How Trump's election came and what it brings to the planet - KKEml - for debate

Author: maoistroad
Description: How Trump's election came and what it brings to the planet ...
Published Time: 2024-11-20T10:06:00+08:00

How Trump's election came and what it brings to the planet

The US election has concluded, recording an at least comfortable victory for Trump. A victory that flatly contradicted the chorus of "predictions" and "estimates" of the most "authoritative" agencies and "analysts" who, until the last minute, even through exit-polls in US states, presented a picture of an "electoral derby" or even a Harris lead! This construction is also a measure of the "democracy provided" by electoral processes for capitalist parliaments in general, let alone in the USA, with the given electoral-political system and the undisguised domination of the electoral process by billionaires!

As post-electoral distortions about the terms of this electoral victory and phony concerns about the real goals of the US abound, here are some initial points on this issue.

  1. Trump's electoral victory was undoubtedly based on the support of billionaires and we would say that Musk is only the tip of the iceberg. Key power centers have been firmly behind him and at his side throughout the civil-war-like election period, seeking to shape —through him and with him— responses to the big and urgent issues facing US imperialism. And it is precisely because these answers are being sought and shaped that the turmoil and overall reconfiguration of the US political system will continue. It is not only the "Democrats" who are looking for a navigating line and a leader after their "exhaustion" with Biden and the last-minute change with —the "unknown" until July— Harris. Also for the Republicans, the "line-identity" of Trump and —of similar and upgraded standards of his vice-president— Vance, creates new elements, "new party", as it was recorded during the election with a number of their traditional and front-line staff (Cheney etc.) coming out against Trump.

  2. The line with which Trump won the election was based on the American nationalism of "MAGA", the most powerful nationalism, the one that corresponds to the objectives of the first imperialist power on the planet. On the basis of this nationalism he developed all aspects of his ultra-reactive demagogy and managed to electorally rally the majority of the working and popular strata living in conditions of brutal exploitation, poverty, misery and social barbarism. Precisely because "America above all" was presented as the only condition that can save the "American dream" within the US, to answer the acute problems of the masses, in an economy pressured by the crisis, particularly after Biden's unsuccessful programs. At the same time, however, and to make this condition a reality, all the reactive measures, all the atrocities included in the "Trump program" become a prerequisite. From the savage tax breaks for big business to the crackdown on immigrants and women. A class raid, part of the overall class attack on the proletariat and people's rights.

    The victory of this electoral line took place in the context of the presidential elections and in particular in the specific unprecedented reactive and acrimonious conditions that prevailed during the election period in the USA, which gave the feeling of a country deeply divided and with civil-war-like dimensions. Obviously, this victory, particularly in order for it to exist, made the most of the very negative class-political correlation under which the working popular masses are situated, the disintegration of the working class and the absence of significant militant revolutionary forces and voices with a noteworthy reach. After all, the forces that present themselves as "anti-Trump" forces, in the US and internationally, and across the board (from the "Democrats" in the US to... PASOK in our country) are —at the very least— consistent servants of the line of capital and imperialism’s aggression against the working class and the peoples. And of course these forces are openly and actively hostile to any struggle, to any resistance of the masses against this line. However, we believe that this electoral victory cannot and will not stop the course of the mass and workers’ struggles, the militant processes that have been going on for years (not only) within the USA.

  3. Trump's electoral victory does not constitute a certain and swift response to the question of the relative retreat of the US, to the question of the pacing of US imperialism towards the goal of global hegemony/sovereignty, which is the basic common goal of all the conflicting centers and dominant powers within the US. The Trump presidency, with what it has so far proclaimed, comes seeking:

    a) Managing the Ukrainian impasse, which is currently the central, strategic issue for the US. A management aimed, on the one hand, at controlling the further escalation of the war, as this escalation brings the nuclear threats of Russian imperialism very close to being carried out. On the other hand, however, this management must be such that it does not recognize a victory for Moscow and does not open the way for the disintegration of NATO.

    b) A more decisive approach to China, the lifting of barriers on the new "Silk Road", the reversal of Beijing's "zones" of establishment in a number of countries and regions on which Chinese imperialism largely bases its strategic upgrade.

    A key and crucial precondition for the promotion of both these directions is the political direction of the Trump presidency to confront the European imperialists "one by one", but also as an alliance, as an EU. That is, the intensification of US blackmails separately on Germany, France but also Italy, and on the basis of the specific issues facing each of them. The obvious goal of such a direction is for the US to distract one or some of them, to haunt them without objection to their strategic choices. The recent Draghi report highlighted this danger and sought (or, more correctly perhaps, wished) to address it. However, the situation in Germany, with the governing coalition in collapse, also emerged on the basis of the major issues already shaped by German imperialism, but also in view of the expected American blackmail and with the question of Berlin's responses. The rise of Trump finds the two EU locomotives in political and economic crisis, with a simultaneous inability to express a unified stance both towards the war in Ukraine and towards developments in the Middle East.

    With what specific measures and options these directions are to be expressed, what they will produce, what modifications and what adventurism they will need, remains to be seen and to be judged in real terms on the table of imperialist antagonisms, full of sharp contrasts. Moreover, there are a number of other hot spots, such as the Middle East, where the Trump administration will be called upon to gauge in conjunction with its aforementioned aspirations, whether and how to continue along the line of escalating Iranian tightening —which it had followed in its previous term— but then without the strategic given and impasse of the war in Ukraine.

  4. The workers and peoples of the world have many very good reasons to be concerned about what the Trump presidency brings to the planet. None of these reasons not only are they not identical, but not even related to the concerns of the imperialists of Europe and a number of dominant and reactionary forces on the planet.

    The Trump administration's line is, even before it takes office, a milestone of upgrading of the anti-worker, anti-people rampage underway on a global scale. A station that seeks to be of comparable weight to the Reagan-Thatcher line that signaled the generalized aggression in the early 1980s. This is the common ground of all the imperialists and capital, of all the political forces that serve them, everywhere in the world. It is their common ground for dealing with the capitalist crisis that is spreading and deepening, feeding off each other in the imperialist conflicts. It is their common ground that is rooted in the negative correlation, in their quest to transform the workers into "tools" of capital, and the peoples into subjects to imperialism.

    At the same time, the Trump line to serve US imperialism's goal of global hegemony/sovereignty, whichever paths it takes, will continue and intensify the preparation of the conditions for World War III.

    The strengthening of the mass resistances and struggles, the building of the working people's forces on the basis of their own rights and their own perspective, the strengthening-construction of the revolutionary communist direction in the movement and struggle, is the only real answer to the developments we face.

10 November 2024

The Press Office of the CPG (m-l)
