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Ethiopia: another massacre in Amhara by drone bombing – The Red Herald

Featured image: map with North Shewa, the place bombarded with drones. Source: website Map Hill

On Monday 19 th of February a drone bombing occurred in the district of Mojana Wedera, North Shewa, Amhara, murdered at least 30 people and injured almost twenty more. The local witnesses of the events, explained to local media that the target of the attack was a truck that transported dozens of civilians, including for example a three months old baby that has been missing since. The attack was produced in similar circumstances to other drone bombings: the Ethiopian armed forces sent drones to bombard the Amharic people as a retaliation for the clashes occurred against the Fano Militias. Once again, in this place there were no fighters, but only civilian population.

Local media point out that bombings with artillery and drones have been frequent against the Amharic people, and as we have already reported , the Ethiopian high military ranks have no issues to admit their criminal bombing practices with drones against civilian population.

Meanwhile, imperialists try to hide the reactionary nature of the bureaucratic-big landlord Ethiopian regime, and the crimes of its ruling classes. Recently, the German imperialist media, Reuters, reported on an alleged “Secret ive Security Committee” in charge of suppressing dissent in the Oromia region. This committee would have directed a brutal repression campaign against Oromo insurgents, eliminating numerous leaders and including extrajudicial executions. It would also have been involved in the prolongation of judicial processes and torture and mistreatment of the detainees in custody of the Ethiopian State. This is nothing more than an attempt to cover the nature of bureaucratic capitalism, since under its development the most reactionary policy is established, with greatly repressive and anti-popular bureaucratic-big landlord regimes, which do not need any type of committee or secrecy to commit the most horrendous crimes against the people. Clear proof of this was Merawi’s recent massacre, on which we have reported , and in which dozens of civilians were taken out of their homes and executed in cold blood by the Ethiopian armed forces.

This attempt to cover their crimes is because the imperialists themselves are the main support of the ruling classes and bureaucratic capitalism. For example, recently the United Kingdom has recently signed an agreement with Ethiop ia to improve stability in the region of the Horn of Africa. Thus, they try to hide the real problem, which is not a secret clique or committee, or a dictator or similar peculiarities, but is imperialism itself, and bureaucratic capitalism that is being developed in oppressed countries and bureaucratic-big landlord governments imposed by Imperialists.

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PC February 25 - United States defend "any crime" committed by Israel - contribution

At the International Court of Justice, Palestine lawyer reproaches to the United States to defend "any crime" committed by Israel

Jake Johnson | commondreams.org
Translation for Resistenze.org By the Center for Culture and Popular Documentation Center


The United States have shown that they are willing to go "very far" in disavowing international law to defend The Israeli government, Paul Reichler said during an audience on the occupation of Palestine.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki and others representatives of Palestine during a hearing from the court International of Justice to the Hague, the Netherlands, on February 19, 2024 - (Photo: Selman Aksunger/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Monday, one of the lawyers representing Palestine at most Alta Court of the United Nations, accused the United States of defending systematically violations of international law committed by Israel, including the brutal occupation of Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem, which has lasted for over 57 years.

Paul Reichler, an American lawyer who boasts a record of successes at the International Court of Justice (CIG), he declared during A historical hearing on the Israeli employment of the territory Palestinian that the United States are almost alone in an attempt to provide a legal coverage to the actions of the Israeli government in the last sixty years.

The "two exceptions" between the nations that intervened in the case of Cig on the employment of Israel are the Figi and the United States, he said Reichler.

"It is not surprising: any crime is committed by Israel against the international law, the United States rise to subtract it from His responsibilities, "he continued.

In the written memory to the CIG, Reichler observed, the United States "They argue that belligerent employment is regulated exclusively by international humanitarian law and not from the United Nations Charter or from general international law ".

"In this case the United States try to defend Israel not claiming that the employment is legitimate, but that it is neither legitimate nor illegitimate, "said Reichler, adding that this position is in direct contrast with that of its allies, including France and Swiss.

"Until the point of the United States, ignoring the legal precept international, they will go to subtract Israel from the consequences of its continuous violation of peremptory rules, including the ban on acquisition of the territory by force? "He asked for Reichler." A Apparently very far ".

Reichler's introduction followed the observations of the Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Maliki, who said that "the genocide in progress in Gaza is the result of decades of impunity and inaction "in the face of illegal employment of Israel and al kidnapping of the Palestinian land.

"To put an end to Israel's impunity is a moral, political and legal imperative," said Al-Maliki.

Monday presentations kicked off a week of hearings public the International Court of Justice that examine the Legality of the Israeli employment of the Palestinian territory.

The United States will present their arguments on the case on Wednesday. Israel will not participate.

The procedure started less than a month after the Court international justice has issued a provisional sentence that orders the Israeli government to avoid acts of genocide in Gaza, one decision that Israel has repeatedly disregarded by continuing to commit atrocity in the enclave and targeting the city of Rafah, severely overcrowded.

Israeli forces killed more than 29,000 people in Gaza since 7 October.

Agnès Callamard, general secretary of Amnesty International, has declared on Monday that "the current conflict that encourages the strip of Gaza employed, where the International Court of Justice has established that there is a real and imminent risk of genocide, has focused on the catastrophic consequences in allowing the crimes International of Israel in [occupied Palestinian territories] They have continued impunity for such long time ".

"The world must recognize that the end of the illegal employment of Israel is a prerequisite to stop the recurring violations of human rights in Israel and in the occupied Palestinian territories ", has Added Callamard.

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PC February 25 - Maoist Road - Internationalist blog in the original language from 4 continents

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24F: day against police brutality! For the esmad clearing (undmo)! | Workers Revolution

24F: ¡Día contra la Brutalidad Policial!¡Por el desmonte del ESMAD (UNDMO)! 1
During the popular survey of 2021

On February 24, it is the National Day Against Police Brutality, whose reason for being is the rejection of the creation of the Mobile Riot Squadron (Esmad) of the National Police, on February 24, 1999 under the government of the former president of the Conservative Party , Andrés Pastrana Arango, the same one that appears on the list of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

The creation of the ESMAD corresponds to the agreements of the so -called “modernization” of the Police with which Plan Colombia began with which the United States increased its military and economic interference over the country. President Pastrana with the creation of the ESMAD - in the middle of the negotiations with the FARC guerrillas - turned a turn in the State Security strategy, going from emphasizing the counterattack fight to do so about the fight against the call « Internal enemy »for guaranteeing the internal security of the bourgeois state, placing as the main enemy the popular masses that rise in struggle for economic, social and political claims and that at the time surpassed the available police force that could no longer contain The masses revolutionary struggle.

Today the ESMAD was "replaced" by the Unit of Dialogue and Maintenance of the Order - Undmo, as part of the breaches of the Petro's reformist government, which in the campaign promised the dismantling of the Esmad and which was collected in the Immediate program proposed by the UOC (MLM), but which, in the facts it was barely made up with the change of name and colors in its clothing.

His actions of excessive violence against protesters, continues the same as always. They continue to affect the eyes and freedoms of the people who get up in legitimate struggle to conquer their most felt claims. They continue using the supposedly "less lethal weapons", which include canes or bobbins, chemical irritants of manual use or thrown away, electric shock or taser guns, water cannons or the "non -lethal" venom ammunition launch system, weapons with weapons with weapons with Those who have seriously injured and murdered people from the people who protest one or another reason. The shotguns remain pointed on the bodies of popular fighters and continue to violate the protocols that say they must be fired perpendicularly.

In summary, the Police - as part of the central pillar of the bourgeois state - continues to repress the unarmed masses, the reformist government headed by Petro breached their political campaign promise to dismantle the esmad, the town continues to fight on the streets almost daily and The revolutionaries must put ourselves at the height of the moment, linking with the fighters in the streets, in the confrontations, in the troops, to learn from them and raise the level of the popular street struggle, necessary complement to the popular assemblies in which the Masses should decide what to do their revolutionary actions and through shock groups or first lines - as embryos of popular militias - must be forced to yield to the reactionary ruling classes in the face of the demands of the masses through violence Revolutionary in the middle of an upcoming popular outbreak, in which the Petro government must decide which side is, if the murderous and exploitative classes, or on the side of the fighter and worker people.

For the effective dismantling of the esmad and paramilitarism, the liberation of prisoners to fight and the dissolution of armed bodies linked to massacres and state crimes, unity, organization and struggle!

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Majority at the Storting for several new US military bases in Norway

Image: Illustration image of an American military base.

By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.

At the beginning of the month, the government signed an agreement with the United States on several US bases in Norway. Now there is a majority for the proposal in the Storting.

The agreement, which was signed with the United States on February 2, and signed by Defense Minister Gram and US ambassador Marc Nathanson, will be sent out for consultation and then adopted in the Storting. Both the Right, the Progress Party, the Center Party, the Left and the KrF say yes.

Since 1949, the Norwegian line has been that other countries should not have military bases on Norwegian soil. However, this has turned in recent years. The government will allow what they call "unified areas", that is, areas that the United States and other NATO allies can use jointly for military purposes.

Areas where the United States can develop military infrastructure. Previously, the US has four such areas in Norway (Rygge, Sola, Evenes and Ramsund), and now eight new ones are proposed. The new areas are entering as an extension of the defense agreement with the United States that the Storting knocked through the summer of 2022.

In December 2023, Sweden, Denmark and Finland signed bilateral defense cooperation agreements with the United States, Defense Cooperation Agreements (DCAS). The agreements, which have not yet come into force, are planning to establish 17 unified areas in Sweden, 15 in Finland and 3 in Denmark. The bilateral agreements between the United States and the other three Nordic countries have the same starting point as the Norwegian supplementary agreement, the Supplementary Defense Cooperation Agreement (SDCA).

The new places where the Americans will be released are Andøya air station, Ørland air station, Haakonsvern war station, Værnes flight station and garrison, Bardufoss air station, Setermoen garrison and shooting and rehearsal field, Osmarka mountain facilities and Namsen fuel system.


Majority in the Storting for several new US military bases in Norway (ABC News)

Prop. 90 S (2021–2022) (Regjeringen.no)

Agreement with the United States to create more unified areas (regjeringen.no)

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Mexico: Retjon against the matches against Ciit

Translated for Earn Folk Media by a contributor.

This is an unofficial Norwegian translation of a statement from Sol Rojo-Mexico, about the repression against the matches against the Inter-osean corridor (CIIT). Translated mainly from English translation published by Red Herald . Any errors or omissions are our own.

The state issues legal resolutions against activists and defenders of the soil

· We condemn the strongest criminalization against activists and defenders of the country.

· The political use of judicial power is a clear example of state oppression.

People's flow Red Sol raises its voice against the new legal resolutions that attack our comrades from Santa Maria Mixteecequilla and Puente Madera, like many other comrades in the region, fighting against the introduction of the Inter-Aeanian corridor, an imperial mega project that has led to The split between several communities, an increase in crime, paramilitary violence and forced dispensation of indigenous people from their country and territory, as well as much more.

Faced with the worthy opposition performed by activists, communities and democratic organizations, the old state responds with arbitrary arrests and judgments confirming the political use of the judgment; This is a clear example of oppression that exists in the device.

On the last February 2, a control judge from the Tanivet joined the legitimate precautionary measure with preventive detention against the 9 activists from Civil Resistance MixTequilla who was arrested in the middle of a powerful operation in early 27 January in Santa Maria, Mixteeceus and Oaxaca . Our comrades Adelaido López Gallegos, Armando Sánchez Gómez, Orlando de La Cruz Gallegos, Roberto Vázquez Orozco, Ricardo Vargas Ruiz, Albino Palacios Orozco, Jorge Ontiveros álvarez, Alba Pérez.

February 7 sentenced a district judge from Salina Cruz, Puente Madera the social actor and member of The congregation of indigenous peoples on isthmus in defense of soil and territory (Apiidtt). Comrade David Hernández Salazar and 17 other defendants can go free thanks to a legal assessment.

All of these comrades have a common defense of the soil and the fight against the imposition of Ciit. All of these comrades and their communities are victims of the oppression of the old state, who continue to escalate, leaving comrades threatened, injured, arrested and even murdered, which is the case with our comrades Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino, Jesús Manuel Garcínez and Félix Vicente Cruz. For all these reasons, we confirm that the inter-osean corridor expands and murders poor farmers and indigenous peoples!

As an organization, we confirm our solidarity with the persecuted, defendants and the political prisoners, and with the communities and organizations that have decided to maintain the fight against the imposition of this imperialist mega project of forced disagreement and death. We continue to encourage unity among the democratic and revolutionary forces in our region to build a powerful movement that enables what we have said before: Isthmus is ours! Not the imperialist mega projects.

Freedom and acquittal for political prisoners!

No to the introduction of the inter-zeanic corridor!

No matter who controls, will the rights of the people be defended !

With the red sun, the people will prevail!

People's flow red sun

February 9, 2024

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PC February 25 - PC February 25 - Usa Imperialism installs 5 more military bases in Somalia for more strict control over the Red Sea

The militarization of all the imperialist countries of the world continues to great steps. At the head of everything there are the United States that already officially spend about $ 1000 billion a year (and these are the official data!) And that continue to send weapons and money to the state Nazisionist of Israel ... and in the same wake the collected imperialist countries in the European Union, Germani, France, Italy ... who are transforming theirs Economies in "War Economy" (yesterday - February 23 -, reports the manifesto, an allocation was to study urgency of 1.4 billion to buy oblici from third countries ... the EU has Ukraine financed with 88 billion from the beginning of the war, between aid military, financial assistance, allocations for the reception of refugees, 6 million people).

And to leave no doubt about their will to continue to keep the war alive and to enlarge it day after day, breaking The illusion of pacifists of all kinds, the imperialism of the United States and a follow all other imperialist countries announce daily initiatives, such as that of US imperialism that speaks of the opening of 5 other new military bases in Somalia! In fact by strengthening their control right on the Red Sea. In fact, it says an article of "Pagineesteri": “In the Gulf by Aden the US have already deployed various means and the eiisenhower aircraft carrier but the Somalia could provide a useful platform from which to launch attacks Against the Houthi Yemeniti and in general perfect control of the Mar Red."

Always in the article it is said: “During a ceremony chaired by Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the business person US Shane Dixon and Somali Defense Minister Abdulkadir Mohamed NUR have signed a memorandum of understanding in Mogadishu for the construction of Five military bases for the Danab brigade, the army elite unit Somali national team trained by the green caps of Washington. The Danab brigade It was established in 2017 following an agreement between the United States and Somalia To form and equip 3000 men and women from all over the country.

“According to the agreement, the United States must create some Military infrastructure in Baidoa, Dusa Mareb, Jowhar, Chisimaio and Mogadishu, to be used for training new units of special bodies of the Somali army, in charge of "contrasting the threat of terrorism international "[and this is the most classic excuse that should justify the intervention armed with imperialist countries, editor's note], as a note from the president says Mohamud in reference to the militias of the "Popular Resistance Movement in the Land of the two migrations », Sunni fundamentalist movement better known as al Shabaab ("young people") and federated to Al Qaeda. "

In the meantime, the US also treat “With Ghana, Costa ivory and Benin to get three military bases where to allocate as many Squadriglie of drones .. "

These new bases add up to those already existing in Gibuti belonging to Germany, Spain, Italy, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, China and Saudi Arabia, located at a very short distance from each other. And all On the Red Sea!

As you can see from this, but there are many other news, (for Italian imperialism The military "missions" around the world of Fascist Meloni) The preparation of the "total" imperialist war goes on e "The genocidal Zionist attack on the Palestinian people ... does This area one of the great world outbreaks ... for these reasons, be a favor of the struggle of the Palestinian people, to be in favor of solidarity which is expressed in the area, and particularly in the Red Sea, be in favor that In this area the justice, peace and freedom of the peoples, means fighting in our country to produce results also positive for the proletarians and the Italian people. " (from Counter -information Ross Operaia n.13)

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Palestine Chronicle: This is what will happen to Israel in case of total war against Lebanon - the new democracy

Writing Note: We reproduce below an article from the portal Palestine Chronicle . The article deals with a Zionist report that evaluated the consequences for the State of Israel, in case of a "total war" with Lebanon. The conclusions indicate that the Zionist state would have devastating impacts, especially by the military capabilities of the anti-imperialist movement Hezbollah, active in southern Lebanon. The Zionists also claim that there would be a regional mobilization of “all representatives of Iran”, as they generally co-coin the Arab anti-imperialist movements, in an attempt to demoralize the patriotic representations of different countries by painting them as “puppet of Iran” .

More than 100 senior Israeli military and government officials participated in a study conducted by Reichman University's Institute of Countercountry of what could happen in the case of a total war between Israel and the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah.

The study conclusions were published in a report Posted by the Israeli news site Calcalist and other Israeli media.

This is the summary of the conclusions of the Israeli study.

  • An Israel-Leban war in the north would begin with a "huge and destructive Hezbollah rocket dam", which would probably reach all parts of the country.
  • The number of Hezbollah rockets that hit Israel is estimated between 2,500 and 3,000 per day.
  • Hezbollah rockets will involve a mixture between long -range accuracy missiles and less accurate rockets.
  • Hezbollah is likely to focus its attacks on a single area at a time, for example, an important Israeli military base or a specific city in the center of the country.
  • The rockets will continue daily and will likely last up to six weeks.

Regional resistance

The report also suggested that “all Iranian representatives” throughout the region would join Hezbollah in the fight. This includes resistance groups in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, along with the Hamas Palestinian groups and the Islamic jihad in Gaza.

"In addition to causing immense destruction in Israel, including thousands of victims on both the front line and in the internal front, causing public panic, a central objective of the multifrontal attack will be the collapse of FDI air defense systems," Calcalist said, adding:

"Precision -guided ammunition and low signing weapons such as idle ammunition, drones and missiles impasses will try to physically attack and destroy Iron Dome's batteries."

The report stated that the Hezbollah Fire Rate and other resistance groups “will challenge Israeli technology like never before,” as “the Iron Dome interception stocks and David's Sling missiles will be sold out a few days after combat, leaving Israel exposed to thousands of rockets and missiles without effective active defense. ”

“The sea ports of Haifa and Ashdod will be paralyzed, impacting international trade. Dozens of suicidal drones made in Iran will fly at very low altitudes towards high quality targets at Israel's depths, directed to arms factories, FDI emergency warehouses and hospitals, which will be overloaded with victims in addition to what medical teams can support, much more than even after October 7th. ”


The dark scenario is expected to get worse, leading to the total "chaos" when Hezbollah sends hundreds of Radwan commands to take cities and villages within Israel, and assume control of Israeli military basis.

Despite this assessment, which essentially suggests an almost collapse of the Israelite Armed Forces, along with civil infrastructure, Israeli politicians continue to talk about war in Lebanon with optimistic language.

On January 30, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that in the case of a climb, "the situation in Haifa will not be good, but in Beirut the situation will be devastating."

Gallant reiterated his threats on February 3, warning that "if Hezbollah thinks that when there is a break in the southern fighting, we will keep fire against him, he is roundly mistaken."

Since the beginning of the Israeli War in Gaza, on October 7, the Lebanese movement Hezbollah has been directly involved, but relatively limited in the war against Israeli occupation.

According to Hezbollah sources, the movement performed 169 military operations in the first 120 days of war, killing more than 2,000 Israeli soldiers.

Israel occupies parts of Lebanon for decades and only left the country in 2000, following the strong Lebanese resistance under the leadership of Hezbollah.

He tried to reoccup the Lebanon in 2006, but failed what Lebanon considers a great victory against Israel.

Israel, however, continues to occupy parts of Lebanon, namely the Shebaa farm region.

Hezbollah promised to recover every inch of Lebanon that was occupied by Israel, contrary to international law.

Palestine Chronicle is an online portal dedicated to the journalistic coverage of events in Palestine and the track and Gaza, with a high commitment to defend the Palestinian people and their struggle for liberation. The portal editor, Ramzy Baroud, was interviewed by and in the program by the way, In the edition that can be checked here .

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UKRANIA: "Dead End" on the front or on the brink of defeat Kiev

Republishing from proletarian flag

After about two years, the War in Ukraine may have "retreated" to international news, but the conflict continues severe, with enormous costs in lives and resources, without clear evidence of its termination.

War has evolved into a war of deterioration, with visible advantages for Russia, but its evolution and basic atmosphere remain indefinite. In addition to a change of border, which is considered a non -reversible situation, it is unlikely to accept a guaranteed and controlled demilitarization - neutralization regime as Moscow requires.

US reports leave no room for doubts. The White House will not support Kiev businesses to recover Russia's occupied territories. However, a sense of (number two of the State Department) Nulaland (number two of the State Department) before leaving Kiev after an official visit.

He talked about reversals in the battlefields of Ukraine, with the US continuing to provide support to Ukraine, with new investments and new weapons systems already on the way. Finally, it praised the growth of the Ukrainian economy from 4% to 5%, which ... "the countries of the world must be jealous"! Statements that not only contradict the surrounding atmosphere of the "American political corridors", but also ignore the fact that the "Republican" Congress has clarified the "help package" in Ukraine.

As intense the discussions lately about the future of Western support in Ukraine, and the new US and EU aid package, so intense is their reluctance. The 27 EU leaders finally agreed to an additional € 50 billion support package in 2 installments, but EU chief diplomat Borll said: "It is important to clarify the situation and know where we are now, We are in March and by the end of the year. " The agreement contains annual evaluations of "aid", as everyone is ignoring its route within Ukraine. After all, the price is $ 40 billion a year (as much as Ukraine's fiscal deficit)!

Kiev's pious desire is for the EU to decide the confiscation of Russian assets. The issue is on the agenda since the launch of the "Russian Special Enterprise" in Ukraine. Again, Borrell clarified: "At the moment we are talking about interest revenue, and I am convinced that this will be completed in the near future." Politically, this seizure is justified as a "advance payment", which the Kremlin should pay to Ukraine. But the loser is the one who pays compensation! And that tilts to Ukraine. In relation to this, the ECB has announced that the EU financial system would be destabilized, taking into account Moscow's countermeasures, which concern seizures of Western assets. Their volume was estimated (late 2022) at $ 288 billion, according to national statistics of Western countries.

The Kiev regime continues on the basis of the original goal: "to expel the enemy from all over Ukraine", implying that, no matter how bad things seem, in the future Ukraine will overturn the data. Kiev or refuses to accept reality or expects the "bar" of the West-Russia controversy. But how;

However, the fact that shocked Zelenski's Western friends is about the downfall, in the Russian airspace, a plane carrying 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war scheduled for exchange. Three Russian military and six crew members were also killed. Initially, the collapse was attributed to Kiev actions on the grounds that it was carrying materials for the S-300 missile systems, intended for attacks on Kharkov. Soon, however, the involvement of the Kiev forces disappear from the Ukrainian media, as well as any reference to the supposed load!

The logical assumption is that the Ukrainian side had been informed of this flight, in the same way that Russia is informed of visits to foreign leaders to Kiev. The "unjustified" of the thing may concern internal contradictions.

The Ukrainian president recently asked his country's top general, Zalouzni, to resign, but he refused, "triggering" various speculations. The tense relationship begins after it becomes visible that the Ukrainian counterattack cannot achieve its goals (the recovery of occupied territories and the cut of the "land bridge" to Crimea). Zalouzni had said that the war had reached a "deadlock", with the president's office scolding him. Other statements followed, at all compatible with those of the Presidential Environment. Which environment considers them political rather than military statements.

Although Washington wants to avoid an open conflict between Zelenski and Zalouzni, the US (writes Berliner Zeitung, citing Ukrainian sources) is more likely to support the commander -in -chief than the president in the event of a shocking conflict between them. Rumors of intrigues around the face of General Zalouzni or the accusations of Zelenski's authoritarianism, expressed by the Mayor of Kiev, Klitsko, can only be some visible elements of the background in Kiev, however, reflect some general polarization in society.

Meanwhile, Moscow does not seem to be in a hurry for "peace talks", as the Ukrainian forces seem to have already lost the possibility of taking off. The initiative has passed on its own side and it seems that it notes slow but steady progress in the east and southern part of the country. And earnings and territories.

We do not know if Zelenski and his environment believe that yet another "narrative counterattack" can offset the real defeat in the real battlefield. However, the western media, speaking of "impasse on the fronts of conflict", describe a situation that does not look like a deadlock. It looks like being on the verge of defeat.

This is also evident from the fact that Russia is upgrading its demands ... "The demilitarized zone in Ukraine should be promoted farther away, at a distance from which it is impossible to bomb peaceful cities," Putin told Moscow on January 31. "The line should be at such a distance from our territory to ensure security" ... The maps are "photographing" all over Ukraine!

Strategic planning officers in both Washington and Europe are sure to be on the basis of a B project, that is, to respond to a Russian victory. However, Ukraine is now a field of political confrontation in the US (and not only) and we may not have to wait for the next administration in the White House to have a new US policy in Ukraine.


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February 25 - enormous demonstration in Milan on the day of national mobilization of February 24 for Palestine and against the imperialist war - first images

Milan is Palestinian! 40 thousand in procession
and at the same time and in connection with the Milan event mobilization in other cities

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Great demonstration in Milan yesterday 24 February in support of the Palestinian people, against the imperialist war

first images

40 thousand in procession, Many young Palestinians, women, fighting students and on the front line

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Mexico: The State Issuing Legal decisions against activists and defenders of the land

We publish an unofficial translation of the statement published in Red Sun Mexico , which has also been shared on The Red Herald.

- We strongly condemn the criminalization of activists and defenders of the land.

- The political use of legal power is a clear example of state oppression.

People's flow Red Sol raises the voice against the recent court decisions against the comrades of Santa María Mixtequilla and Puente Madera, which, like many other comrades and communities in the Isthmus region, opposes the introduction of the Inter-Oceanic Corridor, an imperialist mega project that has led to the division of division community networks, rise in criminal and paramilitary violence, expropriation of land and territories from indigenous peoples, among many other things.

To the worthy resistance of activists, communities and democratic organizations, the ancient state responds with arbitrary arrests and judgments that confirm the political use of the legal power; This is a clear example of the oppression found in the device.

On February 2, a counter-pockets from Tanivet approved the eligible security measure with custody of the 9 civil resistance-Mixtequilla activists, which was detained in the middle of a violent action in the early morning hours of January 27 in Santa María Mixtequilla, Oaxaca. Comrades Adelaido López Gallegos, Armando Sánchez Gómez, Orlando de la Cruz Gallegos, Roberto Vázquez Orozco, Ricardo Vargas Ruiz, Albino Palacios Orozco, Jorge Intiveros Álvarez, Alba Pérez Santana and Ana Sánchez Castro are currently back.

On February 7, a District Judge in Salina Cruz a verdict on Puente Madera Community Agent and Member of Assembly of the Indigenous Peoples of the Isthmus in Defense of the Land and Territory (APIidt). Comrade David Hernández Salazar and 17 other defendants are free thanks to a legal ordeal.

As we previously reported, our colleague Salvador Pinal Meléndez, a Zapotek Social Member of Santa Cruz Tagolaba and a member of our organization, was also jailed on September 21, 2021, accused of crimes he has not committed, and is currently in house arrest on Due to its fragile health, while their attackers continue to enjoy total impunity and commit new robberies against society.

All of these comrades have in common that they defend the earth and fight against the introduction of CIIT. All of these comrades and their communities are victims of the old state's oppression, who continue to escalate, which also leaves comrades threatened, wounded, detained and even murdered, as is the case with our comrades Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino, Jesús Manuel García Martínez and Félix Vicente Cruz. For all these reasons, we maintain that the interoceanic corridor removes and murders poor farmers and and native people!

As an organization, we confirm our solidarity with the persecuted, prosecuted and political prisoners, and with the communities and organizations that have decided to continue the fight against the introduction of this imperialist mega project with expropriation and death. We continue to call for unity between the democratic and revolutionary forces in our region to build a strong movement that makes it possible what we have said before: Isthmus is ours! Not for the imperialist mega projects.

Freedom and acquittal to political prisoners!

No to the Inter-Coean Corridor!

No matter who reigns, the rights of the people will be defended!

With the red sun, the people will win!

People's flow red sun

February 9, 2024

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Teacher Racing Movements Double is the invitation card for the strike on Wednesday, February 28th.




Double is the invitation card for the STRIKE on Wednesday 28 February .

This strike is Objective meeting point of two calls . Is memory day and rage to complete a year from the crime to Tempi and day union of presence and voice of students, farmers with all their workers across the country! Crossed, the statement of youth and Our people that 57 dead will not be forgotten with the requirement of mass Coalition of all struggling pieces.

Crime in TEMBI was not one Moment, is the system of politics. And this policy of profit, privatization, state withdrawal from his elemental obligations continues and intensified by crushing the folk rights. The country, the workers, our youth become passengers in a Train leading to poverty, poverty, barbarism. Alongside, only anger and disgust is caused by the government's concealment business crime. Aversion and disgust for a mockerying civilian personnel Cathedral the relatives of the victims.

STUDENTS-AGRICULTURE-WORKS A VOICE AND A FAY ! For several weeks the student youth And the farmers fill the streets of the squares. With occupations and blocks against state repression, terrorism, slander and Propaganda of cheating media insist on fighting for their right. The strike enables the resistance to anti -populist resistance to be massively manifested Government Policy, to unite all voices of defense of rights in Education, health, income, stable and permanent work, in life!

She The need highlighting reality is the content of Strike Call for teachers. To close the schools, Let our industry unite his voice with all the people. Not just as an indication Solidarity but because we are facing corresponding reactionary measures. The same black thread connects private universities with the law on Professional Education, the National Bachelor's Bachelor's Degree, the new non - appointments with written ASEP, the evaluation of categorization and Teachers' discipline. And all of the previous ones are added to a pressing and exhaustive school everyday life, with salary spent on Absolutely necessary as early as the first days of the fortnight.

Alongside Participation in strike is an attitude of defense of freedom of thought and action against the persecutions, to the SAD, in intimidation and bans, in criminalization of trade union action, in fascist. Recently in the new criminal Code makes a specific reference to school mobilizations and Hospitals!

We are on strike not to get out of “from obligation” Due to the black anniversary, or to throw another incomplete rifle As the compromise forces seek with statements of 'riding the race' ', wishing to hide that they mean the end of the mobilization. We are on strike to make Wednesday 28/2 a station mass and unity, giving impetus to continue and strengthen the direction of the total and central confrontation of the people with the Government attack. To be immediately General Assemblies in ELME and SEA to decide on the next racing steps.

To get back the reactive measures-to break the terrorist

On the roads we can win!

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CLASSIFICATION Down the hands of the fighters and the collective action

The class march denounces the attempt to terrorize employees at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA) by calling to the SAD of all members of the Board of Directors of the Association of Administrative Personnel of the NCA, the Bureau of the General Assembly of 7 of the Central Council of the Federation of Administrative Higher Education (SPETE) and employees at the NCSR, of which one (contractor, gar) is also threatened with dismissal.

The EKPA Administrative Personnel Association at its General Assembly of 7 February made a decision to block the building that houses the key (Network Operation and Management Center) on 12/2 with the aim of blocking the tele-examinations. This mobilization aimed to support the student struggle against the establishment of private universities in the country.

Indeed, the employees of the NCSR, jointly with the EIB and EDIP associations and the student associations, claimed and managed to suspend the operation of the network for about 75 minutes, resulting in the cancellation of the scheduled exams at that time. This became known outside the EKPA, took dimensions on social networks and nationwide television channels as a victory for workers, thereby annoying and provoking reactions: on the one hand the self -proclaimed prosecutor's intervention, on the other hand the folding of the Rector's Authorities. , who have suspended a contractor colleague and a member of the Central Council of PDPE and practically dismissed, after approaching the termination of his contract, with the risk of not being renewed. At the same time, they invited the members of the Board of Directors of the Association and the Bureau of the General Assembly that made the decision to mobilize.

The persecutions of colleagues/equals for their trade union action, in support of the implementation of the decision of the General Assembly of their Association, are in full correspondence with the anti-labor-anti-representative laws of Hatzidakis and Georgiadis and the suppression of the Government. To be able to pass the bill on the establishment of private universities. From the calls throughout Greece, the Director (R) occupied by schools in police departments and the persecution of teachers, to the invasion of MAT in schools and schools under occupation, to the tears, the wood, the arrests on the marches, the government is fortified Behind terrorism and repression to continue its overall anti -populist policy.

From the collapse of infrastructure and the consequent loss of life and destruction of property (fires in Eye and Euboea, train to Tempi, floods in Thessaly and how many more) to precision and austerity to the point where we deprive basic goods and electricity. From the market for the expensive war weapon and the country's absolute attachment to the US military requirements to complete submission to the EU's orders for the country's economy. From the destruction of public hospitals and free care-responsibility to hunger wages and the attack on any labor rights still. From the evaluation of schools and teachers to the abolition of free higher education, the bourgeoisie with an expression of its respective government is trying to "end" with the rights of this people.

However, the people's right to education, as well as their ability to strive and claim, are unobtrusive terms of life. That is why any mobilization "annoys" any struggle that unravels the true intentions of the government and any successful movement that breaks its omnipotence. In this context, the persecution of colleagues/equals in the NCSR are also included and in this context we declare our solidarity with our full support.

  • Dismissal, SAD and terrorism will not pass
  • To stop any prosecution now and get back now the fellowship of the colleague.
  • Solidarity is our weapon.

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PC 25 February - In Palermo on the day of national mobilization of 24 February for Palestine and against the imperialist war, in connection with the great event in Milan

Hundreds yesterday afternoon, on the day of national mobilization, to the procession that from the main square of the Popular District of Guadagna unfolded in the street to the Leonardo of war and death factory, the profit factory of the murderers, with the full approval of the Meloni War -speaking and accomplice government of the genocide of the Palestinian people implemented by the Nazisionist state of Israel supported by US/NATO/Europe/Italy imperialism.

A procession that greeted the great national event of Milan and all the initiatives in progress in other cities such as Catania ..., which has clearly placed the support for the resistance of the Palestinian people and the condemnation of the genocide implemented by the Nazisionist state of Israel, who denounced the warfond and fascist act of the Meloni government, who has strongly solidified with all the students and students and demonstrators attacked by the police on the day of the general strike of February 23 in Pisa, Florence, Catania ...

During the route several inhabitants of the neighborhood were overlooked by the balconies, speaking with people who along the sidewalks took our flyer and/or the journal of the counter -information Rossusoia in the majority emerged the no to the war and that the money must not be used to go to kill children , women, young people but must serve for work, schools, hospitals, the services that the Meloni government is attacking but also emerged the little knowledge of the Palestine question or Leonardo at the service of the war ...

We are all Palestinians, alongside the Palestinian women

In front of the Leonardo, armored by police and Digos, several interventions and slogans Palestine Libera, assassins, Israel Terrorist followed one another.

MFPR companion intervention

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[Video] Saint -Etienne: demonstration for Palestine at the call of committee 42 - New era

We reported in a previous article the demonstration to which we attended on Saturday February 3 in Saint-Etienne at the call of Committee 42 for Palestine.

We invite you to find a video of the event here:

Demonstration in Saint-Etienne for Palestine. Source: new time

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Ilianna Manika interview I survived from the Railway accident in Tempi - Reproduction by EPSYN

'Let's not get used to state assassinations'

One year after the country's most lucrative rail accident, Elianna Manika speaks to Ef. Sin. For the tragic moments he lived as a passenger of the Hellenic Train train and how he managed to get rid of the fourth wagon. He argues that the state has only been dealing with the concealment of crime and estimates that the real culprits are in the restless.

The 29 -year -old philologist, who lives in Thessaloniki, asks to fight to conquer a life that we will not think about whether we manage to get home from our work and not sacrifice to the altar of "development".

Ilianna Manika, I survived from the Railway in Tempi

● What is the first picture that comes to your mind since the night of February 28th 2023?

The absolute chaos. A patchwork of horrible traumatic images.

● Could you describe what you lived for?

I was on the train from Athens for Thessaloniki with a friend of mine and a friend of mine. We were in the front positions of the fourth wagon, I with my girlfriend were sitting together and our friend three places back. At about 23.20, we felt a strong jerk, which lasted several seconds, in which objects were dropped on us, glasses from the windows that broke and material from the wagon that was dissolved, as the commercial train had fallen from the left on our wagon on our wagon . I remember that when the jerk stopped, the wagon had tilted quite a bit. After a while the lights went out. We managed to get out because our friend took the hammer and broke the window that was on the side of the wagon. We managed with the hammer first and then with suitcases to break the glass and jump off the train. We were injured at the time of the conflict, but also in our attempt to get rid of it.

● What did they see when you managed to get rid of it?

As soon as we jumped out of the window we headed to the field. We stayed on the spot with other injured for about two hours, during which we had not yet realized what had happened and whether we would be able to come out alive. I remember the cries, the train burning, the other injured around me, the wreckage of wagon. Some blurry images. I remember that in order to get rid of it we had to help us rescuers climb over the commercial train and then with ropes to reach the road. There we were given first aid, and then we were taken to the "Gennimatas" Hospital in Thessaloniki.

● In the first critical hours and the following days who did you have on your side? What is the state's support for you since then?

I had my own people next to me, but also those who were demonstrating this state crime, those who did not exit against this mass murder. The state was involved in the scene, with the concealment of crime. He didn't deal with us. The victims are not interested in the state, only their profits. And when on the altar of their profits she is murdered, she is interested in how much we will cost her if we cost her. We have nothing to expect from those who knew that they were sending us to premeditated crime. For so many years, OSE employees Katogella had the lack of security measures and the mobilizations and strikes that have found the indifference and derision of the executives and the media that served them. After all, we must not miss that the OSE was aware of the state and sold in foreign interests, with the Greek State by the European Union's instructions forced to take on the costs, but also to reduce it: to dismiss staff, to delegate contractors. Thus, they leave the functions that have to do with our safety. Thus, they show us that they are not interested in how much we will survive, as long as they fill their pockets.

● Have you contacted relatives of victims or other survivors?

Yes. Mostly I have contact with the president of the Association of victims of affected Tempi, Maria Karystianou, whom I deeply appreciate, admire her power and all the efforts she makes to avoid this crime and to win the right.

● Have the Public Prosecutor's Office invite you to deposit what you have experienced?

No, no one has called us.

● A year later, do you think justice will be rendered?

I do not believe in civil justice, because in all cases they load responsibilities for workers or victims themselves. The real culprits are in the process and as we follow the discussions in the House Inquiry Committee, an attempt is made to blame the responsibilities of the station and the dead drivers who went to work and never returned home. In the same work spectators. In all the murders of the system: the drowning refugees, the workers who are killed every two days, the murders of the police, my passengers who were murdered because they dared to enter the train, the individual responsibility, the human error and the " " Their righteousness serves the policy of the powerful, which impoverish us, deprives us of our own rights, to our own lives. But I believe in the right. That is why I will not choose the fatal stance and will not accept this gloomy situation. I will participate in the struggle to give righteousness, because, although they have taken it on their side, we will take advantage of our power against corruption to impose the real right.

● Have you re -trained by train since then?

Of course not. The train has been painted with the blood of the victims, with the damaged dreams of young people who died so unjustly and with the nightmares of those we were there and experiencing this horror. The word "train" is now intertwined with death. I am learning that they are now getting coffee in the train, that they have upgraded their website, they have changed the numbers of positions. For passenger safety they have done nothing of course. Another example of their mockery and the devaluation of our intelligence.

● What would you say to the Prime Minister of the country if you had him?

Nothing! I have nothing to say to the Prime Minister, Karamanlis or anyone else of the current government and all the previous ones. I don't wonder how they sleep quietly in the evenings. They sleep fine because they do their job very well. They serve their class by putting profits over our lives. I don't think we have something to win by talking to those who are against us. But I want to say something to all the people around me who happened not to be on the train that night, but we live together in this system that imposes death on us daily on all its manifestations. That this system of exploitation, violence, terrorism and overt murder is based on our fear of surviving. But in order to survive in it, we must unite against the individualism cultivated and through our solidarity and collective struggle to question this bloody "reality". Not to get used to their murders. To claim our right, because nothing is given to us. To fight to conquer a life that we will not think about whether we are able to survive, return home from our work, from our university or from our movement. A life that we will not sacrifice to the altar of their "development". A life in which every life will have value.

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INDIA: “Black Day”, more clashes between peasants and the old State – The Red Herald

Featured image: peasants burn effigies of Modi, Amit Shah and the Haryana’s Chief Minister. Source: Varun Gulati

On Wednesday 21 st of February, the peasant Shubh Karam Singh, who was protesting with thousands of peasants, was shot dead by the Indian police in Jind district, Haryana. We have reported on this previously . No agent has been held accountable for this, and Punjab Chief Minister, Bhagwant Mann, tried to buy off the family and the peasantry by announcing that he will give them compensation of 10 million rupees, equivalent to US$120,000. At the same time the Indian police declared that the cause of death would only be known after the autopsy, avoiding all possible blame on the police.

The murder of Shubh Karam Singh does not represent an isolated case, but the repression of the old Indian State has been very harsh since the beginning of the protests. The use of tear gas, concrete barricades protecting the country’s capital, and heavy police charges have been usual during this week of peasant protests. Additionally, the old Indian State has also put its entire propaganda and censorship machinery to work. The Punjab’s peasantry is being accused of being infiltrated or having links with the “terrorism” and Halistans independence organizations , declared as terrorists by the old Indian State. In this way, the just struggle of the people is criminalized and the harsh repression against them is justified. In previous peasant protests such as those in 2021, there were already accusations of this by the State Prosecutor.

The old Indian State has carried out other types of repressive measures, willing to isolate the peasant’s struggle and trying to prevent them to denounce the crimes and repression that they are facing. For example, internet access and SMS have been banned in numerous districts of Haryana from 11 th of February until last Saturday. It has even been known that the Indian authorities have contacted the social network “X” (formerly Twitter) to close accounts and delete posts related to the peasant’s struggle. This has been admitted by the social network itself.

The murder of the young peasant and the harsh repression of the old Indian State did not stopped the protests of the Indian peasantry, but has made stronger their efforts, and the peasantry has carried out more mobilizations and is calling for new ones. On Friday 24, the Indian peasantry declared a “Black Day” and raised thousands of black flags during the marches and once again clashed with the repressive forces of the old Indian State, during their march towards the capital, New Delhi. Peasant organizations held numerous protests against police repression, burning effigies of Modi, Amit Shah and the Chief Minister of Haryana and there have been new injured peasants due to police brutality. They also announced new mobilizations, including a tractor march for Monday 26 th of February.

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"Final Solutions" and painful questions. By Vasilis Samaras / Reprinted from the Journal of Editors / 24-02-2024

'Final solutions' and painful questions

Vassilis Samaras*

The Zionist policy aims at the "final solution" of the Palestinian issue with the clearance of the Palestinians and the creation of a purely Israeli state in the land of Palestine.

The Palestinian Mackele in Gaza continues without stopping by the Israeli forces. Tens of thousands of murdered, so many others and more crushed, hundreds of thousands of outskirts. This constant crime, the "sensitive" West not only overtakes it, but also enhances the Zionist atrocities by all means offering money and weapons. No coincidence of course. After all, the "democratic" West itself has a long tradition of mass extermination of all peoples. Much more that was the same as promoting the creation of the Zionist state as its own advanced prison in the Middle East.

On the basis of these data it is not surprising that Zionist propaganda, assisted by the dominant western media, is trying to justify the continued slaughter of the Palestinians. He argues that Israel exercises the "legal right to defense", that it is fighting against terrorism and ruthless killers. This is the "usual" reversal of reality. Let's see.

The self of shame by Israeli slaughterers AP Photo

The real data

Which truth attacks whom? Who terrorizes who? Who is killing who?

a) In the 1882 census it was found that Jews made up 3% of the Palestinian population, Christians 9% and Arabs 88%. So when, at the start of this, 3% came to claim 100% of Palestine against 88% (or even 97%), who is the attacker and who is the defender?

(b) The Zionist state was born in blood and through the wildest terrorism of armed Jewish formations (Hagana, Irgun and Stern). A terrorism even against the patrons of the British with the blasting of the British mission hotel-highway that buried 200 English officers, as well as the murder of UN Bernadote mediator. With the terrorist attacks against the unarmed and disorganized Palestinians and with the aim of expulsion from their land. The bloodthirsty symbol of their pursuits is the slaughter of Der Yassin, who, as the "leftist" Golda Merr was indirectly and cynically admitted, served these aspirations. A Palestinian terrorist policy that continued continuously from then to the present day.

c) As far as the issue of the murder is concerned, it is a fact that there have been many victims on the side of Israel throughout this time. There is, however, no comparison in relation to the victims of the other side. The number of Palestinians who were murdered during these decades by the Israeli occupation forces is unmistakable. A murderous orgy that continues nowadays in the long -awaited gauze and in the western van.

To the "final solution"?

What and why all this. The main aim of Israeli imperialist protectors is to keep it as the strong basis of their policy in the Middle East. At the same time and in a way that their relations with other Arab countries are not disturbed. It is only that the policy of the Zionists, taking advantage of this relationship, aims even further. It aims at the "final solution" of the Palestinian issue by clearing the Palestinians and the creation of a purely Israeli state in the land of Palestine. With constant terrorism, imprisonment, torture, displacements, murders and the constant expansion of settlements. In relation to this pursuit it is interesting to see some more things.

The inner assumptions

One of the greatest crimes in the history of mankind was the mass extermination of Jews by the Nazis. Explanable, therefore, that on the basis of the trauma carried by the Jews, they revolt when one compares their policy towards the Palestinians with the Nazis against the Jews. Only they should probably look in the mirror.

So let's go to what Gideon Levi, a distinguished Israeli journalist and writer, mentioned. He said that in the context of Israeli politics and society, some perceptions dominate a significant degree.

(a) How the Israelis are the wealthy people and therefore are entitled to act as they want.

(b) How are the victims of history and therefore cannot be characterized by Palestinians.

(c) How they consider the Palestinians a inferior human species and therefore it is normal to treat them even in an inhumane way.

Unpleasant questions

So, based on all the data that has accumulated a course of so many years, some serious questions can be raised.

a) What is the difference between the Jews' belief that they are the wealthy people and the Hitler "Deutschland über Alles"?

b) What is the difference between the Nazi perception that classified Jews in the category of human beings and opinions in Israel who treat the Palestinians as a lower kind of people?

c) What is the difference between the intentions of the Nazis to impose as a "final solution" to the Jewish issue the mass extermination of the Jews and the policy that sees as a "final solution" to the Palestinian issue of the mass extermination-demolition of the Palestinians and the creation of purely Israeli State on the territory of Palestine?

The answers, to the reader's judgment.

*KKE executive (M-L)

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Poland: Farm protests on the border with Germany and Ukraine

As of today, Polish farmers have been blocking important points on the German-Polish border on the A12. The blockade should take 24 hours, parts of the highway are closed to cars and trucks. The protest is directed against EU agricultural policy.

bauernprotest polen.cleaned

Those: https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/polen-bauern-blockade-grenzuebergang-100.html

Polish farmers blocked the motorway to Germany near the border near Frankfurt (Oder) on Sunday. The farmers originally announced a four -week protest. After placement talks with Mariusz Olejniczak, the non -party mayor of Słubice, only a warning strike should take place in which 500 to 700 vehicles participate. About 17,000 trucks pass the border crossing daily, the effects on traffic could extend to the outskirts of Berlin.

This protest is just one of many protests , which have been organized by the Polish farmers in recent months and joins the wave of peasant protests, that of imperialist countries like Germany, Spain , up to semi -colonial and semi -footed countries like If suffices. The protests in Poland are directed against the European Union's agricultural policy, especially against that Ukrainian farmers have been importing their grain duty -free since 2022 and can sell for little money.

So there were protests on the border with Ukraine in the past week, for example on Medyka border crossing . In some actions was not just blocked the street , But also blocked train rails, tires and Ukrainian grain lit and lazy eggs thrown. Tractors were also protested in large cities, such as Gdansk and Krakow. According to Polish media reports, it has it throughout the country Over 250 blockages given.

bauernprotest polen brennende reifen.cleaned

Those: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik-gesellschaft/bauernproteste-in-polen-und-tschechien-weiten-sich-aus-eu-und-ukraine-in-der-kritik-li.2188932

Rails blockade in Medyka, Poland. Source: Radio Svoboda on X

Like the revolutionary website „The Red Herald“ reported, the peasants from the Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, demand that Poland from the so -called "Green New Deal", an agreement for the "EU climate neutrality by 2050" , it is decoupled, which, among other things, provides for the significant reduction of fertilizers and the rotation of cultures. They also called for the ban on Ukrainian grain in the EU.

The protests soon received criticism from the Ukrainian government. The Ukrainian Prime Minister Zelensky, loyal servant of imperialism, especially Yankee imperialism, did not take long to connect the protests of the Polish farmers to armed Russian attacks. Next Wednesday, February 28th Zelensky and Tusk hold a meeting , in which the Polish Prime Minister will try to maintain the support of the farmers and at the same time pursue the goals of the imperialists with the war, which includes the support of NATO and the import of materials across the land border.

Continue writes „The Red Herald“ In addition (our translation):

In the other Eastern European countries such as Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, the Czech Republic And others, these demonstrations take place in a similar way in all countries. All have the same goal: to minimize the damage caused by the Ukrainian grain. Either through state aid or by banning the free traffic of Ukrainian grain.

However, all governments of these countries pursue the goals of imperialism, which means that they allow the massive import of Ukrainian products in favor of the monopolies and at the expense of the farmers in the country. […]

Many of the protests aim at the termination of agreements with semi -feudal and semi -colonial countries, which they classify as unfair, since the same environmental regulations do not apply to the farmers and farmers of the European Union, which leads to a price increase and a disadvantage in the competition. However, it is the European monopolies itself, in particular German imperialism as a dominant power in the EU who take advantage of the war in Ukraine to enable the free traffic of the Ukrainian grain in the EU and thus the prices for the grain under the pretext of the To lower "global nutritional security" because the Russian blockade of exports over the Black Sea took place at the beginning of the war. "

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By the way: Bolsonaro lowers the tone during demonstration at Av. Paulista - The New Democracy

The program By the way He held a special edition to deal with the Bolsonarist agitation on Paulista Avenue on February 25th. The program featured the presentation of Enrico Di Gregorio, journalist of AND and host of the program, and the newspaper director of the newspaper, Victor Bellizia. The video can be seen here .

Also read the editorial comment of the program By the way of today:

Today's act expresses, in the first place, that Bolsonaro is really the weak. In his speech, he explicitly defended an amnesty, comparing that granted to the torturers of the military regime at the time of the constituent. Bolsonaro wants to save his own skin, like a pulha he is, but to sound as an advocate of a "noble cause", referred to "men and women" arrested for participating in the second polonald of January 8, 2023, for the first time since those events, as if defending them. Cynical! Secondly, it is necessary to score: if it is true that the act was great, it must be borne in mind that people from all over Brazil were mobilized to focus in Sao Paulo, and all beaten by the protonazist, fantasized as pastor, Silas Malafaia. This was not, from afar, the greatest act of the pockets, nor was the one who expressed the greatest political weight: the biggests of Parliament, and even the governors Zema and Tarcisio, participated only by electoral calculation. If Bolsonaro aimed to demonstrate mass weight to curb the investigations, he failed. But no one thinks that we are in Brazil at one step of peace and tranquility in politics: this manifestation, with approximately 300,000 people, proves that it follows with mobilization power and its movement continues to have masses; In addition, this act takes place amid investigations that brought abundant evidence that Bolsonaro has prepared a coup d'état and, in this sense, all these people defend and mobilize for the consummation of this coup. Bolsonaro is weak and tends not to be able to curb ongoing investigations; But the far right is greater than he and will survive it. All of this requires all Democrats and Progressives the greatest vigilance in combating coup and all commitments and conciliation with it.

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French: Statement of the ICL on Comrade Lenin – The Red Herald


Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Comrade Lenine, flagship of the international proletariat and great master of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, sheds light on the path of the Unity of the International Communist Movement

"We are those who form the army of the Grand Stratege of the proletariat, the army of the comrade Lenin. There is no greater honor than belonging to this army. " (Stalin)

As the pages of history show, on January 21, 1924, the comrade Lenin, the great leader of the working class and the oppressed peoples of the whole world, the second cornerstone of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, has become immortal, we leaving an inheritance in incalculable value. The teachings of comrade Lenin, who transformed the “world of tomorrow”, whose foundations were laid by Marx and Engels, from an abstract possibility into a concrete reality, are still topical after a century of great upheavals in the world. To position yourself properly in the class struggle, you must assume this "news" and orient yourself in its direction.

LENIN E , Master of communism broke the ice and opened the way facing international reaction and revisionism

Identify the contradictions correctly in the history of the class struggle, grasp the moments of rupture in history and be ready at these moments of rupture, such was the main task of the comrade Lenin throughout his struggle until its immortality. After the death of Marx and Engels, the opportunism of the second international took over the management of the international proletariat for a long period which, in the words of Stalin, was "a period during which the parties of the second international n 'could not continue to lead the theoretical struggle to release the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world of the influence of these opportunists and class collaborators of Social Democrats ”. In addition to the theoretical struggle for the release of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples, he developed, with the Foundation of the Communist International, a form of organization and struggle adapted to the dynamics of the class struggle in the new phase of capitalism.

The comrade Lenin made the Communist and the Communist International of War International against the Bourgeoisie by releasing the Communist Party and the Movement of the Communist International of the Hopals of Legal Forms: " Instead of a revolutionary policy, a stupid philistinism, a petty politiciller, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary combinations. Obviously, to save appearances, we adopted "revolutionary" resolutions and watchwords, but it was to bury them in the drawers. (…) It was important to revise all the activity of the 2nd International, its working method, to expel its Philistine Spirit, the tightness, the political, the spirit of denial, the social-chauvinism, the social-pacifism. It was important to check the entire arsenal of the 2nd International, to reject everything that was rusty and dilapidated, to forge new weapons. Without this preliminary work, it was useless to go to war against capitalism. Without this, the proletariat was likely to be insufficiently armed or even simply disarmed in front of the new revolutionary battles. It was to Leninism that the honor of proceeding with the general verification and the general cleaning of the Augias stables of the II International stables. " (“Principles of Leninism”, Stalin)

Comrade Lenin, with his genius, understood what was the heart of the contradiction and seized that the fight against the bourgeoisie could not be sufficiently effective and fruitful without unloading the international proletariat of his burden, without fighting opportunism and revisionism , without showing the masses the true character of these visions both from a theoretical and practical point of view, without isolation of these ideas as much as possible. By establishing the necessary and dialectical link between the “internal struggle” and the “external struggle”, the comrade Lenin led a double struggle.

The comrade Lenin left us, to us Communists, the extremely important lesson in the inseparability of the fight against revisionism and the opportunism of the fight against imperialism and all the forms of domination of the reaction. The fight against imperialism involves a purification of revisionism and opportunism.

Bring the teachings of Lenine high within the deepest contradictions of the imperialist system

The imperialist system, which the comrade Lenin analyzed in detail at the beginning of the 20th century, survived until today, but his contradictions are joining and he has entered a spiral of insoluble antagonistic contradictions. Although the dissolution of the USSR and the process of integration of China into the capitalist system have been there and that the contradictions have not exploded for a certain time, the law of unequal development of capitalism continues to progress and Inter-imperialist rivalry develops to the stage of “disintegration” through regional wars. This shows the crisis in which the system is found and that the “solutions” proposed in the past no longer work in the current phase. The imperialists who have long maintained the crisis by transferring the weight of the system to the semi-colonies and by looting their resources are now in a dead end.

One of the hot spots of the problems inherent in the imperialist system, which have developed according to the definition of Lenin's imperialism, is that the inter-imperialist struggle, which has manifested itself in various forms in recent years, is currently carried out through regional wars. When Lenin lists the contradictions of imperialism, he quotes inter-imperialist contradiction as one of the three most important contradictions.

“The second contradiction is that which exists between the different financial groups and imperialist powers in their struggle for the sources of raw materials, for the territories of others. Imperialism is the export of capital to the sources of raw materials, the frenzied struggle for the monopolized possession of these sources, the struggle for the district of the world already shared, the struggle that the new groups lead with particular relentlessness Financiers and powers in search of "a place in the sun" against the old groups and powers, who cling to what they have monopolized. This frenzied struggle between the different groups of capitalists is remarkable that it implies, as an inevitable element, the imperialist wars, the wars for the conquest of the territories of others. This circumstance, in turn, is remarkable that it leads to the reciprocal weakening of the imperialists, to the weakening of the position of capitalism in general, to the rapprochement of the time of the proletarian revolution, to the practical need of this revolution. ” . (Stalin, principles of Leninism).

Russia and China, the former socialist countries which have given a stay of the imperialist system thanks to their new markets, have become one of the main players in the inter-imperialist rivalry, in competition with the hegemonic power of the United States. This means that the scope and nature of the contradictions have increased with the growing involvement of new and powerful actors in the struggle for the redistribution of territories. The major confrontation linked to the invasion of Ukraine by Russian imperialism took place in this context. We can expect this trend to deepen and extend. As long as there is no direct confrontation between the imperialists, the regions where the sharing wars will take place will be the semi-colonies and the colonies. The semi-colonies and the oppressed peoples of the world will continue to pay the price of these wars until the imperialists declare a direct war.

The division of the world between a handful of imperialist nations and a majority of oppressed countries - masterfully analyzed by Lenin - has therefore been further accentuated. The third contradiction is exacerbated by imperialist flight and looting, and the semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries are raised in powerful wars of national liberation and popular wars which shake the imperialist system.

In addition to the process in which imperialism involves inter-imperialist contradictions, and the imperialist countries in contradiction, the oppressed peoples and nations; All parts of the leading system, in particular imperialist states, become more centralized, militarists and belligerents than before, which opens the way to all the fascist currents which bring the company to a corresponding ideological configuration. This occurs both with the so-called extreme right and under the veil of social democratic or liberal parties. Communists and the oppressed peoples of the world, faced with the reality of a system which becomes more reactionary and aggressive every day, need a Leninist party to direct the struggle of the proletariat for political power, as pointed out in the Comrade Lenin, in order to organize strong resistance against this reaction. Only such a party, now a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, can lead an irreconcilable fight against the bourgeoisie.

The great heritage of Lenin, the Leninist conception of the party: the staff of the proletariat

"The revolution is not a gala dinner, it is not as if we were writing an essay, painted a painting or embroidered a flower. It cannot be accomplished with so much refinement, ease and elegance, with so much sweetness, calm, respect, modesty and deference. A revolution is an insurrection, the act of violence by which a class reverses the power of another class. " (Mao Zedong)

The way in which the communists define the existing contradictions and position themselves in the face of developments is crucial. During the hundred years that have passed since the death of the comrade Lenin, the imperialists transformed their structures ruling into even larger war machines. Their armies, fonts, secret services, etc. have incomparable capacities to those of the past. On the other hand, a considerable part of those who say they are "communists" or "revolutionaries" ignore this reality (even if it seems theoretically accepted) and are far from positioning itself in agreement with it. Following an ideological and practical line of reconciliation which encloses the working class and the oppressed masses in the dominant system, they amortize the anger of the masses and act like dams. While the imperialists and the dominant exploitation structures have increasingly violent devices and institutions, it is necessary, as a disciples of the comrade Lenin, to lead a strong ideological struggle against the fact that those who Say “revolutionaries” and “communists” are increasingly moving away from the reality that the revolution and the revolutionary struggle will be based on arms and violence. Taking inspiration from the relentless struggle of comrade Lenin against the opportunism of the II International to fight against these points of view is one of the important tasks to do justice to the comrade Lenin in this year of the centenary of his immortality.

Comrade Lenin defined the new type of communist party as "the organization of war of the proletariat". This definition was necessary because of the imperialist system and the mutual position of the classes. The process that led to the October Revolution and the civil war that broke out with the October Revolution are the concrete reasons why the comrade Lenin qualified the Communist Party as a war organization of the proletariat ". It is necessary that the Communist Party, which will lead the emancipation of the proletariat and the oppressed masses, has this characteristic, while the counter-revolution is moving up to the bottom of the apparatus by violence and commits all these terrible massacres Against the working class and the oppressed peoples. A revolutionary war needs a combat party to lead it. Only fools and incorrigible revisionists who rely on the bourgeoisie can see things differently.

“Some ridicule us by calling us supporters of“ omnipotence of war ”. Yes, we are supporters of the omnipotence of the revolutionary war; It's good, it's not bad, it's Marxist. The weapons of the Russian Communist Party have created socialism. We will create a Democratic Republic. The experience of the class struggle at the time of imperialism teaches us that it is only with the power of the rifle that the working class and the laborious masses can overcome the armed bourgeoisie and the landowners; In this sense, we can say that it is only with weapons that the whole world can be transformed. " (Mao Zedong)

During its founding conference, the LCI defined the construction and reconstruction of communist parties as an important task in the struggle for the world proletarian revolution. The conception of the Communist Party developed by comrade Mao Zedong conforms to the conception of the Communist Party exposed by the comrade Lenin, and also enriched by Stalin, and is the realization of the Leninist conception of the party in the ideology of Marxism-Leninism- Maoism. In the period of imperialism and proletarian revolutions in which we find ourselves, the Communist Party capable of opposing the growing aggression of the imperialist reaction and of leading the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world to the Liberation must have the quality of a “proletarial war organization”.

An essential heritage of Lenin is the question of political power as a fundamental question of any revolution. Lenin has shown that "the proletarian revolution is impossible without the violent destruction of the bourgeois state apparatus and its replacement by a new device" and that "without power, everything is only illusion". Under the personal direction of Lenin, the first socialist state in the world, the dictatorship of the proletariat, was established, which materialized the proletarian path towards power and its maintenance.

After the death of Lenin, it was its continuator Stalin who brilliantly defined Leninism, developed it and made it the basis of the entire international communist movement. Based on the shoulders of the Grand Lenin, President Mao was able to bring the world proletarian revolution to higher levels and develop the ideology of the proletariat. Leninism which is today Marxism-Leninism-Maoism must be adopted, defended and applied to the current situation.

As LCI, we will continue to carry out the tasks raised by the Grand Lenin and make good use of the inheritance that the comrade Lenin left us.

The comrade Lenin, the grand master of the international proletariat and the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, directs and guides our struggle for the world proletarian revolution, today as yesterday!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Long live the international proletariat!

International Communist League, January 2024

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PIRAEUS Press Release from the meeting against the persecution - New Tuesday 27/2 meeting at 19:00 at ELME Piraeus offices

A meeting on the persecution industry set up against struggling teachers, which had been invited to the initiative of the overturn resistance unit was held on Thursday 22/2 on Thursday 22/2.

Representatives attended the meeting: The Municipal Schedule "Obligious Korydallos", the Political Organization of Red Thread, the Attica Book - Digital Media Association (which stated that it would talk to the club), Piraeus Popular Resistance, Piraeus Resistance, Racing III Western Intervention the class course and the racing moves of AEI-TE.

All attendees agreed that the issue of teachers' persecution for trade union and political action is very serious and linked to the general direction of terrorism and repression of militants, unions and movements.

They have argued that the issue is not only about teachers but should be opened and linked to other affected and hit pieces (PENEN, dismissal of administration, students, etc.) in a logic of gaining wider characteristics. That must be answered in terms of mass movement and mobilization, with the aim of taking back all the persecutions.

It was agreed to take place an afternoon demonstration in Piraeus - which has been the focus of persecution lately - in March (12/3, 14/3, 21/3), with its propaganda in the premises (schools, unions, neighborhoods etc) to be massive. To come out on the issue.

In this direction and to expand the initiative and by other forces it was decided to hold a new immediately meeting on Tuesday 27/3 at 19:00 at the ELME Piraeus offices that would end up with all this. After all, there were many colleges that had declared a willingness to participate and contribution and failed to attend.

As part of this initiative, several suggestions/ideas have fallen on the table such as: creating a fixed campaign on the issue that will be linked and acting together with other such moves, the event with the contribution of lawyers, trade unions and persecuted The logic of opening the issue, the connection of the movement with other corresponding initiatives taken in Thessaloniki and the coordination of steps with corresponding union initiatives, if any, to submit resolutions to the general assemblies of the student associations, as well as the address of the parents.

The discussion ended with a commitment by the participants to fight for this initiative, to help embrace another world as well.

We are renewing the appointment for Tuesday 27/2 at 19:00 at the ELME Piraeus offices (3rd GEL Piraeus, Mavromichali 14) at the new most expanded meeting.

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FRENCH: Statement of the ICL on Comrade Lenin

We publish this translation to French of the statement by the ICL on Lenin.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Comrade Lenine, flagship of the international proletariat and great master of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, sheds light on the path of the Unity of the International Communist Movement

"We are those who form the army of the Grand Stratege of the proletariat, the army of the comrade Lenin. There is no greater honor than belonging to this army. " (Stalin)

As the pages of history show, on January 21, 1924, the comrade Lenin, the great leader of the working class and the oppressed peoples of the whole world, the second cornerstone of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, has become immortal, we leaving an inheritance in incalculable value. The teachings of comrade Lenin, who transformed the “world of tomorrow”, whose foundations were laid by Marx and Engels, from an abstract possibility into a concrete reality, are still topical after a century of great upheavals in the world. To position yourself properly in the class struggle, you must assume this "news" and orient yourself in its direction.

LENIN E , Master of communism broke the ice and opened the way facing international reaction and revisionism

Identify the contradictions correctly in the history of the class struggle, grasp the moments of rupture in history and be ready at these moments of rupture, such was the main task of the comrade Lenin throughout his struggle until its immortality. After the death of Marx and Engels, the opportunism of the second international took over the management of the international proletariat for a long period which, in the words of Stalin, was "a period during which the parties of the second international n 'could not continue to lead the theoretical struggle to release the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world of the influence of these opportunists and class collaborators of Social Democrats ”. In addition to the theoretical struggle for the release of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples, he developed, with the Foundation of the Communist International, a form of organization and struggle adapted to the dynamics of the class struggle in the new phase of capitalism.

The comrade Lenin made the Communist and the Communist International of War International against the Bourgeoisie by releasing the Communist Party and the Movement of the Communist International of the Hopals of Legal Forms: " Instead of a revolutionary policy, a stupid philistinism, a petty politiciller, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary combinations. Obviously, to save appearances, we adopted "revolutionary" resolutions and watchwords, but it was to bury them in the drawers. (…) It was important to revise all the activity of the 2nd International, its working method, to expel its Philistine Spirit, the tightness, the political, the spirit of denial, the social-chauvinism, the social-pacifism. It was important to check the entire arsenal of the 2nd International, to reject everything that was rusty and dilapidated, to forge new weapons. Without this preliminary work, it was useless to go to war against capitalism. Without this, the proletariat was likely to be insufficiently armed or even simply disarmed in front of the new revolutionary battles. It was to Leninism that the honor of proceeding with the general verification and the general cleaning of the Augias stables of the II International stables. " (“Principles of Leninism”, Stalin)

Comrade Lenin, with his genius, understood what was the heart of the contradiction and seized that the fight against the bourgeoisie could not be sufficiently effective and fruitful without unloading the international proletariat of his burden, without fighting opportunism and revisionism , without showing the masses the true character of these visions both from a theoretical and practical point of view, without isolation of these ideas as much as possible. By establishing the necessary and dialectical link between the “internal struggle” and the “external struggle”, the comrade Lenin led a double struggle.

The comrade Lenin left us, to us Communists, the extremely important lesson in the inseparability of the fight against revisionism and the opportunism of the fight against imperialism and all the forms of domination of the reaction. The fight against imperialism involves a purification of revisionism and opportunism.

Bring the teachings of Lenine high within the deepest contradictions of the imperialist system

The imperialist system, which the comrade Lenin analyzed in detail at the beginning of the 20th century, survived until today, but his contradictions are joining and he has entered a spiral of insoluble antagonistic contradictions. Although the dissolution of the USSR and the process of integration of China into the capitalist system have been there and that the contradictions have not exploded for a certain time, the law of unequal development of capitalism continues to progress and Inter-imperialist rivalry develops to the stage of “disintegration” through regional wars. This shows the crisis in which the system is found and that the “solutions” proposed in the past no longer work in the current phase. The imperialists who have long maintained the crisis by transferring the weight of the system to the semi-colonies and by looting their resources are now in a dead end.

One of the hot spots of the problems inherent in the imperialist system, which have developed according to the definition of Lenin's imperialism, is that the inter-imperialist struggle, which has manifested itself in various forms in recent years, is currently carried out through regional wars. When Lenin lists the contradictions of imperialism, he quotes inter-imperialist contradiction as one of the three most important contradictions.

“The second contradiction is that which exists between the different financial groups and imperialist powers in their struggle for the sources of raw materials, for the territories of others. Imperialism is the export of capital to the sources of raw materials, the frenzied struggle for the monopolized possession of these sources, the struggle for the district of the world already shared, the struggle that the new groups lead with particular relentlessness Financiers and powers in search of "a place in the sun" against the old groups and powers, who cling to what they have monopolized. This frenzied struggle between the different groups of capitalists is remarkable that it implies, as an inevitable element, the imperialist wars, the wars for the conquest of the territories of others. This circumstance, in turn, is remarkable that it leads to the reciprocal weakening of the imperialists, to the weakening of the position of capitalism in general, to the rapprochement of the time of the proletarian revolution, to the practical need of this revolution. ” . (Stalin, principles of Leninism).

Russia and China, the former socialist countries which have given a stay of the imperialist system thanks to their new markets, have become one of the main players in the inter-imperialist rivalry, in competition with the hegemonic power of the United States. This means that the scope and nature of the contradictions have increased with the growing involvement of new and powerful actors in the struggle for the redistribution of territories. The major confrontation linked to the invasion of Ukraine by Russian imperialism took place in this context. We can expect this trend to deepen and extend. As long as there is no direct confrontation between the imperialists, the regions where the sharing wars will take place will be the semi-colonies and the colonies. The semi-colonies and the oppressed peoples of the world will continue to pay the price of these wars until the imperialists declare a direct war.

The division of the world between a handful of imperialist nations and a majority of oppressed countries - masterfully analyzed by Lenin - has therefore been further accentuated. The third contradiction is exacerbated by imperialist flight and looting, and the semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries are raised in powerful wars of national liberation and popular wars which shake the imperialist system.

In addition to the process in which imperialism involves inter-imperialist contradictions, and the imperialist countries in contradiction, the oppressed peoples and nations; All parts of the leading system, in particular imperialist states, become more centralized, militarists and belligerents than before, which opens the way to all the fascist currents which bring the company to a corresponding ideological configuration. This occurs both with the so-called extreme right and under the veil of social democratic or liberal parties. Communists and the oppressed peoples of the world, faced with the reality of a system which becomes more reactionary and aggressive every day, need a Leninist party to direct the struggle of the proletariat for political power, as pointed out in the Comrade Lenin, in order to organize strong resistance against this reaction. Only such a party, now a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, can lead an irreconcilable fight against the bourgeoisie.

The great heritage of Lenin, the Leninist conception of the party: the staff of the proletariat

"The revolution is not a gala dinner, it is not as if we were writing an essay, painted a painting or embroidered a flower. It cannot be accomplished with so much refinement, ease and elegance, with so much sweetness, calm, respect, modesty and deference. A revolution is an insurrection, the act of violence by which a class reverses the power of another class. " (Mao Zedong)

The way in which the communists define the existing contradictions and position themselves in the face of developments is crucial. During the hundred years that have passed since the death of the comrade Lenin, the imperialists transformed their structures ruling into even larger war machines. Their armies, fonts, secret services, etc. have incomparable capacities to those of the past. On the other hand, a considerable part of those who say they are "communists" or "revolutionaries" ignore this reality (even if it seems theoretically accepted) and are far from positioning itself in agreement with it. Following an ideological and practical line of reconciliation which encloses the working class and the oppressed masses in the dominant system, they amortize the anger of the masses and act like dams. While the imperialists and the dominant exploitation structures have increasingly violent devices and institutions, it is necessary, as a disciples of the comrade Lenin, to lead a strong ideological struggle against the fact that those who Say “revolutionaries” and “communists” are increasingly moving away from the reality that the revolution and the revolutionary struggle will be based on arms and violence. Taking inspiration from the relentless struggle of comrade Lenin against the opportunism of the II International to fight against these points of view is one of the important tasks to do justice to the comrade Lenin in this year of the centenary of his immortality.

Comrade Lenin defined the new type of communist party as "the organization of war of the proletariat". This definition was necessary because of the imperialist system and the mutual position of the classes. The process that led to the October Revolution and the civil war that broke out with the October Revolution are the concrete reasons why the comrade Lenin qualified the Communist Party as a war organization of the proletariat ". It is necessary that the Communist Party, which will lead the emancipation of the proletariat and the oppressed masses, has this characteristic, while the counter-revolution is moving up to the bottom of the apparatus by violence and commits all these terrible massacres Against the working class and the oppressed peoples. A revolutionary war needs a combat party to lead it. Only fools and incorrigible revisionists who rely on the bourgeoisie can see things differently.

“Some ridicule us by calling us supporters of“ omnipotence of war ”. Yes, we are supporters of the omnipotence of the revolutionary war; It's good, it's not bad, it's Marxist. The weapons of the Russian Communist Party have created socialism. We will create a Democratic Republic. The experience of the class struggle at the time of imperialism teaches us that it is only with the power of the rifle that the working class and the laborious masses can overcome the armed bourgeoisie and the landowners; In this sense, we can say that it is only with weapons that the whole world can be transformed. " (Mao Zedong)

During its founding conference, the LCI defined the construction and reconstruction of communist parties as an important task in the struggle for the world proletarian revolution. The conception of the Communist Party developed by comrade Mao Zedong conforms to the conception of the Communist Party exposed by the comrade Lenin, and also enriched by Stalin, and is the realization of the Leninist conception of the party in the ideology of Marxism-Leninism- Maoism. In the period of imperialism and proletarian revolutions in which we find ourselves, the Communist Party capable of opposing the growing aggression of the imperialist reaction and of leading the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world to the Liberation must have the quality of a “proletarial war organization”.

An essential heritage of Lenin is the question of political power as a fundamental question of any revolution. Lenin has shown that "the proletarian revolution is impossible without the violent destruction of the bourgeois state apparatus and its replacement by a new device" and that "without power, everything is only illusion". Under the personal direction of Lenin, the first socialist state in the world, the dictatorship of the proletariat, was established, which materialized the proletarian path towards power and its maintenance.

After the death of Lenin, it was its continuator Stalin who brilliantly defined Leninism, developed it and made it the basis of the entire international communist movement. Based on the shoulders of the Grand Lenin, President Mao was able to bring the world proletarian revolution to higher levels and develop the ideology of the proletariat. Leninism which is today Marxism-Leninism-Maoism must be adopted, defended and applied to the current situation.

As LCI, we will continue to carry out the tasks raised by the Grand Lenin and make good use of the inheritance that the comrade Lenin left us.

The comrade Lenin, the grand master of the international proletariat and the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, directs and guides our struggle for the world proletarian revolution, today as yesterday!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Long live the international proletariat!

International Communist League, January 2024

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