In the intervention at the Milan event on Sunday 18/2

In the intervention at the Milan event on Sunday 18/2
Sukma District, February 1, 2: A cadre of the CPI (Maoist) was killed in an encounter with security personnel in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district on Saturday, a police official announced to the public today.
The skirmish between security forces and armed cadres of the Maoist party took place around 6 am in a forest near Burklanka village within the jurisdiction of Bheji police station during an anti-Maoist operation by the District Reserve Guard (DRG), Sukma Superintendent of Police Kiran G Chavan told PTI.
After the exchange of fire stopped, the body of a Maoist cadre, along with a muzzle-loading gun was recovered from the spot, the police official commented.
The identity of the slain Maoist was yet to be ascertained, he remarked, adding that a search operation was still underway in the area.
Source :
Last Saturday in the 2nd Bundesliga Hansa Rostock and HSV met in the Baltic Sea Stadium and separated 2-2. A short way for the Hamburgers for which the regional train is enough-on this day it was for 855 Hamburg football fans and about 150 other unfortunate but a much longer excursion because the federal police took their harassment to the extreme and a whole fan train in Station of the Hamburg margin Bergedorf stopped and with around 400 officers the fans harassed and found all identities.
The pretext: you are looking for 60 "violent offenders", in which a small chat had occurred with supporters of Borussia Dortmund last September in the Mannheim train station. 31 of them are now of the opinion of having identified, including the use of so-called "super-recognizer", police officers who specialize in the memory of faces.
Already in Rostock, where some HSV rags had rioted against a stadium snack and there were further arguments, bottle throws, etc. Between Hamburg fans and police officers, the police at the train station after the game fans before departure of the train, whereby panic came up . Then in Bergedorf the regional express was stopped at 7:45 p.m. „ The train stops here and does not continue. Everyone is now checked. " . The checks began at 8:10 p.m., the last ones were only through at 2:20 a.m. In that time, the almost thousand inmates had to endure in the heat of the crowded train, without drinking water and, with a steaming of visits to the toilet and a wizard help ("there are no" - that is the bulls that are said to have expressed themselves). Several people are said to have received circulatory problems and sometimes collapse; Minors were felt without consideration; People are said to have screamed out of panic and pain. "The police were very aggressive towards the HSV fans, very little was communicated from the start" , Anonymous fan reports to "T-Online". “The right hand did not know what the left. A policeman pushed me away and said that I should go back in the row. I just said his colleague sent me here. " Women were also checked, although only men were sought in Mannheim according to the allegations of the crime. The police forces on site were not informed - which you can well imagine. A young girl was even prevented from getting out of some stations in front of Bergedorf because the control is in Bergedorf.
D is HSV supporters club Now wants to complain against the operations management and asks all those affected for memory protocols . At this point you have to keep in mind that the reaction of such procedures almost always tested in other areas in order to later apply it to the revolutionary movement. Parallels to this illegal use, in which large amounts of personal quantities due to the allegation of the Fracture of the peace s for hours under miserable conditions, there are For example, even with the Lina protests in various Cities of the FRG on May 31 last year, where countless, without having committed a crime, ends up for a long evening in the police kettle and beyond in.
Source: (both pictures)
Picture: Sweden's Defense Minister Pål Jonson
By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.
Sweden will send military personnel to an EU effort in the Red Sea, which reports the Swedish government on its own information pages.
Up to four staff officers must be sent and included in various management functions. Gradually, the strength can be increased to ten people.
There is a so -called defensive strength with headquarters in Greece. It has been known since the beginning of February that Sweden has intended to participate in operations in the Red Sea, a led by the United States (which Norway also participates in) and one led by the EU.
The sea:
Swedish government: Swedish staff officer to the Red Sea
NRK: Sweden is sent staff officers to the Red Sea
Defense Forum: The Red Sea Sweden will send military forces
Blocks, principals and inconvenience throughout Italy for the general strike against war and genocide in Gaza
The general strike started from the late evening of Thursday national proclaimed by the Si Cobas against war, war economy and a Support of the Palestinian resistance to the genocide in Gaza and cleaning ethnic in the West Bank.
Once again, the adhesion in the logistics warehouses is very high e of the large -scale distribution, in many chains equal to 100% of workers, with principals and initiatives for the fight against the gates.
In some cities, processions and complaints have been held and boycott of the companies that produce and derive weapons or of the Complications with colonialism and Israeli war crimes: a Genoa is ongoing an event to the gates of the port, in concomitance with the arrival of the Zim ships directed to Israel charged with military material; In Naples, the garrison of the fight against Leonardo, true e own state factory in the war industry; in Modena protest from the faculty of engineering to ask for the breakdown of relations with Government of Netanyahu; In Turin the strike stopped this morning the Rivalta logistical depot hitting Carrefour, multinational that He supports Israel's army.
By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.
This is a chronicle. Analysis and standpoint are the commentator's own, and do not necessarily match the Earn Folket Media's line.
The City Council in Drammen has recently made a decision on how many refugees they will receive this year, and have decided by a barely majority that they only want to accept Ukrainian refugees. The debate in the city council and in the media afterwards have been characterized by chauvinistic statements on immigration and integration where the masses are set against each other.
The municipal council has set a claim to the state, with 29 to 28 votes, that Drammen will only receive refugees from Ukraine. The reason is, firstly, that Drammen has "many non-Western immigrants", and secondly, that it should be "integration inhibitory to settle even more with non-Western backgrounds".
The further rationale is that the war in Ukraine is ongoing in Norway's "neighborhoods" and that it is therefore committed to prioritizing Ukrainians against refugees with a different background.
The decision has been described as racist and discriminatory, also by representatives from various bourgeois parties. A municipal politician from the Center Party was so upset that he was crying in the local debate. The opposition in the municipality has been hard against the decision, and the decision was called illegally by Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Also within the parties that agreed to the decision, the decision has led to conflicts, and a representative from the KrF said that she would rather leave the majority coalition than join such a decision again.
Although the criticism of several teams is right in the obvious chauvinistic and racist content of the decision, the criticism lacks it to point out it mainly about why Norwegian imperialism initially has immigration.
Regarding immigration to Norway, it is first important to state that the Storting has long ago adopted immigration stops. Thus, it exists, legally, not ordinary immigration to Norway. But through various agreements with European countries, the EU and some other countries (such as the United States and Canada), it is open to labor immigration from a number of countries. Secondly, Norway, through various conventions, has committed to accepting some refugees. And finally, refugees who meet a number of requirements can apply for and get family reunification. These are the formal frameworks, in short, that, despite the "immigration stop", is still a certain migration to Norway.
Immigration is exceptionally important for the economy of Norwegian imperialism. First, only this immigration increases that the population in Norway has increased in recent decades, as birth rates have long dropped. Secondly, we can see that in a number of very important industries - such as the construction industry, industry, public welfare and private service - is an ever -increasing proportion of workers immigrants or people with "immigrant backgrounds". The basis for migration is the wars and distress in the Third World, which has also increased dramatically over the last decades. These are the wars' wars, wars Norwegian imperialism have contributed to, and the exploitation of the oppressed nations - a exploitation Norwegian imperialism earns tremendously.
Imperialism has long reached a point where there is no longer room for welfare reforms without it happening at the expense of the acquisition of wealth for citizenship. The general crisis in imperialism, sharpened competition between the imperialists and falling profit rate, forces the bourgeois states to cut after cuts in the "social welfare schemes" - a trend that has been dominant for more than fifty years regardless of which government has been sitting at the helm. At the same time, prices are now shooting in the weather through increased inflation, following the cyclical crisis that hit the international economy in 2020. These crises, which break out at 8-12 years, are legally followed by the capitalist method of production.
This development has now reached a point where it is becoming too expensive, even for large parts of the petty bourgeoisie and workaristocracy in imperialist countries, to feed a so -called "ordinary family". It is becoming more and more expensive with a life in relative abundance in imperialist countries. In addition, there are increasing demands on productivity, "efficiency", which many people are marking through career hunting, pressure and stress. These are probably some of the reasons why birth rates have fallen dramatically in Norway and other imperialist countries.
In addition, it often takes 18 years or more before a child born in an imperialist country begins to work. Therefore, these are mainly an "expense item" for a long time, both for the family and for the state. However, a refugee or immigrant can begin work immediately or after a few years to compare.
Thus, immigration becomes more profitable for the imperialists. It is a complete lie that "immigration costs too much". This is a bourgeois myth in the same way as the notion that capitalists are "employers" or "it costs to hire". In fact, workers produce both their own wages and profits that the bourgeoisie acquires. Thus, imperialism enriches just on immigration, even when it comes to refugees. The expenses for language learning and "integration" for a couple of years are low compared to the schooling of children born in Norway. In any case, these expenses pay back within a few years after they apply to work. In any case, the "cost" is covered by the values the workers themselves have created, and immigrants are over -represented among the most dividends in this country, ie those who are deprived of the most values of the state and capital.
Regarding the aforementioned birth rate, this has almost collapsed in imperialist Norway. This is a direct result of the increasingly poorer financial conditions for having children, an expression of the decay in imperialism. The birth rate is currently down to 1.4 children per woman in the imperialist Norway - and in comparison it must be 2.1 just to maintain the population. Thus, the state and capital are entirely dependent on tens of thousands of new immigrants each year just to retain the number of workers as before. Without this, profits from production in Norway will fall - unless the replacement increases even more than it does.
Something that emphasizes the increased exploitation and decay in imperialism even more is the reintroduction of child labor in imperialist countries as a "new normal", as we see in the United States. New proposals to loosen the regulations for youth in work in the imperialist Norway also point out that the same trend is in the process of asserting itself here as well. Again, the cause of why imperialist countries need immigration is emphasized: The bourgeoisie needs immigration to safeguard the work capacity, for the workers are the source of this class wealth.
Immigration is thus not at all at the fact that the bourgeoisie "cares about human rights" or that they want to "save" masses from the Third World, as the bourgeoisie and their useful idiots in the bourgeois media desperately present it. Their support for Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people is just one of countless examples that shows how pervaded these phrases are, how little "humanitarian" the bourgeoisie is in reality - whether they believe in their own lies or not.
It is true that poverty and social problems are increasing in many neighborhoods and cities, as Drammen's politicians say they are concerned about. But this is due to solely imperialism itself. This is a consequence of the general crisis in imperialism, a tendency we see in the world. This in no way follows from so-called "immigration and integration problems". Social problems are primarily a consequence of poverty, and poverty is a consequence of the exploitation of capitalism.
The purpose of blaming immigration and immigrants - as much as when the bourgeoisie chooses to point to women and feminism, "weak" and "feminized" men, "lazy youngsters" and everything else - is to channel the frustration among the masses, a frustration Which increases in times of crisis, towards other parts of the masses, rather than the rage being directed at the actual problem that is imperialism itself and its ruling class, the bourgeoisie. In other words, the entire "immigration debate" is just an expression of the rulers' ancient tricks - "split and ruler". The masses will be excited with "cultural struggle", requirements for "law and order" or identity politics - all to avoid the rage turning to the common enemy of the masses: the bourgeoisie and their state.
Whether new workers come from Ukraine, Poland or Somalia, or if the border is hermetically closed to people on the run, none of the inherent problems in imperialism. Of course, this is the bourgeoisie completely clear. Therefore, the bourgeois parties, including Frp, are able to maintain the "art piece" to maintain the same number of refugees regardless of government, while at the same time they have talked about "integration problems" for forty years.
Communists and revolutionaries consistently defend the bourgeois-democratic rights to seek asylum from the wars' wars, or to migrate to seek work. Any anti -imperialist condemns all his heart The chauvinistic heat directed at the masses migrating from the oppressed nations, wherever they come from or what they believe in.
At the same time, by understanding some Marxism, we will reveal that the bourgeoisie is neither guided by humanism nor obedience to these rights when they allow immigration despite their "concern for the integration" - the basis and guidance they follow is solely the requirement to defend and increase profits. Distinguishing between different refugees, linking crime and social turmoil to immigration, or the monomane focus some people have on criticizing Islam, is just rhetoric for splitting the masses, including this to defending the profits.
The bourgeoisie spends a lot of time and effort trying to split the masses and set them up against each other, because they also know that if the masses are organized and accumulated to battle against their common enemy, there are no decisions that can help them out of the crisis they themselves have created.
Drammen municipality will only receive Ukrainian refugees: - This must be a joke - NRK Buskerud
Opinions: Drammen municipality: says no to "non-Western" refugees
Record low fertility in 2022 - Statistics Norway
On Thursday, around 45 people - Germans, Palestinians, Syrians, Turks, Eastern Europeans - were found in the "paradox" in Bremen for the event of the Red Federation on the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people.
The lecture gave an overview of the more than 75 years of the fight against the crew and focused on the two intifadas and the current national resistance front, and emphasized that a suppressed people cannot be defeated if it is held on the armed fight . Also the tasks of the revolutionary, sincere anti -imperialists and advanced forces to oppose the German imperialism involved in genocide and not to run after his specifications; The need for a strong worldwide anti -imperialist movement was underlined. After the lecture, these points led to a long and intensive discussion, an expression of the struggle between the line, the national liberation movement, the right to choose their form of combat itself and to support their struggle without reservation, and the capitulation line that spread the imperialists, which delegitates its struggle, the "solidarity" breaks down with the oppressed peoples on mourning together and fits at all costs to the demands of the imperialists; It should be emphasized that people with Arab roots represent the mostly on the lecture.
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Afterwards there was still a jointly prepared Palestinian meal, and it was for the demo on March 8 in Bremerhaven - at 6 p.m. in front of the NP supermarket in Goethestrasse - as well as for the lecture next Friday, March 1, also in Paradox (6 p.m.), mobilized.
Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer | Communist Party Of The Philippines
February 24, 2024
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns the US-Marcos fascist regime, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) for the massacre of five captured revolutionaries in Bilar, Bohol yesterday, and joins the demand for justice for Domingo Compoc, Hannah Cesista, Parlito Historia, Marlon Omosura and Alberto Sancho.
The five were all captured alive and taken into custody yesterday morning by the fascist criminal troops of the 47th Infantry Battalion and Bohol police in Sitio Matin-ao 2, Barangay Campagao, Bilar, Bohol. They were subjected to severe torture and consequently murdered in cold blood.
There is no truth to the lie being circulated by the police that the five were killed in an encounter. Local residents attest that no encounter took place that morning. What people witnessed was the brutality of the military and police combat troops, torturing and killing the five revolutionaries.
A picture surreptitiously taken shows Compoc, with arms apparently bound behind his back, under custody of a soldier of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) after being accosted by the military and police. This image is presently circulating among the people of Bohol and on social media.
Compoc, who was in his 60s, was suffering from arthritis and was in no position to fight. He was subjected to severe torture in front of a number of people in the village in the hope of striking fear among them. Based on facts initially gathered in the area, Ka Silong was hacked to death, suffering fatal wounds on his neck and abdomen.
Cesista, on the other hand, a young lawyer from Cebu, who chose to serve the peasant masses and their revolutionary movement in Bohol, was thrown to the ground by the soldiers and made to lie and crawl on the mud, before she was eventually shot to death.
The willful killing of Compoc, Casista, Historia, Omosura and Sancho after being captured and placed under the custody of the military and police consists of gross violations of international humanitarian law. The 47th IB and Bohol police, the leadership of the AFP and PNP, and Marcos himself, are liable for war crimes and must be prosecuted and punished for their nefarious deeds.
Further details are being gathered how the others were similarly tortured and killed. A post-mortem autopsy of the remains of the victims of the Bohol massacre conducted by independent pathologists will surely add more details to the initial facts bravely put forward by the community, and help unravel completely the gruesome crime committed by the military and police.
Initial details provided by local witnesses contradict the “findings” of the so-called “scene of the crime” unit of the Philippine National Police, who are in collusion with the police and military criminals in brazenly covering up the crime.
The Party calls on the Filipino people, peasant associations, workers unions, youth groups, lawyers, the media, church people, women and others to unite and stand with the families, friends and loved ones of the victims of the Bohol Massacre in their demand for justice. The Party and the New People’s Army will vow to do all it can to punish the fascist and terrorist criminals.
The Bohol massacre is just the latest of the string of fascist crimes that are being perpetrated by the AFP and PNP in the course of its desperate campaign to put an end the Filipino people’s armed resistance. The 47th IB, in particular, is also responsible for the killing of Manuel “Loloy” Tinio on April 4, 2023 in Ubay, Bohol, and Arthur Jasper Lucenario on May 14, 2023 in San Miguel, Bohol.
In perpetrating these fascist crimes, the Marcos regime and the AFP is only succeeding in further inciting the Filipino people to take up arms and join the New People’s Army to fight for their rights and advance their cause for social justice. By employing state terrorism, the US-Marcos regime is showing why the people’s revolutionary armed resistance is just and necessary, and why it is the only option for the people, especially, the peasant masses in their struggle for genuine land reform.
The people and the majority of peasant masses of Bohol, in particular, are left with no option but to rise up in resistance and fight back with arms. In Bohol, land remains in the hands of a few big landlords, big bourgeois compradors and foreign big corporations. Majority of the peasants are tenants and oppressed suffering gross forms of exploitation and economic hardship and hunger. They are being dispossessed of their land by big oil palm plantations and eco-tourism projects.
The Communist Party of the Philippines and the revolutionary movement pays the highest tribute to Domingo Compoc, Hannah Cesista, Parlito Historia, Marlon Omosura and Alberto Sancho. They are heroes of the Filipino people who gave up all comforts to serve the downtrodden and oppressed masses. Their contributions to the Filipino people’s cause will never be forgotten.
Inspired by the heroism of Francisco Dagohoy, who led Bohol’s resistance for more than eight decades from 1744 to 1829 against Spanish colonial forces, the peasant masses of Bohol, together with the rest of the oppressed and exploited masses of the Filipino people, under the leadership of the Party, are determined to rise up and fight with arms, however long it takes, to advance the struggle for national democracy towards complete victory.
Source :
While the genocide IDF continues its merciless bombings of densely populated areas of the Gaza Strip, the death tolls continue to rise. At the same time, the wide public support for the heroic national resistance struggle of the Palestinian people continues. The Danish imperialist bourgeoisi, with their representatives in the government, has had to bend their heads after having to realize that they cannot change public opinion in favor of Israel's genocide. Therefore, there has been a shift from the open black paint and condemnation of the demonstrations in support of Palestine in Denmark to tolerate that they are taking place and instead concentrate the repression against those who support the armed resistance struggle.
But just because the government and the bourgeois press no longer open black painter the struggle for the Palestinian people's right to existence, one should not be mistaken for their continued support for Israel, and the profit they are driving on the genocide against the Palestinian people.
The North Jutland manufacturer of war material "MyDefence" in November and December last year sent tons of antidrone equipment to IDF for a double-digit million. Shortly after the beginning of the fair Palestinian counter -offensive on October 7 last year, IDF contacted Mydefence. IDF request, among other things, Anti-drone equipment.
The equipment that has come up with the name "Pitbull" and "Wingman". The equipment works by holding it by hand or attached to soldiers' uniforms, and warn if there are drones nearby, put the drone off course and designate a drone pilot's location. This type of equipment plays an important role for IDF when operating inside Gaza. This is because the IDF has not previously been prepared for the threat that the Palestinian resistance movement's own drones have brought them into Gaza. Palestinian combatants use homemade small drones to attack, among other things. communication, soldiers and vehicles that penetrate Gaza.
In this way, Danish imperialism actively contributes to the genocide against the Palestinian people by providing IDF with useful equipment it can use to continue their invasion of Gaza. At the same time, Danish imperialism is crashing it. The director of Mydefence, Dan Hermansen, has opposite the news media Danwatch Tried to justify the sale of weapons to IDF:
“We are leaning on what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is saying and doing. After all, the government is still supporting around Israel '
“We can go out and be ethical and moral guardians, and we are to a certain extent, but on the other hand, Israel is an ally and a partner in many areas. So basically, I don't see why we should have doubts about this was something we wanted or had to. ' - Dan Hermansen, Director of Mydefence
What Dan Hermansen reveals here is that Danish imperialism has of course not changed his attitude towards the support of Israel, even after the many months of intensive bombings and massacre committed against civilians.
At the same time, it is not only equipment against drones that Danish imperialism exports to Israel. Other companies have been in charge of exporting parts to The F-35 match aircraft , which Israel uses in connection with the bombings of Gaza. This weapons treatment treaty was already signed with Obama in 2013, but is still maintained. Here, Danish imperialism tries to relinquish all responsibility by saying that they have first sold the parts to the United States, which later sold them to Israel; Knowing that these parts end at Israel. This ways criticisms from even bourgeois institutions like FN , when this is just breaking the UN arms trade treaties.
The Danish imperialism thus tries with one hand to put a damper on and reconcile with the movement in support of Palestine, while it assures the IDF and its continued support with the other hand. All while serving crashing on war crimes and genocide. Danish imperialism thus reveals itself as a double moral and cynical monster who must and must be fought in words and action.
"We are teachers of the Russoli artistic high school in Pisa and today we were brescted by what happened in via San Frediano, in front of our school. Students mostly minors were eaten without reason because the procession that asked for the ceased to fire in Palestine, Absolutely peaceful, who knows why, he should not have paraded in Piazza Cavalieri. The agents in the anti -Somemossa had closed the road and waited for the boys with shields and manganelli, while on the opposite side the police closed the street at the height of the square Dante. In via Tableia another team with shields and batons.Just in front of the entrance of our high school, they started a charge first and then two more against those young people with their hands raised. We do not know if if strong words have flown, even out of place, of indignation and indignation, the fact is that, without even dealing with the students or trying to dialogue, we have witnessed scenes of unprecedented violence. We found ourselves girls and boys of our trembling, shocked classes, some with a broken finger, some with a shoulder or back pain for manganellate kindly received, while an incredible amount of steering wheels darted in via Tavoleria.As educators we are stunned in the face of what happened today. We believe that someone should respond to the state of unheard of and unjustifiable violence to which one hundred/two hundred students who fell in the square peacefully have been subjected: why did it be decided to close them in a funnel and then fill them with a beating? Who has decided this deployment of forces, which even for initiatives of greater participation and tension have crossed our city?Today was a shameful day for those who managed public order in the city and someone has to answer for it. "
We have found this article In the red herald (
Here are this unofficial translation of a document that we have found here .
Dear comrades,
Red greetings!
We express our sincere revolutionary greetings on behalf of our party on the eve of the New Year to each and every one of the Maoist parties and revolutionary forces, including all democratic forces, national liberation and anti -imperialists worldwide. The CC of the PCI (Maoist) transmits its cordial revolutionary greetings to all supporters, friends and supporters abroad of the Indian Revolution, who made their great contribution in the propagation of the military campaigns of the Indian state of fence and annihilation against the revolution India and helped to advance in the Indian revolution with the maximum firmness, revolutionary zeal and spirit.
Our party is responding to the "reactionary strategic offensive plan Surajkund" since the last year with great sacrifices and contributions from Indian mass and supporters, friends, supporters of the democratic revolution of the Indian people and achieving new achievements. The revolution of New Democracy in semi-colonial and semi-feudal India is advancing in the path of prolonged popular war with the aim of establishing socialism-communism worldwide. This is a brief report of the important aspects of the efforts of our party in the ideological-political, military and united front, including the Cultural Front of the PCI (Maoist) during the last year for friends and comrades of Indian Revolution in the foreign.
First, we gave a humble revolutionary tribute to all the martyrs and heroes that spilled their blood for the cause of the Indian Revolution. Our party encountered a great loss of a member of the political bureau, the comrade of the central committee Katakam Sudarshan, apart from 78 comrades. Almost 20 of the martyrs are comrades women. The entire match, Plga, red warriors, united front and revolutionary masses transmit their red greeting to those brave hearts that sacrificed their lives for the liberation of the masses of the sullets of semicoloniality and semi -feudality. We are committed to carrying out their ideals.
We greet the great revolutionary determination of our comrades, members of the CC, Jaspal, Mohit, Janardhan (PBM) and Mangtu and hundreds of party, PLGA, RPC and RMO's activists who are in the dungeons of the Indian State and reiterate that we will do everything that be in our hand for your release.
International situation
The year 2023 was another year of the intensification of the imperialist crisis and inter -imperialist wars on oppressed nations and oppressed peoples in an attempt to redivide the world for the loot of land, natural resources and workforce. The Israeli Sionist State intensified its bloody war with the genocide of Palestine with the support of US imperialism along with its Western imperialist alliances. However, he could not destroy the aspirations of the Palestinian heroic with the great solidarity of the people of the world.
The last 22 months of uninterrupted war in Russia in Ukraine have entered the year 2024 with the cost of the lives of hundreds of people. 2023 was the year of strikes against looting and exploitation of the capitalist system and its war desires. The United States declared the year of strikes. In semi-female semi-feudal countries such as India, the Philippines, Turkey, Peru, Afghanistan and Brazil, where the New Democracy revolution with socialist perspective is advancing under the flag of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The revolutionary movement exceeded the frightening repression of reactionary governments with the support of imperialism, mainly American imperialism.
In the background of the intensification of the general crisis of capitalism, there are considerable changes in world politics. American hegemony over the world has suffered a setback and is no longer a superpower in the multipolar world. However, the US continues to be the number one enemy of the peoples of the world. The global capitalist system is found in a state of stagnation and decline generalized and prolonged. Currently, intense mass unemployment, lack of housing, inflation, racism and fascism characterize imperialist countries. Artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology technologies are leading to the reduction of millions of workers, employees and technicians and less growth in developed and developing countries.
There is collusion and containment between imperialist powers, but containment is the main and primary. Commercial wars between imperialist powers reached a new height, especially in the production of semiconductors that is popularly known as "chips war" between the United States and China. The United States is constantly increasing its military presence in Asia. It is delivering a large number of mortal weapons to the Philippines and Taiwan in opposition to China. China is using the G-77 alliance of the most backward countries for their interests in world hegemony. The US has positioned the B-52 with nuclear capacity in Darwin (Australia) and Guam to aim at China and maintain its hegemony about the Pacific Ocean. The situation is increasing the danger of suffering a third world war.
We have witnessed a series of anti -imperialist struggles in backward countries and a series of working class struggles in imperialist capitalist countries around the world. The sharp fundamental contradictions at international levels are: 1. The contradiction between imperialism and oppressed nationalities and people 2. The contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in capitalist and imperialist countries 3. The contradictions between imperialist countries and groups monopoly capitalists. The contradiction between imperialism and nationalities and oppressed people is the main contradiction. These developments show that in 2024, the situation would be more favorable for the revolution.
The year 2023 was another year of the intensification of the imperialist crisis and the inter -imperialist wars against oppressed nations and oppressed peoples in an attempt to redivide the world to loot the earth, natural resources and the workforce. The Israeli Zionist State greatly intensified its bloody war against Palestine committing genocide with the support of American imperialism and its western imperialist alliances. However, he could not desecrate the aspirations of the Palestinian heroic with the great solidarity of the peoples of the world.
The last 22 months of uninterrupted and bloody war for powers between the US and Russia in Ukraine have entered the year 2024 with the cost of hundreds of human lives. 2023 was the year of strikes against looting and exploitation of the capitalist system and its bellicism. The US declared the year of strikes. In Indian semi-feudal semi-feudal countries, the Philippines, Turkey, Peru, Afghanistan and Brazil where the New Democracy Revolution with socialist perspective is marching forward under the flag of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The revolutionary movement suffered a terrible repression by reactionary governments with the support of imperialism, mainly American imperialism.
In the context of the intensification of the general crisis of capitalism there are considerable changes in world politics. The US hegemony over the world has suffered a setback and is no longer a superpower in the multipolar world. However, the US remains the number one enemy of the peoples of the world. The world capitalist system is in a state of stagnation and decline generalized and prolonged. At present, intense mass unemployment, lack of housing, inflation, racism and fascism characterize imperialist countries. The technologies of artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and biotechnology are causing the dismissal of thousands of workers, employees and technicians and less growth of employment in developed and developing countries.
There is collusion and contest between the imperialist powers, but the contest is the main and primary. Commercial wars between imperialist powers have reached a new high point, especially in the semiconductor raw materials sector, popularly known as the "Chips War" between the United States and China. The United States is constantly increasing its military presence in Asia. It is delivering a large number of deadly weapons to the Philippines and Taiwan in opposition to China. China is using the G-77 alliance of the most backward countries for its world hegemony interests. The US has now based B-52 with nuclear capacity in Darwin (Australia) and Guam in order to point to China and maintain its hegemony about the Pacific Ocean. The situation is increasing the danger of the third world war.
We have witnessed a flood of anti-imperialist struggles in backward countries and a flood of workers' struggles in capitalist-imperialist countries around the world. The fundamental contradictions that are exacerbated internationally are 1. The contradiction between imperialism and oppressed nationalities and peoples. 2. The contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in the imperialist capitalist countries 3. The contradictions between the imperialist countries and among the monopoly capitalist groups. The contradiction between imperialism and opposite nationalities and peoples is the main contradiction. These developments show that in 2024, the situation would be more favorable for the revolution.
State situation
India is deeply affected by the intensification of contradictions between imperialist powers and other contradictions in the international arena. In this situation, the main contradictions of India are also intensifying. American imperialism used the G-20 and especially the Indian Presidency to promote its interests. Hundreds of millions were spent at the G-20 meeting at the expense of the country's economy. During his mandate, Modi is playing the role of seller by inviting the country to the financial capital of multinationals.
Indian adhesion to the Mineral Security Association (MSP), led by the United States, is intended to create an environment conducive to the establishment of special large-scale raw material export areas to G-7 countries of the G-7 . A few days after this agreement, the Indian government under the BJP government has amended the Environment and Mineral Laws to facilitate looting and pillage. Indian leading classes are lackeys in the hands of imperialist countries. Currently, India is one of the largest weapons and weapons importers in the world and is also aimed at increasing its weapons exports to Asian and African countries by 5,000 million dollars annually by 2025 with the help of the US. It is a fact that most will stop multinationals.
In the name of the ease of doing business, the fascist government of the BJP is making amendments to several laws and abolishing the previous laws, some of which were achieved through popular struggles in the interest of national and foreign corporate companies. Corporatization and militarization is the trend in the last year of the Government of Modi. The Government gave a boost to the hyperprivatization of national resources and productive forces to provide excessive benefits to the buying capitalist class and imperialist powers. India is witnessing an unprecedented subsistence crisis in its history.
The central government repeatedly states that India will become the third economy of the world, with 5 billion dollars. But your announcement to provide 5 kg. From rice a month to 80 thousand people reveals the reality of the growing inequality in their government. The growth of which Modi boasts is only corporate and unemployed growth, since the three main sectors of the economy, that is, agriculture, industry and services, are being corporatized. The growth without improving the standard of living classes is nothing more than a farce. While talking about an Indian free of corruption, Modi is in fact helping the bureaucratic buyer bourgeoisie such as Adani and Ambani to increase her wealth. Adani received a handshake to overcome the effect of the Hindenburg report on his richness empire.
The agricultural sector, on which 60% of the Indian population depends, is in a desperate situation. The agricultural production cost has shot 20% in the last year. The income of small and medium farmers has experienced a tiny increase of 2%. The real wages of agricultural workers, which are 15 million people, have decreased even more. According to the new salary codes, the minimum wage of workers is 178 rupees per day, a historical minimum. Unemployment among young people with studies is higher than ever.
India advances towards a fascist state at an accelerated pace under the regime of Hindutva Brahmanic fascism since the last 10 years. There is an unprecedented increase in exploitation and oppression on the proletariat, the semi -relief and the peasantry. The struggles of the workers, farmers and students are being fascistly repressed. Attacks and military repression increase against the struggle for the national liberation of the people of Kashmir. The Supreme Court of India issued a sentence in favor of annulment of article 370 A and affirmed the annulment of the Nominal Special State to Cashmir. Religious thought and religious frenzy are introduced into politics to sow communal hatred in the population.
Modi's government became absolutely bureaucratic and implied violence and deception in a joint and continuous way. This has become the daily tricks of the government. Attacks against Muslims, Christians, Dalits, tribal, women, students, youth and all other people and oppressed sectors have multiplied, who are being relegated to second -class citizens in their own homeland. The criminal elements of the BJP are encouraged to unleash all kinds of cruel and inhuman acts against the population of the country.
Almost half of the deputies of the BJP are involved in criminal cases related to women, one of them the infamous president of the Libre Federation of India (WFI). The world witnessed how the police mistreated fighters who reached great fame in the country, when they were heading to the new Parliament building the day Modi participated in its inauguration in the outdated mode of the Hindutva rituals. In a series of events, three fighters expressed their firm disagreement with the government. The atrocities committed against the Kuki-Zoma tribal people of the Northeast State of Manipur are another clear and recent example. Bulldozer has become the symbol of nationalism under the fascist government of BJP and especially in states with double motor government (states under the BJP government). Unable to deal with the situation, there is an increase in suicides in these sectors.
Millions of rupees are spent on the construction of Hindu temples, mainly RAM to send, instead of education, health and other basic needs of the country's population. The objective of these activities is to instigate religious fundamentalism in various ways, in an attempt to divide the population for religious reasons. Their goal is to make them back to medieval era and strip them of their scientific and secular ideas as true citizens of the country. The BJP government has promulgated several draconian laws, such as the three new criminal laws and the draft Data Protection Law, to stop the dissent and revolutionary and democratic voices of the country.
The BJP government wants all its bad actions to be unpunished and continue its oppressive government. The suspension of 146 deputies of opposition parties in the recent session of Parliament is a clear example of the autocracy of the Modi government. BJP policies reveal that it does not even respect the nominal federal and democratic aspects of bourgeois democracy. However, the "India" alliance is no exception. Whatever the party, India's ruling classes have the Hindutva Brahmanic ideology. In this situation, workers, students, young people and women are undertaking militant struggles to lead a normal life.
In this international and national situation, the fundamental contradictions of the country - 1. The contradiction between imperialism and the Indian people; 2. The contradiction between feudalism and the broad masses; 3. The contradiction between capital and labor; 4. Internal contradictions between the ruling classes - intensify even more creating favorable conditions for the revolution.
The reactionary strategic offensive plan of Surjkund
The BJP works under the dictates of Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS) to carry out its Brahmanic Hindutva agenda, the establishment of a Hindu state in the country. Gathering all ongoing repressive measures, in December 2023, the reactionary Surjkund offensive strategic plan that presented at the end of October 2022. The prime minister personally attended the meeting in which the leftist extremism (LWE) was discussed, as they call it, cybercrime and terrorism.
The main objective of the offensive plan is to eliminate the party, the PLGA and the organs of popular organization, the Popular Revolutionary Committees and the entire revolutionary movement. The state apparatus of the central and state governments became more impetuous “deploying the police, the paramilitaries, the commands, the army and the large -scale air force in the areas of the revolutionary movement, the extension and strengthening of the safety of the safety of the carpets ». There were air attacks against the revolutionary masses and the direction of the party. There is a massive war of negative propaganda with the help of corporate media not only against the revolutionary movement but against each and every one of the dissident voices. Intellectuals, writers, poets, human rights activists, students, tribal activists, union leaders, peasant leaders and all progressive forces are in the spotlight of this policy on behalf of the Maoists "who give pen."
Surajkund's policy is crucial for the BJP to win the 2024 general elections and fulfill its design of turning India into a country of Hindut Brahmanic. The government is intensifying various reform programs on behalf of "development" in Maoist, Kashmir and Northeast areas. Instead of developing cordial relations with neighboring countries, the Modi government is reinforcing border and coastal security and increasing war tensions with neighboring countries. With view of the general elections of 2024, it is launching various repressive campaigns in Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Maharashtra, Western Bengala, Kerala, etc. It is imposing a strong blockade to opposition parties. In all states in the country, a strong repression to the oppressed struggle sectors is applying. Intense and incessant campaigns are unleashed in special areas, guerrilla areas and guerrilla bases and areas of revolutionary movement. The government initially stipulated a 2 -year period and has been extending continuously, being the most recent of 5 years. At that time he decided to launch the "Kagaar Operation" to fence the Maad area.
Let's now see some of our efforts in the ideological-political, military, organizational and on the United Front.
Ideological-political work
The party assumed various tasks by centralizing the main one to overcome the temporary setback of the revolutionary movement at the level of all India.
1. The document on "Changes in production relations in India-our political program", published by the CC, was taken to all the rows of the party as an educational campaign. This is followed by a deep knowledge of the situation in the respective areas and the adoption of the corresponding tactics.
2. In October a campaign was launched for two years and a key document was published with this reason to fight against Hinduta Brahmanic fascism. The document highlights the concrete conditions that led to the appearance of the RSS in 1925, its role in the struggle for freedom and its ascent to political power in 2014. The essential characteristics of Hindutva Brahmic fascism have been revealed in the key document. A theoretical analysis of the issue of religion and Indian society has been carried out from a Marxist perspective. The document defines Indian fascism as "buyer and feudal bureaucratic fascism." To combat Hindutva fascism, our party elaborated a program. The campaign will consist of a large -scale propaganda and stir isolate it and defeat it politically and contribute to the advance of the revolutionary movement of New Democracy.
3. Our party participated in the seminar by sending a presentation to the "Imperialism and War" seminar held by the NDFP in mid -October last year in a European country. The presentation of the seminar was based on the analysis of imperialism carried out by the great Marxist teacher Comrade Lenin. He affirmed that the current situation shows the intensification of the fundamental contradictions of capitalism in the era of imperialism. The document spoke of the previous world wars and analyzed the current situation of imminent danger of another World War. He wrote about his understanding provided by Comrade Lenin that the world proletariat must fight to end the imperialist war and in case he begins, he must assume the task of "transforming war into a civil war." It ended with the appointment of the great Marxist teacher Comrade Mao that the current trend in the world is of revolution.
4. issued a joint declaration on the war between Russia and Ukraine and a joint declaration with the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Mao.
5. issued a statement and video on the occasion of the 55th day of the Foundation of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Regarding ideological-political work within the party, applying the Marxist principle of "from the masses to the masses", our party succeeded in carrying out several political campaigns and movements in the last year with the active participation of the committees of the committees of the party, the plga, the United Front and the revolutionary masses. The CC appealed to democratic and revolutionary organizations to fight against the various antipopular law presented by the BJP government in the center, such as the Uniform Civil Code, the Digital Data Protection Law and the Conservation Law and the Conservation Law of new forests. He presented the reality of the bill on women's reserve, which will still take a long time to enter into force. He extended solidarity to the people of Manipur that fights against the dividing policies of the BJP government also in the State. He extended his solidarity to the National Liberation Movement of Palestine, where the people face intense bombings and murders by Israeli Zionists with the support of American imperialists and other Western powers.
Our CC issued a statement on the occasion of May 1st Proletarian to consolidate the proletarian class against the threat of imperialist wars. Our CC disseminated messages on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Martyrs on July 28, the celebration of the Day of the Foundation of the match on September 21 and the day of the plga on December 2. These celebrations and other occasions of meetings and demonstrations in which the effigies of Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu and Narendra Modi were burned in protest against the Israel War against Palestine, corporatization and militarization, invigored the party and the revolutionary masses with zeal revolutionary and to counteract the atrocious propaganda on our party and the revolutionary movement by the enemy.
The party undertook several political and military education campaigns to train the party's, PLGA and the United Front. Special meetings of women activists from various ranges were held as continuation of those of the previous years. These meetings helped to understand deeply the problems they face in the process of their participation in the revolutionary movement and to work for a better understanding of the paintings about the patriarchy. Thanks to the efforts made in recent years, the revolutionary movement has witnessed the increase in female leadership at several levels and also recruitment. Recruitment campaigns were undertaken at the mass level in villages, cities and districts of India. Special classes were given on the mode of production, the question of the nationality and political resolution of the CC in the special areas, the special guerrilla areas and the states.
Military work
The main effort in the military sphere was to defeat Hindutva Brahmanic fascism and the counterrevolutionary policy of Surjkund, as part of the overcoming of the temporary setback of the revolutionary movement. Following the dictation of "learning the war of war," the PLA comrades acquired new experience on the battlefield. The enemy forces, composed of the National Security guards and the Garuda Forces of the Indian Air Force, under the direction of the Minister of Interior Amit Shah, launched an air attack to inflict serious damage to our leaders. But the state of alert and the strong counteroffensive tactics of our PLAGA comrades annulled the nefarious plan of the enemy. In that reprisal action 3 commands of the Garuda and NSG forces were annihilated and 6 commands were injured. In addition, three modern combat helicopters were seriously damaged. This heroic counteroffensive motivated the forces of the plga and the revolutionary masses, while the moral of the enemy forces was deeply demoralized.
In the last year, under the direction of our party, the forces of the PLGA undertook several guerrilla actions. The PLGA made efforts to intensify and expand the guerrillas war with the aim of overcoming temporary setback and advance the revolutionary movement. Some of the most prominent are the following:
On April 26, 2023 in the Darba division in Aranpur, our PLGA guerrillas annihilated 10 district reserve guards (DRG) in an IED explosion through a tactical campaign against offensive. This has brought nightmares to the enemy forces. Aranpur's bold ambush was unexpected and shocked the enemy with the excavation of a tunnel under the main road where mines were arranged.
In Bihar-Jharkhand, in the Region of the Regional Office of the East, our brave warriors of the PLAGA are showing an infinite courage and war skills to resist the fascist onslaught for a year. In the West Singhbhum region of Jharkhand, our PLAGA comrades annihilated 15 police and injured 90 in the incessant patrols of the government armed forces of the central government and state governments.
In the various guerrilla actions in guerrilla areas and areas of red resistance, a total of 75 police officers were annihilated and 163 were injured. Our PLAGA annihilated some police informants, 10 antipopular elements, particularly BJP fascist leaders in the last year. Our party has taken special TCOC during elections to state assemblies.
The revolutionary people and its militias, the base force of the plga, dug thousands of holes to restrict the capricious movements of the police. The revolutionary masses developed a general alert system, such as firing firecrackers when police staff enter the revolutionary areas.
There are incidents in which the plga could break the fence of police forces through strong reprisals, as in Odisha. There were also serious losses. In Bihar-Jharkhand, five comrades of which two are members of the SAC died poisoned in an undercover action of the enemy. In Dandakaranya a member of the DVC died in an undercover operation in a shooting. Three comrades were captured when they were going to perform a guerrilla action in Gadchiroli. A commander of the local organization squad (the) was captured and killed in Telangana.
In the last year, special training programs for military leaders have been carried out in several areas and divisions, with the aim of training political-military leaders based on changes in the enemy's military tactics.
United front
The Popular Revolutionary Committees (CPR) and the Revolutionary Mass Organizations (OMR) worked with the task of combating the current strategic reactionary offensive of Surajkund of the enemy to overcome the temporary setback of the revolutionary movement. Thousands of revolutionary masses mobilized in the Revolutionary Campaign of Agrarian Reform of the RPC that is held at the beginning of each year. Other revolutionary development activities were undertaken to raise the standard of living of the population. EPR also held popular courts to eliminate the enemy's intelligence network in the villages.
The RMO undertook struggles against the installation of new police camps in the areas of the revolutionary movement and against false meetings. Thousands of people mobilized to observe the week of the martyrs and celebrate other revolutionary days. People participated with the maximum vigor in the meetings. The RMO also put into practice the call of the ICSPWI to celebrate the day of the martyrs throughout the month of July. This helped the masses of our country to know the revolutionary heroes of the world who gave their lives for the cause of the socialist revolution.
Several mass movements, as against Hindutva Brahmanic fascism, displacement, corporatization-militarization, both legal and clandestine, have been developed in the last year in villages, plains and cities, against corporatization-militarization of forest belts, against The imperialist looting of the country's natural resources, against displacement due to the corporate development model, against the amendments to the Forest Conservation Law and Draconian laws and for the application and protection of the Panchayats Extension Law to special areas ( WEIGHT).
On several occasions, together with intellectuals, students, human rights activists and civil society, we form united platforms against state repression, illegal arrests, arrests, false meetings and aerial bombings. The RMO made the boycott program to the elections called by the party. The people of the guerrilla bases totally boycotted the elections.
A large number of people demonstrated against the false meeting of two Gomme villagers, near Koyilibeda, in the Kanker district in Chhattisgarh. As a result, an indefinite demonstration began.
In the last year, popular cultural organizations have carried out several programs, including the realization of audio and video presentations to propagate progressive, neodemocratic and communist values among the masses. They also undertook special programs to unmask Brahmanic Hindutva in the form of songs, plays, dance, poetry and short films. Revolutionary cultural artists defend mass struggles in their cultural programs and respond immediately to the ongoing events in the national and international spheres, against state repression and martyrs.
Several student and teachers organizations are working together against the new educational policy of the RSS-BJP to ‘Safranizar’ and privatize the educational system. They are also raising the voice against the increase in the cost of education and the cut of "academic freedom" in higher education institutes. Several urban mass organizations are working together, such as students' organizations against the novatadas, various types of organizations against the BHF and in solidarity with Palestine. Following the call of the party to demonstrate in solidarity with Palestine, people from various areas of the country's revolutionary movement celebrated meetings, processions and protest activities. A special propaganda campaign was carried out in protest of repressive measures against the revolutionary movement in Jharkhand, which was followed by a Bandh throughout India on December 22. People blocked a railway line in Jharkhand to demand the end of police patrols in the villages and the establishment of police camps.
In the current international and national situation, there is an increase in popular struggles and resistance. There is an increase in popular struggles for the right to land and forests, against the land mafia and against corporatization-militarization, even in those areas that our party had to retire temporarily due to severe repression of the enemy . The process of organizing the people in secret organs, building armed formations, joining youth in the plga and thus reconstructing the revolutionary movement in those areas is underway. The town of the country continues to fight for their right to Jal-Jungle-Zameen-Iijat-Ahikar (water-bosque-earth-auto-respeto-political power). The situation is increasingly favorable to the revolution.
The party understands that fascist repression will be intensified in the next few days and also that Hindu antibrahmanic fascist movements will emerge with great intensity. The need of the moment is to politically isolate the enemy. We need to unite the anti-fascist anti-fascist forces antibrahmanic, anti-bourgeois anti-corratic anticomprador, antifeudal and anti-imperialist bourgeois and work to bury imperialism. The party undertakes to redouble its ideological-political, military and organizational efforts to combat the strategic offensive reactionary of Surjkund, overcome the temporary setback of the revolutionary movement and make progress. With their decades of work experience among the people fighting against the fierce repressive campaigns of the Indian State, the party is firmly determined to carry out the New Democracy Revolution in India as part of the world socialist revolution. It advances on the path of prolonged popular war through the agrarian revolution as the axis of the New Democracy Revolution, joining the four oppressed classes on the basis of the Workers-Campesina Alliance.
Oppressed workers and peoples of all countries, units!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Long live proletarian internationalism!
I/C, International Affairs
Central committee
PCI (Maoist)
(Correspondence from the quarter)
Solidarity with Palestine has not stopped since October 7, 2023 and numerous solidarity initiatives have formed. In large parts of the world, protests in the form of rallies, infotic, actions and demonstrations take place almost daily in order to draw attention to the topic, to carry demands on the streets and to clarify the situation of the Palestinian people.
Solidarity is also quite large in Austria and people from a wide variety of areas take part: such as the university, school, medical field, workers and employees. So a rally was recently held on Linz's country road. From videos from the war zones, songs were heard, homemade signs, brochures and flyers who brought into discussion, this rally was very popular. The rally was also used to mobilize for the large march "Freedom for the Palestinians!" On March 3rd, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. in the Volksgarten.
Likewise, various flyers, including for the peace march on February 24, 2024 in the Schillerpark in Linz and the flyer of the campaign for democratic rights of the people (ADRV) (ADRV) ADRV: Freedom for Palestine! Defend democratic rights! Distributed, with some passers -by several copies to spread them in their own environment. Also the current articles like Netanyah's cancellation of "two -state solution" and the right to self -determination , EU Army: Military Use in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden ( ) ) and the solidarity section " Palestine solidarity “The red flag was advertised.
Last February 18 were the regional elections in Galiza, in the Spanish state, and once again it was shown that a large part of the broad masses reject elections and the electoral circus. These elections, which had an abstention rate of 32.69%, have been a “success” for the bourgeois parties, since the participation in the election has always been so low that one out of three people not voting is a “success” for bourgeois democracy. In the previous elections, the abstention rate was 41.12%, and 46.3% in the 2016 elections, showing why such bad results are so praised by the bourgeois parties. Serve the people says in this regard, “ Logically, the bourgeoisie clamors as a victory that the turnout goes up to 67%, because as the Castilian proverb says, in the country of the blind, the king is the one-eyed man. They were so bad, so bad the turnout percentages, that when two out of three people turn out to vote, it is an absolute success. “
The Popular Party (PP) declared itself the winner of the elections, precisely because it was the party with the most votes and once again obtained an absolute majority in the regional parliament. However, as already happened in the general elections of July 23, 2023, if we take a good look at the numbers we can see that the option most chosen by the Galicians has been abstention. More than 725,000 people have decided to make this choice. Besides, these regional elections had been highly promoted by the bourgeois press, since the one who today is leader of the opposition, Alberto Feijoó, was the previous President of the Xunta de Galiza with absolute majority, and after not having achieved the Presidency of the General Government due to the lack of agreements, these elections were a test for his new leadership of the state PP, so the promotion in the newspapers and the press has been very prominent.
Servir al Pueblo adds: “Even with the whole media campaign the bourgeoisie has made to ask for the vote, one third of those called to vote do not trust bourgeois democracy. Can we say that those who do not vote trust it? Whether because of principles, because they do not find any choice among the parties that are presented, because of disillusionment, anger or whatever their reasons, there we have the objective fact: one third of those called to vote did not trust bourgeois democracy, and they did not vote.”
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The racing outbreak of Europe's farmers given his heterogeneity has managed to bring back the demands of this part of society. In particular, the poor peasant peasantry that is back on the road to its survival has gained wide popular support as it is understood that the attack is about all and the opponent is common.
The cultivation of social automation from systemic centers aims to isolate farmers, to prevent popular support from taking sympathetic character, not to evolve into a frontal resistance against anti -populist politics. This is how all kinds of tricks, ladder and slander are recruited. Black as white as white for who are farmers, for their role in society and their struggle.
The farmers are described conceivable as uneducated, far -right, who react to the so -called "green" EU policies for the European primary sector. They are blamed for not accepting Sur, the new agreement on the use of agrochemical supplies (pesticides). They do not, in the context of green transition, accept the restriction of the use of agricultural diesel, but instead claim cheap fuels and electricity to reduce production costs. In terms of livestock farming, they react to the new norms imposed by EU instructions to reduce animal waste. In terms of ideological attack, farmers and farmers, that is, the part of society that is by definition closer to nature and the countryside, are presented as a key responsible for environmental pollution and disturbing ecological balance.
The infamous "green deal" of the EU is seeking "climate neutrality" by 2050 and affects agriculture and livestock breeding cuts in meat production, a reduction in nitrogen emissions, a ban on pesticides and a reduction of crops. The new EU guidelines, dressed in an ecological cloak, and in combination with the big ax in CAP subsidies, drastically change the map of the primary sector in Europe and what is produced, how and in what quantities.
The so -called EU environmental measures are in fact integrated into a process of concentrating production, strengthening of monopoly portions, competition of large multinational disposition of agrochemical supplies. No relation to (non -existent) ecological sensitivities of the European elites. It is characteristic that to meet the EU's nutritional needs promotes imports of agricultural products from third countries, such as the recent major EU agreement with Latin American countries. Of course the imported foods that will fill the gap are produced without the "green" standards of the European Union, e.g. With uncontrolled use of pesticides, so consumer protection from any burdensome food goes for a walk ...
This reinforces the nutritional dependence of the region countries, large zones (especially in the European south) are led to abandonment, while photovoltaics are subsidized in place of crops. The redevelopment of agriculture, as baptized the withering of fertile areas with significant productive potential, does not eventually lead to a reduction in biosphere infection. On the contrary, there is a space for the swelling of other branches (more profitable in the juncture) with ultimately more devastating effects on the balance of nature. In the name of green growth, the "green business" is finally refined to meet the need for capital for new profitability.
All of this accelerates the process of popping up the poor peasantry, as fewer and more specific farmers can adapt to the new norms, and the small and middle producer is certainly decisive. It is this majority part of the rural world that is unable to manage the ever -increasing costs of farmers, which is deserted in the pressures of food trafficking, which is also accurately burdened with all kinds of popular consumption. Due to the high cost comes the poverty and ultimately the concentration of the clergy and the concentration of production for the benefit of the "big industry" that can operate in terms of capitalist production. Otherwise, where it is unprofitable comes the abandonment and the rhyme of the countryside.
The consequence of the above is the decline in the quality of the product that reaches the table of the popular household. Access to pure organic foods with simplistic prices relates to a minority of the population only, while the mass is intended to consume plastic fruits from Brazil, Morocco oil and meat from Argentina.
European imperialists do not give a penny for what we eat, but for who and how much they are earning from the process of food production and marketing. They are not interested in the environmental footprint, but who will be favored by the competition for the green business.
The ecological problem that capital itself creates from its uninvited functioning is incorporated as a new field of profitability and competition between its portions. And so it shapes the terms not to solve it but to aggravate it. After all, commodity-headalist production presupposes not only the exploitation of living labor, but also the seizure of natural wealth. Within this process, the ecological balance and relationship of man to nature are disturbed.
The large mass of the peasantry, called in the given framework to fight for its survival, is artificially loaded with the results of a process in which it is an object and not a subject. Its prospect lies alongside the working class, in the struggle for another society, where man and not profit will be at the center of production. In this perspective, a higher unity of man with nature can be produced, which is an integral part of it. The first raid on the sky produced data in this area as well, and the next cycle will certainly give even more!
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On the same path of agricultural mobilizations that farmers are walking in our country, farmers are walking almost all of Europe (France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Romania, Poland). They take to the streets, demonstrate, claim their rights through multifaceted kinematic processes. The reduction in the cost of production and taxation imposed by EU countries are some of the common demands of Europe's farmers, including anti -grocery measures due to the infamous CAP.
EU governments' anti -righteous policy has led and leads thousands of farmers to uncertainty because of ever -increasing poverty, thus seeing their income shrinking, giving up their crops and the land accumulating in more and less hands. Especially in countries such as Greece, where the dietary problem relates to the relations of local capital dependency on foreign imperialists of the US and Europe, the policy of the government, the EU and the CAP drives the poor peasantry to the outbreak!
In the midst of all, the issue of climate, as they say crisis, is once again the cheese on the lens for new anti -populist measures at the expense of the working class and the peasantry and for the benefit of capitalists. The controversy in Ukraine between Europe-US and Russia, with Russia threatening Europe daily with energy strangulation, raises issues in which European capital is trying to find solutions. On the one hand, the fertile fields are destroyed to create renewable sources of energy (photovoltaic, wind turbines, etc.) and on the other they cut and sew their "green and environmental" laws in their interest, indifferent to the natural environment and those who work and live from the primary sector.
The facts so far shows that Europe's ecologists have lost the ball over farmers, as measures with supposedly philanthropic signing that financially crushed poor peasants and help develop the profits of the agro -industry are targeting the mobilizations. The gap is trying to fill the far -right parties. In France, the slogan of Lepen-Bardelas in favor of farmers is "against Macron's Europe, support for farmers". In the Netherlands they are calling for the removal of "leftist" environmental measures and the ... re -nationalization of agriculture. In Spain, the far -right allegedly supported farmers against the "Brussels bureaucratic monster".
The upcoming European elections are a bet for far -right parties in Europe. They look forward to supporting farmers in order to increase their votes and rates in the European Parliament. This perhaps at a first reading can host the dominant parties, but it is forces that have proven that they do not intend to overthrow the central designs of the imperialist countries of the EU and the CAP, for the benefit of farmers.
On the contrary, whatever the alleged anti -government discourse of Europe's far -right parties are once again used as tools to channel the wrath of the farmers so that they can ultimately appease it for the benefit of their plans. At the same time, in many countries they are opposed to various environmental measures, allegedly defending the struggle that farmers are giving, but they are pressing on European capital to get rid of legal obstacles that may have prevented them from developing their further profitability, indifferent to the natural environment.
Similarly in our country, views such as those that are fueled by the far -right parties in Europe find an impact. The comfort with which far -right and fascist coalitions and parties were found in the agricultural mobilization of the Constitution on 20/2 is proof. How easily everyone can hide behind the "farmers are right". And how difficult it is for the Left to unravel, against a world that sees the trouble of losing and the future of his children uncertain.
Nationalism covered with the cloak of solidarity in the struggle of poor peasantry, seeks to establish not only at the election level, but also in the popular and youth consciences. With the Labor Revolutionary and Communist Movement in defeat, with the world of work experiencing an unprecedented attack on labor rights and popular conquests and with the Left unable to give answers and play a decisive role for the victorious outcome of the rural and popular Mobilization, far -right and fascist views are finding a suitable ground in popular consciences, especially at such times when the people and workers are trying to seek a way out for the small and big problems of everyday life.
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For nearly 30 days, farmers' blocks and mobilizations have not only highlighted the acute problems of the farm, but also highlighted the resentment and indignation that accumulates in the peasantry. And not only to farmers, breeders, beekeepers but also to students, teachers, healthcare, and even lawyers, there are many open fronts to face the government. With mass and multi -day mobilizations, but so far they have not been able to unite on a single front and force the government to retreat. And we have the "paradox" on the one hand that this popular dissatisfaction with government policy is inflated and on the other a non -existent opposition, a fellow opposition, which more functions as a crutch of the government than as a support and expressor of popular anger.
And we have another "paradox": farmers claim tax -free rural oil and appear as "supporters" of those who voted for the special tax on agricultural oil! Farmers to claim cheap rural stream and to "support" those who have privatized the energy and with their policy "bum" in profits with energy groups and private providers! Farmers fight against the new CAP 2023-2027 and against the reduction of the subsidies it brings and ... "agree" with EU and CAP supporters!
The extent and mass of the mobilizations show that the problems of the agrarian world are many and acute. Not only in a county or region, but nationwide. Not only for a product, but for almost all agricultural products. Not only the poor and medium -sized biopalarous farmers, but also farmers of the so -called "agricultural entrepreneurship", that is, farmers, that is, a large lottery, high income and large tractors, machinery and equipment. Extensive mattresses of Agrotia, thousands of rural households see their future erasing black and stupid, from a policy that is impoverished year after year, makes production unprofitable and leading to abandonment of crops, deserts the villages, calls the poor, and the production by neo-cliffs and neo-cigarettes and deepen the country's nutritional dependence.
What the government has announced is a challenge for farmers. The return of the EFK announced by Mitsotakis is only for 50% of consumption and is estimated at around 82m euros, when before the return of EFK and lower oil prices, the return of EFK was over 160m euros. And it is a real challenge of 82 million and at the same time the government says that "we scratched the bottom of the barrel", when in January alone, tax revenue exceeded 461 million euros in the budget target! Challenge is also the lowest prices for the rural current, as reduced prices only apply to 1/3 of consumption and only for farmers who have no debts and are members of cooperatives!
As for Thessaly, five months after the floods, not all compensation was still given, and the government still did not clarify how much the farmers would be compensated for their damaged production. Five months later and still damage to infrastructure, irrigation networks, etc. have not been repaired. At risk of thousands of acres remaining uncultivated and respected.
As the agricultural rally showed in the Constitution, the government's announcements did not convince the farmers. The government announced by the government do not reduce production costs, as farmers demand, nor do the crops viable. The government's announcements are "ash in the eyes" of the farmers and aim to break up the farm front. Various neo -democrats are also used for this, who after years have been "reclaimed" by the blockages and have a say in mobilizations.
On the other hand, there are no more political progresses we had in earlier mobilizations. Few and degraded references to the CFP and the EU anti -grocery policy, the country's nutritional dependence and more. Thus, agricultural mobilizations can and are used by the government as a negotiating paper in the bazaars that have already begun EU to modify aspects of the CAP 2023-2027, below the pressure of the rural uprising we have in almost all Member States. Already, with the aim of individual changes to the CFP, a first meeting of 9 Mediterranean Member States (EUMED-9 Group) took place on 24/2 and follows a new meeting on 26/2 before the EU's Agriculture Ministers Council.
Will we continue after the Constitution? This is not the first time we had a tractor in the Constitution. We had a tractor earlier, in the distant 2016, February again, with a SYRIZA government at the time, with Prime Minister Tsipras and Bouta offering a gift to the Prime Minister a bottle of tsipouro. The tractors were then a 20,000, this year near 200. And then and now the rally took place with the government's consent and under the instructions of the Traffic Police. Then the rally in the Constitution also marked the end of the mobilizations. This year; Will blocks and mobilizations continue? Will they escalate? Will small and medium -sized farmers have real abuses? Will they put their own interests ahead or assign their struggles to the government to negotiate them at the various EU meetings? Despite the negative correlations, with the agricultural movement dissolved, without constitution, without procedures, with non -existent agricultural associations, the blocks have shown that they can squeeze the government, they can win victories. They can and should.
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A new situation has been shaped by the student associations since the start of the examination period, based on the Ministry's circular for remote controls. The assessment of the impact of the reminders as a means of suppressing student mobilizations is verified on the basis of the reduced mass of general assemblies nationwide, as well as the weakness that still exists in the mass of the occupations.
After exhausting the "whip", with prosecutors, threats to discipline, squatting, suppression of demonstrations, the government has recruited the "carrot" at the expense of student mobilizations, which have been opened for more than a month, on the occasion of the bill. Establishment of private universities. Thus, in a circular initially urged the institutions that were occupied by reminders optional, and then imposed the telecommunication, the Ministry of Education introduced in different terms what we call "tele -ending".
It is not, of course, the first time that distance education has been recruited, which made its quarantine debut. Since then it has been used many times as a "strike" mechanism, in occupation schools, in student associations while meeting at their general assemblies and in the most repressive way in the last three weeks against student occupations. The way in schools affected school occupations was not far from. In this case, teachers were called upon to deliver their students who participated in the occupation, in the role of "asphalt", targeting them as "squads" and disrupting the unity they had to showcase students and teachers against the anti -education reform. And of course, anyone who did not accept the role of a "striker" was facing the prosecution, with SAD being drafted for dozens of teachers nationwide.
The universities are introduced for the first time in such a way. While in quarantine it was mainly another class cutter, its repressive power had not been presented in this way. The reason why the ministry made such a decision is no longer clear. The pressures that students exert with their mass general meetings, occupations and demonstrations, the turmoil caused by youth and the people as a whole in the face of the public right of public free studies, has forced the government to activate every mechanism and outside the universities. Since terrorism, persecution and threats did not pass, it put out the dilemma: open school or lost exam. And since this dilemma did not pinch the students and continued their occupations against the blackmail, they put the knife even more on their throats: make your mobilizations, we will take exams. The government uses means that it thinks it can fool students. He believed that the students would perceive their decision on telegrams as the government's retreat against the struggle they give as a victory. However, from the beginning, the student associations have denounced examining as a means of undermining collective procedures. They have highlighted their role in the removal of assemblies, occupations and demonstrations. They said categorical not on the telegraphs and claimed not to lose any six months so that the struggle could continue without the blackmail of the lost exam and without the adversaries of the exams for the exams.
However, and while the people who enter the assemblies are decreasing and the occupations are unable to be massive, reformism in the schools (especially PCs and ESAK) is turning a blind eye. He refuses to adopt the request for mass abstention from the remote controls, which is the only thing that can ensure the massive procedures and fully invite the telegrams. With his attitude he fully accepts and submits to the television. He denounces us as racing moves on obsessed with the issue of the remote controls, ignoring the elephant in the room, which is the dismantling of the assemblies in relation to the start of the reminders. It once again adopts an attitude below the circumstances, failing to put the clubs a radical direction, which will ensure the continuation of our struggles, without being blackmailed in any way.
At the stage where the student movement is located and having spent 5 weeks of mass general meetings, occupations and demonstrations, the demand remains to be continued and reinforced so that it can reach the end of the fair struggle that has begun. The forms of struggle he has chosen must be framed by even more people, politicized and strengthened. TELEPTIONS, at the moment, are blocking this direction and are one of the key obstacles that the student movement should be "unloaded" for a step forward. The continuation of the occupations is crucial, especially after their targeting by the government with prosecutor's prosecution and evacuation efforts to Law and DUTH in previous weeks. In this regard, the massive collective distance is the only attitude that can make a decisive contribution to the television and allow students to support and implement their collective decisions.
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From early March, according to the announcement of Minister Georgiadis, the government aims to launch the afternoon paid surgeries. More than 100,000 patients have been waiting to be operated on, many of them for more than a year. In Attica alone, they do not work because of the huge lack of staff, 60 of the 161 surgical beds. Numbers understand the magnitude of this serious issue for the people. But no pain has caught the administrators of the system who are the culprits of this misery to solve the popular needs.
The years of the pandemic, for a long time, the hospitals were "almost closed" and many scheduled surgeries were postponed more than once. The surgery lists grew and the waiting times increased sharply. At the same time, the health workers were less and less staying, as the resignations were added to the side of chronic unscrupulous and retirement due to the ever -worsening working conditions. , the looming shifts without a daily life. Despite this tragic situation, we are back in front of a new hospital padlocks since "there is a lot" according to the prime minister.
From the point of view of popular needs, the answer can be no other than staffing with permanent recruitment. Only in this way would the lists reduce. Only such a matter does not even come about for the government. The whole debate is pre -emptive and is not done to provide a sitting improvement in the terms of the people's care. On the contrary, the people's right to free care is to hit a greater extent. A whole environment is formed where the normal, legitimate and legal is for the patient to put his hand in his pocket for whatever service he receives. The question is not only that this option is introduced and will coexist with free access. It is clear that both the beds and the hands of the health care are measured and this will immediately lead to the depreciation and abolition of everything for free. Obviously the government is not looking for a way to solve the problem it creates and maintains it.
In the field of labor relationships, the basic targeting is about closing the debate on wage increases. In the face of the growing indignation of the escalating accuracy, the government replies "work more for more earnings". Therefore, the billing bill is supplemented by the regulation for the possibility of working by NHS doctors and the private sector, which was introduced by Gaga Law since last year.
In the same context we had the latest increases in prices over 1,700 generic drugs. It is estimated at € 30 million the extra money that the insured will pay, which will warm the pockets of pharmacist. The contribution to pharmaceutical expense is revealing how a free right is gradually turned into a… discount. Many old workers certainly remember the time we took our medicines completely free of charge (then it was self -evident because of the contributions, which of course continue to be held). A 25% contribution was then introduced for the original drug. When the generics began to promote, the funds covered 75% of the cheaper generic, so the insured paid 25% plus the price difference if he chose another more expensive medicine. The ministry is now differentiating the insurance price (of which we pay the levy) from the retail price of the cheaper drug, so the insured person also pays the contribution even if he gets the cheapest generic. As for the original medicine, which insureds initially entitled free of charge, today they are essentially receiving a slight discount. Similarly, additional hike was announced per referral to laboratory (1 euro) and imaging (3 euro) exams, on the standards of the Haratsi per recipe.
All of this, of course, if patients find a doctor to prescribe their medicines. Recall that uninsured patients have the right to prescribe only in public structures. EFKA is to describe as "inactive" those who have older debts even if they pay off current insurance contributions! It is estimated at more than 700,000 insureds, with half of them having more than 5000 euros. The barrel has no bottom in terms of attack on popular rights.
All in capital, all for capital. This is government policy.
The people and the workers will have to get the situation in their hands to change the situation in care. Make mass and prolonged struggles for equal full and free care for all, without conditions and conditions. Rights are struggled and conquered. Nothing and never been given.
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The outcome of the voting - the law now - for political marriage and the adoption of same -sex couples has been widely commented on by all aspects of the political spectrum. Before proceeding to our own valuation, let's remember the results: 175 in favor, 77 against, 46 abstentions and 2 present. In addition to the official positioning of any parliamentary political power, the serious differences - by many - recorded.
In the New Democracy, in a total of 158 Members, 31 were abstained and 21 voted against. The so -called party discipline was not put. Voridis finally at the time of the vote ... "went for coffee"! In SYRIZA, where party discipline was put, we had a abstention and a present. Polakis had a… “surgery”! In PASOK there were 11 (!) Ladies. In the new left abstinence the 2 minority MPs did. Freedom navigation voted in favor of. They voted against the KKE, a Greek solution, victory and Spartans. They can be separated into two categories: in the far-right-fascist-fascist-religious, who saw a "burlot" on the foundations of religion and society, and in that of the bourgeois "regularity" and the family tradition that its leadership saw. KKE.
First, the debate in Parliament was another reason for a new loud intervention by A. Samaras. For the third time and on equal issues lately, the former prime minister has openly made his vertical differentiation against the current ND leadership and government policy. Its purpose was and remains the far -right stream inside and outside the ruling party. He and his plus believe that the ND is "tilted" very much towards the "center", while "abandoning" the right. In the context of the right apartment building, it puts mortgages for the future, with the air of the far -right wave that is rising in Europe and beyond. It is another more formal systemic voice of intensity of the fascism of public and political life. The many times eloquent "no comment" by a government spokesman testifies, better than anything else, the size of the problem.
A second issue is the dimension with the church that came from the government in the particular legislation. The leak for the so -called Hieronymos list targeting politicians on the part of the top ecclesiastical hierarchy is primarily recipient of the ND party and government officials. It is always open, of course, the issue of "consideration" by Maximus to calm. It is certain, however, that leaks to the far right will increase, based on the dark, reactionary and idealistic-metaphysical position of the priesthood and the influence he exerts on pieces of world. The look is already focused, elsewhere, in the European elections.
The most important thing for the government, however, is not this. It is - parliamentary in this case - inability to go through its policy based on its own "vigilance" majority. Such, in fact, that the votes of other bourgeois forces needed to become a law of the state. And from the beginning, seeing the difficulties in the government camp, they came to her side, regardless of the fuss they made for purely voting reasons. This 41% of every opportunity at every opportunity have been a bit proved to be a matter of an issue as central by Mitsotakis himself. It is a serious crack that, no matter how entertained by the end result, joys and festivals, may be kept in mind by the centers of the system inside and outside the country. Whether this is a temporary, ephemeral weakening and striking of the prestige for the ND remains to be seen.
It is certain that the government is already trying to "rest" with a host of anti -labor and anti -populist measures that hit the social majority. In this respect, it is hard for urban media to try to give the ND party as a whole "progressive and modernizing" features when its policy, in the context of strategic attack on capital and imperialism against the working class and peoples worldwide And in our country, she already shows her teeth. Let them ask the student youth and the poor farmers about him…
Some columnists associate the adoption of homosexual marriage with the condemnation of our country in the well -known European Parliament's resolution on the so -called rule of law. It became known that this issue was also raised, among other things, by the European Commission. No matter how much this is possible, Europe's "discontent" is first and foremost based on the fact that the boat of our country's dependence is overly "bored" with the Mitsotakian ND to Americans! Of course, recent options for equipment programs that have obviously unhappy French and Germans play a role. And not that the pain of the European Union for democratic rights and popular freedoms in our country. After all, it is the same as leading the strike of every right and conquering European peoples!
Problems, moreover, that have emerged by the vote are not exclusively for the ruling party. We would say that all urban and reform formations are running. Both PASOK and SYRIZA have serious consistency issues, reflecting the conditions of instability as a whole of the political system. It was such that all the obvious and underlying imbalances that exist for many years now came to the surface and relate to the anxiety of the ruling class. And though for the far -right parties, their dark response was given, for the KKE and on the basis of the "justification" of his vote, he meant another example of the political tail in the bourgeois perception of things and relationships he has or wants to shape with The ruling class and the imperialist EU. Engels' bones will be tired of "the origin of the family ...".
In conclusion, this law was a serious test test for the "level" - let's now - of the ruling class of our country and the socio -political formation it is leading. And it may, in the end, has finally moved on, with most of the "devotees" of this "reform" to act obviously hypocritical, but did not avoid turbulence and proved that there are serious portions of political and social, that even hate even every Cinema for the rights of all kinds of minorities. Those who, talking about workers, workers and people, can find equality and equality only in the context of another, socialist society. And this issue has undoubtedly a class sign!
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In spite of the fact that everyone in SYRIZA-PS were attracted to 4 The His conference held from Thursday, February 22 to Sunday 25 February as a point of restarting and "progressive counterattack", is certain, based on developments that have not only had such a character.
From the noise and contrasts that has risen to the announcement of the event-consulting "against Mitsotakis, who?" With the participation of Temponera (SYRIZA), Achsioglou (Nea Left) and Christodoulakis (PASOK) until the recent Kasselakis initiative to raise critical identity issues for SYRIZA, all of them have been exacerbated and scratching issues, Leadership in SYRIZA-PS before the European elections.
The political crisis in SYRIZA-PS is firmly powered by "low flights" to repetitive polls. They now rank him in third place, under PASOK and further remove the case of recovery even in the rates of the summer elections of 2023. despite the precipitation that led to Tsipras' resignation, an official opposition was elected.
SYRIZA-PS is unable to capitalize on political influence the anger and indignation of the wide layouts of the ND-Mitsotakis government's anti-populist policy. It is far from the people and has now been revealed in the most clear way that it is a party in the service of the system of exploitation, oppression and imperialist dependency. Kasselakis 'attempts to find himself close to agricultural mobilizations either by visits to farmers' blockages or with tractors, more like a "folk profile" caricature appeared rather than an attempt to associate with the problems and agonies of poor peasantry.
His proposals for "renegotiation of the CAP" within the EU are nothing more than one of the sides of the debate within the EU itself, both in imperialist and dependent countries, which has opened under the weight of the farmers' racing outburst. all over Europe. As for his other proposals, for cheap electricity and oil to farmers, he does not forget that they are hitting the strict "fiscal discipline" imposed by the EU's "stability pact" and the goals of surpluses already in place for 2024.
SYRIZA-PS's orientation to be the second pillar of the bourgeois political system again finds dead ends and the more right it makes, the more it loses in political influence. Those who had invested in the election of Kasselakis in the SYRIZA-PS leadership, believing that the data could change, today it is obvious that they are looking for other ways and more and more the trend of "progressive convergence", both with PASOK and with "New Left" and other scattered "progressive" forces.
And this seems to be the basic pursuit of local capitalism, which while supporting the ND government and Mitsotakis, who are consistently serving it, is interested in stopping the political volatility as quickly as possible. Developments in SYRIZA-PS. And that interest is at the same time a serious issue for the imperialist US-EU, who want and demand that they have direct "communication" with the political formations of the bourgeois political system and to define behaviors, trends and alignments. In this context, the last decision-condemnation of the ND government by the European Parliament is included in the "rule of law" in Greece, as a serious reminder on the part of the EU imperialists that the bosses remain two.
The temporary compromise in the SYRIZA-PS leadership literally on the eve of 4 th The conference is also an expression of the impasses that each side faces in drawing further confrontation and conflict, which would also mean its definitive disintegration from the level it is today.
And while everything was shown that they were moving into a self -preservation compromise, as all sides are well aware that a political organization under dismantling could not play any role in any reform of the urban political scene, the sudden move of Tsipras came to overthrow the scene.
The fact that he literally appeared in the "five" conference shows his intention to surprise and impose his own agenda on intra -party developments. Asking Kasselakis to be "upgraded" to the leadership through elections at the base, he cancels the conference, in which he says he will not attend. Having the estimation that "SYRIZA will fail in the forthcoming European elections", he decides to open all the issues now.
It is certain that whatever the options to follow, they will express all those housed today in SYRIZA-PS only to the extent that they will secure "rule". For every bourgeois political party, this is also the "Lydian stone" of its existence, otherwise centrifugal trends are followed. In the case of SYRIZA-PS and in the context of the internal confrontation, some still rely on its leftist characteristics and leftist traditions in general, despite its transformation into a party-organic part of the attack on the working people. No matter how much they sound like a bad joke, they reveal that they have not all resigned from their role in the disorientation and integration of the working people and youth into roads to the system. Especially in today's period, where students, farmers and workers are on the streets of resistance and claim. This, after all, has always been their "passport" for their participation in government management.
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The female movement today
The female issue is closely linked to the form and organization that human society must have in order to replace oppression, deprivation, misery in all forms, with human freedom, physical and social health. It is a side of the general social problem and will be resolved with it, that is, by overthrowing the exploitation system that gives birth to capitalism. A real exchange rate of the woman and the man can only come true when the capitalist exploitation of women and men is abolished, while the management of the household, which is now an individual employment, will be transformed into a field of social production. As it is wrong to hope and invest in equality in capitalism, it is wrong to be considered that by taking power by the proletariat, female inequality is automatically solved. Historical experience has shown that the defeat of the bourgeoisie is not enough for our country and the imperialists who "protect" it. It is necessary to deconstruct all the superstructure that has been transformed into the passage of thousands of years of class society, which has taken various forms, but always stable the inequality of the woman as a physical state of the human species. The construction penetrates every side of life, in the customs and customs of centuries, into language, art. Everything needs to turn around.
Marxism has historically been identified with the conquests of the woman and has shown the way to liberate it from any social inequality. It was so decisive that it was not easily bypassed. Despite the systematic attempt of feminism to reset it, it shows incredible endurance. But that's not enough. Historical materialism does not carry eternal solutions. It is a tool of analyzing society and revolutionary action. The answers and solutions given in other circumstances a previous historical period, the conclusions of socialist construction are useful but are not enough. A lot of data has changed. The woman is now an integral part of the workforce, and at the beginning of the 20th century she was still claiming the right to work. New forms of exploitation of women are added to classical, new problems emerge through urban "solutions", new needs are created at the level of human relationships, new conditions of oppression are shaped within the modern family and everywhere the violence of the system that targets it overwhelms it. The process of liberation of women is inseparable from class struggle and economic, social, political and cultural changes that the revolutionary struggle brings to society.
Woman and work
The woman always worked, and even hard, at home, in the field, in the artisan. Capitalism pulled the woman out of the house to work in the big factories created during the Industrial Revolution. It was not the first time she participated in productive work, but it was the first time she received and managed her own remuneration. It was so massive to enter the factories that in 1820 75-80% of adult women in Europe worked in the fabric industry.
Greece did not experience the industrial revolution like the rest of Europe. Industrial development was moving on with a very long delay. Women began to work in the factories a few decades after the creation of the Greek state. By 1860 few women worked in factories. It was so deeply rooted then the view that the work reduces the woman's morals and removes her from the family, which in 1877 was prosecution because the work in factories, due to the synchronization of men and women, offends public ethics and comments on her 'Ethics of the working class in Greece' ! The women and girls who came from Crete after the Cretan Revolution (1866-69) and Asia Minor in 1922 found work in the factories. The 19th The century women and girls worked from the age of 5, mainly in professions that did not require education, as maids, land workers, laundry, dressmakers, weavers, ribbons and hat. By the beginning of the 20th th century opened a window to work with educated medium women as teachers at the beginning and then in various private and public services. After the 1970s, women worked everywhere.
Today, in conditions of de -industrialization, shrinking agricultural production and sovereignty of services, it is reasonable for most women to work in services. Although they are fired first, we cannot talk about a woman's return home, as some claim. Women's work cannot be considered today's complementary to the man's work. Working women remain an integral part of the workforce. Although it is the most trained part of the population, as they make up 60% of recent graduates, both post-graduate and higher education, 39% of women aged 30-34 are also said to be financially supported by family their. It proves once again that hunting for qualifications is deadlocked and lifelong education lifelong lifelong bonds. The financial problem that drowns the people for women means trapping in the wedding/security of marriage. They work for many hours, do two or three jobs, are permanently under pressure without free time. Hunger wages, endless working hours, overall working conditions influence the relationships and position of the woman within the family. A woman who is pressured financially will think long before she seeks divorce.
A woman in her work has to deal with capitalist exploitation as well as her husband's colleague, discrimination against her because of her sex and other forms of exploitation, such as sexual harassment. When the law defines their employer as a "patron" of working women, then the reconstruction of the female movement is urgent. Potential lights have fallen into the last issue, sexual harassment, not to illuminate it but to darken the rest of the issues.
There are thorns two issues: the different earnings, the gap, as they say, among the salaries of men and women, which always remains for the same work, and motherhood. Pregnancy and the first child for a woman affect her relationship with her work. As a rule it keeps it away from it. The struggle to end the exploitation and oppression of women is not just a matter of reason or just a matter of resistance. The goal is to overturn and change whatever it generates exploitation.
What is the race to grow? Through the "feminist strike on March 8", the concepts of strike and labor on a disorderly basis from 99%feminism are redefined. The 1% missing is liberal women. We are all the rest. One clever way to abolish classes is to make a large one that fits 99%.
What is needed is a strike on March 8, dedicated to the liberation of women and all oppressed people from their need and exploitation.
Crime in crime
Abuses, rape, murders of children and women within the family or in the family and friendly environment have become daily news. A mother killed her children, father raped his son or daughter, a woman was murdered by her partner, son hit his mother to death, 15 -year -old raped and tortured their classmate ...
No crime is the same as the other, each one is a tragedy and they all show the moral demise, relaxation or dismantling of social bonds and the complete decomposition of society. But even these findings, no matter how right they are, it matters from which side one sees them. Everything about the crime, morality and consciousness of people is deeply classed.
Each historical period has its own characteristics, its own crimes, its own code of ethics, its laws, judges and punishments. In capitalism, as in all class societies, what is a crime by the ruling class. Crime is any action questioning its power or violates its laws.
Each crime is used by propaganda mechanisms in a way that serves the interests of the ruling class.
Today's man is shaped in conditions of capitalist imperialist barbarism. The economic crisis that has not been overcome, the Memorandums in full power, the pandemic that does not say to end, the war in Ukraine raging, the threats of nuclear diligence hanging over the heads of mankind, the poverty that is stretched out, Fascism that brings to the surface the toughest look of power, the Remoles and the vulgarity circulating in the luxury lounges of the bourgeois, Revanism and the contempt for the people who are unknowingly and daily by all the factors of the system make it very difficult and very difficult the future of ominous. You will not survive if you do not submit, the people who have secured the people who have secured in all possible ways to live for many years and good years. They show their wealth, stressing that this society was made for the few.
The man who cannot explain what is happening to him, who is loaded with anxieties and immersed in poverty, can see nothing beautiful around him as he only thinks of his survival. When he does not see it through collective claim, he thinks of individual solutions to make money, since in capitalism everything is commodity and money is the measure of the value of things and people. The way things are trading and selling things becomes a way of contact with the other person.
In order to eliminate the crimes, the causes that give birth, that is, the system of capitalist power, must be eliminated. Those who are fighting for this purpose cannot treat heinous means. Of course, they cannot prevent society from defending its way against criminals, but therefore they are more persistent for the transformation of society from the foundations.
Today's era is characterized by a depth of alienation, the fascist, racist and medieval ideas. Crime is characteristic of the system, its derivative, an example of its impasses. When, after each crime, except for the criminal, they blame the family and school, they do so not because they challenge these institutions, but to transfer responsibility to the people who should, according to the bourgeois, to reproduce more Faithful the ideal patterns they themselves define. Parents and teachers must prove that they respond to their role, based on the ideal model for family and school.
The same causes that give birth to all crimes also give rise to crimes against women. They have, of course, their particular characteristics.
Two people who are foreigners among themselves are in love with each other and where they lived until yesterday's different life yesterday, now they are inquisitive in each other's life. The perception of the right to ownership is generalized. The man considers his wife's estate. Also, the perception of gender inequality plays a decisive role in human relationships in general, let alone sexual relationships and especially in marriage. In some societies, the man has legally guaranteed his ownership of his wife. Until the 1980s, the man was recorded as the head of the family.
Enriched the old ethics with the modern humiliation of the lamb woman, the beauty of beauty, the sexual object in every ad, presents the woman as the property of every male. Thus, the man will assassinate his wife or partner because he considers him a property and because his selfishness does not let him accept rejection. An unknown will rape a girl and the investigator will turn his aggressive questions to her to find out if her appearance was proper or if she raped her with her behavior!
The man's bourgeoisie may not officially have the right of the first night the feudal lord had, but is able to buy or blackmail as many nights as he wants from the women of the working class.
The signs of the system are very easily distinguished on every victim of rape, beating or murder.
Woman and war
The imperialists threaten peoples with general war. They are trying to make alliances. The flames of war are already burning a number of countries and peoples. The war in Ukraine exacerbates all the contradictions, while the Palestinian genocide continues by the Zionist fascists of Israel, who turn the Palestinian land into a skull so that there are no signs of houses, as if no one stayed there. There is no return for those who save the slaughter! In the destruction and death, the women of Palestine are trying to survive. They give birth to their children where they find a place to stand, without hospitals and doctors, without knowing if they will live the next time. When they are hungry and thirsty, how can they breastfeed to keep them in life? And when their children fall dead from the Zionist killers, they hold them in their arms and continue to fight for life and freedom. They resist the genocide launched by the Zionist fascists with incredible power and endurance.
In times of war, the woman is ranked in the civilian population. The bourgeoisie wants her to support the male soldier, to be patient, not to count death, but the profits of her homeland in the battlefields, to enjoy the extinction of the enemy. The woman of the people has no enemies of peoples. If difficulties in peacetime, her life becomes unbearable in time of war, every moment of death
Before a war begins, governments attack the rights of their people. They are being funded to finance their war plans. They have to subdue him before they start war to subdue other peoples. Poverty, injustice and system violence are increased. The woman understands, as she sees bread diminishing at the table, feels the injustice and violence bursting over her, sees what the people of Palestine is going through, feels the war instinctively approaching and still terrorizes her.
The woman cannot raise time to pass and the facts roll in another direction. If her suffering period is to be shortened to be shortened by the rotten imperialist capitalist system that gives birth to wars and her own inequality and oppression, she must resist the anti -populist policies of local bourgeoisie and imperialists. Fight against war means a violation of social peace.
Lenin, addressing the International Socialist Women's Conference, with World War II raging, argued that the women's workers movement " can be the precursor of the general uprising of the masses " "The Path of the Women of the People to Versailles" on October 5, 1789, which began protesting the high price and lack of bread, forced the king to resign from his powers. It was the first step of the French Revolution. The demonstration of women against war and hunger, which took place on March 8, 1917 (23 February with the old calendar) in Petersburg, led to the overthrow of Tsar. This is how the February Revolution began, which triggered the October Revolution.
Today, we are not in a pre -revolutionary period. But the dynamics of women when they go down the streets and especially when they are connected to the labor movement should not be underestimated. The slogan "Peace and Bread" will always express the female masses. Women of all peoples of the world will unite in their struggle for a better life. Immediate anti -war duty to continue demonstrations to stop the Palestinian genocide.
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In recent weeks, there has been concern about the possibility of an invasion of the Zionist occupation army in Rafa, in which more than 1.3 million displaced Palestinians have fled, launching the number of civilians struggling to survive in the area of over 1.5 million. Such a barbaric choice will create the terms for an indescribable slaughter, for displacement of tens and hundreds of thousands of civilians, while causing strong and unforeseen turmoil throughout the area and its regimes. From the countries that will accept the serious impact of such an option, not even the Zionist occupation entity itself should be excluded. More broadly this nightmare has exacerbated the international outcry against fascist Israel and its western protectors.
The double design of Zionist leadership
It seems that the fascist Israel, led by the most far -right -nazi -character, is evolving a double plan day by day to reap the greatest possible benefits, using the blood of the Palestinian people.
Thus, on the one hand, the plan for mass displacement of the Palestinian people moves on both the West Bank and mainly to the Gaza Strip. On the occupied West Bank the orgy of murders, arrests and torture in occupation prisons, constant pogroms and demolitions of Palestinian houses that go along with the constant erections of young Israeli settlements make the life of life and want to be unhappy. . Scales above, in the Gaza Strip, are close to close five months of daily Israeli bombings that have leveled entire squares of residential neighborhoods. Invasions and destruction of schools, places of worship, hospitals, have turned them into a skull, and day by day the people of Gaza are being killed either by bombs or by hunger and illness.
In the new year, the fascist leadership has systematically leveling specific areas, which is projected to become "dead demilitarized zones", essentially zones through which Israel will impose a regime of suffocating and - of the -fashioned -type - surveillance. These are in the best of cases because, if the plan of invading the occupation army in Rafa is implemented, along with the unthinkable blood bath, large parts of the Palestinian people will be extruded into a second exile. "Working Work" would be for this state, which only with the Nazi state of Germany can be compared, cause a second "Nakba" (destruction), that is, a massive displacement - exile of millions of stripes to Sinai and Sinai and Egypt.
The other ongoing plan of Zionist leadership, short -term, is to use this perspective of a blood bath and a second Nakba as an element of a raw blackmail to Palestinian resistance, to deliver hostages with small exchanges and thus the Netanyahu government to discharge From the pressure it receives inside Israel and regain part of the prestige of the fascist state and army that was dismantled on October 7.
Of course, the Palestinian resistance, despite the strong pressure it receives, seems to withstand and maintain a significant part of its militant capacity, while the heroic people of the Gaza Strip express their sympathy to the fighters of his case in any way he can, as he can, as he can, as he can, as he can, as he can. One of the hundreds- forbidden in the official western world-released media- amateur videos circulating online. Both the announcements of the resistance Palestinian organizations and those of the collectivity made by the hundreds of thousands of displaced in Rafa testify to one thing: the idolatrous people of Palestine will resist in every way to their extinction and displacement!
USA and Israel: Surprisers support murderers
We have long pointed out that the Israeli leadership with its policy is throwing all the US Middle Eastern policy on the canvas. American imperialism wants to build a wider alliance in the Middle East region against Iran and thus against Russia and China. Thus, while Israel is the necessary and non -negotiable advanced outpost and base in Washington's hands, but it is not enough for itself. That is why the Israeli - reactionary Arab regimes are needed with more critical - at this stage - the Israeli - Saudi Arab partnership. Whatever followed the 7 the October has at least frozen all these plans, and the discontent of these regimes and their concern about the possibility of destabilization has grown.
As an element of this partnership, which was necessarily added after 7 the October, it was also the launch of a process of burial by the Palestinian national liberation movement through the "solution of the two states", namely a state (Israel) and a protectorate, a caricature of state (Palestinian authority) completely controlled by the US Arab regimes (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar). Blinken's five tours in the region, critical statements to Israeli leadership, efforts made all this time for Netanyahu's dismissal or even his even more far -right partners, even the lukewarm resolution that the US wanted to deposit to the UN. For an indefinite temporary ceasefire reflect these needs of the US and do not simply constitute a typical acting attitude of an imperialist.
However, it seems that the US leadership has begun to appreciate- and on its side, not unjustly- that a greater escalation of pressure on Israeli leadership with some of the active blackmail tools in its hands (eg military , financial support) would overall risk the stability of the state - terrorist under its protection and not just the survival of the current Netanyahu government. It is also possible that the Netanyahu stance will be based on the relationships he has built with parts of the American establishment.
It should be noted that after Blinken's statements about the solution of the two states and Macron - in his discussions with the Jordanian monarch - that he is open to the possibility of a Palestinian state, Netanyahu filed a "declaration of decision" that was voted unanimously by the Council. of Israel. This decision emphasized that today's Zionist leadership is opposed to any unilateral proclamation of a Palestinian state and the solution of the two states. So it is possible that, in the midst of an increasing exacerbation of the internal confrontation in the US, the Biden administration fearing that Israel's further integration into this confrontation will injure the cohesion of the Zionist state. So, while pushing Israel to "reconsider" the invasion of Gaza, it releases another $ 14 billion package for military and not just reinforcing the Zionist Madrodi, while vetoing the UN Security Council for a third time in a resolution for a resolution. ceasefire.
Movements of Arab countries and imperialists
It is a fact that the Arab regimes, despite the fact that they accept the waves of destabilization and worry about what they will produce, are also led, such as Egypt, in adaptation steps and prepare for any possibility. Thus, Cairo points out that in the event of an invasion, it can suspend the historical (and treacherous for the Palestinian struggle) of Camp David and is jointly stated with Paris, which is attempting to play a role in developments, steadily contrary to An Israeli invasion of Rafa. At the same time, according to the US newspaper Wallstreetjournal, Egypt is constructing the border with Gaza a high -profile concrete walls for hosting 50 to 100 thousand Palestinian refugees, and has increased the number of its troops in the area. Unnoticed it cannot be moved by the otherwise sparked Russia to host Palestinian organizations. Without gone from cynical policy, "we let the West be legitimized in the Middle East", he probably finds an opportunity to get into developments. While the EU, mainly with the persistence of French imperialism and hugging, is running to declare its military and politician in the area in the region.
The next few days and weeks until the beginning of Ramadan on March 10, given by Netanyahu, will be very critical to what is to come in the bloody and heroic gauze but also in the Middle East cauldron.
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Overcoming the many years of kinematic inactivity and inaction, the masses of farmers and student youth in recent weeks have filled the streets with their voices and right. With perseverance and determination, against government propaganda and screams of the media, against blackmail of all kinds and slander, state repression and terrorism. But not only. In essence, the struggling sections of the people in today's phase are de facto confronted with their "own" deficiencies, with the internal problems of the movement, with the consequences of the defeat of the Labor-Revolutionary-Communist movement the previous century. These are what are expressed, among other things, in the various political and organizational obstacles set by the forces of compromise and subordination-with the KKE-, in their attempt to halt the momentum of these struggles and to integrate them into their parliamentary-election planning.
The big farm rally in downtown Athens on February 20th, the shocking demonstration of students on the 8th of the same month, both with the participation of thousands of people and youth, the dozens of other mobilizations, the blocks, the mass general meetings, the occupations They are the most degrading answer to all of them! Quite simply, because despite the serious and critical problems that have emerged in the context of the struggle, it turns out again and again that anger and indignation do not wait! The same is evidenced by the strikes of call centers, which discovered in the battle the importance of the trade union organization, with a union in the Teleperformance workshop.
The masses, after all, when they choose the path of the race, do so because they want to win, whatever the plans and calculations of those who appear each time as their "leadership". And there is also the best response to the screams of fatalism, to those who refuse the right of the people to fight out of their systemic standards, in the theory of "futility" and "ineffectiveness" of the struggles. It is precisely this will and need to be served by those forces that seek to strengthen the direction of the confrontation in social and political developments, against tactics and reformist submission, the line of departure and the closure of the fight. From this process this direction will arise and range, which as it strengthens, the more it will strengthen in turn and the prospect of victory of the movements.
Shocks in the bourgeois political system
The supposed 41%ND government, in the absence of opposition, plays without an opponent in the bourgeois political scene, found its real opponent on the streets. And this element, which has already caused cracks in the consciousness of the social majority for the alleged omnipotence with which Mitsotakis wanted to appear, contributes significantly to the volatility of the urban political system as a whole. In a sense, it thus emerges even more urgently for foreign and local centers of power the need to accelerate processes for the formation of parliamentary alternatives to the ND government, which will have the ability to absorb the vibrations of the social base.
Even more, the above applies when in a time of crisis and exacerbation of intra -imperialist competitions, such as today's, local bourgeoisie is increasingly demonstrating its unmistakable character, "go and where it comes out" and "where they" protect "imperialist bosses. In this context, the impasses produced by the country's double dependence on US and European imperialists, with the ruling class and its government, are increasingly highly highlighted, with its ruling class and government.
It is clear that the refrigerator mission for participating in the Euro -Business "Shields" in the Red Sea is anything but capable of offsetting the ever greater tanking to the US chariot at all levels. From the US agreements on new mammoth equipment programs affecting European respectively, the absolute alignment of US demands in Ukraine's unjust war, full alignment on the US war agenda on the wider area, including supporting the Zionist Slaughter. Until the conversion of the entire country into an endless American -based basis, there is no limit of compliance with the local ruling class with the aspirations of its superato bosses. We are at a juncture, which on the basis of negative developments in Ukraine for the West in its confrontation with Russian imperialism, but also in the face of the elections that the American superpower is marching in terms of deep internal division, raises its relationship again. Americans with their allies in Europe, as expressed by Trump statements about NATO's low funding amounts, in which, on the other hand, the country is highlighted by the "champions" with over-disclosure of GDP targets. which has been defined by the imperialist alliance.
In this context, then, the resolution of the European Parliament of terrorists and anti -communist memorandums on the "rule of law" and "democracy" in Greece anything but the "pain" that has caught the European imperialists for the reduction of democratic rights. And the fascistization that is directed against the country's working class, people and youth, as all sorts of Euros of the bourgeois and reformist opposition are trying to persuade. It is an expression of the annoyance of EU centers for the shift of the center of gravity of domestic urban policy on the other side of the Atlantic. And it is clear that the ND premiere, despite the political costs, to promote the marriage bill of same -sex couples has nothing to do with the rights that this social category needs, but - among other things - with Mitsotakis' attempt to respond to these centers that craft his profile as "New Orban".
There can be no certainty and stability in such an unstable and fluid geopolitical scene, when the dangers of broader ignition in the neighboring area are multiplying daily. This is also the main source of the dead ends of the local ruling class and shocks on its political scene. Recently, in this very territory, even the "calm waters" promoted by the Americans in its confrontation with the competing Turkish bourgeoisie, they seem to be disturbed, as the incident with the Turkish struggle in Imia showed. This adds even more impasses to what emerged from the different attitude of the two bourgeoisie on the Palestinian issue, as well as questions about how far the role of the "good child" can go up to the US, which reaches up to Statements by government officials for "possession of half Cyprus".
Crushing rights requires intensity of fascist
At the same time, and despite the tricks it faces, the government is attacking popular rights on all fronts on terms of pavement. And while capitalist precision crushes bones and increasingly expands the masses of the poor and impoverished, one meter succeeds the other, leveling every conquest of work, care, education, in the terms of life of workers and youth themselves .
In this context, it becomes clear that the new criminal codes that "fill the prisons" are coming to serve the further legal shielding of the bourgeoisie against the explosions of the expected popular wrath. In this direction an increasingly reactive climate is shaped, the wilderness of state repression and terrorism is intensifying, an entire persecution industry is set up in militants and organizations.
The new "crisis crisis" in SYRIZA in the face of its conference, with even Tsipras intervention on the need for "appealing to the base", with a quick response from Kasselakis, reflects these pressures produced by the overall right shift for even deeper Its systemic adjustment, which grows its given inability to be separated from the dominant policy. Even Loverdos, who is going to announce his new party soon, is recruited to meet the needs of the bourgeois political system for right -wing reserves, if PASOK fails to form serious data in the ongoing processes for the construction of the second pillar. of the political scene. At the same time, far -right and fascist structures are constantly predicted, at this stage as an indispensable complement to the attack, which will more and more reactive to the official political agenda.
The racing turmoil to become a movement of overturning the attack
On the basis of the data shaped for more than a month by resistance and claims of farmers and youth, there are terms that the strike on February 28 can escape the narrow limits to which it wanted it to limit its inspirers. And from a call that would be the reason for the trumpet of the "end" of mobilizations, from a means of splitting the unity of struggling pieces, to be a meeting point of the workers-agrarian-agrarian struggle and a springboard for a new round of mobilization. Difficulties in workplaces and negative correlations are given, but this is the direction that must be struggled with "gods and demons".
It is therefore a crucial issue to create conditions for continuing and expanding the struggle. Contrarying the logic of referring to the "solutions" to the messages that they are supposed to be sent to the impending Eurocard of the imperialists, which is the true essence of the line with which the compromise forces move within the movement. In contrast to the logic of negotiation and integration, whether it is expressed by the search for consensus with all sorts of system factors or by the complete acceptance of the context of the television context, which has already caused serious damage to the student movement. Overcoming the logic of the struggles of "a rijack", the "climax" of the mobilizations in the strike and in the passage of laws, proposing the direction of the mass and relentless struggle.
The reality itself has raised the issue of the resistance and claim front as the direction of the masses that have chosen the path of the race, against trade union leaderships and the reformist left, who do everything so as not to unite the resistors at a higher level. This direction, to the extent that it is served in practice and gives results, is the only one that can shape the conditions for a central character of the people and the youth with the attack launched by the forces of the system. Within the people and with the people, with joint action and coordination, the forces that want the popular struggle case not to remain halfway on the road must take on this responsibility.
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