English Language Content (Mobile) - 2024-03-02

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Like all in our America we know [and we clearly suffer] Yankee imperialism has imposed the greatest militarization of lackeys under their control. This need, as well as the tendency towards the facission and reacting of regimes under their splint, is born from the fear that imperialism has before its general crisis and the growth in the struggles of the peoples in the world. The above applies not only outside the imperialist powers, but also inside. Citing a article From a nova democracy that we recently shared: “Hence the political reflexes perceived year after year. Knowing that the unresolved crisis of its regime tends to arouse increasingly powerful uprisings of the popular masses, as has happened incessantly in recent years, the ruling classes use repression as the only alternative. Only in the last two years, countries such as France or the United Kingdom have used or advanced measures and bills to restrict rights as basic as strikes and popular street demonstrations. Throughout Europe, militarization advances at a fast pace: in addition to increasing military budget, organizations such as NATO welcomed Finland as new members in 2023. ”

Now we have as an exemplary expression of this militaristic tendency in the US Modern of a police training field with a cost exceeding $ 90 million.

The Georgia State Police and especially Atlanta was the awkward witness of the 2020 mobilizations against racism and police violence, which increased after the news of the murder of Georges Flyod, who was publicly suffocating it by the racist police until the racist police until his death. As the masses lazar furiously, the fear of the Poli grew overflowing.

In Atlanta this movement continues to increase after the murder of Rayshard Brooks, another black worker massacred by the police during an arrest, in which Brooks resisted trying to avoid being tortured with a taser. He was killed with multiple bullets while trying to flee.

These struggles and the resistance of the masses in the streets have exceeded the police again and again and are the justification of the gringo imperialist state to build the “Atlanta Public Safety Training Center” complex (Atlanta Public Security Training Center) In the forest, south of the city that in its history has not only for genocide and forced displacement against the people muscogui , but also served as a slave estate and later as a prison that developed a new slave system of forced labor for almost the entire twentieth century. The planned construction includes a helipad and the recreation of a part of the city where they will train the police in the counterinsurgency simulating armed clashes in an urban context.

The people of Atlanta have immediately stood up against this project, joining different initiatives against the formation of a police state and internal militarization. The different agendas in forest protection, against gentrification, police violence, etc. They have joined a variety of heterogeneous groups and individuals who already develop various campaigns with mass struggle that range from the forest, to the realization of marches and sabotage against machinery and equipment of the megaproject construction companies, after which the FBI and Police have made cateos and raids amid spectacular operations as taken from a gringa film.

The latter gives us an exact panorama of the anti-democratic character of the project and confirms the reactionary vocation of the gringo government, who threatens to destroy the social fabric and peace of the African-American communities around the place, and of the same population originally from the forest. In the same way, more than 116,000 signatures (more than twice the votes that the governor of Atlanta received in the past election) were ignored for being “late”, although a judge had ordered a extended extent in the search for signatures that were oppose the project. Parts of the movement They stressed :

“It is worth noting that, while in times of social peace the authorities would allegedly greet the opportunity to channel a combative movement to electoral reformism, in this case, they were not willing to give commitment, nor giving citizens the chance to exercise their right legal."

The opposition to this megaproject has left some costs, at the moment 61 activists are accused in a criminal process based on “rich” laws approved in the 70s against organized crime. They are accused of being part of an "organization in fact" and not of a movement, in addition the State considers this "organization" as a criminal for the simple fact of protesting under common slogans or names of initiatives such as "high to the police city "Or" defend the Atlanta forest. " Forty -two of these are accused of domestic terrorism for participating in marches or camps, many of them are also charged within the first process. Among them Víctor Puertas is still detained in pretrial detention for more than a year, also threatened with deportation to his country of birth, Peru.

The repression has reached dramatic moments, such as January 18, 2023 when they murdered the young Venezuelan activist Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, 26, known as "Tortuguita." Police argue that he started the confrontation shooting against them; However, the inquiries reveal that he was subjected in his campaign home, forced to place hands up while the police riddled him with 57 shots of firearm; The body did not have gunpowder residues in their hands or arms.

Obituary by the movement

Recently on February 8 they arrested an activist named John “Jack” Mazurek, accused of being involved in burning 8 police motorcycles. The movement responded by burning another police car in the arrest neighborhood three days later. This spirit is also reflected in a slogan of the movement that says: "If they build it, we will burn it!"

At the moment the State achieved the eviction of the forest and has begun the construction of the “Cop City”, but the fight continues and is not lost. That the construction of the complex already has a advance of 70% compliance, that the State speaks, it is a lie and propaganda to misinform. Photos taking the end of January prove it:

It is obvious and well understood by the movement that the “police city” project also has relevance outside Atlanta. Citing a representative of the White House, who considers “exemplary” this megaproject that “would like to see emulated by other municipalities” is a proof that it is a pilot project; That is why in other states of the country there are protests and sabotage actions against monopoly companies and public administration.

Many groups in protests denounce the role of Yankee imperialism in militarization and wars against peoples worldwide, now especially the training of Zionist pigs and gringa participation in genocide in Palestine. It is increasingly frequent to observe the claims in favor of the heroic Palestinian national resistance with slogans and flags present in the manifestations against “Cop City”.

The tendency towards the formation of a police state and militarization in the heart of the imperialist Yankee beast shows the severity of its crisis. His democratic mask is falling apart. Yankee imperialism wants to save himself in blood the rebellion of the masses, but they will fail and will be swept by this. We greet the resistance of the people in the US struggling against the same beast side by side with the oppressed peoples of the world.

Below "Cop City"!
Political prisoners, freedom!
Justice for turtle!

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Copenhagen: Actions for the Palestinian People's Fight

We have received documentation of actions that have been carried out in proletarian neighborhood in Copenhagen in solidarity with the heroic national resistance struggle of the Palestinian people. We share the pictures below:

"Living the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people!"
"Live Palestine!", "Down with Zionism and Imperialism!"

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Study, study and not get tired of studying, but always do it to transform reality | Workers Revolution

Estudiar, estudiar y no cansarse de estudiar, pero siempre hacerlo para transformar la realidad 1

C Build the game acting as a game It is a phrase that lately is repeated in circular, orientations, work plans, and in not a few discussions of the Communist Workers Union (MLM) . I understand that highlighting that idea is to root the consciences of all classmates, the valuable idea that the best way to work to build that vanguard of the proletariat in Colombia is to give birth to it in our daily life acting each of us as if We were the most disciplined, the most active, the conscious workers who will be the material basis to build in the same practice that detachment of combatants for the revolution.

With that sense, in my body the elaboration of the work plan was undertaken and as part of that plan they guided us to decisively transform our performance against the study, especially fighting the harmful idea that the workers cannot become good scholars because that attitude as it was a heritage of an exclusive part called "the intellectuals."

But in addition, they ordered us to take the study as an organized action, guided by a collective decision and therefore provided with a good Discipline dose aware, so that we did not take it as an action that we would do it "when we have over time", or only when we are forced by the performance of a specific task. They called us so to speak, To act in front of the study: Acting as a party!

It has undoubtedly been difficult to fulfill, because not in vain the education taught by the bourgeois cathedral has impregnated it to one of that unclean idea that the theory is “for intellectuals” and of course, who welcomes the theory as part of its Life, in the end will become an intellectual, but the poison is to pretend to condemn the working family to be oblivious to the possibility of rising to the quality of intellectual .

Well, there were 3 things that I assimilate of orientation: intense daily discipline in the study, combination of the theory with practice when studying and writing to share something that the study done in that way has contributed to me.

Today I can tell you that I am in that fight to get it, every day it has been a hard fight to achieve it and I cannot stop telling you that 100 % I have not succeeded, but that I am in that fight, if I can share them, and Each day of study achieved, has filled me with satisfaction and has left me, not only some more knowledge of the science of Marxism, but valuable elements to understand reality a little better.

In this first stage I have dedicated myself to Mao, to read and reread several of his writings especially in relation to the methods and there are few ideas that strengthen my love and recognition to this great teacher of the proletariat so vilified by the reactionaries , but so dear to much of the masses.

Today I feel more committed to this work, and with great affection for those who have the possibility of being part of these ranks that raise the red flag of the proletarian revolution, and that is why with that deep affection, I invite you to study the Marxism, and to assume with great force the truths of Mao, among which I understood the following:

The objective of the study is to link the MLM with the practice of the revolution:

  • Study the current national and international situation. Not investigating is like "Proceed as" a man who hunts sparrows with his eyes closed "or as" a blind man who intends to groad fish ""
  • Mao deals with the lack of concern for the study very hard, qualifies it as: "Treat things superficially without penetrating its details, surrender to a jactious verbiage and be content with poor and poorly assimilated knowledge"
  • Study the story . We need to seriously study the present and past of our history
  • Study of international revolutionary experiences
  • Study of the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism
    -The study must be done with the conscious purpose of satisfying the needs of revolutionary practice and not simply to study.
    -It can be deduced that we study Marxism well, when we learn to solve concrete problems, and we notice that it is not so, when we become good to repeat phrases of Marxism if connection with practice, but we do not manage to solve the problems of our work .

  • They constitute a lousy work style then:
    -Negligence in the study of the current situation
    -Negligence in the study of history
    -Negligence in the application of the MLM

With strong revolutionary hug
An UOC partner (MLM)

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PC March 1st - Israel Criminal! Immortal Palestine!

The new infamous massacre in Palestine highlights that there are no limits to the genocidal plan of the Nazi -type Zionist state of Israel.

All imperialist countries, use in the lead, and the Italian government, are complicit and direct responsible for what is happening.

All international institutions, UN on their heads, show their impotence to condition any form the concrete action of the Zionist state of Israel.

However, the European Court of Justice will have to condemn Israel for crimes against humanity and genocide.

In the face of this horror without planned and realized limits, there can be no limits to the resistance of the Palestinian people, international solidarity.

It is necessary to hit the heart of Israel and the imperialist states in all forms in all forms, first of all for us.

The boycott is needed at all levels of Israel by all the states of the world who do not want to witness what is happening.

It is necessary that international solidarity, which is a weapon, "yes arms", and that no place attributable to the state of Israel can remain at peace.

Of course, you need to go down to the square wherever it is possible from this Saturday, and give this mobilization a permanent character.

Solidarity and action committees for Palestine everywhere

International delegation and internationalist contingent, from the Court of Justice to the occupied territories

Away the Meloni government accomplice of the genocide

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Israel criminal! Immortal Palestine!

The new infamous massacre in Palestine highlights that there are no limits to the genocidal plan of the Nazi -type Zionist state of Israel.

All imperialist countries, use in the lead, and the Italian government, are complicit and direct responsible for what is happening.

All international institutions, UN on their heads, show their impotence to condition any form the concrete action of the Zionist state of Israel.

However, the European Court of Justice will have to condemn Israel for crimes against humanity and genocide.

In the face of this horror without planned and realized limits, there can be no limits to the resistance of the Palestinian people, international solidarity.

It is necessary to hit the heart of Israel and the imperialist states in all forms in all forms, first of all for us.

The boycott is needed at all levels of Israel by all the states of the world who do not want to witness what is happening.

It is necessary that international solidarity, which is a weapon, "yes arms", and that no place attributable to the state of Israel can remain at peace.

Of course, you need to go down to the square wherever it is possible from this Saturday, and give this mobilization a permanent character.

Solidarity and action committees for Palestine everywhere

International delegation and internationalist contingent, from the Court of Justice to the occupied territories

Away the Meloni government accomplice of the genocide


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PC March 1 - The Meloni/Crosetto government wants free hand in exporting weapons and tries to cancel the law 185/90

Appeal to the need for popular reaction by Alex Zanotelli

This modern fascist government step by step wants dismantle everything that represents an obstacle to the profits made with the production and sale of weapons to anyone who wants to buy them, in violation of the Constitution and Italian laws such as 185/90.


“... On February 21, the Senate approved the changes to the Law 185, which regulates the import-export of the armaments for which they will come the mechanisms of transparency and parliamentary control over trade deleted of weapons and on the banks that finance these operations. If it will be approved to the Chamber, we will no longer be able to know what the "armed banks" are.

“Everything was announced a few months ago by the minister of the defense Crosetto who expressed impatience

towards "ethical banks" such as towards the armed banks, promoted by missionary magazines Nigrizia, Mission Today and Mosaic of Peace. For this reason the popular reaction is fundamental To this attempt by the Meloni government to change the law 185/90 to sell Weapons to all. Let's mobilize, Christians and lay people, let's get back together for defend such a precious law in such a dark moment in human history. "

“The world has never seen so many weapons that they always produce More wars: the data are increasingly alarming. Our country is one of the great Weapons manufacturers with the best performance on the stock exchange. In fact, to the third worldwide there is Leonardo, ex-Finmeccanica, whose value on the stock exchange is tripled, as reported by the Sole 24 Ore, on February 28, 2924. Not only that, but According to some previews of the Stockholm Sipri, the military expenditure in Europe in 2023 reached 345 billion dollars, while the world expenses In arms they increased by 2,040 billion in 2022 to 2,500 billion dollars In 2023. We are madly. A unique "civilization" law is jumping us in Europe, in such a 'armed' moment like this. Banca Etica launched a Appeal to put together all the realities that had promoted 185/90. "

Alex Zanotelli

Excerpt from today's manifesto

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Macron speaks of soldiers' shipping to Ukraine and Russia responds - the new democracy

On February 26, France's imperialist president Emmanuel Macron said he did not rule out the sending of troops to Ukraine. The statement was given at a time when Putin's unjust war of aggression against the Ukrainian nation turned two.

It was not clear in the French President's statement if the troops would be from France or NATO, since the agent pointed out that "there is no consensus" on the theme of sending troops to Ukraine, but that the discussion cannot be discarded.

Macron also stated that European countries will present sanctions against other countries that help Russia circumvent economic sanctions imposed since the beginning of the Ukraine war.

Despite Macron's statements, the governments of USA, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, NATO members, publicly rejected the idea of an attack on Russia.

European imperialist powers prepare the War Theater

Macron's declaration occurred after France and Germany to establish ten -year agreements with Zelensky involving military assistance, the imposition of more sanctions against Russia and soldiers training. Germany granted on the day of signing the agreement, February 16, 1.13 billion euros to Ukraine.

Since the first Russian invasion in 2014 and especially after the beginning of the Russian aggression war against Ukraine, European imperialist powers come across the idea of facing Russia. Trump's election in 2019 and its threats to remove NATO USA had also increased the apprehension. European military fragility in the case of loss of unique hegemonic superpower support at NATO, which would be possible if Trump returned to the presidency, now lights up a new warning sign.

As a preparation for potential war, the imperialists of Europe are deepening their militarization. According to the press monopoly The Economist Europe must be able to produce projectiles at an annual rate of 1 million to 2 million at the end of this year, potentially exceeding the USA. European Union (EU) military spending has generally increased significantly and may reach $ 380 billion. Despite the new chips, Zelensky continues to seek capitulation. On the 27th, President Lacaio Ukrainian went to Saudi Arabia to discuss the terms of a peace agreement.

Leveraging the increase in military spending, NATO, meeting the interests of the Ianque imperialists (the unique hegemonic superpower) continues the siege plan to the atomic power Russia. Ianques' performance in sending weapons and funds to Zelensky should be reinforced in the next period.

Russia's reaction opens the doors to the imperialist war

In a response to Macron's statements, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said a war between the country and NATO will be “inevitable” if members of the unique hegemonic superpotence alliance uses to decide to send soldiers to fight for Ukraine to fight for Ukraine .

In his speech, Peskov stated: “The mere fact of discussing the possibility of sending some contingents from NATO countries to Ukraine is a very important new element. In this case, we have to talk not about the possibility, but about inevitability [of a war between Russia and NATO].

Ukrainian presidential advisor Mikhailo Podoliak took advantage of Peskov's cue to ignite the European fear of a Russian attack, stating: "This demonstrates the absolute notion of risks to Europe by aggressive and militarist Russia."

The imperialist atomic power Russia, which has been consolidating a militarized zone on the border of Ukraine, seems to go towards the annexation of the territory (as done in Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporíjia and Kherson). With the response to Macron's statement, Russia (atomic power) seeks to lead European imperialists to swallow defeat in the Ukraine War.

These are also new signs of the crisis of the world imperialist system, which pushes the different powers to wide what they really are: carnicers who do everything to save their own skin.

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PC March 1 - The massacre of the hungry of Gaza is not a "accident" but the result of the planning of the Nazi/Zionist genocide ....

As well as the support of the Meloni government that flies to the US by aligning itself in facts with US imperialism

The US blocks declaration of conviction to Israel of the Council of UN security

Explosive and ambush traps: like the sadistic "hunger games" of Israel aim to make the population of Gaza starve

There are growing reports of ambushes Israelis who directly target the civilians in Gaza while they wait for help, often after false messages report that i Rescue are coming.

Source. English version

The New Arab - February 15, 2024

An al-Araby al-Jadeed investigation, the twin edition in the language Arab of The New Arab, documents how the Israeli forces seem targeted Palestinian civilians through the Gaza Strip besieged while I am desperate for food, taking advantage of the conditions of famine that Israel has imposed on the population trapped to attract dozens of civilians in a fatal trap. Ahmad Ashour lies wounded in a hospital bed at the hospital Al-shifa, where he was urgently brought at noon of 25 January 2024. The semi-hospital

working it was suddenly crowded by a new wave of serious injuries: 150 Palestinians, with injuries from firearms and splinters, they were brought urgently After the Israeli forces and artillery have opened fire on a crowd pending the arrival of food aid. THE Palestinians had gathered at the Kuwait roundabout on the road Salah Al-Din, south of the city of Gaza, after receiving messages of text that informed the arrival of humanitarian aid coming by the United Nations Agency for the rescue and use of Palestinian refugees (UNRWA).

UNRWA denies sending messages

Ahmad's brother, Mahmoud, says he knows Three more who had received the message. “As soon as some residents of Gaza and the northern area of the strip have received SMS on the arrival of the aid trucks, the news yes It is widespread and hundreds of them began to head towards this area, ”says Dr. Ashraf Al-Qurara, the ministry spokesman of the health of Gaza. "However the Israeli artillery, positioned a kilometer south of the roundabout, it suddenly has started shooting directly on people waiting, with bullets and grenades, killing 20 people and injuring 150 ". Yes is treated, in his words, "an Israeli massacre against the hungry ". Ismail Thawabta, head of the government press office In Gaza, he says that this is not the first ambush of this type: “The inhabitants of Gaza are afraid of the Israeli ambush in which The army simply shoots as many people as possible, between I hungry in search of help ". An operator on the field of UNRWA responsible for the distribution of aid (which has wanted to remain anonymous) explained that the agency was not a knowledge of messages. He had never sent notices with this methods and usually announces the imminent help of aid on his official website and on the pages of social media.

Hunt for the hungry

The Euro-Mediterranean Observatory for Rights Humans and the United Nations Office for the coordination of Humanitarian affairs (OCHA) have documented four episodes until 30 January included, in which the Israeli army fired on civilians waiting for the arrival of the trucks with humanitarian rescue. This caused 72 deaths and hundreds of injuries, some serious ones, According to Lima Bustami, director of the Legal Office of the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory. The first attack took place On January 11, when tanks armed and quadricotteri drones have shot against hundreds of Palestinians gathered in Al-Rashid Street a Northwest of the city of Gaza, pending the Nations trucks Join that they should have delivered flour. The attacks Israelis not caused have killed 50 civilians and injured it tens. The second attack took place on January 22, when the wagons Israeli armed have bombed hundreds of hungry civilians who they had gathered at the Kuwait roundabout after they spread false information that the help of the nations of the nations United were coming. Two were killed and ten injured. The third massacre (in which Ahmad was injured) was committed in the same roundabout on January 25th. Five days later, at 16:00 on 30 January, the Israeli forces have again opened fire on civilians, hurting several, always at the Kuwait roundabout, still one time, after they gathered waiting to receive aid humanitarian. “This is the fourth reported attack of Palestinians ended up under fire while gathering to supply food ”, states the report on the situation of the OCHA published on 31 January 2024. In addition to the four attacks mentioned above, witnesses ocular have reported two other attacks that took place on 26 and January 29, always at the Kuwait roundabout, and always after yes Voices were widespread on the arrival of aid, in which six civilians are killed and 30 injured. The Kuwait roundabout is the most place close to the center of Gaza that the rescue trucks can reach. Thawabta states that in documented cases in which The Israeli army has in this way attacked assembles of Palestinians, most of the attacks followed False Voices widespread on the arrival of trucks, for which civilians were gathered in impatient awaiting.

The famine in Gaza in the spotlight

Khaled Youunis, who fled Gaza City and now He is in Rafah, he says that his brother, who is still in Gaza, He survived the massacre of January 25th. He told him that although the people knew how dangerous the area, their despair was For food he had pushed them to circulate the news that the trucks rescue were coming. “In front of the crying of children and the need for food of displaced families, who live in conditions inhuman, the inhabitants of Gaza have no choice but that to risk life, "he says. The deliberate attack and the killing by Israel of civilians who do not take part in hostilities, Including those looking for food, it is a war crime, he underlines Envelopes. To this is added the deliberate induced death for hunger of the population of Gaza by Israel, which is prohibited e considered a war crime pursuant to article 8 of Statute of Rome: “Intestitutionally to grasp civilians as a method of war depriving them of goods indispensable for their survival, including intentionally prevent the humanitarian aid provided for by Geneva conventions ".

Sadism: boxes with explosive traps in Gaza

Hunger levels in Gaza have reached a point such that people grind the forage of animals to feed, A reality highlighted by UNRWA in a tweet on the platform Social X-Tatwitter, on January 28, 2024, entitled: “Simply There is not enough food. " “Hunger suffering people have made easier to attract the inhabitants of Gaza in specific areas with The pretext that the aid would be distributed, before kill them, "says Thawaba. This is not the only way in which Israel targets the hungry. The testimonies of the displaced people of Gaza fled from the north of Gaza for the South revealed methods Even more horrible and perverse. A practice provides that soldiers Israelis leave boxes "with explosive traps" (similar to food boxes) in the houses after withdrawing from an area of they had taken control. When civilians return home in Search for food, exchange these boxes for food left by soldiers, but when they open them they explode, injuring or even killing the people who are nearby. The son of Amna Issa, Mahmoud (14 years old), lost three fingers and reported serious Facial and neck injuries after opening a can that the army Israeli had "left", thinking that he contained meat in box. “At the beginning, employment soldiers left some true food, such as boxes and bread, and hungry citizens they took after the army had retired, but they exploited This thing and now deliberately leave boxes with traps explosive, one of these devices killed my neighbor's son, And another son Mahmoud wounded, "said Amna. A Expert engineer of explosives (who wanted to remain anonymous) of the bombers of the security services of Gaza, responsible for the collection and neutralization of ammunition unexploded after the Israeli military attacks, explained the operating mechanism of these bombs. He explained that they look like food boxes, but contain two explosive parts interconnected. The upper part contains a detonator and the part Inferiore contains TNT, an explosive material. If anyone removes the lid, the detonator activates and emits a spark that turns on the TNT and the box explodes. In the traps they often come slipped sharp metal fragments to ensure maximum damage, the explosion can hurt people up to a radius of 20 meters. "This is not a new method for employment," he says, “Since Israel has prepared similar traps in the past using children's dolls and toys ".

Kill the return in search of food

Abdullah Razzaq, a civilian from Gaza, said that Israeli forces are targeting those who try to go home to collect food stocks, especially when They think that Israeli tanks have retired. The majority part of the displaced people were forced to quickly abandon the their own houses due to the sudden bombings and therefore have brought with it only small quantities of food and other goods. With the pass some time and the food that becomes increasingly scarce, many they try to go back in order to recover the supplies from own houses. "It seems that employment has understood that the people need to go back to their homes, so pretends to withdraw its tanks armed by this or that road or area, and then Place hidden sniper high on the buildings. The area seems completely empty, but as soon as the citizens begin to gather Looking for food, Israel catches them by surprise, with snipers and drones who shoot them ". According to reports, this type of closets caused dozens of deaths and injured, in particular in center and in the north of Gaza. Thawabta confirmed that the forces Israeli were deliberately killing those who returned to their homes in the Northern neighborhoods. But even the South is not sure. In the governoring of Khan Youunis, in the south of Gaza, similar ambushes were reported in Batn Al-Sameen, in the western part of Khan Youunis, in the village of Qizan An-Najjar and in the area of Al Balad. The citizen of Gaza Khamis Fojo believes that his son Muhammad (19 years old) fell victim to one of these closets. Yes He went to the Batn Al-Sameen district to take food and provided at the house of a relative who had fled Rafah at the end January, but from that day he disappeared and nobody has his own news. Also, when the Israeli army retires completely from an area, the soldiers deliberately give fire to civil homes and everything they contain, especially in the north of Gaza. The goal seems to be to deprive the inhabitants of Gaza of their resources to exasperate the levels of hunger between the population. It is difficult to estimate the number of deaths and injuries deriving from these episodes since most hospitals in North of Gaza are out of service or only partially work. However, the Ministry of Health said at least 20 people were killed and about 50 wounds by “Trap explosive ". The Ministry also estimated that only in the month of January about 95 civilians were killed and 400 wounded in attacks while they returned to their homes.

Aim for aid convoys

In addition to killing those who were looking for food, the Israeli forces also worked hard to prevent the arrival of the rescue, according to the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory, which has documented several cases in which they were targeted by convoys of Humanitarian aid. On November 8, the Israeli army opened the fire on a humanitarian convoy of the Red Cross transported medical supplies, injuring a driver and damaging two trucks. The 29 December the army opened fire on a convoy UNRWA humanitarian, but victims have not occurred. Then, the January 10, a member of the UNRWA staff was killed e several injured, when the Israeli army took them to target while distributing aid in the south of the city of Gaza. 5 February, according to the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory, the forces Israeli have targeted a humanitarian convoy directed by South of Gaza in the North, despite being escorted by vehicles of the United Nations and Israel had been informed in advance of his path and its destination. Thawabta said that, By attacking the operators who distribute aid, "the army of employment is intentionally foment the chaos to prevent that aid reach the beneficiaries, the absence of these people hinder the aid distribution mechanisms. From consequently, people rush to trucks, and obtaining aid becomes limited to those who manage to rise on the truck first ". According to the Rome Statute, “direct intentionally attacks against staff, installations, materials, units or vehicles involved in humanitarian assistance "is considered a war crime. Thawabta stresses that they are 1,300 food truck per day is needed to relieve gravity of the Carestia, which is even more serious in the Governoratures northern. However, in the last week of January, Only 80-100 trucks per day entered through the Rafah pass. Before then only 180 entered. “The city of Gaza and the North Governorati are the subject of a hard and total siege in concomitance with the continuous genocidal war conducted by the army of Israeli employment, which prevented any help It came to the two governs from the beginning of the assault, "he has said.

Translation: Beniamino Rocchetto - Invictapalestina.org

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PC 1 March - Stellantis, between layoffs and repression of the workers, promises: in Pomigliano the production of the Panda until 2027

While for the workers and workers of the plant of Pomigliano d’Arco continue selective layoffs and the worsening of working conditions, Olivier Francois, CEO of Fiat e Stellantis global marketing director has announced with satisfaction that a Pomigliano will make the production of the hybrid panda, at least until 2027 (while The electric one will produce in Serbia).

The Stellantis, therefore, within the great world industrial renovation in all fields of production, continue to reposition themselves for the maintenance and conquest of new markets. The announcement of the production in Pomigliano della Panda is part of the maintenance program of the "model that has been dominating the Italian market for several years" for as regards the "utility segment" in Europe ... to implement this program, says Olivier, “we have in fact decided to increase production 20% To satisfy the demand for customers in Italy and Europe. "

But it must be said (always assuming that the choice to continue the production at least for another four years

it is maintained) that this choice was facilitated thanks to the postponement to infinity ( or even the cancellation) from the 2035 deadline, the year in which the production of current internal combustion engines.

This "battle" was made, so to say the least shameful, at European level by the representatives of the masters currently al Government in Italy (but also of France and Germany): a "battle" conducted in lobby style that has already produced its positive effects for the masters, because the European Union has in fact postponed any final decision on this argument, cheating on the "climate effects", which is why it was born The decision of the stop to 2035.

While the masters and their representatives to the government "work" In tune, it is sure that the "increase in production" will continue to discharge certainly on the workers and workers of Pomigliano who cannot be found unprepared even in front of this attack. The answer It takes, a well -organized answer. In this sense we asked ourselves in one episode of counter -information “when an effective meeting between the workers of Melfi, from Pomigliano, of Mirafiori to study the way of responding together to the government measures? Responding for forgiveness plant for forgiveness All plants. "


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PC 1 March - Workers' Training - Upcoming Thursday appointments on "What to do?" by Lenin

This Thursday was not possible to publish the episode of the worker training we are doing, studying and using the "What to do?" by Lenin. It will resume next Thursday and the part that we will face is very important and will certainly accompany us at least throughout the month of March.

For his companions and those who follow us, the base and the reference text of this work is chapter 3 "Tradunionist and Social Democratic politics". This is the heart chapter of the theoretical and practical consequences of the conceptions contained in "What to do?"

Just scroll through the paragraphs of this chapter.

"Political agitation and its limitation by economists";

"Political complaints and" Revolutionary activity internship ";

"The avant -garde work class for democracy".

These paragraphs are an objective invitation to immediately read chapter 3, to carry out the work to make it easier, more productive, the common work of the various episodes of the future workers' training.

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PC 1 March - 12 noon contrainformation Ross Operaia - The massacre in Palestine and the needed people's war - still on the repression of students

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MG: Protest in front of Globo denounces complicity of press monopolies with Palestinian genocide - The New Democracy

The entrance of Rede Globo's headquarters in Belo Horizonte was taken by more than a hundred people who protested last Thursday, February 29, against the complicity of the station with the genocide of the Palestinian people. The demonstration, convened by the Minas Gerais Committee on Solidarity to the Palestinian people, denounced the performance of press monopolies in the country that, according to the call released by the Committee, “promote a campaign of misinformation, lies and dehumanization of Palestinians”.

Press monopolies symbols were dyed with red paint, symbolizing the more than 30,000 Palestinians murdered by the criminal bombings of "Israel." Bloves in shrouded dolls represented the murdered children. Protesters expressed their indignation against more than 100 Palestinian citizens executed in Gaza that same day, shot by Zionist soldiers while gathering with trucks waiting for the distribution of food.

The USA and “Israel” flags were trampled and burned during the protest. Dozens of candles have been lit in memory of Palestinian journalists murdered since October last year. The protest ended through a simple and exciting tribute to the US military Aaron Bushnell, who set him fire in front of the embassy of "Israel" in Washington, in protest against Palestinian genocide.

The Minas Gerais Committee on Solidarity to the Palestinian people continues to promote various activities, such as the collection of signatures demanding the breakdown of Brazilian state relations with “Israel” and prepares great unrest during the “freshman reception” at UFMG and the celebration of International Day of Working woman.

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AM: Health workers protest in front of the MPF - the new democracy

On February 28, health workers from various categories mobilized a protest in front of the Federal Prosecutor (MPF). The workers denounced salary delays, persecution to workers and the complete chaos that is health in the state.

The activity was mobilized by the Todos for Health Movement in collaboration with the Amazonas Vigilantes Union. Nurses, doctors, vigilantes, machines, as well as workers from other sectors who went to support the mobilization, participated in the protest.

In different interventions, health professionals denounced the collusion of the State Government, the Chamber of Deputies and the press monopoly to hide the numerous problems of public health in Amazonas. Their speeches, the leaders of the movement highlighted the collusion of the State Government, the Chamber of Deputies and the media monopoly to make up and hide the numerous problems of public health in the Amazon. Protesters also point out that while the people died in hospitals' beds, the main concern of councilmen and deputies is the next edition of the electoral farce.

From the cases mentioned, the case of the machinery of the João Lúcio Hospital, who would be for about 11 months without receiving their salaries, were highlighted. One of the protesters, interviewed by the local correspondent AND He said he has been working at Adriano Jorge Hospital for 11 months and has not received a salary since October 2023.

The mobilization was also widely greeted by the passing population, with dozens of cars honking in support of the agitation of workers.

In the interventions, a representative of the all -health movement stated: “The working class should not accept. Should not allow this neglect (…). If we do not join all categories, we will continue to suffer in the hands of this governor that is there. ”

In an exclusive interview with and , the representatives of the movement stated that this mobilization is only the beginning, towards a new movement of health workers who will break with immobilism and will enforce the rights of these professionals.

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DF: PM invades Again Sam village and threatens to overthrow indigenous houses - the new democracy

The Military Police (PM), at the behest of the Federal District Government (GDF), invaded the Ahain Aam indigenous village, located in Paranoá, last February 29. The PMs threaten to overthrow the indigenous homes in the coming days.

The invasion was made in conjunction with Funai, MPI, and Terracap, with the "justification" that they had received a denunciation that there was no one living in the lands, who wanted to check if there were houses there, and if the residents really They were indigenous. The tone was soon changed in the course of the action, with the final promises of overthrowing the houses.

The PMs also tried to get a negotiation around a withdrawal without confrontation. In it, all buildings, except one of the houses, would be overthrown by the government and residents would be forced to abandon the area. Other facilities would be confiscated indefinitely and taken to an alleged deposit.

The indigenous disputed the absurd decision. “We live here. I will deliver what I have and where am I going to sleep? ”Asks one of the leaders to government representatives. In video broadcast on social networks, you can see PMs laughing while promoting expulsion.

Attacks on the village derive from real estate speculation

Residents report that these attacks have been taking place since 23/02, when the PM first invaded the land to remove residents. At the time, the military spent the day at the scene and knocked down the house of one of the residents. The residence was empty on the spot because the resident, a pregnant woman, had gone with relatives.

According to supporters of the cause, these invasions from the GDF and the PM are linked to real estate speculation, as the attacks on the village began only after the construction of the Gardebra Gardebra condominium, near indigenous lands. They also report that sometimes they were land grabbers, carrying alleged ownership documents. The indigenous people refused to leave the gileiros attempts, and then the PM took over.

In addition, on the same day of the visit on 29/02, the great entrepreneurs of the Gardebra Condominium had a meeting with the GDF. Residents and supporters of the village denounced that public servants left the direct meeting to the indigenous land.

Indians criticize government

In a support group of the indigenous cause in the DF, activists criticize the silence of alleged indigenous “leaders” as to what has been happening in Ahain Aam village.

In one of the messages, a member of the group republished a recent post by Sônia Guajajara celebrating the so-called “headdress bench” and commented “meanwhile, a few kilometers from the eviction [in Congress], just joy”, ironically referring to the situation of conflict lived by the indigenous people in the DF.

Another also says that “this is why they did not help [the Ahain Aam village]. They were very busy asking for money for the hit bench. ”

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GO: Governor inaugurates Park in honor of Israel and makes agreements with Zionist state - the new democracy

The reactionary governor of Goiás, Ronaldo Caiado, inaugurated on February 28 the park “Am Israel Chai”. The pro-action initiative seeks to “honor” people who died on October 7, without any mention of the Palestinian people or even the Israelis who were killed by the Israeli army themselves, not by the Palestinian National Resistance. The action was answered by pro-Palestinian activists of the state, who collapsed hundreds of posters against the Zionist genocide near the Park.

The event was attended by Israeli ambassador Daniel Zonshine and notably reactionary parliamentarians, such as the eugenist federal deputy Gustavo Gayer, Rondoniense federal deputy Cristiane Lopes (União Brasil) and the reactionary delegate Waldir. Sadly, 1,200 olive trees will be planted in the park. The olive tree is a traditional tree of the Palestinian lands invaded by Israel.

Caiado inaugurates park in honor of Israel. Photo: Reproduction

To consolidate the act of servilism to Zionism, Caiado has signed two agreements between Israel and the state of Goiás. One of them is a political agreement signed the commitment to “fight anti -Semitism”. In fact, it is the commitment of repression against pro-Palestinian organizations and personalities, persecuted throughout Brazil under the false allegation of anti-Semitism. The second is an economic agreement of technological “cooperation” in various areas, especially in agriculture, officializing Israeli participation in the Paranã span fruit project, where the Israeli ambassador had already made visits, including before October 2023. Project is a booming of the landlord (“agribusiness”) in the state, with coverage of rush against quilombola lands and repression of poor peasants in struggle for the land.

The agreement was also possible, because, despite the formal convictions of the federal government to the Zionist state of Israel, no concrete action to break relations with the Netanyahu regime was performed.

Prompt answer

The inauguration of the square was released a day earlier to avoid protests. But, the day before, members of the Palestinian people solidarity committee coined hundreds of pro-Palestinian posters near the place where the event would happen.

In addition to denouncing genocide and demanding the end of the Zionist occupation, the posters also had in their content the denunciation of Caiado's cowardly sadism to take advantage of the pain and suffering of a war to make electoral political campaign.

On Wednesday night, social networks were taken by indignation against Caiado's new pro-legal monument.

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DF: Outsourced worker dies after an accident at school - the new democracy

On February 16, an outsourced worker at the Class 10 School of Ceilândia, in the Federal District, fell from a height of approximately four meters when cleaning a awning at the entrance of the college. The worker did not use any safety equipment and was not trained for work.

A video of the accident released on social networks shows Sandra de Souza Marinho, 41, using a ladder to clean the awning with a water jet, and proves the lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

After the accident, Sandra was taken to the Base Hospital, where she remained in serious condition. She died on 22/02, just before the doctors ended the confirmation protocol of the worker's brain death.

The worker was employed by Real JG Facilitis. The company has been trying to get rid of responsibility by stating, to the G1 press monopoly, that Sandra was not trained for the service, that the PPE was compatible with the conservation function and who was the director who asked Sandra to clean the Roof, because "under no circumstances, she or other employees should do this kind of work, especially using a ladder." However, the hiring document of the company provided for the monthly cleaning of the gutters and the roof, still specifying the use of ladder with appropriate equipment provided by the contracted company.

Known from Sandra even commented on social networks that she was "a very hardworking and hardworking woman." They also stated that nothing takes the responsibility of the company "that submits cleaning employees to such services."

A netizen also commented on the platform Instagram who worked 7 years in the same company that provides service in DF schools, stating that "we are really obliged to do things that are not in the contract for fear of losing our job." And if questioning the person in charge, "he says he has to do what the management will send."

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Advance and new items of the "PEC of Armage" signal that parliamentarians want to continue close to Bolsonaro - the new democracy

Congressmen responsible for the “PEC of Armage”, which seeks to increase the privileges of legal protection to politicians, have returned to increase the project with the inclusion of an item that allows parliamentarians investigated by the court to access, unrestrictedly, inquiries against them themselves. The item allows even confidential protected sections to be accessed. The information was revealed by columnist D'O Globo, Malu Gaspar.

Parliamentarians also seek to prohibit search and seizure operations on congressional premises, define that the beginning of findings against deputies and senators only begin with the approval of Congress and end the privileged forum. As much as the end of the forum may seem like something progressive, the real reason for the deputies for the movement is to make the process start at the first instance, thus escaping the claws of the Supreme Court (STF). Currently, parliamentarians have the prerogative of, in cases involving the exercise of the car, to be tried directly by the Supreme.

Although PEC is supported by the various sectors of Parliament (governors, “centrão” and “opposition”), the main advances occurred concomitantly or after investigations against the far right, and particularly figures linked to Bolsonaro. This was how the project advanced after investigations authorized by Alexandre de Moraes against Carlos Jordy (PL) , leader of the far right in Campos dos Goytacazes, in RJ, and former ABIN chief, Alexandre Ramagem (PL) .

The new additions are a sign that, in addition to seeking legal shielding in general, certain sectors seek, in particular, to continue to be associated with Bolsonaro with the certainty that they will not be affected.

“It cannot be confidential for the party, which cannot be processed without knowing what is being accused and without knowing the evidence. How can she defend herself? It is to comply with due process of law, the broad defense and the right to the contradictory ”, questioned União Brasil leader in the House, Elmar Nascimento (BA), according to the monopolistic newspaper O Globo.

Currently, investigators can only have access to sections of inquiry that affect them after performing search and seizure operations and material analysis. This is to prevent the investigated from knowing what is being produced against him, either through documents, allegations, evidence or even interceptions.

Lack of knowledge about the tests is important. This is precisely one of the issues that has made Bolsonaro's situation particularly sensitive in the legal scope. The far-right-made hard head does not know so far what Mauro Cid has revealed in his award-winning denunciation. Since February 23, Bolsonaro also doesn't know what General Estevam Theophilo spoke in his five -hour statement to the Federal Police. Of course, the former Mandanician's sniffs do not observe the situation without learning their own lessons.

All the new movement to increase the judicial shield of parliamentarians, including movements specifically planned to escape from the STF and Alexandre de Moraes (who has, by own reasons for dispute and maintenance of the pocket of political power , advanced against the far right scammers), indicates, above all, that Bolsonaro did not die politically, although weakened. Politicians of the so-called "opposition" and even "centrão" still want to use the far-right Bolsonarist to their own purposes, even for electoral calculation. It was still in the Bolsarist Act of 25/02 .

Nevertheless, they know it is a risky game, and that a poor movement can launch them in the frying pan with the boss. They are already preventively planning, therefore, the shield for the new approaches.

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Current situation: Notes on the world crisis (7. Two years of war ... two annexes)

We publish two annexes, one is from a US newspaper and, the other, of a Yankee imperialism research center:

1. In Ukraine, Russia progresses little by little after death, The San Juan Daily Star.

2. Center for Strategic and International Studies TRANSCRIPT, Event: “Ukraine in the balance: a Update of the battlefield on the war In Ukraine "

In Ukraine, Russia progresses little by little death after death


o Writer's picture The San Juan Daily Star

2 days ago


Members of a humanitarian group transport the body of a Russian military near Koroviy Yar, in the Donetsk region in Ukraine, 7 January 2023. Russia has made several adjustments after a disastrous year, but It still seems much more comfortable absorbing large losses of troops and team, even to achieve small profits. (Nicole Tung/The New York Times)

Por Thomas Gibbons-Neff y Anatoly Kur

When the Russian army launched its offensive against the city from Avdiivka, in eastern Ukraine, the past fall, the Ukrainian troops They noticed a change in their tactics as column after column of forces Russians were devastated by artillery fire.

Russian forces divided their infantry formations In smaller units to avoid being bombarded, while the amount of Russian air attacks increased to tear down the city's defenses.

It was one of several adjustments that the Russians made to help to reverse your luck after a disastrous first year. But these changes were obscured by an obvious fact: the Russian army was still much more willing to absorb large losses in troops and equipment, even Get small profits.

Russian forces have a different pain threshold, he said This month a senior western official, as well as an unorthodox vision of which is considered an acceptable level of military losses.

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian soldiers have result injured or dead from the beginning of the Russian in large scale, including tens of thousands last year in the Battle for the Eastern City from Bakhmut. Another city to the south, Marinka, fell into the hands of Russia in January, After intense fighting and more losses.

Avdiivka was one of the most expensive. The diverse Russian casual estimates that circulate among military analysts, bloggers Prorruse and Ukrainian officials suggest that Moscow lost more troops Taking Avdiivka that in 10 years of fighting in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

But victims figures are difficult to verify: are inflated on the side that causes them and minimized on the side that He suffers, which leaves the real cost unknown. The official figure is considered to be Of Soviet dead in Afghanistan, around 15,000, is very underestimated.

An outstanding military blogger wrote that the Russians had lost 16,000 soldiers in Avdiivka, a figure that is still impossible to confirm.

"Despite Russia's great losses in Avdiivka, They still have an advantage of personnel along the front and can continue The attacks in multiple directions, "said Rob Lee, a researcher principal of the Foreign Policy Research Institute, based in Philadelphia

Russia's slow advance occurs when nations Europeans take measures to reinforce support for Ukraine and strengthen their own protections against a possible Russian aggression. On Monday, NATO surpassed The last obstacle to passing the membership of Sweden, less than a year after Finland joined, an expansion of the military alliance that challenges the hopes of President Vladimir Putin of Russia to fracture the unity of their adversaries.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine said Sunday that 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers had died fighting Russia. Their Comments caught the attention for how rare they were; Participants in the War almost never reveal casualties. But most analysts and Western officials say that the number of victims is much higher.

From the beginning of the invasion, Russia has been willing to pay especially high cost to advance in the east zone of Ukraine known as Donbas, where Avdiivka is located. Parts of this region traditionally Russian speaking have been occupied by representatives of Russia since 2014, and when trying to justify the large -scale invasion, the Kremlin has falsely affirmed that he is defending his Russian speakers, saying they want to be part of Russia.

Some military analysts say that taking total control DonBass is the minimum that the Russian government needs to present the Invasion of Ukraine as a house victory. That may explain the will from Moscow to absorb enormous losses to achieve marginal advances.

Avdiivka has been strategic and symbolic for propaganda Russian war due to its proximity to Donetsk, the largest city in DonBass, who has been under the occupation supported by Russia since 2014. Ensure Avdiivka would take the Ukrainian artillery from the city, reducing the civil population. casualties and pressure on the rearguard supply lines.

Kremlin's propensity to shoot more projectiles, concentrate more people and rely on a much larger and capable air force on This war allowed him to gradually change the course against the deep Defenses of Ukraine in Avdiivka. The huge cost in injured and dead, some say Analysts, it was only the byproduct of a strategy that achieved to a large extent its objective, despite the loss of men and material, especially when Western military aid and Ukrainian ammunition decreased subsequently.

The latest for now.

A Russian military analyst close to the defense industry, Ruslan Pukhov, wrote last week that the assault on Avdiivka was part of a broader Russian strategy of pressing the Ukrainian forces throughout of the entire 600 -mile front line with attacks and probes to exhaust enemy "for a thousand cuts."

"This strategy, however, is quite expensive for Russian armed forces in terms of losses, which could lead to exhaustion of their forces, "Pukhov wrote in a Russian magazine of present. “This, in turn, could give the Ukrainian part once again initiative".

However, most analysts are broadcasting Aleccuing evaluations on Ukraine's prospects for 2024 if not Receive American help. As the war enters its third year, Both sides struggle to find enough men to continue fighting with the same level of intensity. The much greater population of Russia, around of 144 million people, three times that of Ukraine, gives it an advantage significant in labor.

The magnitude of Russia's losses has partially annulled Impact of this arithmetic.

Kremlin's decision to summon 300,000 men in September 2022 (for the first time since World War II) has shocked and baffled to the nation, according to the polls. Hundreds of thousands of men had already fled from the country when the war began, threatening with Sur Sound the image of normality cultivated by Putin.

Since then, the government has tried to postpone the most possible another round of mobilizations. Instead, incentives have promoted financial and legal to attract the front as volunteers to convicts, Debors, immigrants and other vulnerable social groups. It has also begun to strictly enforce mandatory military service for men Young people, previously lax, in the country.

In a publication published in the messaging application Telegram on February 18, a Russian military blogger for war cited a source Anonymous military who claimed that since October, the Russian forces had suffered 16,000 "irreplaceable" human losses, as well as that of 300 vehicles armored in the assault to Avdiivka. Ukrainian forces had suffered between 5,000 and 7,000 irreplaceable human losses in battle, wrote the blogger Andrei Morozov.

These statements could not be verified independently.

Center for Strategic and International Studies TRANSCRIPT Event “Ukraine in the Balance: A Battlefield Update on the War in Ukraine” DATE Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. ET

Center for Strategic Studies and International



“Ukraine in the balance: a Update of the battlefield on the war

In Ukraine "


Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 13:00 hours. Eastern Time


El Honorable Michael Vickers

Former Deputy Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

CSIS experts

Seth Jones

Senior Vice President; Harold chair Brown; and director, international security program,


Eliot A. Cohen

Arleight A. Burke Chair of Strategy, CSIS

Emily Harding

Director, intelligence program, National Security and Technology and Deputy Director,

International Security Program, CSIS

Seth G. Jones:

Welcome to the Center for Strategic Studies and International My name is Seth Jones. I am the director of the program of International Security. It has been two years since the Russians invaded Ukraine.

We are here to discuss a range of military issues, Intelligence, political and other on the invasion, the state of the war. And Eliot Cohen accompanies me. Eliot is the president of strategy of Arleight Burke in CSIS, former counselor of the United States Department of State and author of several books. Emily Harding, director of National Intelligence Security and Technology Program, and Deputy Director of the International Institute Safety program in CSIS. Also previously in the CIA, the service of National Security Council, as well as the Select Intelligence Committee of the Senate. And the Honorable Mike Vickers, former Deputy Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Undersecretary of Special Operations, former Green Bina, Official CIA operations.

But, most importantly, the author of the Recently published memories, "By All Means Available" by Knopf, which It was ... that it is a great book. Mike, thanks for doing that. And we had - We have had a session about that as good. Let me start: if we could Open the battlefield map. This is earlier this month. Us We take out from the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense, Intelligence Defense. And the What I wanted to do is remind everyone where we have come from. So you can't See it on the map itself, but you visualize it after the initial attacks Russians in at least five axes, did control the territory, some of the which we can see here. They also tried to push down from Belarus and parts of Russia to take kyiv, in what they failed. city ​​of Járkov, which, as you can see, is not under Russian control, in which they failed. Then we saw multiple phases in which the Ukrainians could effectively Resume part of this territory, here in Kharkiv, with an offensive operation.

Last year we saw the Russians resume territory, even in the south, in Kherson. And where we are now they are a couple of things. We have recently Seen the Russians to resume Avdiivka. I would say they are lit. The offensive. They have military initiative at this time. They have not recovered much territory. We will talk of the details in a moment. And we also have seen a lot of activity, the Ukrainians point to Russian ships, infrastructure in Crimea and in the Black Sea and its surroundings.

So, with that brief general description, a little Where we have arrived, Eliot, I wanted to address you first and Ask him how to characterize this stage of war at this time.

Eliot A. Cohen:

Well, I think we have gone through three phases. The first phase, obviously,

The Russian invasion and the successful Ukrainian defense. But keep in mind

that during that phase they could reach the doors of kyiv, get a large part of the area around Kharkiv, and in fact They could take

Kherson and overcome the Dnieper.

You had a second phase, which was a counteroffensive Ukraine, which was really remarkably successful. Led them back of Kyiv. The Russians ended up going back. The area cleaning ended Around Kharkiv, some minor advances in the areas around Slavyansk. They resumed the city of Kherson.

And now you are in the third phase, which already has some time that

It has consisted of a series of attacks and counterattacks. Russian attack a

Bakhmut, which finally took at a terrible price. A Ukrainian offensive. I would not call it a counteroffensive, that was: he achieved minor successes, but not much; The initiative passes into the hands of the Russians

since they have taken avdiivka, again, at costs terribly high.

This is a phase of positional war. I think it's a Error to talk about it as a point of death, which is like some people talk about it. This positional war seems quite familiar to historians military where the initiative changes round trip, but where there is a lot adaptation and innovation and change with the initiative going and coming.

And we don't know how much this positional phase can last. it can last

a good time.

The other point that I think is important to highlight is what is easy

become obsessed with the campaign in the field, which has different parts because it is one - we are talking about a line of Very long front.

In parallel an important Naval campaign in which in fact, Ukrainians have had remarkable success to do many damage to the Black Sea fleet saving, of course, its flagship, But I also believe that five of nine of his landing boats, doing effectively retreat to the Russians to some extent beyond the Crimean Peninsula, thus releasing maritime routes

They have been able to export cereals, even more Far to, where

The Russians have moved some of their naval bases. So that is another campaign.

There is a deep campaign of attacks in the that the Russians are attacking Ukrainian infrastructure. They are attacking cities and Ukrainian and others, in addition to a kind of bombing for sow terror. But with the Ukrainians who also attack Russia to a minor measure, but still with real effect both in missiles of different types but Also special operations forces.

And then a kind of Information war campaign in which both Russians and Ukrainians They are trying to convince the public of different types in the West, in the South global and other places, who has the advantage, in which direction it goes This, what this is about.

I think it is very important to have in account we have - there are multiple

Campaigns underway and each one is in a different place.

Dr. Jones:

So, if we can open the map Again, I want to concentrate a little, I want to stay on this subject and Ask Mike and Emily, looking at the map I want to perfect here. Some of the most recent activities we have seen are here in Avdiivka, that the Russians have resumed at a big cost, we are listening to figures from Victims, with a grain of salt, from more than 15,000 to 17,000. The Russian casualties, which They are huge if that is true.

The Russians also press Bakhmut. How ... Mike, for you first?

And then Emily, I mean, what is you General opinion about the important or what success has this had for the Russians? I mean, some people have done a big thing about this. than the Russians They are now offensive. They have Avdiivka resumed. But what is you sense?

The Honorable Michael G. Vickers:

Well, the Russians are investigating in five addresses along this line and Avdiivka, I think they had symbolic importance for Putin before your choice because basically, no He had taken anything in a year from Bakhmut.

You know, it has some value. But you He mentioned Russian losses. He

The exchange relationship was Probably of the order of five to one, more or less, you know, a garnish quite small from Ukrainians, as in other places, could contain the Russians For a long time until they ran out of ammunition and personal.

Dr. Jones:

Emily, how important is this Russian success, at least limited?

Emily Harding:

It is difficult to say that it was a success to someone. If you have lost 17,000 soldiers - and we should mention that I had to Killer one of his pro-kremlin bloggers to cover up the fact that They lost 17,000 soldiers; That is not a success for Putin.

I think what Mike says about a Little Ukrainian garrison that resists is absolutely true. There were some sad numbers around 800 to a thousand. Ukrainian troops that could have been captured when they tried to withdraw back and I think there are many criticisms Really unfair to the way the Ukrainians backed away.

I mean, unless you've been In that situation, I find it very difficult to say that, they did not execute it so well As they could have done. But I believe that the Ukrainians and Europeans They should insist on the fact that yes, the Russians achieved Avdiivka, but At what price?

And look at the rest of that map. Will be able pay that cost? Throughout that forehead?

Dr. Cohen:

I think, you know, I would address this for one moment. I think part of the Russian intention in All this is, first, to agree with Mike;

Putin wanted a symbolic victory of some kind before the elections.

Maybe we want to talk a little about How Russian politics affects all this.

But I think what the Russians are, that the Russians want to do now is

convince everyone that the case Ukrainian has no remedy.

Sra. Harding:


Dr. Cohen:

And that ... you know, and therefore, I think that what they would probably do,

Ultimately, what I would like to do is submit this to a negotiated agreement that is not permanent, which I would simply prepare them for another offensive somewhere later. So That, in a way, I think that is the real objective.

You know, the center of gravity, to Using some military jargon is.

public opinion and the opinion of the political elites, particularly in the United States, to persuade them of that Ukraine simply cannot win; You know, the Russians are relentless, have resources that are essentially infinite and an infinite will to suffer. Now, I don't think any of those things is true, but I think That is largely what the Russians want us to create.

Dr. Jones:

Then, Eliot, you mentioned the front. Yeah We could increase only these advance rates, so we gathered this, rates of progress for selective

combined weapons offensives between 1914 And 2023. I mean, I think it is true that the rhythm of progress of the offensive Ukrainian last year

It was relatively slow. We evaluate between On June 4 and August 28, 2023, they got about 90 meters per day, which is quite slow.

They faced Russian defenses strongly fortified with mined fields. So the Russians too They could bring fixed -wing airplanes, helicopters and drones against tanks and Ukrainian armored personnel who advance aircraft carrier and even infantry disassembled But some people have raised the spectrum that this seems: the situation looks like World War. So how to answer that?

Dr. Cohen:

Well, I would respond in several ways.

I would start saying that it is really A misinterpretation of what happened in World War I. You already know, We, our mental image of World War I comes from an amount of films in which it is only a group of snuggled types in a trench,

Then they go up to the top and they are all dejected by machine guns.

Actually, World War I It was a very interactive war in which both sides are innovating the whole time. It was a positional war. And then what happens? And this can be A little misleading. You know, armies do not move at their average rhythm Advance. What happens is that they are slugging, slugging, slugging, and then, boom, there are A great advance and everything suddenly is going very deep.

This is like German offensives in 1918. It is true for many wars. Even as the first Gulf War, there are, You know, 40 days of bombing and then, suddenly, the war opens land.

I think the other way in which the World War I analogy is misleading - and again, it is because the people do not know the story, the reality type of tactical and operational history of World War I - is the assumption. This is simply a butcher shop and there are many casualties. I do not want to minimize that - and it is absurd and there is no, You know, no particular innovation. Actually, this is a war in the That there is a lot of innovation, in which, I would say it in this way. I think the Ukrainians innovate from the bottom to top and the Russians tend to innovate from top to bottom. The Russians have a very vertical command system, by What can be flexible. and learn and so on.

Ukrainians are a free society, So there are many boys with interesting ideas that come out and try things and experiment. Both ways to do so have their advantages and disadvantages. But what It is certainly not, a, it is not static; And B, it is not a conflict in which only There are people hitting their heads. others without a genuine guy from Innovation and improvement by any of the sides.

Then exists - and what that It means, ultimately, there is the potential for, you know, a serious instability that goes from one side to another at any time, but certainly during the next year more or less. You know, we should not assume that this will remain So forever, because it won't be so.

Dr. Jones:

So Mike, have you seen big surprises so far? Honorable. Vickers: First, let me agree with Eliot about the deceitful parallels of World War I. An area Where I think there is a bit of similarity is that it also has attributes of a war of relative industrial capacity and the ability to permanent Societies until you get the advances that Eliot spoke and continuous innovation.

So the big surprises are simple. There are really two.

One, how bad the army has done Russian, especially at the beginning of

stages but even the last year, of This position war, Eliot spoke. AND

You know, wear fight, have suffered much greater losses and simply, you know, I have not had a good Performance from a military perspective. He another side of the situation is the good that The Ukrainians have done. Not only in defending its territory from the beginning, but then recovering it. And Járkov and Kherson, as Eliot mentioned, and Some of the innovations. You know, for a military without army, sinking Much of the Black Sea fleet, taking part in the fight in Russian territory also last week. Disadruido, you already know, seven airplanes Russians That has gone very well. I wish there would be bigger surprises. There are two in particular I have in mind. First, if I could go back the clock that The United States did not chase. an incremental strategy. I think the Ukrainians They would be much better if we had been bolder from the beginning.

Dr. Jones

With what? Long -range rockets or?

Honorable. Vickers:

Long -range projectiles, a variety of aerial defenses, a variety of things that could have put the Things we are doing now, you know, we should have started a A couple of years and we made them more in all areas. And then him

The second is the decrease in support in United States. I hope I could tell me that so many, particularly In the Republican party, they are now turning against war and help Ukrainian can be in danger. But it is not a surprise. But it is certainly tragic. Dr. Jones:

Well, that It is a good transition for Emily. How would you value the American spare, including debates in Congress? And in fact, before your answer, only I want to mention something that the United States has provided so far. Then we can go to the maps. Around 2 million bullets of 155 millimeters, 2,000- In addition to Stingers, Javelins and around 31 tanks Abrams. All these are DOD numbers.

You see Bradley, Obuses, Himars, a Patriot, Nasam, of Nasam, stroke. Thus we have an idea of what the United States has provided since that the invasion began. But what has been the American response more recently?

Sra. Harding:

Yes, I know it It assumes that this graph should relieve my frustration, it is only a work species. (Laughs.) I would call him hesitation. The United States response has been hesitant. I think, without charity, you could say that we have been to play while Rome burn. We have been debating among us, exactly what a little Weapons system will take us to the top or not now for two years. And I think Mike You are right. If we had not been hesitating early onwards, if we would really have provided the things we should have provided, I would have been much better now.

I would classify the debate within the United States as partially Self -devastation.

There is a cube of that. And then partially self -centered. And the autodisuasion piece is this constant convincing ourselves that if we provide the next system or additional capacity, so that will be what leans to Russia to expand the conflict. It simply has not happened. Russia as interested as us in maintaining this restricted to Ukraine. And the more that we allow them to follow advancing without retreating, the most will press. Russia is a thug. They respond by force.

The piece Egocentric is this completely counterproductive debate, in which there are people That says, well, why are we sending all these resources to Ukraine? By What do we spend all this money in Ukraine, when we really should leave it Here for a fight in the Pacific? Or we should really be keeping it here for internal priorities. Is Simply the wrong way of seeing it.

In first place, from a basic numerical perspective, I think Angus King of Maine has A very good speech about this, the money we spend in Ukraine does not come out of USA but goes to the American defense industry. It goes to the US They send help to Ukraine. The vast majority stay here.

The other part is that this is not or that. We have done a great job here. in it Csis, I know that some of our colleagues in Washington have also done so, that The types of weapons you need in a fight in the Pacific are very different that the weapons that are needed in a fight in Ukraine. In addition, we have just seen Japan takes a step forward and agrees to provide Ukraine all kinds of help. AND As they pointed out in the press this morning, they share a common neighbor. So much Japan and Ukraine borders Russia. And Japan understands that this is not a Europe or a fight in the Pacific. This is a Global message for a thug superpower.

And that's where We also have to think about it.

Dr. Cohen:

Can participate in this? This is a really interesting table. So you know, order Of magnitude, something like 10,000 javelins, that makes sense. That is the missile anti -tank you need. The Abrams tank number. However, or with Patriot batteries, that's ridiculous. I mean, and the problem is that we We tell ourselves, oh, well, we have given you, you know, aerial defenses high -end, the Patriots. But a battery? Thirty -one tanks? By True, we have hundreds of stored Abrams tanks. These are the model Old Abrams. They are not the ones who use our soldiers. They're available. Could having gone there a long time ago. And I think it is reflected as a failure in what Think: We have not managed to think with the proper urgency level. I am from according to Mike and Emily in that. But we have not managed to think about the scale correct.

Honorable. Vickers: Escala.

Dr. Cohen:

And in part, It has been a long time, actually from Korea, maybe. some parts of Vietnam, but we have really involved in what is a war in which There - wear occurs all the time. You know, I think we sometimes do A false dichotomy - and I fear that even some of our thinkers Military address it in this way: between maneuvers and wear. The wear is not It is so much a strategy; It is a war condition. You know, I think of -

Dr. Jones:

And nobody wants to be in a war of wear.

Dr. Cohen:

But every - But if you are in a real war - if you are in a real war, you are in a wear war. You know, I think of, say, 1967, the war of the six Days, you know. The Israelis lost approximately a quarter of their Air Force. And it is important - or if you look, say, you know, to the Germans crossing France in 1940, they lost as a fifth of His tanks, and you know, even higher percentages, I think. Think in your strength Aerial Simply - if you are in a serious war against a war with serious opponent - And by the way, it would also happen to us - you're going to take

big Losses, and that means that you have to think about the right scale. And unfortunately, I think that for our part there has been a systematic failure of thinking about the Correct scale, with some exceptions such as the 155 millimeters rounds, where we are finally expanding production, something that you already know a lot about.

Dr. Jones:

Then yes. Yeah.

Sra. Harding:

I can touch That also with two fingers? So because I can listen to the screams from interwebs, patriot batteries, I really understand that due to the shortage of production in that system and because I know many of our partners in the Middle East need them desperately to do things like Fight against the hutis, who are shooting against Saudi Arabia. This is one Reason, not an excuse. And this is where speech is inserted on the basis Defense industrial and how we have not been pointing enough to Personnel who manufacture things like patriot batteries, there will be a demand for them will continue in the next two years, five years, 10 years, so the production to meet demand; And even if we say for a second, that Tomorrow peace explodes worldwide, we will continue to comply with those contracts, So please construct them.

Honorable. Vickers:

Yes. And I would add, you know, as my say Old Chief Bob Gates, you know, you have to win the war you are.

Sra. Harding:


Dr. Jones:

My old Chief Mike Vickers also said that. (Laugh.) I want to return to a point, Emily, what you did - you raised the perspective of other countries, including some of Our adversaries. I think people can forget or not realize that When it comes to the Russians, you know, the Russians have also spent Significant amounts of ammunition in this war too. So, the Ask, in part - and that goes through drones and - where do they get help the Russians? And for those who want to focus or think we can focus (the United States can only focus on one theater at the same time, so that we should really focus on Taiwan, or even only Israel, or - and what We cannot do that, the reality when you look cooperation is that the Chinese They have provided significant help to the Russians. And it has been in all Areas, not in wholesale weapons systems. But a range of technology for Russian weapons systems that include everything from microchips for systems Weapons to pieces for ammunition.

The North Koreans have provided rockets and ammunition to the Russians. The Iranians have provided the Shahed-136 and other drones. Then we are seeing the Russians receiving a variety of help of the Chinese, of the North Koreans and the Iranians, which makes states United retains your help at this time is surprising because we have not seen The Chinese in that sense, stop providing assistance to the Russians.

Also I wanted to understand your opinion, Emily, about Europeans and where are the Europeans when providing help to Ukraine. There are also - it has also been Talking that Germans would provide taurus, for example, that it is a greater scope ammunition. what is your sense of where the Europeans are and How useful have they been when providing help to Ukraine? And then You know, if you can add something else.

We have Listened to many criticisms. About Europeans by several politicians Regarding its defense expenditure, including 2 percent of the gross domestic product.

Dr. Jones:

So, Yeah. Yes. Mrs. Harding: mmm hmm. So, to complement your excellent argument about China, we should not forget how much China has Bought Russian cheap fuel, which is to keep the Russian economy afloat and allow them do all the things they are doing. More than saying about that.

But when These are Europeans, you know, I spent the first year of this war reassuring European allies that the United States is in this to The long term, which Biden has said that we are in this long term.

The Russians They are an old enemy. We understand that this will be important not only for Ukraine security but also for the security of Europe. Yes, there is talk of Extremes about people, you know, they talk about their support to Ukraine. But Those are the ends of the bell curve. They were in this long term. AND Then, after a year passed, some of those bell -curved voices to the end they obtained a little stronger and a little more central and then I found myself Saying is going well. It's going to be OK. People like to add points politicians. But they will recover.

Now me I find in the situation of having to look at Europeans in the face and say: really I don't know what will happen to the current help package. I still have hope that the chamber enters into reason and approves it because it is of vital importance for security in many ways.

Could be Well for Ukraine and also for the United States at the same time.

But I think that Europeans are really beginning to ask difficult questions about They themselves: how does European security look like the presence of states Joined? as?

The unfortunate comments from former president Trump the other day about

I think that Nan really shook them in a way that is difficult to ignore and are starting to look at things from defense production to the end and through, already You know, communications with each other.

We are Seeing a silent defense production in some places and a defense louder. production in others. They are far from being able to do it, right? already They know, direct NATO without the United States, but some are being raised Very difficult questions.

And finally I want to point out that some of our colleagues here in the CSIS have made a really good work in NATO and we are working on a project now on whether the 2 percent threshold is really relevant, if there are other ways to measure what they should be Really the contributions of NATO and if the 2 percent question is Just a false track.

Dr. Jones:

Yeah, Frankly, I think it is mainly a false track. I think the subject, to end of the day - and I have also written about this - it is to what extent and how they are Useful Europeans and high -level war, for example. So that leads to aerial capabilities, land capacities, naval capacities, including The anti -submarine war. That takes you out of the percentage problem. And much more to The capacities to perform operations.

Dr. Cohen:

Let me not agree with that. Believe That, on the one hand, it is important power to measure in a way, you know, more Reasonable and militarily relevant operational contributions.

A figure of 2 percent of GDP, which is too low; I mean, I would say it's shooting at 3 (percent) or -

Dr. Jones:

state United is closer to ... is in the range of 3 percent, right?

Dr. Cohen:

Is politically significant and is a message for the public involved and for the governments involved that we hope put important resources against their own defense and not put excuses and say, Well, we are hosts your forces, that is also a contribution.

I don't know I can ... I don't think we can ignore its psychological dimension. I wanted to add, If I am allowed, two more things. One is American production. is Absolutely fundamental because we have the largest military industry and despite my previous scathing criticisms, We can expand things and get them on top. But it is also fundamental because we provide leadership and the type of central focus for this. These There are two - there are two types of industrial coalition competitors here. You One mentioned, Russia - Iran, China in the background with components and things, North Korea.

With us They are the Europeans, obviously, with the United States. But, you know, the Koreans Del Sur play a role and the Japanese play a role and states United is critical for that. So, if ... you know, and the South Koreans They sell 155 (- millimeters) so that we can then give ours Ukrainians; Indeed part of the game. We have to be in the center of that.

Now, I think That is important because ... I mean, I think the four are we tend to be quite critical, and properly, with our own government. In reality, Russians are found differently in a world of pain.

They are ... already You know, they are in a state of mobilization. It is not clear that

really They have been able to increase military production in a tremendously way significant. They still fight with the production of advanced parts. of team military. You know, for example, they have had this T-14 armata. tank they have State speaking for years. It is supposed to be incredible. system. Have had Problems to implement it. They have had trouble getting it to occur. Its fossil fuel income has been decreasing. Yes, the Chinese They buy that oil. The Chinese are good merchants. And then they understand that. Oil is cheap and they ... you know, they don't have the same pipelines and those things. how that.

So I think That, you know, the Russians - the very fact that they have to depend on the North Koreans by 152 millimeter projectiles, which have as a caliber 30 percentage Failure, he tells you something about his military industry. So you know, We should remind ourselves that if we, if the United States It is in the center, we propose it and keep the feet of our allies Europeans on fire, we can easily overcome these types both in quantity As in quality, safe, but I would say that even in quantitative terms. But there has to be a lot of political energy put in it. AND Unfortunately I don't see that.

Dr. Jones:

So, returning to its European point, yes, it is important to spend more on the Ministry of Defense. That 2 percent threshold In a certain sense, it simply highlights that. But at the end of the day, I think It is also important how they are spending their money. So, if we can achieve this. I'm going to go with Mike in a second with a question. But if we could show The image here. I just want the people see here. This is one of the Iranian drones, the Shahed. 136. This was Disabled in kyiv, and is now in possession of Ukrainians. You can also see Here it is an Iranian drone. And here this Iranian flag is on the side. So this gives us an idea of some of the other countries that have been providing assistance to the Russians.

What me Take, Mike, the Russians. That is, its Russian military evaluation. You already spoke a Little about this, but what do you have? Well done, in your sense? Where has you fought? And are we seeing some? Evolution of the Russian concept of operations? They used more air than had in the past in the offensive of Avdiivka. What does it mean that?

Honorable. Vickers:

So, Where the Russians have done the best they can really be in this position of position where they have had an artillery advantage and an advantage. AND then those two things - and, in addition, the nine months, essentially, they were given To dig, prepare, put mined fields and other things that made the Ukrainian summer offensive last year was very problematic. That, and the lack of aerial power of the Ukrainians. You know, we essentially ask Ukrainians to fight a war in a way that the US army or the Western military would never do it. And you know, you just can't win that way. That is, it is military negligence.

So there It is where they have done better. They have done the worst they have been able to in the field Integrated combined weapons operations, airborne operations. AND This is something we have seen with the Russian army in the Russian-Georgian war. They thought they had plans to fix these things, you know, of the learned lessons. They have not really done a good job. And you know, if everything There seems to be worsened as the scale has increased. I mean, your Great advantage at this time is really in resources. And it may be more fragile than people think.

Dr. Jones:

Then yes We could open the slide, just to emphasize what Mike noticed. Can

Look at this It is ... this was last year. But we can see some of the Russian fighting of positions. The trenches that raised here, the dragon's teeth. These They are multiple rows of dragon teeth. You can't see it here because it is buried, but the mined fields, the anti -tanks that have used, the Mortar site and weapons locations they have had. They had time during last year's offensive to strengthen some of these defenses measures. What about Russian air?

Honorable. Vickers:

Yes, the air Russian, you know, it has been based mainly on missiles and aerial vehicles Bened for strategic attack against populated centers. You know, and He certainly had some success in that. In terms of air power in the field of Battle, during the Ukrainian offensive they used attack helicopters reasonably Good to limit Ukrainian penetrations. Fixed wing airplanes have not done a lot. You know played a role in Avdiivka towards the end, when the Ukrainian army was withdrawing under pressure -

Dr. Jones:

And I didn't have many Earth-Aire missiles.

Honorable. Vickers:

And had no earth-Aire missiles. But mainly He stayed behind the lines and plain pumps that can enter and achieve objectives. And then it has not been a great player. You know, the Russian doctrine integrates air with armies in the field, making the army superior. A little different from our approach.

Me too I would add that, you know, its operational advantages are

One thing. It that the Russians really tell to win the war is

essentially knocking out the allies of Ukraine. Basically cutting international support. You know, Eliot talked about this and Emily talked about political problems in the Congress. But you know, that's his theory. of the victory, is that if it is cut Help, will have a much better opportunity.

Dr. Jones:

Well, Because they also receive help. Then the balance of power changes dramatically.

Honorable. Vickers:

If they They also receive help. The balance of power changes, exactly.

Sra. Harding:

This is one of those self -complicated prophecies of those that spoke at the beginning. What is the message that Russians want Let's absorb? that Ukraine cannot win, so we should withdraw the support. And that idea that this is going to be totally self -fulfilled, which once we accept The Russian policy of line then we go back, which makes it true, I think that It is what we have to protect at all costs.

Honorable. Vickers:

I think that Lenin called them useful idiots.

Dr. Cohen:

Well, and in a way is already happening. I mean, even put Tucker aside Carlson, you know, you look at Senator Vance of Ohio. I mean, that's ... it's saying what Russians would like me to say. that there is no way that The Ukrainians can win, so we are realistic and stop helping them.

Dr. Jones:

Well, Emily, the Russians have also been active in many other areas. We have seen Navalny face death. We have seen a Ukrainian deserter probably Killed in Spain. What else do you have? I mean, what are you doing with what they are doing the Russians now in various fields?

Sra. Harding:

I mean, they get paid in a way that It seems quite surprising. What is clear: Navalny did not fall dead because own will in a Russian prison. I know in my bones as sure as I'm sitting here, and I didn't even have to do it. Be on the floor with him. We will discover it at some point in the future that was in fact killed, and it was Killed at a certain time for a certain reason. The fact that Putin It has allowed it just before Munich the conference is quite interesting. That came out almost at the same time that some news arose about some New Russian capabilities potentially being in space, I think it is very interesting.

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France - Paris: Tribute to the heroes of the proletariat

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PC March 1- "The imperialist war can only be stopped if the popular war advances" .... in Palestine, in Italy, all over the world!

from counter -information rossusaia 1 March

It is difficult to do the counter -information and speak, for example, of the massacre of Gaza without feeling the sense of weakness, impotence, compared to what it would be necessary to do.

Let's start from facts. Yesterday he shot himself on the "crowd of hungry", like They write the newspapers, you shoot on those looking for bread. The ambulances not They were enough. Many bodies of deaths and injured were loaded on carts pulled by donkeys, others on the few cars available, others still on the trailers of the trucks that had brought the aid humanitarian.

The shooting is was indiscriminate. Israeli soldiers shot in the head, to the legs, to the abdomen. A massacre, a massacre without alibi. A massacre on the Palestinian masses that the Nazi Zionist state of Israel and his soldiers are trained to consider "animals" with human features. So they are seen and therefore it can be shot As in a hunting trip.

No one knows really how many Palestinians were killed. A first figure It speaks of 114 and is a reduction figure. Many are in conditions serious, transported where it was possible, taking into account that in the Strip of Gaza there are no hospitals in operation, they are without Everything and therefore even part of the injured are certainly at risk life.

He shot himself on humanitarian aid, that is, it has fired not only on the Palestinians But on all those who help them sending food, clothing - to which It also appeals from the television screens -many of which they are "beautiful souls" who want to put the consciousness and send humanitarian aid.

Israel has shot on humanitarian aid, he shot you who are solidarity, to you that you do not share what is happening, that does not share the genocide, which does not share the absolute impunity that this state has Compared to fundamental laws, human rights, resolutions UN, even to the laws of war. An out of law since birth, in its constitution, which is believed to be in a position to do all above and outside the law.

Of all this This massacre is a page and it is not even the final page.

It's a massacre that comes from a thousand and a thousand actions of this type, from a 75 -year -old employment that produced, phase in phase, massacres of This type and horrors of this type. And therefore this ongoing war Against the Palestinian people it is the summa, the recapitulation of all wars, it is like the world war that comes now: the recapitulation of all wars that never end there are in the world.

That's why a A massacre without limits, to a warless war, is not possible that the oppressed have limits to all their action, like the heroic action of the Palestinian resistance of 7 October and those who will come - because they will come, those who sow wind collect storm - and those who they will come can have no limits because they fight a war without limits to trace a possible war "with the limits", because The conflict between imperialism and oppressed peoples will not stop today nor tomorrow and we will carry it with you for years, in history of humanity.

Of course, everyone We would like "the abolition of wars", of all wars. But today, here and now, we have to stop a war genocida, support those who resist you that necessarily have to do the His counter -cingle of people.

Stop the regime Israeli is the interest of all the peoples of the world and certainly not only for "solidarity with Palestine" but because it is a outbreak of infection within a general trend to war that It is up to stages all the territories. And this concerns everyone and in ours country concerns us. It concerns us as masses, it concerns us as proletarians, it concerns us as always engaged in the struggle for oppressed against the oppressors, in our country as in other parts of the world.

At the recapitulation of all oppressions must be answered with the struggle to eliminate the evil that produces them: the imperialist system e capitalist who periodically produces the monsters that embody it e show the barbarism inherent in the nature of this system and, in our country, the Meloni government. But the Meloni government is the last arrived, even if, as always, the latest arrival tries to overcome Every limit of the previous ones and therefore it is worse.

The latest arrival is an accomplice.

In the same Page of the manifesto where there is a minor article about the massacre He says: “Investigation of other Economy. Italy has continued to arm Tel Aviv ". Other Economy made an investigation not on weapons that receives Israel - Israel has always received weapons from all countries imperialists, with the arms merchants par excellence in the lead, it State-war which is American imperialism and all the various European imperialist countries, the war industries - behind each war are profits and war is a great business, not Of course, a horror is a great business of the weapons markets. This investigation It concerns the period after October 7th. Other Economy did not go to Discover the secret cards in the archives of the war industry or in those of the Ministry of the Interior. No, he consulted Istat. What that each of us could do.

Despite what the Minister Crossetto, an obsceone grassone, shop assistant on books pay the war industry, one of the horrors, of the small monsters, in the cage of monsters that our country has given birth to the Meloni government: “Between October and November Italy exported weapons and ammunition to Israel for a value of 817,536 euros. 233,025 in October, 584,511 in November " . This is the Istat.

We know how in Italy were the struggles of the port and also the initiatives that invite to boycott, to suspend the supply of weapons ad Israel, from the ports of Genoa, as well as from the last manifestation last Saturday in Palermo which had as its objective e Leonardo final headquarters. And other things happened for the work of All of us, where the "us" here is for the us who supports truly the solidarity struggle with Palestine and the campaign of boycott, "those of Milan" last week between 23 and 24 February, 100,000, mostly workers belonging to basic trade union organizations and groups Communists, progressive and revolutionaries, who were in the square on Saturday.

Also the network Italian for peace and disarmament denounces all this, indeed demonstrate how the law can be circumvented to evade controls, To legalize post Faestum the sending of weapons, the trade of weapons And in this case the sending of weapons to Israel.

So say that The government is complicit is little. He is the protagonist, he is an accomplice, he is in a second row, not that he shot against the Palestinians a Gaza - this could be an exaggeration - but surely the Italian government, the Italian war industry, are part of this system and of this armament of Israel that produces the massacre of Yesterday, the massacres from October onwards. And future massacres, because it is clear: if you don't stop them, after what we saw yesterday in the shooting on the hungry, we will see worse.

Cease-fire, stop the genocide ……. But here it is a question of a part of a war, of the war between oppressed and oppressors, between justice, freedom, self -determination of peoples, a whole series of things that they would be sanctioned by the UN card, by the Italian Constitution, from the principles of the Church even (with all the hypocrisy with which we can say these words).

Well, everything This is reduced to stroke paper by the Zionist state of Israel And we need to shout it strong and clear and that we use in depth the weapons of critics. But let's consider that to stop the ferocious beast, activated by the general climate and the situation General World Cup, the weapons of criticism must give way to the criticism of weapons. Peoples who want peace and justice And they don't want to live under this oppression they will have to overturn necessarily with weapons governments, the states that produce everything this, as part of the gigantic struggle for a different destiny of humanity.

This is up to everyone. And even if you believe yourself, you are all involved.

And this war is the war that can allow the improvement of the situation of the world, the war of people can put an end Endless horror.

The War of People in Palestine. The war of people of the oppressed against imperialism. The war of people in our country, against our government. The new resistance In the interest not only of the future of Italy but of Palestine, of the world…..

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PC March 1st-Pisa: more and more necessary and urgent to concentrate the fight against this police government! from counter -core Rossusoia of March 1st

The violent police charges, in particular against the students of Pisa who manifested for Palestine on the occasion of the Day of the General Strike of 23 February called for Basic unions - but remember that the police also attacked i parades in Florence, in Catania - immediately aroused throughout the country on the one hand a great indignation at the mass level e on the other a great more than just solidarity that is immediately given the same evening in Pisa, when thousands of people, of young people, of students, workers, women, have actually invaded, in Solidarity protest, the Piazza dei Cavalieri, that same square that In the morning, to the sound of Manganello, the policemen had prevented the students to reach, an event that has also expressed itself As part of the great event that has been there In the aftermath, on February 24 in Milan for Palestine and which is continued to date with multiple initiatives that have been there In schools, in the university, with banners, signs, assemblies of the students, also took positions of the teachers, of the workers, in the more than right occupations that the students are doing (ad example in Milan 5 high schools were occupied in these days).

So solidarity continues.

In this picture The President of the Republic, Mattarella, was in fact obliged to take a position by talking about "bankruptcy", referring to the batons used against students who have the right to manifest and express their thoughts according to that which is the constitution still in force in this country. President of the Republic then called the Minister planted to the Order because he reported on what happened.

But on the contrary, by the government, starting with Meloni to continue with the various ministers, from Salvini to the same planted that yesterday spoke to the rooms, instead the attitude was quite the opposite: from a Absolutely arrogant silence of Meloni until a few days Fa, who then, as part of an interview that made to Rai tender tender, to a journalist's question about These events immediately took a position in defense of the police, saying that it absolutely does not have to be criminalized, and on the other hand he made what his is out once again fascist nature, ideological, political, but also in general of government of which he is at the head, when he says that in this country anyway Nobody prevents us from manifesting and indeed Italy is a country in which It is still allowed to show for Palestine when there are instead countries where it is no longer allowed, as if to say that if there is it to date It was the events for Palestine is because we - government- we allowed you, but we could also decide not to make you more manifest for this.

So even one sort of fascist threat. And it is no coincidence that the proposal of law that Salvini's League has already presented, aimed at preventing the de facto events for Palestine, exploiting the question of antisionism, it is certainly a step forward, a forward piece of this march that the government wants to put in Acts, as all the spaces is increasingly narrowing more democrats and increasingly imposing a police state, of which One of the very serious events was precisely what it is Success in Pisa.

On the other hand, there was also the arrogant contempt for the demonstrators, of students violently attached by the police, who expressed the same planted when he reported to yesterday's rooms, confirming the reactionary and fascist nature of this government, saying on the one hand also cracks, then bales, as we said Other times in these counter -information - and to say balle is just a trademark of this government, starting with the Garbatella Meloni fascistella - but above all by moving constantly attention from the boys eaten in an unprecedented way, As the teachers themselves said who lived live to police offices, to criminalize them and to defend Instead a police who "would be constantly attached to this village".

The minister has Said: “allow me to underline the right of members to the police forces not to suffer summary processes. They are workers who deserve the utmost respect. The management of public order is a daily commitment, delicate and not without risk, carried out with the Maximum dedication from women and men in uniform ".

And here it would be there immediately to say that this management of the public order “carried out with dedication ”, in reality then it is totally erased when in Rome, As happened two evenings ago, a new gathering is made of fascists who praise fascism with Roman greetings, protected by Cordoni of the police and nobody denounces them, nobody there Manganella, nobody prevents him from manifesting. And these would be precisely the workers who deserve the utmost respect and that they would carry out their work with the "maximum dedication", having sworn on a constitution that prohibits the apology of fascism?

Still Planted: “There is still an atmosphere of growing aggression in comparisons of the police who aim to raise the level of contrast between the square and the institutions ".

And who would have This purpose?

Planted not He naturally says. And therefore either it is a crack, a bale, or it would go at least investigated for silence.

In its information to the de facto rooms then constantly accused the students who would not have respected the law, who would violate the law in Pisa because no notice had been submitted to the preccint. The minister says. “The risk of violence is zero If the demonstrators do not implement dangerous behaviors ". So plane is to understand that young students Manganellati who protested against the genocide in place in Palestine would have implemented dangerous behavior and that So if they would seek it.

But not only. Also they had to be eaten because the policemen who were the ones who They had to save themselves when planted says that: “To guarantee the safety of police operators, compressed against the vehicle connected behind them, a charge was carried out lightening, allowing staff to advance some meter and thus loosen the pressure of the demonstrators ".

And after these shameful words has the courage to say that the government does not have However, no intention to repress dissent!

But we remain on the accusation of not having notified the event e We respond with the words of the Constitutionalist Zagrebelsky who in An interview with the newspaper La Repubblica describes exactly the procedure prescribed by article 17 of the Italian Constitution in thanks to the public manifestations that says yes, those events must be notified at least three days earlier, but not "authorized" but only "communicated" because the authorities can have the time to organize what you need to keep without obstacles. Second, if there was no notice, then possibly only those who organize could be reported and not all those who participate and less than being beaten, Manganellati, as happened to the students in Pisa.

What Planted does not say it is that it is not written anywhere that who protest without having warned must be eaten, using in fact in an absolutely shameful way e instrumental, just as Meloni or Salvini also did, the use of two countries and two measures when it comes to fascist rallies or when yes safeguard sectors in protest, which, however, are included for example in the Meloni electorate, who are neither eaten nor reported, nothing of this kind.

So all the speech of planted is impregnated by the ideological conception e Police state policy of this fascist government, e that is, that it can only be manifested if the state - that is, this government And that is the police, the repressive apparatus in the service of this Government - allows it. And this is also the substance of the speech that Meloni did in the interview with some evenings ago.

This Of course it is a clear manifestation of modern fascism that advances in this country by this government which represents the more reactionary part of the bourgeoisie in power.

And therefore in front To all this we can only continue the constant complaint in each area, in every place, in every initiative, in every struggle e on the other hand, continue to demonstrate, to mobilize us, as is it happening in these days in this country and this is, Of course, all positive.

Organize and build that unit of action that is more and more necessary to fight against modern fascism that the bourgeoisie dominant wants to impose in every area.

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Turkey – Torture of prisoners while being transferred: hands and feet bound – The Red Herald

Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of the article published new democracy.

It is reported that four prisoners were transferred from Denizli to Samsun blindfolded and with their hands and feet bound and tortured en route.

4 prisoners of T-type prison in Denizli were transferred to S-type high security prison in Samsun on 22 February. It is stated that 4 prisoners were tortured during the transference.

Halil Muratoğlu’s Sister, Ayşegül Muratoğlu, Stated That Every Brother and Other Prisoners Were Tortured Duration Their TransferEnce.

Ayşegül Muratoğlu recounted what happened after a phone call with her brother and explained that the detainees were subjected to physical and psychological violence along the way.

Muratoğlu stated that his brother felt severe pain in his ribs and abdomen as a result of the violence he was subjected to and demanded that those responsible be held accountable.

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Brazil: new massacre in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro – The Red Herald

Featured image: military vehicle and agents of the Military Police (MP) during the mega-operation in Rio de Janeiro. Source: A Nova Democracia (AND).

The newspaper AND has reported on a new police mega-operation and a new massacre committed by the repressive forces in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. On this occasion, the old Brazilian State lead by the PT of Luiz Inácio da Silva has murdered 9 people. This occurred in the areas of Alemão and Penha, in the northern area of Rio.

The broadcast “A Propósito” from AND, has made a chapter entirely dedicated to this mega-operation, going in detail through this kind of operations in the favelas and interviewing a neighbor from the complex of Alemão.

The repressive mega-operations in the favelas of Rio are frequent, and some months ago, we already reported on a big operation and a massacre that occurred in the Complexo da Maré, also in the north of Rio.

Including this new massacre, the governor of Rio, Cláudio Castro, is responsible of three of the five biggest massacres committed in the history of Rio. As is usual, the old Brazilian State has mobilized a big number of troops, highly militarized, including armored military vehicles, military police and the infamous Special Operations Battalion (Bope), well-known for its uncountable crimes and massacres committed against the people. Also participating was the Actions with Dogs Battalion (BAC), which is also a special force belonging to the MP.

In addition to the murders carried out and the eviction of neighbors’ houses that have been used as military posts by the repressive forces, there have been many other bad consequences for the inhabitants of the favelas: many schools have been closed, leaving more than 20.000 students without classes; businesses of the favela have been closed; additionally many family medical services have been closed, leaving thousands of people without medical care; even public transport has been suspended, leaving at least 130.000 people without buses. AND reports that during the 27 th even the power service has been cut off due to damage to the electrical infrastructure, and the large supplier company, Light, has left the neighbors without security of being able to have power.

Below we share a video provided by AND that shows how the repressive forces took the houses of neighbors and used them to shoot at the residents of the favelas.

This type of crimes against the people has been frequent during the history of the old Brazilian State. As AND denounces, for years there have been mega-operations in the favelas and many massacres, which on many occasions have resulted in many murders. Another consequence of these criminal actions has been the protests and revolts of the people. AND reports that motorcycle taxi drivers in the Alemão complex are planning a protest against the massacre, and also the climate of rebellion may spread to other favelas. So far this year there have also been protests previously in Maré and in Manguinhos.

These massacres have also been common in recent years and even the bourgeois press of the imperialist countries has reported on them, for example after one of the largest massacres in Rio de Janeiro in 2021 , in which the attitude of the repressive forces unleashed the alarms, and that part of the bourgeois press took advantage of it to link this massacre with Bolsonaro to denounce it as something particular of his government. The reality is that with the new PT’s government, led by Luiz Inácio da Silva, this trend has not been different. As AND denounced in one of its weekly editorials, this is a true reactionary civil war and that in Brazil “with or without Bolsonarism, we live in a true dictatorship for the popular masses, while democracy prevails only in small palaces.”

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Israel massacres people waiting for aid in Gaza – The Red Herald

Featured image: Israeli and Yankee flags burning in front of the US consulate in Pernambuco. Source: A Nova Democracia.

As the State of Israel continues to develop its genocide against the Palestinian People, the official death toll of Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza has exceeded 30.000 people , with thousands more unaccounted for. Even the Secretary of Defense of Yankee imperialism has admitted that more than 25.000 women and children have been killed in Gaza by Israel since October 7.

On Thursday the 29 th of February the State of Israel committed an especially cynical act. At least 112 Palestinians who were waiting for aid were massacred by the IDF. More than 750 people were wounded. Thousands of people, in desperate need of food, water and medicine, gathered early in the morning waiting at Harun al-Rashid Street, in northern Gaza, where aid trucks carrying flour were believed to be on the way. When the trucks arrived the IDF started shooting the gathered civilians with all kinds of military equipment. When people returned to the trucks after the first round of fire ended, the Israelis opened fire again. A journalist on the scene reported that “after opening fire, Israeli tanks advanced and ran over many of the dead and injured bodies”.

A witness describes what happened: “We had come here to get our hands on some aid. I have waiting since noon yesterday. At about 4:30 in the early morning trucks started to trickle in. The Israelis just opened random fire on us as if it was a trap. Once we approached the aid trucks, the Israeli tanks and warplanes started firing on us”. Another person at the scene said: “We were going to bring flour … then Israeli snipers shot at us”.

The IDF at first tried to blame the victims by saying that most of the deaths resulted from the panicked people trampling each other when the trucks arrived. Witnesses describe that this happened only after the Israeli soldiers opened fire. The IDF later changed their story and claimed that they opened fire because the gathered people were a threat to them.

More actions of solidarity have been carried our since we last reported on this.

In Pernambuco , Brazil, hundreds of people attended a demonstration in solidarity with the Heroic Palestinian Resistance on the 26 th of February. The demonstration marched for an hour before reaching the US Consulate. During the demonstration red paint bombs hit the consulate. Yankee and Zionist flags were also burned by the participants, while shouting “Death! Death! To imperialism” and “Yankees! Go home!”.

In Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, graffiti actions in solidarity with the Heroic National Resistance of the Palestinian people have been carried out in proletarian neighborhoods.

Graffiti with the slogan “Long live the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people!”, Copenhagen, Denmark. Source: Socialistisk Revolusjon

Graffiti with the slogans “Long live Palestine!” and “Down with Zionism and imperialism!”, Copenhagen, Denmark. Source: Socialistisk Revolusjon

In Helsinki , the capital of Finland, hundreds of people gathered to demonstrate against the bombing of Rafah, on the 24 th of February. Slogans were shouted, calling for among other things, an immediate cease-fire and to crush imperialism and Zionism.

Demonstration against the bombing of Rafah, in Helsinki, Finland, 24 th of February. Source: Palestiina.fi

In Trondheim , Norway, on the 24 th of February, there was a demonstration condemning the ongoing genocide in Gaza. It was highlighted that the death toll has exceeded 30.000.

In France, the Unity Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah has made a call for an international month of action for the release of Georges Abdallah from the 6 th of March until the 6 th of April.

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Greece: General strike and mass protests – The Red Herald

Featured Image: Flags of Partizan and the TKP/ML at protests on the one year anniversary of the deadly train crash on 28 February 2023.Source: Partizan Greece

On the 28 th of February there was a general strike and mass protests in Greece, led mainly by yellow unions such as the PAME of the revisionist KKE. We have received reports via email.

28 th of February marks the 1-year anniversary of the murder of 57 people at the tempi train crash which was caused by the non-existent safety measures of the Greek state. The state chose profit over the lives of its own people. No measures have been taken to punish those who are responsible for the massacre nor have any reforms happened to make sure such a thing never happens again. The strike other than demanding action for the massacre, has made demands such as increases in wages, an end to support of Israel by the Greek state and opposition to the privatization of Greek universities. One of the points of interests of this event is that the GSEE trade union formation opposed the strike, once again showing that it is nothing more than a tool of the bosses. The main participants where the ADEDY (Confederation of Greek Civil Servants’ Trade Unions), the leadership of which is made up of ND, SYRIZA, PASOK, KKE and ANTARSYA and PAME (all-workers militant front), the trade union wing of the KKE. All the oppressed of society, workers, students and peasants came together to show their class hatred and disappointment of the government. The unprecedented participation in this strike shows the rotten nature of the reactionary Greek state, which is nothing more than a puppet of Yankee imperialism.

Partizan Greece has also reported on the general strike:

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A faint fist closed to his partner Rosa

The partner Rosa Calderazzi died this morning. He had been for some time bad, with short moments of improvement. From 24/2 it was hospitalized to San.raffaele and here has failed.

Rosa for many years had been attending and participating in the initiatives, mobilizations of not one of less than Milan, but also to assemblies e National events of Nudm; Just as he frequented and gave his own support to women's home initiatives.

Active, participant, proactive, since the summer of '68, in particular in Milan, he did not miss his commitment before union as a worker of the Provveditorato to Studies in Milan, therefore political, cultural and struggle in all the following years up to A little while ago.

He was above all happy that his activity was together with women, to companions.

Those who knew, appreciated her, who loved her, if They want, they will be able to greet her.

The secular function to give a last farewell to Rosa will take place on Saturday 2 March at 3 pm in the multifunction room inside the Lambrate cemetery in Milan.

Rosa's sister, Margherita

By the press release of not a less Milan

We have the presumption of believing that our companions are eternal, that they will always be by our side.
In the procession, in the assembly, in garrison.
We confuse the energy that release and, as well as the struggle does not stop, we really fall into the trap of the endless.
Despite the disease that had affected her, Rosa was neither lost an assembly nor a trip. It was with us until last week.
We have lost a partner, a militant, a sister and like her there are not many.
Rosa has always dedicated themselves to the soul and body to the feminist struggle, teaching that in life there are no obstacles and that, in case they were, it falls away naturally.
For her there were no prohibitions.
Rosa will miss a lot and we will always bring it to our heart, between a procession, a garrison and a national assembly.
Rosa will be with us on the streets of Milan also this March 8.
We hold in a big hug to the family.
Have a nice sister trip!

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