuals and pro-people's media 10 that criticize, question and fight BJP will be targeted more. In order to establish Brahmanic Hindutva state it will intensify elimination of revolutionary movement and the Northeast and Kashmir nationality struggles and suppression of democratic movements. The broad masses and the democratic, revolutionary forces need to fight against this Constitutional autocracy. Minorities, secular and democratic forces need to fight against the majoritarian state. Basing on this political situation, we must adopt tactics to isolate the Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism that is the main enemy and overcome the temporary setback in the revolutionary movement and advance it.
Our Party and Mass Organisations must always expose the class nature of Modi government constituted of Brahmanic Hindutva ideology. In the semi-colonial, semi-feudal India, workers, peasants, petty and middle bourgeoisie, the oppressed classes and sections and nationalities can solve their problems and ultimately achieve victory only through struggle with firm determination in the leadership of the proletariat. The proletarian party can advance its objective only through planned and regular practice. It needs time, plan and patient efforts among the people. That is the reason the great Marxist teachers spoke about active party leadership for class line, mass line, people’s army, PPW and. united front through collective knowledge of the people.
It is a big challenge for the revolutionary, democratic forces and the oppressed people of the country to fight Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism that is rising with the objective of establishing ‘Hindu fascist state’. At the same time it is a great opportunity to build a united strong struggle. Therefore, there is a strong need to enlighten the masses of the country and build class struggles and broad people’s movements in ideological, theoretical, economic, political, social, cultural and all spheres in order to militantly resist the policies unleashed by Brahmanic Hindutva fascism and fascist Modi government in favor of imperialists and comprador ruling classes and against the country and the broad masses. The various people’s struggles must be developed into organized, broad, militant political struggles. These must be interlinked with armed struggle in a proper manner. For the 11 purpose we must develop our efficiency in a big way and take up collective practice utilizing the organized force of the PARTY, PLGA and organs of the people.
RSS considers communists as its deadly enemies since the beginning. Therefore, it has been constantly intensifying fascist elimination offensives on the revolutionaries and the people in the guidance of the LIC strategy and tactics formulated by the US imperialists. As a part of it, it is deploying lakhs of government forces in the areas of revolutionary movement all over the country and is implementing corporatization-militarization. It has been already unleashing war of elimination in the name of reactionary SurajkundOperation ‘Kagaar’, 'Clean' on the just revolutionary movement, the Maoist party, PLGA organs of revolutionary people’s power, Mass Organizations in the leadership of Unified Commands together with the state governments. It is holding armed military operations through the Indian Army, the several Para-military (CRPF, BSF, ITBP, SSB, CISF, NSG) forces, the murderous armed and Commando (Greyhounds, Hawk, SOG, STF, Thunderbolt, Jaguar, C-60), DRG, DVF, Bastar Fighters, Danteswari fighters and other such) forces of the states with 81 mm rockets and various kinds of artillery, shells, drone bombs, Air force helicopters and other such modern weaapons and even light tanks. It is unleashing mass pogroms and creating terror among the people. It is holding large scale psychological operations through the reactionary, monopoly propaganda and mass communication media. It alleges that terrorists and Maoists infiltrated into the movement wherever one comes forth in the country and brands the demands criminal.
Generally we might not enough perform some times in fighting back each and every operation and campaign of the enemy in high and intense levels and there might be mistakes and confusion in the beginning which leads to more losses and difficulties. We are facing more losses in resisting Operation ‘Kagaar’, 'Clean' due to low preparation for war, low preparedness and confusions. Hence, we are making valuable sacrifices. Subjective effort is important to see that the enemy’s objective is not fulfilled in the ongoing war of elimination. As a part of it we must make active self-defense war-guerrilla war and continue warr for a long time. We 12 must creatively apply the strategy-tactics of PPW with the fundamental rules of guerrilla war – we retreat when the enemy advances; we harass him when he rests; we attack when tired; we chase in retreat; secrecy, speed, change of place – and other such things and develop guerrilla war basing on the developing mass base. We must get accustomed to the intense level war and withstand courageously. We must totally utilize the weaknesses of the enemy, gradually lessen our losses and thus develop the rate of our daily victories. Our propaganda teams, mass work units/teams/organizers, guerrilla units must work in broad areas. These must implement the political line, program and the policies of the party. It means these have to fight for the multipronged interests of the entire oppressed people. There will be favorable and unfavorable aspects in PPW. We must utilize the favorable aspects, overcome the unfavorable aspects and create the opportunities to go forth.
As the movement develops, as the class consciousness of the people rises, as the economic and political crises intensify, as the social conditions change, we must politically mobilize and organize the people in the struggles of resistance that arise from the enemy’s encirclementelimination war in many more varied self-defense-offense methods, in class struggles, political struggles and people’s resistance struggles. This gives birth to continuous new forms of struggle and organization in training the new forces politically and theoretically. There must be changes in functioning, work style, mass work, military work, guerrilla war and discipline as per these new conditions. Changes will definitely come if we make conscious effort. In the process of the movement, we must realize new forms of struggle and organization that arise from the people and the struggling forces, sharpen and generalize them, give a clear expression and hand them over to the people. It is the main task of the party leadership to see that they utilize these consciously and achieve better results. The people’s struggle and People’s War going on in the present new conditions of Operation Kagaar demand that all levels of leadership must pay attention from the top to the bottom.
Let us intensify-widen class struggles with the following program across the country in view of the above conditions post-election–
• Let us militantly resist the pro-imperialist, pro-comprador bureaucratic bourgeois, pro-big feudal class policies of the fascist Modi government. Let us mobilize the oppressed masses of large forest, plain and urban areas into broad struggles for daily, basic problems, on environment problem, against the draconian antipeople Acts and against corporatization-militarization. Let us intensify-widen class struggle.
• Let us constantly enlighten the people about the danger of Brahmanic Hindutva fascist RSS-BJP in the leadership of Modi to the country and the people. Let us build and make actively work the various forms of anti-Brahmanic Hindutva fascist United Front at various places with concrete program on a broad basis so as to mobilize the broad masses against the outdated diehard Hindutva ideology and isolate the fascist forces.
Let us build militant movements against the instigation on Dalit people, women, religious minorities, tribal people by the majoritarian Hindutva religious and casteist hatred, the obscene accusations, attacks and mob lynching in the name of Cow slaughter, Love jihad, trolling, CAA and new criminal laws. We must have the initiative to organize the rising resistance to Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism among the religious minorities, especially the Muslim people.
• We must politically prepare the Party, PLGA, organs of revolutionary people and the people in our areas of work and make efforts to fight back the war of elimination – Operation Kagaar on the people. We must enlighten them about the intensity of enemy’s fascist attack, its cruel nature and the need to make enormous sacrifices in the process of fighting it back. We must protect the organs of the Party, PLGA, and people including the leadership. We must build broad United Front with all the forces against the massacres and state violence on the people and the revolutionary movement and build people’s resistance struggles. We must make continuous efforts to 14 develop mass base and subjective forces and take up guerrilla war with initiative and actively to the best of our strength basing on it.
• Apart from the daily problems we must organize the peasantry on main demands – land to the tiller; all powers to Revolutionary Peasant Committees/Agricultural labor Organizations, Revolutionary People’s Committees; nationalize the agriculture farms and plantations of the imperialist Multi-National Companies, capitalist landlords, comprador bureaucratic capitalists and government; fight for jal-jungle-zameen-ijjat-adhikar, mobilize the peasantry of not only the areas of the movement but the entire country on a broad basis and build a strong peasant movement. We must intensify agrarian revolutionary struggle. We must mobilize the entire democratic, pro-people forces in support of the farmers’ agitations. We must build and intensify united struggles.
• We must organize the workers against the brutal Acts being indiscriminately used against the working class, against the violation of their rights, for improvement of work conditions, for hike in real wages and other such life and death problems and build a strong and militant working-class movement. • We must take up the program to mobilize the unemployed youth against the problem of unemployment that is becoming a big giant daily.
• We must organize students-youth and teachers against the corporatization-saffronisation of education. • We must organize women’s movements on a broad basis against the patriarchal exploitation and suppression on women, against sexual atrocities, all kinds of violence, love jihad murders for prestige and distorted feudal-imperialist vicious culture. We must build a strong woman’s movement all over the country.
• We must build a strong countrywide movement against the rising Brahmanic Hindutva Fascist forces on the Dalit people and against the caste exploitation and attacks of the oppressor castes. We must mobilize advanced forces of the entirre castes in these struggles. 15
• We must organize tribal, peasant and urban poor people on the problem of displacement and build militant countrywide struggles against the domestic, foreign corporate companies and the central and the state governments.
• We must unite with the people of various nationalities and indigenous people fighting with demands for right to selfdetermination including right to secession in Kashmir and North Eastern states and with the demands for special states and autonomy. We must build solidarity movements, work together with them. We must lend leadership to the nationality liberation movements.
• We must take the initiative to utilize the contradictions among the ruling clique/parties in the coalition government without absolute majority for any party and those between the ruling and opposition parties. In view of our experiences in the activities of United Front, we must adopt tactics so as to attract the oppressed people behind the ruling parties towards us. We must remember the theoretical, political and organizational level of the entire party in doing this. We must work with Maoist style, stand on our own legs and enhance our organized strength.
• The Modi government is making a war on the people of the country in the name of ultimate war on the Maoists through Operation Kagaar/Clean. In this condition of war, we must learn to continue mass work and military work without losing initiative. We must be accustomed to new conditions and gain command on those.
We gained valuable experiences in the past five and a half decades, especially in the past four decades in various times in the leadership of the party all over the country and in the areas of the movement in anti-feudal, anti-imperialist class struggles with agrarian revolution as the axle, developing guerrilla war. We have been fighting back and resisting the unceasing offensive plans and campaigns of the Indian exploitive ruling classes on the party and the revolutionary movement. We must now develop the tactics according to these experiences applying to the present condition. We must properly utilize politically the situation developing favorable for revolution at the international plane and domestically. We must build United Fronts against the exploitation of domestic and foreign corporate companies and against feudal exploitation and oppression in the urban, plain and forest areas of our work, strengthen and gradually expand them. We must develop broad people’s struggles and class struggles in its leadership. We must properly utilize militarily the geographical favorable aspects and the weaknesses of the enemy in guerrilla areas. We must take up active war of self-defense. Therefore we must constantly explore our strength to the core and develop mass base, subjective forces and sources for war. The leadership at all levels from the top to the bottom must specially concentrate on this.
We can advance by overcoming the present utmost critical situation in the countrywide revolutionary movement only by implementing the above mentioned program. Revolutionary, progressive, democratic and secular forces shall gradually develop. They shall ultimately bring down exploiters, counter revolutionaries and reactionaries. This is the rule of social development. In order to make true the rule, let us mobilize the broad masses against the main danger of the country and the people from the NDA government in the leadership of Brahmanic Hindutva Fascist Modi and make daring efforts to fail the counter revolutionary ‘Kagaar’ on the revolutionary movement, on the oppressed people, democratic, progressive and secular forces of the country. Let us build people’s movements all over the country at various places against the anti-people policies of fascist Modi and develop those into broad movements with coordination. Let us step forward towards rooting out Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism, all kinds of reactionary, fascist counter revolutionary forces, imperialists, comprador ruling classes in the path of Protracted People’s War with the objective to establish a genuine democratic federal republic and ultimately accomplish Socialism-Communism. People shall gain the ultimate victory.
2024 July 10
Central Committee Communist Party of India (Maoist)
the end