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PC 4 March - India - The elections in the country, now the most populous in the world, and the boycott of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) at the helm of the long -lasting people's war

In the process of translation and publication dissemination in the world and in Italy by the International Support Committee of the Popular War in India (ICSPWI) info csgpindia@gmail.com

Election Boycott Circular by Communist Party of India (Maoist) - diffused by ICSPWI

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Aalborg: Powerful demonstration for Palestine

On Saturday, March 2, Palestine North Jutland held a powerful demonstration to support the Palestinian people. The demonstration was just one of many demonstrations across the country under the main title "All of Denmark on the streets of Palestine". The demonstration started in front of the station building and continued down to Toldbods Plads, during the demonstration, powerful slogans were constantly shouted to support Palestine.

When the demonstration had arrived at Toldbods Plads, speeches were held by, among other things. Palestine North Jutland, who condemned the Arabian national bureaucratic bureaucratic lacquering governments, which have not only passed passively, but has actively supported Israel's genocide in Gaza.

A very touching and emotional poem was also read aloud during the demonstration.

Anti -imperialist collective also gave a speech that condemned Israel's genocide in Gaza, expressing its full and unconditional support the Palestinian people who, with weapons in their hands, fight for liberation. The speech also condemned the attacks against Yemen and Danish imperialism.

"Live the heroic Palestinian resistance!", "It's right to revolt!"

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Election Boycott Circular by Communist Party of India (Maoist) – spread by ICSI

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For a combative and revolutionary 8m

Por un 8M combativo y revolucionario 1

Since the emergence of capitalism, many women were linked to production and were exposed to double exploitation of the system, which pushed them to fight in an organized way in unions with the men of their class and against the power of the capitalists

There were hundreds of workers' strikes who, from long before declaring on March 8 as the International Day of the Woman, forged the path of emancipation of the proletarian woman of the exploitation yoke.

In recent years, the world has witnessed the upward trend In the fight of female mass movements by multiple claims and that, in general, condense the struggle of women against the most macho and reactionary expression of the entire system Political and economic prevailing: the second and last phase imperialism of decomposition capitalism.

In many cases women have taken the streets and squares, such as part of the daily struggle against conditions of oppression and misery that capitalists impose on the entire working class; In others, against vulgar, sexual, criminal and reactionary violence that the genre commits male against women; and against the open discrimination that the bourgeoisie exercises from its institutions.

From the academic, intellectual and institutional environments of the bourgeoisie has responded to this struggle with the promise of adopting measures to guarantee "gender equality"; Under this sophism It aims to make women believe - especially women proletarian - that imperialist capitalism - their states and institutions - can adopt measures to reform itself and carry To society at a point where I guaranteed the end of all inequality social and gender inequality.

Every so often that false promise is signed as a commitment to the capitalists, as did for example with the 17 objectives of Sustainable Development (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda. According to the first objective, they aspired to end poverty in all their forms and that all women and men have the same rights to the use of economic resources, to access to basic services, property, Earth control and other forms of property. Of course, it is not It is true that they fight for it! According to Antonio Guterres, general secretary of the UN: «Achieving gender equality will take 300 years to the rhythm current".

Thus, the end of poverty and inequality between men and women will not come from the goodwill of the capitalists themselves; to the Contrary to what is promised that by 2030 approximately 830 % of the worldwide female population in extreme poverty, which corresponds to more than 340 million girls and women, and almost 25 % (236 million women and girls) will go hungry or deficiency Food

In the last 20 years, women's access to employment, working conditions and income differences to varied very little. According to the ILO, in the so -called "developing countries", women who cannot find a job reach 24.9 %, while Unemployed men in those same countries are 16.6 %. In Colombia, of the 1.5 million lost jobs in 2020 They recovered 403,000 in 2021 and only 157,000 were occupied by women. Although there was some job recovery at the end of 2021, The unemployment rate closed by 13.7 %, managing to replace only around of 2 percentage points compared to 2020.

In terms of salary gaps worldwide, women They cross a terrible situation, earning only 51 cents for every dollar that men perceive. This great margin not only attributes to the high female unemployment rates, but also to the fact that, on average, women receive lower income when They are used. These conditions worsened during the first semester of 2020, with the destruction of jobs, and that reached the highest rate in recent history, according to the bank Inter -American Development (IDB), and that severely affected the women.

In the Colombian context, the salary gap between men and women It is worrying, since women receive approximately $ 300,000 less than men. According to Dane (2019), this salary gap general was 12.9 %, which means that, for every 100 pesos that a Man won in total labor income, a woman received 87.1 pesos. In addition, the wage gap per hour for 2019 was -2.3 %, indicating that, although women earn more per hour on average, their Total income is lower because women allocate on average 41 weekly hours to paid work, in contrast to 49 hours average men.

This means that, to the low salaries that the class receives Worker in general, women must support a decrease in their income for attending unpaid work, which is none other than tasks that most women in their homes must do to guarantee the reproduction of the workforce, and that must The capitalists demanded in the general wage increase. 1

The double moral of the capitalists serves to get the maximum benefit at the expense of proletarian women in the world. On one side, justify the salary gap between men and women as a product of the "occupational segregation" that justifies that professions and trades exercised and preferred by women receive less remuneration that those of men, thus require the same level of training and ability that other "male professions"; that is, capitalism Kake women for choosing low salaries.

In addition, according to capitalists, difficulties in satisfying demand for employment of women are due to the trend of women and to your need to choose jobs with "flexible modalities" (access to nursery, short distances between work and home, costs and hours of transport), because "the social norm" imposes on the woman the women domestic responsibilities, on the other hand, in the case of men these They do not have to give up more hours of work and, therefore, not They sacrifice up to 20 % of their economic income.

On the other hand, the capitalist system, for more "good intentions" of some little girls who intend to give a human varnish to This bloodthirsty system advances in its collapse process, worsening The working conditions of the entire working class, generating the degradation of society and the extension of wage slavery, pure and hard slavery. According to the ILO between 2016 and 2021 there was a increase of 2.7 million people submitted to forced labor, which meant that by 2021, forty -nine million six hundred A thousand people lived in modern slavery conditions; of course, The women of the working class receive the worst part.

If we concentrate in Colombia, the panorama is no more encouraging. Tough to recent ads to have reduced unemployment to 9.3 % (which The bourgeoisie statesmen call "unemployment"); his excitement for Bringing this percentage to a single digit is not so significant if We consider that, from 23 cities and metropolitan areas, only 6 arrived Really at a single digit, the others remain above 10 % of "unemployment" being Quibdó and Riohacha the cities with the elderly unemployment rates with 23.8 % and 13.8 %, respectively.

Likewise, the national total unemployment rate in November 2023 For women it was 11.1 %, and that of men of 7.4 %. They celebrate the supposed reduction of the gap to 3.7 percentage points, but in November 2023 the occupation rate at the national level reached 58.3 %, with a national occupation rate of 70.7 % and that of women 46.7 %. Then, shut up on the 24 points percentage of the gap in the percentage of occupation.

In 2024 capitalists advance more ferocity to squeeze The life of the entire working class, especially that of women forcing them to endure the exacerbation of conditions: the loud of life, the reduction of salaries, dismissals, persistence of broad salary gaps, condemnation of the informal economy of subsistence, difficulties in accessing formal jobs and well remunerated. All these conditions are used by capitalists, while pushing the working class towards degradation moral and women are condemned to the bestialities of machismo.

Cases such as those of vancamp´s tuna workers, who “take for Surprise »to the Minister of Labor, they are significantly generalized throughout the industry, especially in the sectors where it is hired Female labor: manufacturing industry, flowers, Confections, health, accommodation, food preparation, cleaning services ... generalized are also the complaints of women and their trade union organizations ranging from the discount and salary sales for going to the bathroom in several companies of the country, as workers from cleaning unions report in Bogotá, They go through ignorance of occupational diseases, dismissals without fair cause for being a member of the union organization as reported Sintraime Santander in January of this year with a rally against the Cetelsa by Nesan factory and get to work and sexual harassment by part of the supervisors, as Sintraquim denounced in Cali the year After the dismissal of several companions who did not remain silent Before harassment.

In recent years, women - particularly unionists - They have been victims of different forms of discrimination, exclusion and Violence: sexual, economic and anti -indical. All this is a consequence of the oppression of the capitalists over the entire working class and that doubly affects proletarian women. Therefore, the conquest of the gender equality of which the bourgeoisie and the little bourgeoisie, will not come from the common struggle of women of all classes for the reform of the bourgeois system, nor will it be the result of a Exclusive fight against male sex and its privileged position.

The communists are convinced that true emancipation The woman can only be done, as the comrade Clara Zetkin said: «Through the common struggle of women and men of the proletariat exploited against privileges, the power of men and women of the possessing and exploiting classes ».

For all this we believe it is necessary to call all women and men of the working people, who just claim all their rights, to be joined to the ranks of the revolutionaries and Let's prepare a March 8 International Women's Day, Combative and Revolutionary .

We call the leaders and activists of trade union organizations and of masses to develop an extensive work of propaganda, education and organization among working women, youth, students, unemployed and join both men and women of the working class in a great mobilization day, in a March 8 International Women's Day, Combative and Revolutionary in who, in addition to lifting general and immediate claims that concern the entire working class (for lowering and freezing the prices of The family basket, public services and gasoline, on the rise General of wages, subsidy to unemployed and underemployed, by formal employment, job stability and end the outsourcing and labor intermediation ...) lift together - men and women— claims that in particular interest women:

• Guarantee the abortion assisted free of free by the State
• Prevention and punishment measures to any act of verbal, psychological or physical violence
• Special treatment for pregnant women and infants
• Real equality of wages and promotion to management positions in all areas
• Women's user use
• Expansion of diurnal and nocturnal nurseries

Claims that generally respond to the class interests of the proletariat and its allies of the poor peasantry.

The communists are convinced that strengthening and unleashing the Women's fight within the fighting of the labor movement represents a significant advance for faster and more progress strong of the labor movement and for a rapid transformation of the existing social conditions.

«The emancipation struggle of proletarian woman cannot be a fight similar to what the bourgeois woman develops against the man of his class; On the contrary, his is a fight that is linked to that of Man of his class against the class of the capitalists. She, the woman proletarian, does not need to fight the men of their class to Draft the barriers that free concurrence has raised. The proletarian woman fights side by side with the man of her class against capitalist society. Clara Zetkin


1 This topic will be developed more in detail in an upcoming article.

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Palestine Chronicle: High Officers of the Israeli Army spokesman team resign - the new democracy

Writing Note: We reproduce below an article from the portal Palestine Chronicle About the resignation of at least four high officers of the Zionist army spokesman Daniel Hagari. The crisis between the army of Israel, and between the army of Israel and the government, are also being well accompanied in the program By the way , of AND .

High-ranked officers resigned the Israeli Army spokesman team due to the ongoing war in Gaza, according to the Israeli press.

“The second in command of Daniel Hagari's team, Moran Katz, along with many high -ranking officers, presented their layoffs in the light of the conflict in Gaza,” informed The Israeli channel 14.

"Retiring employees also include General Richard Heshit, Israeli Army spokesman for foreign media affairs," the report added.

The list of employees who also resigned also includes Lieutenant Colonel Merav Granot Stoller and Lieutenant Colonel Tzupia Moshkovich. The latter, according to the report, “was in charge of the Shayetet 13 unit” before Hagari's appointment.

The report indicates that Hagari was "appointed to the position of FDI spokesman without having previously performed any communication function in the unit" and that "its connections with former cabinet chiefs identified with a particular political party raise some questions." In fact, according to channel 14, Hagari served as assistant of Gadi Eisenkot and Benny Gantz.

Israeli reports in recent months have highlighted disputes Deep between the government and the army regarding the management of the Gaza attack by the government, as well as its postwar strategy, reported news agency Anadolu.

More than 30,500 dead

Currently being tried before the International Court of Justice by Genocide against Palestinians, Israel has been waggening a devastating war in Gaza since October 7.

According to the Ministry of Health of Gaza, 30,534 Palestinians were killed and 71,920 injured at the Israeli Genocide in Gaza, which began on October 7.

In addition, at least 7,000 people are missing, presumably killed under the rubble of their homes throughout the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian and international organizations say most of those dead and injured are women and children.

Israelite aggression also resulted in the forced travel of nearly two million people from all over the Gaza Strip, with the vast majority of forced displaced people to move to the densely populated city of Rafah in the south, near the Egyptian border- in the one that became the largest city in Palestine. mass exodus since Nakba 1948.

Israel states that 1,200 soldiers and civilians were killed during Operation Flood of Al-AQSA on October 7. The Israeli press published reports suggesting that many Israelis were killed that day for "friendly fire."

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EU elections common statement for abstention proposed by CPG(m-l)

The EU is the edifice of the imperialists

It is an instrument of exploitation, occupation and oppression of workers and peoples

It is a bastion of racism and war

Out of the European Parliament, against the EU is the way of workers and peoples!

Abstention from the European elections!

The elections for the European Parliament in May-June will take place in a period of multiple-level attack on the rights of the peoples of Europe and furthermore in a period of war and bloody conflicts on the European continent.

In all previous years, the dominant imperialist powers in the European Union have consolidated the exploitation and plundering of the peoples and workers in the countries of Europe. Extreme austerity policies have been implemented, the poor and middle classes have been squeezed with salary cuts and the attack on their labour rights, and the peasants have seen the onset of the CAP policy that targets them. Youth continued to be at the centre of the attack with European policies striking at studies and labour rights; additionally, not only did the Bologna policies not bring better days for young people studying, but it worsened the conditions of studying and even forced many students to abandon education. Working youth, poor working class youth, those living on the fringes of poverty, migrants and “second-class citizens” as they are called, have been dealt a severe blow. On one hand they were the first to accept the measures of cuts and austerity; on the other hand they saw their democratic rights being overturned.

In all the developments of recent years, the EU is once again emerging as a force that supports and participates in unjust wars, a force responsible for the slaughter of peoples. The unjust war in Ukraine, apart from the stamp of the imperialists of Russia and the USA, also bears the stamp of EU’s intervention and support of fascist and far-right groups. At the same time, the ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people has the support of the forces of the European Union. The repression and the ban on the mobilizations of solidarity to the Palestinian people is the primary direction of the EU countries. The decision of the European Parliament -by an overwhelming majority- to recognise "Israel's right to self-defence" while there is a prolonged massacre in Gaza of a people living for years under the occupation of the fascist state of Israel is an obvious example of how democratic and humanitarian the EU edifice is. It is clear that solidarity with the Palestinian people and the struggle for freedom in Palestine means abstaining from the war-mongering EU edifice and abstaining from the European elections.

The policies of extreme racism, the rise of far-right parties in the countries of the European Union and in the European Parliament are supported by and underpin the reactionary, racist and anti-communist policies of the main systemic forces. New forces have emerged and old forces have been strengthened, which represent the extremes of capitalism, exploitation and social, ethnic, religious, cultural and gender discrimination. All this ideological and political offensive that has proceeded in parallel with the attack on the rights and conquests of decades was necessary for the imperialist bourgeoisies of the EU. It was needed to put the workers and the oppressed in the spotlight and put the blame for the ongoing crisis on them. These far-right and fascist policies not only do not oppose the EU but are its “flesh and blood”. This is the political perception of the capitalist imperialist system which manifests itself when it is in crisis or in danger.

At the same time, the pandemic crisis and the outbreak of SARS-Covid 19, although initially did create a problem for the production process and the capitalist system as a whole, turned into an opportunity for an additional attack through anti-worker and anti- peoples laws.

The myth of “Europe of the peoples”, of the social-human face of the European Union is now showing its true face. The face of war, exploitation and barbarism. The face of imperialism-capitalism which is only interested in the reproduction of its profits and its political supremacy over its opponents. It is obvious to anyone who wants to see it that a handful of imperialist countries are running the EU. They are promoting the exploitation of the bourgeoisie against all the other peoples’ and working classes and at the same time they are squeezing the wealth out of the remaining dependent countries. This is the reality of the European Union. A union dominated by contradictions and antagonism, a union that is doomed to fail.

This rotten and exploitative edifice also needs the semblance of democracy to be sold to the people. It needs the European Parliament to work to disorientate the people and convince them that it can be changed and fixed. But the truth is that the European Parliament is a puppet without any meaningful and decisive functions, a spectacle set up to deceive the peoples of Europe and to distract them from their struggle. It is a “greenhouse” where the system's lobbies grow, in which the only thing the so-called MEPs obey to is the “money bags” available to the capitalists to promote their interests inside and outside the EU.

We support the struggles of the peoples and workers. These are the struggles that the governments of the EU countries are bashing and vilifying. We support the strikes that broke out in France for the right of the people to a pension they can live with, the strikes of transport workers in Germany and Spain. We support the struggles of the peasants like recently in France and Greece. The continuation and the path towards justice for the workers' and peoples’ struggles does not go through the acceptance of the miserable illusions about the European Parliament and the EU. The working peoples’ mobilizations are the hope for a better future for the workers and peoples of Europe.

The way of the peoples is outside the European Parliament and against the EU, a way of solidarity and fellowship. For a life with rights and gains against imperialism and exploitation. A life that can only be won by a COMMON FRONT of the peoples against this barbaric and reactionary alliance of imperialists and capitalists.

All of us who sign this document, left and communist organizations, refuse to legitimate the operation of embellishment of a historically reactionary imperialist construct. We refuse to participate in a farcical and mockery process like that of the European elections. We call for mass abstention from the European elections and actively fight to bring the working peoples’ movements to the forefront of the struggles. We call on the peoples of Europe not to vote in the European elections as they are a farce, and become active subjects in the struggle against the policies of the European Union. We call on democrats and progressive people to put a stop to the war-mongering policies supported by the European Union that have brought war in our neighbourhood. We are fighting to get our countries out of the EU edifice. We support the right of peoples to fight and struggle for their rights, for a society without exploitation and wars. We call for mass abstention from the European elections and for mass and active participation in the peoples’ struggles.





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Against the criminalization of the struggle for land: four young people arrested in Rondônia are acquitted - the new democracy

The Federal Prosecutor's Office considered the evidence against the four young peasants of Rondônia. The activists participated in the taking of Santa Elina Farm, the scene of the Battle of Corumbiara, and had been arrested by the PM of Rondônia on May 14, 2021, accused of illegal gun and radio transmitters during an illegal operation against the camp. At the time, the League of Poor Peasants characterized the arrest as political persecution, denouncing that the only source for the legal process was testimonials of military police.

At the time, the PM of Rondônia was directed by José Hélio Cysneiros Pachá (known as “The Holy Elina Carnage”) chosen by the Bolly Churcher Governor Colonel Marcos Rocha. Popular movements and lawyers denounced that the intentions of the government of Rondônia was to repress and take revenge on the peasant struggle and those activists who participated in the historic camp Manoel Ribeiro.

Lawyers Association gives acquittal details

The Brazilian People's Lawyers Association Gabriel Pimenta (Abrapo) stated that the Federal Public Prosecution Service corroborated the defense's theses, considering doubtful and contradictory the evidence against young people, and decided to acquit the four activists (three peasants and one student of Unir) .

Abrapo also explains that in the analysis of the proof, the MPF and the Federal Criminal Court ridiculed the evidence of the flagrant (possession of weapon and possession of communicating radios). The defense denounced that the weapon found with the four was a blatant forged by the police to criminalize the struggle for the land, but had not had any analysis by the judiciary. In addition to ignoring the illegality that the only witness heard was the police themselves, the weapon that was allegedly in possession of one of the activists was used to convict activists in state courts.

With the new understanding of the MPF, it will be possible to question the conviction, requesting a criminal review that Abrapo considers “quite promising”.

A use It concludes by stating that "this is an important victory for the collective struggle, the lawyers of the people, Abrapo, Cebraspo, newspaper and, and all the supporters of the struggle for the land for those who live and work in it."

Check out the interview with the vice president of Abrapo to the program by the way:

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PC 4 March - From the galleys of French imperialism, the internationalist voice of the political prisoner Georges Abdallah is still loud, alongside the Palestinian resistance. His declaration

A campaign has been launched international action from 6

March to 6 April for liberation of the political prisoner

Revolutionary Georges Abdallah locked up in prisons

of French imperialism, a campaign that we relaunch in our


There Struggle for his liberation is the same struggle for liberation

from the Zionism and imperialism of the Palestinian people

excerpts of the appeal for a month of international action for the liberation of Georges Abdallah!

Below is his declaration

.... the 40 years of imprisonment that the fury of the French state imposed on Georges Abdallah have not been able to break the unshakable resistance of this fighter who fell in the hands of the enemy: despite the barbarism of this detention, this internationalist and revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary Communist who has never denied anything about his struggle which is also our - anti -imperialist, anti -colonial, anti -fascist and anti -visionist, in support of the Palestinian revolution, his glorious resistance, of the popular masses in struggle and for the emancipation of the Palestinians, of the peoples oppressed all over the world ...

.... from 8 June a new phase has opened in the long battle conducted by its supporters for its liberation: while the mobilization on the field, in the diversity of its expressions, continues to grow, Georges Abdallah has agreed to launch a new one Legal offensive through presenting a tenth request for liberation-expulsion towards its country, Lebanon. We support with ours

Action Georges Abdallah's approach, making it resound anywhere during the examination of your new request and we increasingly increase the pressure on the French state through our increasing and constant mobilization!

It is in this sense and taking into account this new phase that we once again ask for an international month of action for the release of Georges Abdallah from 6 March to 6 April 2024, the date of the 14th event in front of the Lannemezan penitentiary center. They can coordinate in this time to bloom throughout France and internationally a thousand initiatives for its liberation and therefore for its struggle in solidarity with the historic Palestine!

Declaration of Georges Abdallah, political prisoner in France, read in Marseille on February 25, 2024.

Dear friends, dear companions,

For over four and a half months, the Palestinian people, through all its social and political components, have been facing a massive genocidal aggression to Gaza and military operations no less deadly in the West Bank, where supremacy colonists and soldiers of the employment army abandon themselves daily to the worst excesses, with the aim of intensifying colonization and making life conditions unbearable for the majority of popular masses.

Arbitrary arrests, killings of activists, destruction of houses and other abuses are becoming increasingly the daily fate of all the Palestinians in the West Bank.

Of course, the imperialist states of the West lift, in one way or another, with the Zionist entity, orchestrale a propaganda campaign, justifying and supporting this criminal Zionist war, denigrating the main forces that oppose it all day And, above all, criminalizing here any initiative to support the struggle of the Palestinian popular masses and their fighters' avant -garde.

The imperialist bourgeoisie of this country, just as he celebrates the entry to the Panthéon of a heroic figure of the anti -fascist resistance (Missak Manuchian, Ndt), invokes, with all the shame, the "right of self -defense" of the occupant Zionist in the face of the Resistance of the Palestinian national movement.

Few voices in social -democratic intelligence remind the system guard dogs that the colonialist occupant has no legitimacy. The occupation and the army of employment, with everything that brings with it, are completely illegitimate. On the other hand, the occupant resistance in all its forms is the most legitimate and noble expression of the "right of peoples to self -determination".

Of course, it is very difficult to conceive this legitimacy when a special place has been preserved in your head for Marshal Pétain or for another no less execrable Marshal Bugeaud ...

Having said that, dear friends and companions, perhaps it would be useful to remember that active international solidarity is an indispensable weapon in the fight against the colonization of Palestine and the genocidal war that is intimately linked to it. It is on the basis of this active solidarity that we can participate in the change of strength relationships here, in the belly of the imperialist beast, and elsewhere, in the process of building the "historical social block", a global and potential subject of the national liberation movement.

Of course, not ignored that it was thanks to your active and solidarity mobilization that the "power agents" of capital have been forced to sell and revoke the ban on manifesting in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

In other words, despite the entire process of fascisting in progress in this country, the simple fact of mobilizing in solidarity on the international scene contributes, in a sense, to the strengthening of the "convergence of struggles" and to the structuring of the "historical social blockade "In view of taking his role as an active political subject.

If the imperialist bourgeoisie celebrates in these days the Pantheonization of Manouchian immediately after approving the "immigration law", it is because it mainly tries to erase and bury the values embodied by the struggle and martyrdom of all resistance fighters as a hand.

Dear friends, dear companions, from the beginning of the twentieth century to today, the Palestinian people have never stopped fighting the Zionist in settlement project. Several decades of struggle, sacrifice and suffering have shaped the Palestinian identity up to the marrow. The thousands of martyrs and prisoners and the hundreds of refugees in the fields, in Palestine and in the neighboring countries, have contributed to considerably complicating the existential conditions of the Palestinian people and consequently the objective conditions of its resistance.

In fact, it is only in the general framework of this "historical resistance" that the construction of the anti -medical political subject flourish and bloom, and it is precisely in this context that we can better grasp the dynamic articulation of its components and the various factors that structure the "will collective "to promote the anti -colonial, anti -medical and anti -imperialist action.

It is only in light of all this that today we can understand why "Palestine can only win", despite what at first glance appears as a huge imbalance in strength relationships: on the one hand there is the Zionist entity, organic extension of Western imperialism, and on the other the Palestinian popular masses who, for more than a century, have been people and continue to do so today, in the dynamics of a struggle whose place in play goes far beyond the boundaries of historical Palestine.

These people, who had to take the tasks historically due to all the Arab masses, in particular to those of the Arabic mashrek, found himself for more than a century in the grip of a particular type of colonial settlement, which prevented him from being socially being structured, Like any other population of the region, through the dialectic of the class struggle in a traditional way of colonial production.

These people defeated the entire colonial settlement policy implemented for over a century by the Zionist expression of the imperialist West. The ethnic cleaning of the land of Palestine and its indomitable inhabitants is more than a failure. More than half of the Palestinian people live today in historical Palestine.

The Zionist movement has never succeeded and will never be able to break the unshakable will of Palestinian women and men, young and old, to conduct the struggle on all fronts to free Palestine, all of Palestine. It is this historical resistance, deeply rooted in the collective memory, which constantly revives the Palestinian identity.

Dear friends, dear companions, despite the genocidal aggression on a massive scale against Gaza of these days, in which the tens and tens of thousands of martyrs and injuries have been added to the terrible widespread destruction of the entire living space of Gaza, the resistance remains Unexable, protected and embraced by popular masses.

Gaza will never bring the white flag of the surrender ... neither the Zionists nor any criminal force will ever be able to break the will of the resistance to Gaza.

We must never forget that it is from the bowels of these refugee camps in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan and Lebanon that the historic Palestinian fighter force has emerged: the Fedayyìn. Today more than ever, this resistance to the genocidal aggression is alive and brings the promise of the Fedayyin.

That a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish in support of Palestine and its promising resistance!

Solidarity, all solidarity, with resistants in Zionist prisons and in isolation in Morocco, Turkey, Greece, Philippines and elsewhere in the world!

Solidarity, all solidarity, to young proletarians in popular neighborhoods!

Capitalism is nothing but barbarism, honor to all those who oppose there in the diversity of their expressions!

Together friends and companions, only together we will win!

Palestine will live and Palestine will surely win!

To all of you, companions and friends, my warmest revolutionary greeting.

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Labor Persecution at the Recover S.A.S. | Workers Revolution

Persecución laboral en la planta de Recuperar S.A.S. 1
Surveillance Guild Worker - MITIN FEBRUARY BOGOTÁ

We get the next complaint of a company's base worker Recoverar S.A.S. We thank the partner to consider the voice of the exploited and oppressed, because it is. We take the opportunity to invite other workers to send their complaints against all outrage from the exploiters. We have common enemies and we must fight against them, organized and guided by proletarian ideology.

At the main plant of Recover S.A.S in Itagüí, a company that is dedicated to recycling, workers are facing workplace harassment by supervisors, through the complaint and union representation, and thanks to this, they have avoided that the work recharge increases and the work rhythm.

In meat food, workers are also doing the same, as they protect themselves from labor abuse of production because they are an obstacle to the employer who seeks to overexploot the workers.

Persecución laboral en la planta de Recuperar S.A.S. 2

The workers are acting well when denouncing and defending themselves; However, they must also form activist committees that allow them It seeks to generate fear and intimidation.

It is also important to link their struggle with others that are pounding their class brothers in other sectors of production or society against salaried slavery.

Therefore, some activists are promoting a national popular assembly to collect the most felt claims of workers and it is convenient to participate.


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Out of March 8th - the international fighting day of women!

Dear readers,

We would like to call you up to participate in this year's rallies and demonstrations on the occasion of the International Frauenkampfag, March 8, 2024. Here you will find appointments for Vienna, Linz and Innsbruck:

High March 8, 2024!


Rally on March 8th at 2:00 p.m.

Location: Mariahilferstraße / U3 Neubaugasse (Libro) - 1060 Vienna

- Afterwards there is a short demonstration on the public company meetings at Zieglergasse.


Demonstration on March 8th at 4:00 p.m.

Location: Volksgarten (music theater) - 4020 Linz


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Current situation: Notes on the global crisis (7. Two years of war ... Correctua and brief comment: Annexes)

Current situation: Notes on the world crisis (7. Two years of the war of aggression of Russian imperialism to Ukraine .- Update of attached annexes and more underlined comments)

1. In Ukraine, Russia progresses little by little after death, The San Juan Daily Star.

2. Center for Strategic and International Studies TRANSCRIPT, Event: “Ukraine in the balance: an update of the battlefield on the war In Ukraine "

We publish these two news as annexes, which are very vinvulated to be able to make a closer idea in the war front between the Russian imperialist invader and the forces of the Ukrainian national resistance.

We have underlined the 1 and 2, and we will comment more widely later.

Today we publish transcription Complete of the Center for Strategic and International Studies “Ukraine in the Balance: A Battlefield Update on the war in ukraine ”, which last Friday we publish them incomplete, we also made the mistake of consigning the CSIS as a Yankee Imperialism Institute, when it is from English imperialism As can be seen at the UK publication, this is the kingdom United. We lohico with the rush of time, because we consider that It was very important that our readers conceive, in the opinion of The military and security experts of Yankee imperialism, such as They are Eliot Cohen, former state department advisor, Emily Harding, An intelligence expert of the SCIS that was previously CIA, of the US National Security Council, etc., and Mike Vickers, former Undersecretary of Defense Intelligence, Operations Officer of the CIA.

The importance of the document is that contains the discussion between these experts that represent the interests of one of the factions of Yankee imperialism, that of current Biden government and PD, on how the development of the War from its beginning to date, the stages that according to them carry Tour, until you reach the current moment of the War of positions, With the different terrestrial, aerial and naval bells, where they show the successes and failures, the strengths and weak, etc. From both part, the symbolic importance of the taking of Avdiivka For political development in Russia, linked to the death of Levany, and its limited military value. Make an interesting comparison between 1914 and 2023, where They see great potential for instability and innovation on both sides In this war, his appreciation of the Naval Campana of the Ukraine It is important.

See how Imperialists focus on their "help" military to impose dependence on the Ukrainian nation, that is get through the back door, while the Ukrainian nation combat the invasion of the aggressive forces of Russian imperialism. I know there reveals his cynicism, when he recognizes that with this "help" They win are their own companies, they say:

„(…) The money we spend on Ukraine does not leave the United States to the defense industry of the USA .. You go to US companies that send help to Ukraine. The Vast majority of this stay here. ”

That is double gain.

The interests of the government Imperialist Yankee of Biden are expressed in the opinions of these experiences, among many others, when they talk about the meaning of this War, etc. The statements of the representatives of all imperialist countries regarding war, in terms of "help", sending of armament and threat of being used has or seeks to have an effect on the opinion of the countries involved, in the elections and internal political development , because as reads the second annex and the news about the conversations of German ocial Mass destruction, including the military. Of its proopias conditions and possibility. Especially of the strategic balance at the level of those weapons of the Russian and Yankees imperialists.

Well, above all this we will return more forward. But, we reiterate in reference to the two annexes, in our position on the development of contradictions in this War of aggression of Russian imperialism against the nation Ukraine, in which the main contradiction is oppressed nation Against Russian imperialist aggression war. Than the imperialists In their wars against oppressed nations they can only Coquisote failures and get engaged in the quagmire. That he Yankee Emprialism is the fat dog and the main enemy of the Peoples of the world and Russian imperialism is the skinny dog, such as Aggressive imperialism in Ukraine is the main enemy there.

We publish two annexes, one is from a newspaper of The USA and, the other, of a Yankee Imperialism Research Center:

1. In Ukraine, Russia advances little by little after Death, The San Juan Daily Star.

2. Center for Strategic and International Studies Transcript, event: “Ukraine in the balance: a update of the battlefield on war in Ukraine "

In Ukraine, Russia advances little by little after death


o Writer's picture The San Juan Daily Star

2 days ago


Members of a humanitarian group transport the body from a Russian military near Koroviy Yar, in the Donetsk region in Ukraine, the January 7, 2023. Russia has made several adjustments after a disastrous year, but it still seems much more comfortable absorbing large losses of troops and team, even to achieve small profits. (Nicole Tung/The New York Times)

Por Thomas Gibbons-Neff Y Anatoly Kur

When the Russian army launched its offensive against the Avdiivka City, in eastern Ukraine, the past fall, the troops Ukrainians noticed a change in their tactics as column after column of Russian forces were devastated by artillery fire.

Russian forces divided their formations of infantry in smaller units to avoid being bombarded, while The number of Russian air attacks increased to demolish the defenses of the city.

It was one of several adjustments made by the Russians to help reverse your luck after a disastrous first year. But this changes were obscured by an obvious fact: the Russian army still I was much more willing to absorb great losses in troops and equipment, even to get small profits.

Russian forces have a different pain threshold, This month said a senior western official, as well as an unorthodox vision of what is considered an acceptable level of military losses .

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian soldiers have result injured or dead from the beginning of the Russian in large scale, including tens of thousands last year in the Battle for the Eastern City from Bakhmut. Another city to the south, Marinka, fell into the hands of Russia in January, After intense fighting and more losses .

Avdiivka was one of the most expensive. The diverse Russian casual estimates that circulate among military analysts, bloggers Prorruse and Ukrainian officials suggest that Moscow lost more troops Taking Avdiivka that in 10 years of fighting in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

But the figures of victims are difficult to verify: they are inflated on the side that causes them and minimized on the side that suffers them, which leaves the real cost unknown. The figure is considered Officer of Soviet dead in Afghanistan, around 15,000, is very underestimated.

An outstanding military blogger wrote that the Russians They had lost 16,000 soldiers in Avdiivka, a figure that follows for now being impossible to confirm.

"Despite Russia's great losses in Avdiivka, they still have an advantage of personnel along the front and can Continue attacks in multiple directions, "said Rob Lee, principal researcher of the Foreign Policy Research Institute, with Headquarters in Philadelphia.

Russia's slow advance occurs when European nations take measures to reinforce support for Ukraine and strengthen His own protections against a possible Russian aggression . Monday, NATO exceeded the last obstacle to passing the membership of Sweden, less than a year after Finland joined, an expansion of the military alliance that challenges the hopes of President Vladimir Putin of Russia to fracture the unity of their adversaries.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine said the Sunday that 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers had died fighting Russia. Their Comments caught the attention for how rare they were; Participants in the War almost never reveal casualties. But most analysts and Western officials say that the number of victims is much higher.

From the beginning of the invasion, Russia has been willing to pay especially high cost to advance in the area of the East of Ukraine known as Donbas, where Avdiivka is located . Parts of This traditionally Russian -speaking region has been occupied by representatives of Russia since 2014, and trying to justify the invasion of Large scale, the Kremlin has falsely affirmed that he is defending his Russian speakers, saying they want to be part of Russia.

Some military analysts say that taking control Total of the DonBass is the minimum that the Russian government needs to present the invasion of Ukraine as a house victory. That may explain Moscow's will of absorbing enormous losses to achieve marginal advances .

Avdiivka has been strategic and symbolic for Russian war propaganda Due to its proximity to Donetsk, the city more Grande del DonBass, who has been under the occupation backed by Russia since 2014. Ensure Avdiivka would take the Ukrainian artillery of the city, reducing the civilian population. Low and pressure on supply lines rear.

Kremlin's propensity to shoot more projectiles, concentrate more people and rely on a much larger and capable air force on This war allowed him to gradually change the course against the deep Defenses of Ukraine in Avdiivka. The huge cost in injured and dead, they say Some analysts, was only the byproduct of a strategy that he achieved in great measured its objective, despite the loss of men and material, especially When Western military aid and Ukrainian ammunition decreased subsequently.

The latest for now.

A Russian military analyst close to the industry of Defense, Ruslan Pukhov, wrote last week that the assault on Avdiivka was part of a broader Russian strategy of pressing the Ukrainian forces to throughout the entire line of the 600 mile front with attacks and probes for exhaust the enemy "for a thousand cuts."

" This strategy, however, is enough expensive for Russian armed forces in terms of losses, which could lead to the exhaustion of your forces "Pukhov wrote in a magazine Russian current. " This, in turn, could give the Ukrainian part once plus the initiative ”.

However, most analysts are issuing sobering evaluations about Ukraine's perspectives to 2024 If you do not receive American help. As the war enters its third year, both sides struggle to find enough men to Continue fighting with the same level of intensity. The much greater population of Russia, around 144 million people, three times that of Ukraine, It gives a significant advantage in labor.

The magnitude of Russia's losses has annulled in part of the impact of this arithmetic.

Kremlin's decision to summon 300,000 men In September 2022 (for the first time since World War II) has shocked and baffled to the nation, according to the polls. Hundreds of thousands of men had already fled from the country when the war began, threatening with Sur Sound the image of normality cultivated by Putin.

Since then, the government has tried to postpone what more possible another round of mobilizations. Instead, incentives have promoted financial and legal to attract the front as volunteers to convicts, Debors, immigrants and other vulnerable social groups. It has also begun to strictly enforce mandatory military service for young men, previously Laxo, in the country.

In a publication published in the application of Telegram messaging on February 18, a Russian military blogger for war cited An anonymous military source that claimed that since October, the Russian forces They had suffered 16,000 "irreplaceable" human losses, as well as that of 300 armored vehicles in the assault to Avdiivka. The Ukrainian forces had suffered between 5,000 and 7,000 irreplaceable human losses in battle, The blogger Andrei Morozov wrote.

These statements could not be verified in a form independent.

Center for Strategic and International Studies TRANSCRIPT Event “Ukraine in the Balance: A Battlefield Update on the War in Ukraine” DATE Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. ET

Center for Strategic and International Studies



“Ukraine in the balance: an update of the field of battle

In Ukraine "


Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. hour from the east


El Honorable Michael Vickers

Former Deputy Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

CSIS experts

Seth Jones

Senior Vice President; Harold Brown chair; and director, International Security Program,


Eliot A. Cohen

Arleight A. Burke Strategy Chair, CSIS

Emily Harding

Director, Intelligence Program, National Security and technology and deputy director,

International Security Program, CSIS

Seth G. Jones:

welcome to Center for Strategic and International Studies. My name is Seth Jones. Am the director of the International Security Program. It has been two years since The Russians invaded Ukraine.

We are here for discuss a range of military, intelligence, political and other issues Type on invasion, the state of war. And Eliot Cohen accompanies me. Eliot is the president of Arleight Burke in CSIS, former advisor of the United States Department of State and author of several books. Emily Harding, National Intelligence Director Security and Technology Program, and deputy director of the International Institute Security Program in CSIS. Also previously in the CIA, the National Security Service, thus as the Select Senate Intelligence Committee. And the honorable Mike Vickers, former Deputy Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Undersecretary of Operations Specials, former green beret, official CIA operations.

But the most Important, the author of the recently published memories, “By All Means Available ”of Knopf, which was ... which is a great book. Mike, thanks for doing that. And we have had - we have had a session on that as good. Let me Start: if we could open the battlefield map. This is at the beginning of this month. We get out of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense, Defense Intelligence. And what I wanted to do is remind everyone where we have come of. So you can't see it on the map itself, but you visualize it after Russian initial attacks on at least five axes did control the territory, some of which we can see here. They also tried to push down from Belarus and parts of Russia to take kyiv, in what They failed. Járkov City, which, as you can see, is not under Russian control, in which they failed. Then we saw multiple phases in which the Ukrainians They could effectively resume part of this territory, here in Kharkiv, with an offensive operation.

Year After we saw the Russians resume territory, even in the south, in Kherson. And where we are now they are a couple of things. Recently we have seen The Russians resume Avdiivka. I would say they are lit. The offensive. Have Military initiative at this time. They have not recovered much territory. We will talk about the details in a moment. And we have also seen a lot Activity, Ukrainians point to Russian ships, infrastructure in Crimea and In the Black Sea and its surroundings .

So, with that Brief general description, a little where we have arrived, Eliot, wanted go to you first and ask how to characterize this stage of the War at this time.

Eliot A. Cohen:

Well I think We have passed through three phases . The first phase, obviously l to Russian invasion and The successful Ukrainian defense . But keep in mind than during that phase could reach the doors of kyiv, get a large part of the area Around Kharkiv, and in fact they could take Kherson and overcome The Dnieper.

You saw a second phase, which was a Ukrainian counteroffensive, which was really notably successful. Led to them back from Kyiv. The Russians ended backing down. The cleaning of the area around Kharkiv ended, some minor advances in areas around Slavyansk. They resumed the city of Kherson.

And now you are in The third phase, that it has been for some time, that It has consisted of A series of attacks and counterattacks. Russian attack a Bakhmut, that They finally took at a terrible price. A Ukrainian offensive. I wouldn't call it A counteroffensive, that was: he achieved minor successes, but not much; l At initiative Pasa again at the hands of the Russians since they have taken Avdiivka, again, at terribly high costs .

This is a phase positional war. I think it is a mistake to talk about it as a point of death, That is how some people talk about it. It is positional war that seems quite familiar to military historians where the initiative changes round trip, but where there is a lot of adaptation and innovation and change with the initiative going and coming .

And we don't know How much this positional phase can last. it can last a good time.

The other point that I think it is important to highlight is that it is easy become obsessed with the field campaign , which has different parts because it is one - We are talking about a very long front line.

In parallel It is carrying out an important naval campaign in which in fact, the Ukrainians have had a remarkable success by doing many damage to the sea fleet Black saving, of course, his flagship, but I also believe that five from nine of his landing boats, effectively retreating to Russians to some extent beyond the Crimean Peninsula, thus releasing the Maritime routes They have been able to export cereals, even further to, where The Russians have transferred some of its naval bases. So that is another campaign.

Hay a deep campaign of attacks in which Russians are attacking Ukrainian infrastructure . They are attacking cities and Ukrainian power plants and others, in addition to a kind of bombing To sow terror. But with the Ukrainians who also attack Russia to a minor measure, but still with real effect both in missiles of different types but Also special operations forces.

And then it is underway a kind of campaign Information War in which both Russians and Ukrainians are trying to convince the public of different types in the West, in the south Global and other places, who has the advantage, in which direction this is, of What is all this.

I think it is very important to keep in mind that we have - There are multiple campaigns running and each one is in a place different .

Dr. Jones:

So, if we can open the map again, I want concentrate a little, I want to stay on this subject and ask Mike and Emily, looking at the map I want to perfect here. Some of the activities more recent we have seen are here in Avdiivka, that the Russians have Retaking to a big cost, we are listening to victims figures, with a grain of salt, from more than 15,000 to 17,000. Russian casualties, which are huge if that is TRUE.

The Russians also press Bakhmut. How ... mike, For you first? And then Emily, I mean, what is your opinion general about the important or What success has this had for the Russians? Wanna Saying, some people have done a big deal about this. that the Russians are Now to the offensive. They have Avdiivka resumed. But what is your meaning?

The Honorable Michael G. Vickers:

Well, the Russians are investigating in five addresses along this line and Avdiivka, I think they were important symbolic for Putin before his choice because basically, he had not taken Nothing in a year from Bakhmut .

You know, it has some value. But you mentioned the Russian losses He

The exchange relationship was probably the order From five to one, more or less, you know, a fairly small garnish of Ukrainians, as in other places, could contain the Russians for quite a lot time until they ran out of ammunition and personal.

Dr. Jones:

Emily, how important is this Russian success, at least limited?

Emily Harding:

It is difficult to say it was a success for someone. Yes lost 17,000 soldiers - and we should mention that I had to kill one of His pro-kremlin bloggers to cover up the fact that they lost 17,000 soldiers; That is not a success for Putin.

I think what Mike says about a small garnish Ukrainian that resists is absolutely true. There were some sad numbers around 800 to a thousand. Ukrainian troops that could have been captured When they tried to withdraw back and I think there are many criticisms really unfair to the way the Ukrainians went back.

I mean, unless you have been in that situation, it is very difficult for me to say that, they did not execute it as well as They could have done it. But I believe that Ukrainians and Europeans should insist on the fact that yes, the Russians achieved Avdiivka, but what do price?

And look at the rest of that map. Can you pay that cost? Throughout that forehead?

Dr. Cohen:

I think, you know, I would address this for a moment. Believe that part of the Russian intention in all this is, first, to agree with Mike; Putin wanted a symbolic victory of some kind before the elections. Maybe we want to talk a little about how politics Russian affects all this.

But I think what the Russians are, what the Russians They want to do now is convince everyone that the Ukrainian case does not have remedy .

Sra. Harding:


Dr. Cohen:

And that ... you know, and therefore, I think what They would probably do, Ultimately, what I would like to do is submit this to a negotiated agreement that is not permanent, which simply I would prepare them for another offensive somewhere later. So, in One way, I think that is the real objective.

You know, the center of gravity, to use some military jargon, it is. public opinion and the opinion of political elites, particularly in the United States, to persuade them that Ukraine You just can't win; You know, the Russians are relentless, they have resources that are essentially infinite and an infinite will to suffer. Now, I don't think any of those things is true, but I think that is In large part what the Russians want us to create .

Dr. Jones:

Then, Eliot, you mentioned the front. Yeah We could increase only these advance rates, so we gathered this, rates of progress for selective combined weapons offensives between 1914 and 2023 . I mean, I think it is true that the rhythm of progress of the offensive Ukrainian last year It was relatively slow. We evaluate between June 4 and on August 28, 2023, they got about 90 meters per day, which is quite slow.

They faced Russian defenses strongly Fortified with mined fields. So the Russians could also bring Fixed wing aircraft, helicopters and drones against tanks and armored personnel Ukrainians who advance aircraft carrier and even disassembled infantry. But Some people have raised the spectrum that seems: the situation is It looks like World War. So how to respond to that?

Dr. Cohen:

Well, I would respond in several ways.

I would start by saying that it is really a bad Interpretation of what happened in World War I. You know, we, our mental image of World War I comes from a number of films in which it is only a group of snuggled types in a trench , Then they go up to the top and all are dejected by machine guns.

Actually, World War I was a war Very interactive in which both sides are innovating all the time. It was a positional war . And then what happens? And this can be a bit misleading. You know, armies do not move at their average progress rate . It what happens is that they are slow, slow, slow and then, boom, there is a great progress and everything suddenly are going very deep .

This is like German offensives in 1918. It is True for many wars. Even as the first Gulf War, there are, already You know, 40 days of bombing and then, suddenly, the land war opens.

I think the other way in which the analogy of World War I is misleading - and again, it is because people do not Know the history, the reality type of tactical and operational history of the World War I - is the assumption. This is simply a butcher shop and There are many casualties. I don't want to minimize that - and it's absurd and there is no, you know, No particular innovation. Actually, this is a war in which there is A lot of innovation, in which, I would say it in this way. I think the Ukrainians Innovan from the bottom up and the Russians tend to innovate from above down. Russians have a very vertical command system, so they can be flexible. and learn and so on.

Ukrainians are a free society, so there is Many guys with interesting ideas that come out and try things and experiment. Both ways to do so have their advantages and disadvantages. But what It is certainly not, a, it is not static; And B, it is not a conflict in which only There are people hitting their heads. others without a genuine guy from Innovation and improvement by any of the sides.

Then it exists - and what that means, ultimately instance, is that there is the potential for, you know, serious instability that goes from one place to another at any time, but certainly during the Next year or so. You know, we should not assume that this will remain like this Forever, because it won't be so.

Dr. Jones:

So Mike, have you seen big surprises until now? Honorable.


First, allow me to agree with Eliot about The deceitful parallels of the First World War. An area where I think There is a bit of similarity is that It also has attributes of a war of relative industrial capacity and the ability to stay societies until you get the advances that Eliot spoke and the continuous innovation.

So the big surprises are simple. Really There are two.

One, how bad the Russian army has done, especially at the beginning of stages but even the last year, of this war of Position, Eliot spoke. AND You know, wear fight, have suffered losses much older and simply, you know, I have not had a good performance from a Military perspective The other side of the situation is how good The Ukrainians have done. Not only in defending its territory from the beginning, but then recovering it. And Járkov and Kherson, as Eliot mentioned, and Some of the innovations. You know, for a military without army, sinking Much of the Black Sea fleet, taking part of the fight in territory Russian also last week. Drushed, you already know, seven Russian airplanes. That It has been very good. I wish there would be bigger surprises. There are two in particular me keep in mind. First, if the clock that the United States could not go back persecuted. an incremental strategy. I think the Ukrainians would be a lot better if we had been bolder from the beginning.

Dr. Jones

With what? Long -range rockets or?

Honorable. Vickers:

Long -range projectiles, a variety of defenses aerial, a variety of things that could have put the things we are Doing now, you know, we should have started a couple of years ago and We made them more in all areas. And then him

The second is the decrease in support in states Joined . I wish I could tell me that so many, particularly in the Republican party, now they are becoming against war and help Ukrainian can be in danger. But it is not a surprise. But it is certainly tragic.

Dr. Jones:

Well, that's a good transition for Emily. As Would you value the American spare, including debates in Congress? And of fact, before your answer, I just want to mention something that states United has provided so far. Then we can go to the maps. Around of 2 million bullets of 155 millimeters, 2,000- in addition to Stingers, Javelins and Around 31 Abrams tanks. All these are DOD numbers.

You see Bradley Combat vehicles, Obuses, Himars, a Patriot battery, Nasam, attack. Thus we have an idea of what states United has provided since the invasion began. But what has been the American response more recently?

Sra. Harding:

Yes, if this graph is supposed to relieve my frustration, it is only a work species. (Laughs.) I would call him hesitation. The United States response has been hesitant. I think, without charity, I know I could say that we have been to play while Rome burns. We have been debating among us, exactly what a small weapons system It will lead to the top or not now for two years. And I think Mike is right. If we had not been hesitating early onwards, if we had really provided the things we should have provided, I would have been a lot better now.

I would classify the debate within the United States as partially of self -procession .

There is a cube of that. And then partially self -centered. And the autodisuasion piece is this constant to convince ourselves of that if we provide the next system or additional capacity, then that will be what that tilts Russia to expand the conflict. It simply has not happened. Russia as interested as we are restricted to Ukraine. AND the more that we allow them to continue advancing without retreating, the most will press. Russia is a thug. They respond to force.

The egocentric piece is this completely debate counterproductive, in which there are people who say, well, why are we sending all these resources to Ukraine? Why do we spend all this money on Ukraine, when we really should leave it here for a fight in the Peaceful? Or we should really be kept here for priorities internal It is simply the wrong way to see it.

First, from a numerical perspective Basic, I think Angus King of Maine has a very good speech about this, the money we spend in Ukraine does not leave the US American defense. It goes to the US companies that send help to Ukraine. The Great majority stay here .

The other part is that it is not this or that. We have done A great job here. In the CSIS, I know that some of our colleagues in Washington have also done so that the types of weapons you need in a fight in the Pacific are very different than the weapons that are needed in a Fight in Ukraine. In addition, we have just seen Japan step forward and accept Provide Ukraine for all kinds of help. And as they pointed out in the press this Tomorrow, they share a common neighbor. Both Japan and Ukraine borders Russia. AND Japan understands that this is not a Europe or a fight in the Pacific. This It is a global message for a thug superpower.

And that's where we also have to think about it.

Dr. Cohen:

Can I participate in this? This is a really table interesting. So you know, order of magnitude, something like 10,000 Jabalinas, that makes sense. That is the anti -tank missile you need. He Abrams tank number. However, or with patriot batteries, that's ridiculous. I mean, and the problem is that we tell ourselves, oh, Well, we have given you, you know, high -end aerial defenses, the Patriots. But a battery? Thirty -one tanks? By the way, we have hundreds of stored abrams tanks. These are Abrams's old model. They are not the that our soldiers use. They're available. They could have gone there a long time. And I think it is reflected as a failure what to think: we have not managed to think with the proper urgency level. I agree with Mike and Emily in that. But we have not managed to think about the correct scale.

Honorable. Vickers: Escala.

Dr. Cohen:

And in part, it has been a long time, actually since Korea, maybe. some parts of Vietnam, but we really have involved in what is a war in which there is the entire time. You know, I think we sometimes do a false dichotomy - and I'm afraid that even some of our military thinkers address it in this way: Between maneuvers and wear. Wear is not so much a strategy; is a War condition You know, I think of -

Dr. Jones:

And nobody wants to be in a wear war.

Dr. Cohen:

But every - but if you are in a real war - yes You are in a real war, you are in a war of wear. You know, I think of, Let's say, 1967, the six -day war, you know. The Israelis lost approximately a quarter of its Air Force. And it is important - or yes You look, say, you know, the Germans crossing France in 1940, they they lost as a fifth of their tanks, and you know, even more percentages High, I think. Think in your Air Force. Simply - If you are in a war It would be against a war with serious opponent - and by the way, it would also happen to us We are going to take

great losses, and that means that you have to think on the right scale. And unfortunately, I think that for our part he has There will have been a systematic failure of thinking about the correct scale, with some exceptions such as 155 millimeters rounds, where finally We are expanding production, something that you already know about.

Dr. Jones:

Then yes. Yeah.

Sra. Harding:

Can I also play that with two fingers? So Because I can listen to the screams from interwebs, batteries Patriot, in reality I understand that due to the shortage of production in that system and because I know many of our partners in the Middle East need them desperately to do things like fighting the hutis, who are shooting against Saudi Arabia. That is a reason, not an excuse. And here it is where speech is inserted on the industrial defense basis and how not We have been pointing enough to personnel who manufacture things like Patriot batteries, there will be a demand for them will continue in the next two years, five years, 10 years, so production increases to satisfy the demand; And although we say for a second, that tomorrow the peace explodes throughout the World, we will continue to comply with those contracts, so please constrain them.

Honorable. Vickers:

Yes. And I would add, you know, as my say Old Chief Bob Gates, you know, you have to win the war you are.

Sra. Harding:


Dr. Jones:

My former boss Mike Vickers also said that. (Laughter.) I want to return to a point, Emily, who did - you raised the perspective of Other countries, including some of our adversaries. I think people can forget or not realize that when it comes to the Russians, you know, the Russians have also spent significant amounts of ammunition in this War too. Then the question, in part - and that goes through drones and - Where do Russians get help? And for those who want to focus or They think we can focus (the United States can only focus on a theater At the same time, so we should really focus on Taiwan, or even alone Israel, or - and that we cannot do that, reality when you look cooperation is that the Chinese have provided significant help to the Russians. And it has been in All areas, not in wholesale weapons systems. But a range of Technology for Russian weapons systems that includes everything from microchips For weapons systems to pieces for ammunition.

North Koreans have provided rockets and ammunition To the Russians. The Iranians have provided the Shahed-136 and other drones. Then we are seeing the Russians receiving a variety of help from The Chinese, of the North Koreans and the Iranians, which makes the United States retain your help at this time is surprising because we have not seen the Chinese in that sense, stop providing assistance to the Russians.

I also wanted to understand your opinion, Emily, about the Europeans and where Europeans are when providing help to Ukraine. There are also - there has also been talk that the Germans They would provide Taurus, for example, which is a greater scope ammunition. which It is your sense where the Europeans are and how useful they have been at the time of Provide help to Ukraine? And then, you know, if you can add something else.

We have heard many criticisms. About Europeans by several politicians about their defense expenditure, including 2 for one hundred of the gross domestic product.

Dr. Jones:

Then yes. Yes. Mrs. Harding: mmm hmm. So, To complement his excellent argument about China, we should not Forget to what extent China has bought cheap Russian fuel, which is keep the Russian economy afloat and allow them to do all the things that are doing. More than saying about that.

But when it comes to Europeans, you know, I passed The first year of this war reassuring European allies that The United States is in this for the long term, which Biden has said that we are In this in the long term.

The Russians are an old enemy. We understand that this goes to be important not only for the security of Ukraine but also for the Europe's security. Yes, there is talk of extremes about people, you know, that They talk about their support to Ukraine. But those are the ends of the bell curve. They were in this long term. And then, after a year passed, some of Those bell curved voices at the end obtained a little stronger and a Little more central and then I found myself saying it will be fine. It's going to be OK. People like to add political points. But they will recover.

Now I find myself in the situation of having to look To Europeans in the face and say: I really don't know what will happen to the current Help package. I still have hope that the camera enters reason and approves it because it is of vital importance for security in many ways.

It can be good for Ukraine and also for states United at the same time.

But I think Europeans are really starting to Get difficult questions about themselves: how do you see security European without the presence of the United States? as?

The unfortunate comments of former president Trump The other day about

I think NATO really shook them in a way which is difficult to ignore and are starting to look at things from production of defense until the end and through, you know, communications with each other.

We are seeing a silent defense production in Some places and a loud defense. production in others. They are so far To be able to do it, right? You know, direct NATO without the United States, but Some very difficult questions are being raised.

And finally I want to point out that some of our colleagues here at the CSIS have done a really good job in NATO and We are working on a project now on whether the 2 percent threshold is really relevant, if there are other ways to measure what should be Really the contributions of NATO and if the 2 percent question is Just a false track.

Dr. Jones:

Yes, frankly, I think it's mainly a track false. I think the subject, at the end of the day - and I have also written about this - is To what extent and how Europeans and high -level war are useful, for example. So that it takes it to aerial capacities, land capacities, Naval capacities, including anti -submarine war. That takes you out of the problem of the percentage. And much more to the capabilities to perform operations.

Dr. Cohen:

Let me not agree with that. I think that, On the one hand, it is important to be able to measure in a way, you know, more Reasonable and militarily relevant operational contributions.

A figure of 2 percent of GDP, which is too much low; I mean, I would say it is shooting at 3 (percent) or -

Dr. Jones:

The United States is closer to ... is in the range 3 percent, right?

Dr. Cohen:

Is politically significant and is a message For the public involved and for the governments involved we expect that they put important resources against their own defense and not put excuses and Saying, well, we are hosts your forces, that is also a contribution.

You can't ... I don't think we can ignore your Psychological dimension. I wanted to add, if I am allowed, two more things. One is American production. It is absolutely fundamental because we have the greatest Military industry and despite my previous scathing criticisms, we can Expand things and get them on top. But it is also fundamental because We provide leadership and central focus type for this. These are two - There are two types of industrial coalition competitors here. You mentioned one, Russia - Iran, China in the background with components and things, Korea del North.

With us are the Europeans, obviously, with states Joined. But, you know, South Koreans play a role and Japanese play a role and the United States is critical for that. So, Yes ... you know, and the South Koreans sell us 155 (- millimeters) so that later we can give ours to the Ukrainians; Indeed part of the game. We have to be in ESO center.

Now, I think it's important because ... I mean, I think we are tending to be quite critical, and appropriately, With our own government. Actually, the Russians are found in a way different in a world of pain.

They are ... you know, they are in a state of mobilization. It is not clear that

have really been able to increase military production of a tremendously significant way. They still fight with production of advanced pieces. of military team. You know, for example, they have had this ARMATA T-14. tank they have been talking about for years. It's supposed to be incredible. system. They have had problems implementing it. Have had problems get it to occur. Your fossil fuel income has gone decreasing. Yes, the Chinese buy that oil. The Chinese are good merchants. And then they understand that. Oil is cheap and they ... You know, they don't have the same pipelines and things. how that.

So I think, you know, the Russians - the same fact that North Koreans have to depend for 152 millimeter projectiles, They have as a caliber 30 percentage of failure, he tells you something about their Military industry So, you know, we should remind ourselves That if we, if the United States is in the center, we propose it and We keep the feet of our European allies to the fire, we can easily overcome these types both in quantity and quality, safe, but I would say that even in quantitative terms. But there must be a lot of energy policy placed. And unfortunately I don't see that.

Dr. Jones:

So, returning to its European point, yes, it is important to spend more on the Ministry of Defense. That 2 percent threshold In a certain sense, it simply highlights that. But at the end of the day, I think It is also important how they are spending their money. So if we can to achieve this. I'm going to go with Mike in a second with a question. But if We could show the image here. I just want people to see here. This is one of the Iranian drones, the Shahed. 136. This was shot down in kyiv, And now he is in possession of Ukrainians. You can also see here what it is of an Iranian drone. And here this Iranian flag is on the side. So this us Give an idea of some of the other countries that have been providing assistance To the Russians.

What takes me, Mike, to the Russians. That is, your Russian military evaluation. You already talked a little about this, but what do you have? Good made, in your sense? Where has you fought? And are we seeing some? Evolution of the Russian concept of operations? They used more air than had in the past in the offensive of Avdiivka. What does that mean?

Honorable. Vickers:

So where the Russians have done the best They can really be in this position where they have had an advantage of Artillery and an advantage. And then those two things - and, in addition, The nine months, essentially, they were given to dig, prepare, put fields Mined and other things that made the Ukrainian summer offensive of the year past was very problematic. That, and the lack of aerial power of the Ukrainians. You know, we essentially ask the Ukrainians to fight a war from a so that the US army or the western military never They would do. And you know, you just can't win that way. That is, it is military negligence.

So that's where they have done better. They have done what worse they have been able to in the integrated field of combined weapons operations, Aeroterres operations. And this is something we have seen with the Russian Army In the Russian-Georgian war. They thought they had plans to fix these Things, you know, of the lessons learned. They have not really done a good job. And you know, if everything seems to have worsened as the scale has increased. I mean, his great advantage at this time is really in the resources. And it may be more fragile than people think.

Dr. Jones:

So, if we could open the slide, only To emphasize what Mike noticed. Can

Look, this is ... this was last year. But we can See some of the Russian positions of positions. The trenches that raised Here, the dragon's teeth. These are multiple rows of dragon teeth. You can't see it here because it is buried, but the mined fields, the Anti -tanks that have used, the mortar locations and locations of weapons they have had. They had time during last year's offensive To strengthen some of these defenses. measures. What about Russian air?

Honorable. Vickers:

Yes, Russian air, you know, it has been based mainly in unmanned aerial missiles and vehicles Strategic against populated centers. You know, and it certainly had some success in that. In terms of aerial power on the battlefield, during the offensive Ukrainian used attack helicopters reasonably well to limit Ukrainian penetrations. Fixed wing aircraft have not done much. You You know played a role in Avdiivka towards the end, when the Ukrainian army I was withdrawing under pressure -

Dr. Jones:

And I didn't have many Earth-Aire missiles.

Honorable. Vickers:

And had no earth-Aire missiles. But mainly it stayed behind the lines and planning pumps that They can enter and achieve objectives. And then it has not been a great player. You know, Russian doctrine integrates air with armies in the field, doing to the upper army. A little different from our approach.

I would also add that, you know, its operational advantages are

One thing. What the Russians really tell for winning the war is

essentially knocking out the allies of Ukraine. Basically cutting international support. You know, Eliot talked about this and Emily He talked about political problems in Congress. But you know, that's his theory. of the victory, is that if the aid is cut, they will have a chance better.

Dr. Jones:

Well, because they also receive help. So he Balance of power changes dramatically.

Honorable. Vickers:

Yes, they also receive help. The balance of Power changes, exactly.

Sra. Harding:

This is one of those self -complicated prophecies of those that spoke at the beginning. What is the message that Russians want Let's absorb? that Ukraine cannot win, so we should withdraw the support. And that idea that this is going to be totally self -fulfilled, which once we accept The Russian policy of line then we go back, which makes it true, I think that It is what we have to protect at all costs.

Honorable. Vickers:

I think Lenin called them useful idiots.

Dr. Cohen:

Well, and in a way it is already happening. Wanna Say, even put aside Tucker Carlson, you know, you look at Senator Vance Ohio. I mean, that's ... is saying what Russians would like to say. that there is no way that Ukrainians can win, so Let's be realistic and stop helping them.

Dr. Jones:

Well, Emily, the Russians have also been active in Many other areas. We have seen Navalny face death. We have seen to a Ukrainian deserter probably killed in Spain. What else do you have? I mean, what are you doing with what the Russians are doing now in various fields?

Sra. Harding:

I mean, they get paid in a way that It seems quite surprising. What is clear: Navalny did not fall dead because own will in a Russian prison. I know in my bones as sure as I'm sitting here, and I didn't even have to do it. Be on the floor with him. We will discover it at some point in the future that was in fact killed, and it was Killed at a certain time for a certain reason. The fact that Putin It has allowed it just before Munich the conference is quite interesting. That came out almost at the same time that some news arose about some New Russian capabilities potentially being in space, I think it is very interesting.

And it is a quite bold message that we are in the second anniversary of this war and its number one political critic, feels that You can eliminate with little or no repair. And I think Europeans are Analyzing that message. In a way, does anyone know enough naive to think that Navalny was going out of prison and becoming the Future leader of Russia? No, Putin was never going to allow that to happen. But the fact that he did it in the way he did. I think it was a message Very scary for Europeans. And I wish we also arrived over there.

Honorable. Vickers:

And the moment It is: not only did not die for natural causes, hence they will not release the body until they have disinfected enough, but also the moment is not accidental. Is designed to be right on our face, let's say: we can Hcer this and what are you going to do about it?

Sra. Harding:

What we do about it? What are we doing about?

Dr. Jones:

So, While you look at the year 2024, Emily, indications and warnings, what We should look for an idea of how things are going?

Sra. Harding:

Yes. So it's When I take away my indignant politician and put my hat of Impartial analyst, or at least I do my best to do it. If you see The linear analysis of where this conflict is directed, we must think that Russia He will try to take advantage of his advantage in men and possibly power of fire, although we have an intense debate about who will have the advantage in firepower. But they continue to throw metal and people in the problem.

You have to think that Ukraine will be trapped in this defensive position for at least next year, while trying to discover Some fundamental things and a reassessment of the strategy. So, Looking, you know, what are you doing? To gather the labor you need to face To the Russians? What do you do with mandatory military service or not? What do you do to Try to obtain this hodgepodge of different materials they have and combine it in an effective and coherent combat force. But that's really Inherent to, we are sitting almost still while we try to solve this and Wait for any type of Russian offense like the one we saw in Avdiivka.

So what would that evaluation change? Those who The evaluations of the Ukrainian side would change, I think they are much more Probable that the big ones, changes on the Russian side. So I'll review them first.

The first option is that the United States approves the Help package; Europeans do not use that as an opportunity to say "UF" and go back to what they have been. In doing so, they also advance with a huge amount of help; that Ukraine continues to carry the fight to Russians We were talking about surprises before. One of my surprises is the little that the Russian population has really felt the impact of this conflict. If that Change, if we find a way to make the Russian population understand the Costs of this conflict. to them in their places of origin. And then, if Ukraine Find a way of choosing subaters differently. I mean, me give in to military analysts in the room, who would know exactly how it would be seen, but they find ways to focus on a particular area and achieve progress there, could see that changing that scenario I proposed to 2024.

On the Russian side, these are much more likely issues And high impact, could there be roller troops riots? We saw what Unpleasant with the Wagner group. You know, could something like this happen again On a smaller scale along the Russian front lines? Is there one possibility? That at some point in 2025 there will be a fall in the Russian production of ammunition? I think that would change the rules of the game to the conflict if it were really true and if China had not come to save them. And then the real black swan is that something arises from the murder from Navalny, that really becomes some kind of internal disturbance Within Russia that attracts Putin's attention to return to internal problems Russians more than continue the war in Ukraine. You know, the fighter for the Freedom in me really expects that to happen, but I don't see many indications that this can be the way. We go

Dr. Jones:

So, Eliot, I know you have written about it, if we can find photography. of the New Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. what are your options As we look at the course of 2024? I mean, some of this is You will clearly defend the Russian forces, but what are your options? in staying in the fight?

Dr. Cohen:

Well I think You are probably thinking of some very mundane things. Things like: how Can I simply sustain strength? How can I rotate tired troops? You know, how ... how do I train not only the new troops but also to the new troops as individuals? - Do you know, the Ukrainians have not been so intense as we would be in individual troops training, but in reality what is probably even the most important thing at this time is vitally important. But upper level training of units of Battalions/brigades, training of older states, I think there is much of that. They are thinking clearly: they have created this new command for aerial systems Not beed, get such things to stand up. And I think they - You know, they want to deliberately - the reason why they have clung to Avdiivka because it has some political meaning for them. But I think, as in Bakhmut, who decided that the Russians really bleed, because I think they understand (not everyone in the West do it: that resources Russia are not infinite and that if the Army Dustusia is suffering losses Very large, even among young officers and others. ignition: they will have problems to perform any type of maneuver important operation only because they will not have the officers who can carry out…. Then I think There is that. I think absorbing the new technology that get. Those are going to be their concerns to 2024, in addition to processing Other campaigns we have talked about.

I mean, you know, that naval campaign has been Extremely successful and I think they will want to continue with it. The attack campaign deep, too. And then I suspect that They will be thinking a lot about what will happen in 2025, and he will be thinking a lot in this. About it. So I suspect that this is a year in which they will be in great extent in the positional struggle, trying to prepare for what could be the year of the decision, 2025 . But it is war, so things will happen Unexpected . They may face a maneuvering war (or movements?) That They expected or did not want at a given time. Well, it will depend on what happens Also on the Russian side.

Honorable. Vickers:

And we can help you by approving this aid bill.

Dr. Cohen:


Honorable. Vickers:

But also, instead of simply considering giving Attack or long range weapons to Ukrainians, such as the missile system Army tactics and German Taurus of our two governments, giving them to they. And then, you know, it is possible that the Kerch bridge does not remain in foot for a long time .

Dr. Cohen:

And that really ... You know, just to emphasize that point, you know, when we have given the Ukrainian weapons of greater reach like the Himars or even ... we gave them, how are you 20 Atacms? They know how to use those things very effectively against vulnerable areas in the Russian rear: its logistics nodes, command and Control, barracks, things like that. And when that is done, the Russian ability to continue these offensives in places like Avdiivka. Therefore, it is a capacity of critical importance. And if we eliminate the Kerch bridge, they will have other ways to take things to Crimea, but it is a lot more difficult. And that is what we should be doing .

Dr. Jones:

I frequently remember the television program American “Macgyver ”By observing how Ukrainians have been Innovatives in how they have even used harpoons in the rear of trucks , For example; the way they have used some of their - and if we could show This here - some of its FPV, drones, or tied different types of improvised explosive devices, throwing themselves on Russian soldiers. They have been quite innovative . So, the last question for Mike and Emily is: Could you give us an idea, particularly to the American audience, of what What is at stake here? I mean, if you even look at a red team, if you look A Russian victory here, a Russian success, even a significant advance in the Battlefield, what would be the implications? And in more terms general, how important this is for the United States and how they should Think of Americans about it?

Honorable. Vickers:

Well, I think the first thing is the advanced defense of Europe. You know, we can talk about democracy, and this is the whitest war and black that can be found in moral terms. But it is also important For the defense of Europe, and Europe is still very important for states United in its long -term competition with China and Russia . And you know, there would be more threats to Europe if Russia won, and could also carry some time. And we would also have, you know, maybe a weakening of the European resolution, followed by a weakening of the US resolution. You know, as Eliot said, we tend to lead these things. And it is very important Let us do it. And then I think it is also a global problem. It is not just a European issue Then send messages to the evils everywhere. But, now You know, China is watching this closely, as to what happens there. And then their calculations on Taiwan will be affected by the result of This war .

Sra. Harding:

Yes, I would love to try to draw a straight line from what That is happening in Ukraine until, you know, someone's wallet in Kansas . It is a little long trip, but be patient. If you think about the way in which the United States operates on the world stage, we have deliveries Just in time on Walmart shelves. We have supply chains that They cover everyone. And all these things are possible because the United States and His allies have attached to a world system that tries to respect the State of law and that has predictable economic consequences for certain things that They happen . What Putin has done with his invasion of Ukraine that is to say: I don't None of that imports. I want the world system to be reaped in the way that I like it. I want to show that the UN makes no sense, that the United States It is weak, that American democracy is not as good as it seems. AND I want the United States to fight internally, alone, against yourself, instead to use its vast global power to guarantee a safer world and prosperous. The Chinese saw that and said: we like that idea. What we want It is a world that is safe for Chinese companies. We want to manage The world as we believe should be managed. We don't care about freedoms personal We do not care democracy. What matters to us is to make money For us and for our business. So we also agree with That as a plan. Let's see how we can alter this global system in our favor. To do

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RACE MOVEMENTS Pan -Hellenic Educational Rally - ALL in Propylaia on Friday 8.3 at 12:00!

PANNELDIC Education rally, Friday 8/3 Day of the passage of the law on private universities.

All at 12 in the Propylaea.


Do not pass the Pierakkaki law

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Jammed in wars of prey, imperialism deepens its general crisis - the new democracy

The Heroic National Resistance of Palestine has revealed a feature of the new moment of revolutions we entered. In it we see regional confrontations that snap and simultaneously scale, in an unprecedented rhythm, and involving interests the most multifaceted and at the same time interlated.

While the resistance corner of the Sionist State's genocidal forces in the gaza, the Yankees are forced to reactivate their operations in North Africa to try to neutralize the intrepid Yeamenite people who do not accept passive attempt by Holocaust Palestinian. This would be enough to end Yankee imperialism in severe strategic crossroads: but, adding the scheduling of the conflict in Ukraine, in which Russian imperialism recovers some positions, which forces the imperialists to climb the threats of a war between them without, without Precedents.

At the same time, the Yanks have their biggest long -term concern in Asia. There, China launched its long -range strategy of the “New Silk Route” and reached new foundations for the dispute with the Yankee, penetrating its capital on vast zones of influence and semicolonies of Yankee imperialism; The Chinese social-imperialist regime has also elevated military spending and established that the main contradiction to be solved is the “ability to defend”, that is, here too, the greatest militarization of its society and economy for the war of conquest. On the other hand, imperialists Ianques responded with training of military vessels in the southern sea, strengthening the Taiwan and Hong Kong territories, hostile to the social-imperialist regime; At the same time, it established in its strategic policy that the biggest threat to US security in perspective is China Social-Imperialist.

Therefore, the world imperialist system has already prepared to raise wars and conflicts around the world: in the last two years, a dizzying growth of world military spending has been recorded. The equivalent of R $ 10.9 trillion with weapons and military equipment were moved. Greater than Brazil's GDP, the amount is less than the spending in the second world war and is driven by these two more magnitude conflicts in recent times.

For this scenario, the European Union will allocate 240 million euros to military spending. A European Union diplomat said it is necessary to “prepare for much more demanding times”, indicating that the war will continue to be the main trend for the coming years. Russia, atomic superpower, has announced that it will allocate two fifths of its economy to the war industry: 376 billion euros. Although all imperialist superpowers and powers are increasingly spending on military ground, they are the Americans who take the lead, with $ 4.5 trillion (41% of the total spent worldwide).

Such an imperialist arms race, because they overcome their rivals on means of war to impose their interests on each other, but on very fragile ground.

When the Chinese real estate monopoly EVERGRENE announced its bankruptcy on August 18, 2023, the danger alert was lit in all imperialist powers. China, which is the second country that spends the most military level, has been presenting since 2018 a trend to fall in economic growth rate. That year, China had a growth rate of 6.6%, the lowest in 40 years so far. For 2030, a growth of 3% per year is expected - in Chinese terms, which has been growing on average 10% per year for forty years, this is a catastrophe. With the growth of the “real estate and financial bubble”, it is no longer possible to prevent the crisis of Chinese capitalism, which will necessarily come, reaching all major economies without exception.

In both statements and actions, imperialists admit the danger of what they call “multicrisses”, euphemism for the general crisis of decomposition of the world system. The magazine The Economist He released a recent survey in which he admits, even in an institution advocating the old order, that more than 92% of the world's population is not in regimes with full democratic freedoms. If the ideologues of the old order, which exist precisely to beautify it, are required to admit in these terms the seriousness of their crisis, it is a significant sign of the times. Times, by the way, when 43% of the US population estimates that a civil war is likely in the next 10 years.

There is no doubt that we find ourselves right now in those historical moments when, by analogy, the slow crumbling of an old decaying structure is observed. The anti-imperialist revolutionary struggles, in essential to Palestine, brought to light the degrading situation of imperialism. The masses should be supported in these examples, redouble the desire to fight and defy dethrone the emperor, after all, the Palestinian cause shows with singular clarity: he is already falling.

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CE: Activists roam Ceará capital with pro -Palestinian leafleting - the new democracy

On the morning of March 2, the Ceará Front of Support for Palestinian Resistance promoted an important agitation “in memory of the more than 112 murdered in the Flour Massacre, by the end of Zionism and the Assassin State of Israel and in defense of the Palestinian people and of the Palestinian National Resistance ”with microphone, Palestinian flags and pamphleting.

In addition to the hundreds of distributed pamphlets, part of the masses spontaneously demonstrated support for agitation, with sayings such as “Live Free Palestine!”. He captured special attention to the denunciation of the coverage of communication monopolies, which, like the great minions of imperialism, approached the flour massacre as a "confusion."

Agitation led pro-palestine solidarity to the streets of Recife. Photo: Database and

A Palestinian man who went through agitation gave his active support to protesters. In a private conversation, he revealed that his sister still lives in the West Bank and is under constant threat of the hordes of Zionist settlers.

In the speech, the Ceará Front of Support for Palestinian Resistance stated that it is the duty of all Brazilian democrats and internationalists to defend the Palestinian people and their national resistance. They also stated that pro-Palestinian mobilization should be intensified in the country, with agitation, leafleting, public debates and demonstrations.

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AC: historical flood affects more than 100,000 people - the new democracy

About 100,000 people were affected by a historic flood in Acre in late February. The National Secretariat of Protection and Civil Defense (SEDEC) put 17 of the 22 Acre cities in emergency on February 25. For years plans for flood prevention have been allegedly assembled in the region, but never leave the paper. On February 27, 340 people were homeless and 127 homeless.

The flood began in Assis Brasil with the flood of the Acre River basin. In a short time there were the floods of the streams in Rio Branco, followed by the flood of the Acre River, which impacted Rio Branco, Assis Brasil, Brasileia, Epitaciolândia, Porto Acre, Placido de Castro, Capixaba, Xapuri, South Cruise, Seine Madureira, Feijó , Tarauacá, Santa Rosa, Jordan, Marshal Thaumaturgo, Porto Walter and Mâncio Lima.

On February 28, Rio Acre reached the 15.56 meter mark in the municipality of Brasiléia, surpassing the historic flood of 2015. At that time, the river reached 15.55m. About 75% of the city is affected. The locomotion is only possible through river as the earth's way is isolated. Already in the capital, Rio Branco, the river hit 16.82 meters.

Plans do not leave the paper

In 2020, the city hall conducted a survey with the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM), exposing that in 52 years of monitoring, the capital of Acre had recorded 41 floods of the Acre River.

The survey conducted four years ago aimed to build a plan to face climate and environmental change, but never left the paper.

After the research, Acre underwent large floods in the year 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. In all, these episodes, the poor were the most affected, especially villages of riverside peasants. Rural and indigenous areas are also affected.

Even so, the state follows without solid planning for flood prevention.

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RS: Residents of São Sebastião do Caí protest against tolls - the new democracy

On March 2, more than 100 residents of São Sebastião de Caí, Metropolitan Zone of Porto Alegre, blocked the KM 4 of the RS-122 highway against the installation of a toll that charges abusive prices for the residents of the city. This is the third protest in the region against the installation of the roads on the roads, which have the bidding of the company Caminhos da Serra Gaucha (CSG).

The concentration of protesters began in the morning at 9am. A huge police apparatus was mobilized to try to intimidate protesters. In contrast, drivers who were going through the journey honored frequently in support of the mobilization.

The toll, which will start operating this month, has the value of R $ 12.30 in both directions, and without exemption to the majority of the city's population, except for residents of only 3 neighborhoods of the municipality closer to the toll. For the Valley of Happiness region, where most people have to move to work to large cities such as Montenegro and Novo Hamburgo, the climate is of indignation and deep distrust in the municipalities and state government.

In February, the population of Capela de Santana, a neighboring city, blocked the highway In repudiation of the installation of other tolls of the same company in the region, citing abusive prices that many residents simply cannot afford. In September last year, Another protest occurred in gate .

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PR: The role of the school psychologist in the fight against the precariousness of education - the new democracy

Writing Note: The article below was written by students of psychology from the Federal University of Paraná and sent to us by the corresponding site of AND in Curitiba and the region.

The new wave of the precariousness of Brazilian education is now captained by the new high school, whose pedagogical policy annihilates the humanitarian and scientific aspects of education and reduces it to the most nefarious utilitarianism: it aims at the conformation of young people to structural unemployment, preparing them for being “entrepreneurs” pot cake and narrowing their political horizons to “what goes on”.

The implementation of such a harmful project cannot come, as is usual, without an ideological cover -up, which takes place in many ways in the current government management, Luís Inácio, after all, used the “defense of science” as one of its main Electoral motors. Thus, the attempt to implement the new high school is accompanied by several fallacies - such as the supposed importance of integral education without any investment that enables schools to apply properly to the full regime - and welfare proposals that serve more to mask the precariousness than compensate it-this is the case of the shameful “foot” of high school. We can also think of the current policy of psychology in schools as, so far, an mainly aesthetic measure.

Federal Law 13,935, 2019, approved the Social Assistance and Psychology Service in all public basic education schools and gave a year for the implementation of the program, leaving responsibility to education systems. According to the Paulista Medical Association website (APM), however, the implementation of the program only began in early 2022. In Paraná, this law remained only on paper until, it seems, the end of 2023, when a Notice was opened for hiring social and psychology professionals.

A synthesis made by APM from the 2022 school census points out that only 13% of schools in Brazil have hired psychology professionals. Private schools, however, have up to ten professionals, while the public, when they have, is just one.

Firstly, it should be noted that psychological service in schools is of paramount importance and cannot be essentially outpatient, that is, it should not have as its main function remedy situations of panic and anxiety crises. The psychologist is a professional who must be integrated with pedagogical dynamics and participate in the construction and execution of local and regional educational policies. It is essential, at this moment, that the professional class mobilizes to effect its right to be in schools and not let this law become a piece of paper among many others. This involves taking part in the struggles against the precariousness of education, being today the main one the fight against the new high school, and for a true scientific and democratic reform of education. It is worthless the existence of rights without the means to realize them. The approval of Law 13.935/2019 means nothing but demagogy about education and mental health and will continue this way without the mobilization of the class.

This understanding of the psychologist as an actor in a broader system is also important not to fall into a widely widespread conception in the press monopolies: that the psychologist is solely responsible for the “psychic welfare” of the school community. It is common, when we read reports on the performance of the psychology professional in schools, that psychological practice is reduced to the aforementioned outpatient care or, even worse, is cited as an absolute prevention for "massacres" in schools.

It should be understood that the school is not only a place where young people decorate textbooks, as the new high school intends, but it is, for much of the youth, the essential pole of socialization and construction of meanings of life. Cases of massacres in schools cannot be understood as the work of anomalous individuals, with some syndrome, whom merely lacked individual psychological counseling. On the contrary, it is a symptom of bankruptcy of the humanizing potential of the educational system.

Therefore, it is essential for psychologists who work or intend to work in the educational system that organize themselves-in addition to the struggles of their professional class to effect hiring-along with students and other education professionals in the fight against a precarious, anti-cinientific and utilitarian project of education. The new high school mutilates the school's humanizing potential and makes it an increasingly conducive space for psychological suffering, marginalization and violence. A policy worthy of mental health in education depends on a pedagogical policy that transforms the school into a democratic, scientific and progressive polo, not an unemployed entrepreneur factory.

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Chronicle: floods (or a tale of two cities) - the new democracy

The official history of my city says that when the large land owners, the previous inhabitants, the Puri, were all or almost all decimated. It was not a mere carnage. They had already been shifted from somewhere in the Holy Spirit and decided to no longer accept the expulsion. They resisted to death, brave. I know that some at least lived, for anywhere in my family tree, says my mother, there was a Puro - and my mother is not given to lie. I also know because I once met a Puro descendant lady who had punched a police officer's head on the doorway while he was trying to invade his house and wouldn't dare to question her. But what does this have to do with floods? I get there, but it's not good to hurry the thought, so have patience.

See. The landlords arrived. Before that the place was what they would call the savage. This in nineteenth -century Brazil, in Minas Gerais, could and often meant a gold trafficking route. For these lands that I know as the palm of my hand, not much different or more special than other palms of other hands and that in fact, I confess, I never stopped to analyze as long as necessary, passed the Crown Tax Evasors and the Settlement was prohibited. Almost mid-1800, only colonization took place. In 1882, the city was fully emancipated and, in 1891, the district was conformed, which in fact had an area that today comprised 12 different municipalities. In 1887, a ballast railway from the Alto-Muriahé Railroad, two years later bought by the English monopoly The Leopoldina Railway Company Limited , it was built to establish communication with the ports of the country's then capital, Rio de Janeiro, when economic development seemed very close and the yes who once made the route could finally rest.

What attracted the railroad was the coffee, introduced in 1848 and whose production at its peak reached 100,000 bags per year. A blow to the São Paulo coffee economy, due to a destructive frost, increased the importance of production in the region in the late nineteenth century. We were, however, more than eventual substitutes for São Paulo production, the pioneers of the 1929 crisis. The collusion known as the Taubaté agreement, which involved the Latifundes of the Southeast and the governments of Francisco Antônio de Sales, in Minas, Jorge Tibiriçá, in São Paulo, and Nilo Peçanha, in Rio de Janeiro, ratified by President Afonso Pena, has rushed to us in over two decades the decay of this culture artificially maintained by the old state. After the crisis induced by the rejection of our coffee bags in 1907, which did not agree with the standards of the agreement, the cattle raising was expanded on the one hand, and some adventurers sought to bring us the industry, on the other . I can't help but consider building the soil a little heroic where I was born from the first Porcelain insulators factory in South America in 1917. A considerable industry was also installed at the same time for the manufacture of lathes and lime. In 1926, however, companies entered insolvency. With the 1929 crisis affecting coffee production, we folded the bet on the “agricultural destination” to stabilize the economy.

In the midst of all this story, districts were dismembering. One in 1922, two in 1938, two in 1953 etc., until it reached the last in 1993. The statement of the “agricultural destination” was, paradoxically, paired with the reduction of agricultural abilities. Much of the lands most suitable for planting coffee went to the municipalities dismembered. From thirteen large warehouses in the 1930s, we went to three in the 1950s. Adhering to the policy of eradication of “unproductive” coffee plantations, the same that promised massive industrialization and impacted 71% of the coffee tree of neighboring Espírito Santo (35% of all The impacted territory in the country), we gained roads in the 1960s, without, however, having much more to transport them. In 1976, the old railroad was eradicated, not without first taking away a substantial amount of people, many practically runaway. In order not to be unfair with history, we had another industry in the city, the second oldest dairy industry in the country, born there in 1915 as a soap factory. He employed a lot of people, transferred the office to Valadares in 1984 and today its ruins are a museum, literally, and a bathroom for stretch party, in the figurative sense, near the place where the train arrived.

After 140 years since the foundation, the old nickname “Princess of the Zona da Mata” seems strange. Perhaps our fairy tale was told in reverse.

The fact is that of the 353,404 km² that are considered municipal territory, incredible 5.45 km² are urban, while almost 30% of homes do not have adequate sewage and less than 40% are on public roads with proper urbanization. At the same time, less than 19% of the population is occupied, more than 30% earns up to half a minimum wage and almost 70% of our revenues come from external sources. Another fact is that the population decreases instead of increasing.

The installments of the population that do not find employment in the service sector, the only minimally functional in the urbanized environment, in part will seek it in the fields, in the coffee with naked hands, hoping to get the income that will support them the whole year. Not long ago, the solution to others was to board and work on the oil tankers, but a walk on the streets of Macaé and a look at his beach is enough to realize that this time is gone and along with her the possibility of seeing the family of 15 in 15 days after winning the month. There is so many, therefore, the decision to leave alone or with their family to get in another corner.

To those who tolerated the exhibition without question whether it is a chronicle, a history booklet, or a research from IBGE-and those who tolerated it despite the questioning-congrater, first, then reaching the point. And the point is the relationship between the universal and the particular.

It's no ridm, I promise.

If the last great function of the old railroad was to take away the people, this was also the first function of the road. From 1907, in the first crisis, to 1978, from 1978 to 2024, the difference is the largest or lowest flows. In the 1960s, like our capixabas neighbors, that scratching of coffee plantations and other endless plantations. They all came out in search of the large cities, the capitals, where the “development” would come from politics. Much of the earth was redirected to livestock, modifying in appearance, as a friend and countryman recently pointed out, the betting of the Minas Gerais epic.

Of course, poor peasants were not consulted in the decision and, unlike the rich, were not compensated for the arrival of "development" - but many of them had their work and even their life sacrificed to this strange God. The reason was so perfectly bureaucratic that Kafka would laugh: technical assistance was a condition for access to financing; Access to rural credit, in turn, also depended on access to technical assistance; Thus, the peasant could not acquire rural credit to diversify the plantation or modernization because it had no assistance, just as it could not obtain the financing granted by eradication for not having assistance. Who would give the technical assistance? To this day it has not been answered the unknown and a long time we would pass by the gates of the law trying to decipher it. Only 19% of rural properties have access to it and the “technification” of the field remains on the horizon, not so beautiful or convincing, covered with endless pastures and five oxen in sight.

This tale of my city, this melancholy and absurd tale, is just one of the many that explain the facts that conflined to the emptying of the Minas Gerais field, Capixaba and throughout the country. Like many others of the same order, he conflicted and conflicted with so many different orders everywhere, flowing into the current situation, where the population of the countryside tends to see while the population of homeless people, widely concentrated in large urban centers, It increases vertiginly - 211% between 2012 and 2022, against an increase of 11% of the general population. The so many small towns that swarm so pronounced in a vast state as mines, as well as the palm of the author's hand in relation to other palms of different hands, have gone through a similar evolutionary process, semi-identical in some cases, of dismemberments of the ruin of the economy, especially the peasant, and considering them urban is almost a derision. They are, when very, small and precarious “warehouses” for the purchase of imported inputs. In addition, only the testimony of now more than five centuries of landlords, with all the carnage of indigenous and peasants, all the paramilitary apparatus used today against them, embossed under the disgusting and fragile façade of the “unscathed” “agribusiness” POP - Testimony of a fantasy called “Agrarian Reform”.

"But what about the floods?" Yes, I come to them. In addition, on top of all the historic dismissal, there were still the floods. I must have seen at least seven or eight of them, a few in a row, two so high that they reached the second floor of the houses on my street - and followed in 2020 and 2021. In the midst of the chaotic situation of the day after downtown waters , mixture of mud and mice dead with rubble and broken glass broken furniture and mirror ready to tear the foot of someone, what I remember most is the solidarity among people, who, knowing that the kite trucks would pass two, three , twenty times in the center before they reached the other neighborhoods, they cleaned the street together, either in the midst of a chat about any offal or laughing, they thanked the skies for their homes to stand and helped each other to go down the furniture. Hurntly placed on the terrace, often from the neighbor's house.

But the floods, damn ones, and along with them the landslides, which recently killed eight people in Baixada and southern Fluminense.

After taking the same way as many of those who once were looking for a job to the old worker neighborhood where my school was or on the street (in the village time) where the houses were built on huge stone blocks and glued each other at the other on request the owner of the dairy, in which I lived, after making this path, which was the way of escape, the path of Leopoldina Railway , Despite having done so for very diverse reasons, I finally understood the depth of the deemed denead.

Too obviously, they are on the streets of our old capital, every corner, in each square, the evidence of a crime against the people, crowded and hungry. It is possible to follow the criminal's footsteps to the closed factories of St. Christopher. The slums are semi -feuded reinventions of Engels Manchester. But the floods, I say, for some reason show me the common roughness of things.

And not exactly the floods, in fact, because the waters, like the rails, are apolitical by themselves. The question is who they reach and punish and why they continue to punish.

When I go to the bar nearby, my sensitive waiter still cries about the devastation of the property of peasants in Rio Grande do Sul last year. The driver tells me about the eight dead and the neglect of the municipalities with these cities that only serve to feed the capital with cheap labor, it included. The doorman tells me that in Caxias it can be ugly if it rains again. And when I take the elevator, I come to the words of Lima Barreto in 1915: “Rio de Janeiro, Avenida, squares of the electrical brakes, it cannot be at the mercy of rain. ”

This is how I reach the Puris, Minas Gerais, to Espírito Santo, Leopoldina Railway , to the five oxen in the pasture of the lands of the victims of eradication and that are stretched and stretched by my vast state as a pustula and repeat and repeat from the south to the north of the country, to the beggars in downtown Rio de Janeiro, Water pumps paid with PAC money and never installed to prevent floods in Caxias, the dead and ruined of Rio Grande do Sul and in the Fluminenses lands.

In the end, it's all the same Gordian knot, which at least simplifies the act of cutting it.

This text expresses the author's opinion.

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Self -rightens for the slaughter in Gaza ...

"24 -year -old American soldier set fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington ..."

"My name is Aaron Busnell. I am an active member of the US Air Force and I will no longer be a genocide complicit. I am going to subsidize an extreme protest act, but compared to what they are experiencing People in Palestine , it's not extreme at all ... ". In these words, on February 25, 2024, 24 -year -old American soldier Aaron Busnell set fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington shouting "freedom in Palestine". The day after, succumbing to his wounds, he left his last breath in the hospital. It is striking that while he was wrapped in flames, a police officer of the Israeli Embassy guard, he was marking him with a gun, while his colleague screaming "I don't need weapons, I need fire extinguishers!"

24 -year -old Aaron, the "human man", has served in the US Armed Forces for almost four years. He had graduated from basic education "first in class" and according to the first testimonies of friends and acquaintances was "social, gentle, cheerful and positive", which denies any attempts to attribute his act to a mental disorder.

Also, almost three months ago, on December 1, 2023, a woman wrapped in the Palestinian flag set fire outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, USA and was taken to hospital with serious injuries.

How much, such incidents have happened around the world, without being able to penetrate the law of the silence of international media?

Acts of despair or heroic acts of protest? In any case, the crime that takes place in Gaza since October 7, the genocide of the Palestinian people who have so far led to over 30,000 dead, with over half of being young children, the slow and excruciating death of hundreds daily by daily Food, water and medicine shortages, the constant bombings that have turned the country into a skull, cannot be silenced. Not even the popular anger. Millions of protesters daily in all lengths and widths of the planet, even in the great metropolises of capitalism, fill the streets for the slaughter.

All of these acts of protest, from young Aaron's self -identification to the millions of protesters create, but also show, the serious tricks that the genocide in Gaza provokes inside the imperialist states of the West. Terrrps that were also shown in their "reluctance" (except for other reasons) to join the US Naval Enterprise in the US in the Red Sea. A company that, despite the initial statements of the US Minister of National Defense on 20 participating countries, met the objections of France, Spain, Denmark, Australia and Italy.

Now stop the genocide of the Palestinian people!

Freedom in Palestine!


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Number of deaths in IT Yanomami increased by 2023 - the new democracy

Officers revealed in late February pointed out that the number of indigenous people killed in IT Yanomami grew in the first year of Lula government compared to Bolsonaro's last. In 2022, 343 indigenous people died from the crisis triggered by the great mining supported by the old state. In 2023, with the maintenance of the crisis, the number rose to 363. The numbers are consistent with the overall ineffectiveness that even affected the most basic initiatives to circumvent the crisis.

The government claimed that there was a "underwear" in 2022, so the number increased by 2023. A clear attempt to escape responsibilities. In 2023, 30,000 malaria chaos were recorded in Yanomami territory, an increase of 4,696 cases compared to the January newsletter. Cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SRAG) also reported an increase of 1,506 cases, with final balance of 7,104 occurrences. Finally, the year 2023 ended with 26,747 influenza cases, 6.2 thousand more than in the previous report of the Ministry of Health.

Military and government did not take action

The year 2023 was marked by the government's innovation in the fight against the crisis. Early on, Lula appointed the reactionary armed forces for basic functions, such as the delivery of basic baskets. Until June, half of them had not been delivered. Even so, the government has not changed responsibility and did not exchange the officers responsible for the operation. In the opposite direction, it expanded the military presence in the region by establishing two military bases in IT Yanomami.

This year, 50 boxes of medicine for the Yanomami Special Sanitary District (DSEI-Y) were found in an abandoned house in the municipality of Boa Vista, in Roraima, during an “operation” against narcotics. Among the medicines were Yanomami essential items, such as antibiotics, deworms, analgesics, anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Infectious diseases and worm contamination were some of the reasons for Yanomami deaths, especially children.

The true reasons for the crisis

The truth is that the government did not take any measure that, in fact, to resolve the deepest issues that cause the crisis in IT Yanomami. Currently, the central problems caused in IT are generated by the presence of the great mining.

The great mining features the participation of latifaces, great bourgeois, politicians and even military personnel of the high official of the reactionary armed forces. Last year, the High Command of the Air Force also refused to advertise illegal aircraft data in the Amazon region during an investigation against the mining. In the middle of the same year, Lieutenant Colonel Alves Pinto was investigated for leaking police operations data to large prospectors in the region.

These sectors of the ruling classes entice landless peasants to the work of mining, subject to the worst working conditions and, often, servants of production.

The solution to the issue would therefore necessarily pass the delivery of land to the peasants, to avoid, first of all, the possibility of enticing peasants in a situation of misery for work in the TIs.

On the contrary, the government in 2023 did not even buy a meter of land for land reform. The number of zero lands purchased was identical to Bolsonaro in 2022.

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General Freire Gomes, the “Santinho” of the Republic - The New Democracy

General Freire Gomes, then army commander at the time of the 2022 coup agitation, spoke for more than seven hours to investigators. Estadão writer Marcelo Godoy, who had access to the testimony, said that the general attributed to Bolsonaro and personal problems some of his attitudes, or lack of.

The general said, for example, that prevented the disassembly of scammer camps in front of the army facilities. He even admitted that he even gave the Planalto Military Commander, who on December 29 had demanded the removal of camps in Brasilia: Gomes interposed, scolded his subordinate and ordered the "green chickens" to be there, because he feared Hit the then president. On January 8, ten days later, the extremist direction of extremists left to break into government, STF and Congress facilities and came back. Whoever commanded that thing should thank General Freire Gomes for the strategic logistics provided.

It was this same general who signed - along with the other two Armed Forces commanders - the official note of November 11, 2022, which he treated the requests for military intervention of "democratic manifestations." And it said more: that it was necessary not to “censor” of these protesters, choir with pockets.

Gomes also confirmed that there were meetings, in which he was present, with Bolsonaro and in which he became aware of the Defense Defense Defense and State State Decree project. Not only: Freire Gomes himself received reports, directly from Bolsonaro's former administrator, X-9 Mauro Cid. “Today, he moved a lot in that decree, right. He reduced a lot. He did something more direct, objective and short and limited, ”the whistleblower told the general in a message as to suggest that such a modification showed that Bolsonaro had been convinced. But by whom, and what?

But it wasn't just that. It was during the command of Freire Gomes that the army participated in the Electoral Transparency Commission (April-until onwards), making biased questions to support a suspicion, which was later used by Bolsonaro for his disruption.

For all suspicions, Freire Gomes has the same, generic and comprehensive answer: everything she did - and what she didn't - was by hierarchy, under Bolsonaro's orders or with the aim of not being insubordinated to avoid aggravating the crisis. The result was just the opposite: the crisis worsened until the imminence of institutional rupture, which proves to be only half truth to the general's word. Finally, he said that though he knew everything, he said nothing, because he could not prove, he would be discredited and replaced by someone prone to the coup. Yes, because "no one would ever believe" that Bolsonaro was preparing a break, and it would be "very difficult" to prove something against him (as he is now proving, with unbelievable ease!).

Judging by your excuses, we are facing Freire Gomes, the saint . But reality unmasks him. We are facing FREIRE GOMES, THE BOARD ! Maybe that's why Braga Neto nicknamed him with that rude epithet. It is the general who will be remembered as the one who waited until the last bid for the definition of the facts, to choose which side to follow.

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Card type from her meeting against at trade union and policies prosecutions

Thursday 21/3, 18:30 - Concentration on primary school THEATER PIRAEUS

The second meeting was held (third 27/2) against In the persecution industry set up against competitors, but also in the general climate of terrorism and hitting trade union and political action.

At the new meeting besides the representatives they had attended and agreed to the previous -Thursday 22/2- (Resistance section Subversion, municipal form of "disobedient Korydallos", policy organization Red Thread, Society Employee Book - Paper - Media Attica, Popular Resistance Piraeus, Racing Intervention Γ΄ Western Athens, Class Course and racing HEI movements), supported representatives from the educational group Antitradia of Education, the Nea Smyrni - Kallithea racing intervention - Moschato, ORMA (Organizing Fighter Anti -Fascism) and Labor Alliance to the west.

All the attendees they agreed that:

Ø Teachers' persecutions for trade union and politics Action is a very serious issue and linked to the general direction of terrorism and repression of fighters, clubs and movements.

Ø The issue not concerns only their teachers, but I will must to open and to linked And with other struggling pieces that are hit and hit. Typical examples The dismissal of Administrative Officer of the NCSR, the persecution of PENEN trade unionists with Category of blocking ships in day of a strike, but also all the repression grid that wants to bend the student and folk mobilizations.

Ø This issue must be answered with terms of mass movement and mobilization, with the aim of taking back all the persecutions.

For everyone them their reasons It was decided:

ü To take a gathering and demonstration on Thursday 21/3 at 18:30 in the square Municipal Theater, in Piraeus, which has been the focus of persecution lately. By propagandizing her In all places (schools, associations, neighborhoods etc) for be massive.

ü To out poster and propagandistic material for the issue.

ü To organized interview type her Friday 15/3 for her wider hearsay of mobilization and initiative.

ü To exist coordination and common action with others corresponding initiative and movements, so that the issue is raised in more massive terms.

ü To Happen event at 16/4 in the University Piraeus.

For the best organization of all of the above but also the enrichment of actions Renewed the appointment with a new open meeting on Tuesday 12/3 at 18:30 at offices of ELME Piraeus (3 The GEL Piraeus, Mavromichali 14).

We call each Collectivity-Prophevity-Moving and fighter to We tune in and to actually To report widely the trade union and policies industry persecution and need to be taken back all.

Trade union Organisations & MOVEMENTS - Collectivity - MOVEMENTS Neighborhood


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Blitz to the subway against violence, blocked and identified by the police in Rome 50 girls and young women - full solidarity

Full solidarity! The detective repression of this state will not stop the necessary struggle against violence against women and the whole condition of exploitation and double oppression ... around 8 March!
Feminist blitz in the metro of Rome, pink writings on walls and vagons: "Sister you are not alone". It would be at least 50 girls and young women who, at one week after March 8, broke into the metro of Rome. "Sister you are not alone", reads the wall after their passage. But also "less police, more transfeminism", "the witches are back". The blitz comes exactly one week from the date of March 8, the International Women's Day. The signature, as stated under some of the writings on the Metro walls, is of the Aracne assembly, a Roman student transfeminist assembly.

The group was then stopped by the agents, who intervened with an armored head

Alcune scritte nella stazione Marconi

Tgr Lazio
Metro B imbrattata con scritte femministe, 50 attiviste identificate dalla polizia
Tgr Lazio

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TRE: Posters under the International Women's Day

In Tampere, several different organizers are mobilizing in common Demonstration march for Women's Day 8.3 (Read more) . The city has also been distributed to the Maoist's own poster on behalf of International Women's Day, of which the pictures below.

<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>

“International Women's Day 8.3. - Down imperialism and patriarchy! Long live the Armed Battle of the Palestinian People's National Resistance! - Long live proletar feminism! - Combine under Maoism! ”

<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>

<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>

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PC 4 March - From the blog Tarancontro - #Iostoconlapalestina Committee

There meeting at the Slai Cobas of the #Iostoconlapalestina Committee Lancia 2 days of fighting starting from March 15 - Places and times later

Havingecriminale / Palestinaimmortale

cease fire - stop massacres and genocide

International delegation/internationalist contingent to the Court of Justice of the Hague and in the occupied territories

away the Italian imperialist troops from the Red Sea /on the side of the Huthi rebels

Puglia is not a war zone to the G7 in our land

Info/contacts/adhesions WA 3519575628

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PC 4 March - Ex Ilva Taranto - The hour of worker autonomy

former Ilva / Contract - against the extraordinary administration of the government Meloni, against private, Italian, foreign public masters against Congratità and trade union collaborationism

for workers' autonomy

against layoffs, extraordinary cassaintegration and permanent precariousness for the return to work of the workers of the contract, payment of wages, single contract

against layoffs permanent wages and occupation in steel mill for the return to Cassintegrati factory in AS

For safety and factory environmentalization and remediation and health in the area

Strike and mobilization day 19/April

Committee of struggle (steelworks- Contract. -Cigs as) Taranto

Info/contacts/adhesions WA 3519575628

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PC 4 March - Contestation in Genoa for Salvini/Toti

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Brazil: The inextinguishable flame of the Battle of Stalingrad – The Red Herald

Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of a n article published by the People’s Women’s Movement.

The 2 nd of February marks the anniversary of the victory of the Red Army in the battle of Stalingrad (02/02/1943). Hitler’s fascist hordes tried to conquer the USSR in three months with their Blitz Krieg, something they had already done in several European countries. They wanted to destroy and conquer the Socialist Homeland. But the highest and most illustrious German leaders did not count on the imposing, courageous and heroic people under the firm leadership of Comrade Stalin. These are heroic pages of the international proletariat that can never be forgotten, they are indelible demonstrations of courage and heroism in the face of the Nazi beast.

Already in 1941, the glorious Red Army, under the direction and command of Comrade Stalin, had already opposed with fearless resistance the fierce Nazi-German attack, at the gates of the city of Moscow. They targeted Stalingrad because it was the industrial center of the USSR, which at that time had the strategic role of producing artillery goods for the resistance troops. The city was located around the Volga River, which was an important route connecting the western part of the country with its distant eastern regions. Furthermore, Hitler counted on the propaganda effect that meant taking the city named after the great Stalin. With the command of “No step back” from the great leader of the international proletariat and the Bolshevik Party, Stalingrad decisively did not retreat or evacuate its 400 thousand inhabitants and the masses joined the War of Liberation of the socialist Fatherland. In the winter of 1942-43 alone, the Germans lost more than 7 thousand tanks, 4 thousand planes, 17 thousand guns. Since the start of the German invasion, the Red Army had put nine million Nazi-fascist officers and men out of action, of whose no less than 4 million died on the battlefield.

This is how Chairman Mao Tse-Tung explains the meaning of this battle:

“During those forty-eight days, the news of each setback or triumph from that city gripped the hearts of countless millions of people, now bringing them anxiety, now stirring them to elation. This battle is not only the turning point of the Soviet-German war, or even of the present antifascist world war, it is the turning point in the history of all mankind. Throughout these forty-eight days, the people of the world watched Stalingrad with even greater concern than they watched Moscow last October. […] following the battle for the defense of Stalingrad, the situation will be totally different from that of last year. On the one hand, the Soviet Union will launch a second winter counteroffensive on a vast scale, Britain and the United States will no longer be able to delay the opening of the second front (though the exact date cannot yet be foretold), and the people of Europe will be ready to rise up in response. On the other hand, Germany and her European accomplices no longer have the strength to mount large-scale offensives, and Hitler will have no alternative but to change his whole line of policy to the strategic defensive.”

Stalingrad offered its share of blood, more than 20 thousand lives in a war street by street, house by house, attic by attic, floor by floor, room by room, chapters of heroism that shook the world, beginning the counteroffensive to defeat Nazi-fascism during the Second World War!

In these heroic pages, women bravely stood out. They unleashed their revolutionary fury by taking up their positions in the struggle for their emancipation as part of the emancipation of the class. They could not surrender, renounce all the achievements that the construction of socialism had already given them, it was necessary to defeat the Nazis and advance further.

Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of some excerpts published in the article, which come from the memories of Marshal Vasili. I Chuikov, commander of the 62 nd Army of Stalingrad:

(…) Although in the past many women served in the armed forces and on the front lines on their own initiative, Soviet women went to the front called upon by the Party and the Komsomol [Communist Youth of the Soviet Union], deeply aware of their defense duties and of the interests of their socialist country. They had been prepared for this by our Communist Party, because at the time our State was the only one in the world in which women enjoyed, according to the Constitution, the same rights as men. (…)

There is no exaggeration in saying that women fought alongside men everywhere during the war.

It must also be remembered that in the second half of 1942, when our armies had withdrawn to a line running through Leningrad, Mozhaysk, Voronezh, Stalingrad and Mozdok, leaving densely populated areas in enemy hands, and then new recruits were needed. Women, massively joined the Army and this made it possible for us to restore our units and bases until their full efficiency. (…)

The communications’ units of the 62 nd Army were mainly made up of women, which carried out their instructions with dedication. If we sent them to a communications position, we could be sure that communications would be secure. Artillery and mortars could shot against the position, planes could drop bombs on it, enemy troops could surround it – but, unless we ordered to do it, women did not abandon their position even in the face of death.

I know the case of a girl who stayed at a communications position near Basargino station – a young woman whose name was Nadia Klimenko. Her comrades had been killed or injured, but she remained at her position and continued to report what was happening on the battlefield. This was her last report to the Army communications center: “There is no one left at the position. I’m alone. Shells explode all around…To the right I can see tanks, with crosses painted on them, moving, with infantry behind…It’s too late for me to leave. I don’t care if they shoot! I will continue to inform you in the same way. Listen! A tank approaches to my position. Two men jump out of it…They are looking around – I think they are officers. They’re coming towards me. My heart stopped beating for fear of what might happen…” This was the end. Nobody knows what happened to Nadia Klimenko. (…)

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Turkey: Activities and statement for the 8th of March – The Red Herald

Featured image: March mobilizing for the International Working Women’s Day, Istanbul, 3 rd Since of Marce. So ends: Yes the Theocraon of the Theocratic the Theocratic the Theocratic Ministry.

Several activities for the International Working Women’s Day have been carried out by the New Democratic Women (Yeni Demokrat Kadın – YDK) in Istanbul. YDK will be in the streets with the slogan “ Liberation is not in the Male-Dominated Order, It is in Our Hands ” on this years 8 th of March.

The YDK have called women to join them on the 8 th of March by distributing dazibaos and leaflets in poor neighborhoods. Burning problems for women have also been brought up in studies in nine different neighborhoods.

Image collage of different activities for the 8 th of March carried out by the YDK. Source: Yeni Demokrasi

On the 3 rd of March thousands of women gathered at the square of the Kadıköy district of Istanbul, and marched through the streets under the slogan “Struggle Against Poverty, Violence, Exploitation and War”. Several women’s organizations took part in the march, including the YDK. Slogans such as “The 8 th of March is red, it will stay red” as well as slogans in honor of revolutionary prisoners were shouted.

Demands were raised for the release of recently imprisoned political prisoners, including Partizan reader Arzu Aksakal, with the slogan “Let the dungeons be destroyed, freedom for the prisoners”. The crimes of the government in regards to the 2023 earthquake were denounced frequently. Photographs of women murdered or disappeared in the earthquake as well as women murdered as a result of patriarchal violence were carried. The struggle of women in the workplace and universities were also raised, as well as solidarity with those suffering from war and occupation around the world, and support of the struggle of the Saturday Mothers who have been demanding to learn the fate of those who have disappeared in custody of the old Turkish State.

We also share an unofficial translation of a statement by the YDK:

The burden of the world on our shoulders, the weaving workers in our memory, the struggle for freedom in our consciousness…

On the 8th of March 1857, 40,000 women weavers went on strike in New York, USA, demanding “equal pay for equal work”. In the fire that broke out during this strike, 129 women workers who were locked in the factory lost their lives.

The 1850s were years when labor movements were on the rise in the USA. Industrial workers were working under extraordinarily difficult conditions. Women led the working class of the period and went on strike to demand a reduction of the 16-hour workday to 10 hours, correction of inhumane working conditions, an increase in wages, and equal rights for women workers.

After this event, at the meeting of the women of the 2nd International (International Socialist Women’s Conference) in Copenhagen, Denmark, Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, leaders of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, proposed that the 8th of March should be International Women’s Day and the proposal was accepted.

Since then, women have been fighting for the demands put forward by the murdered weavers.

Women continued to be inspired by this history of resistance and took to the streets every 8th of March, despite all the pressure, difficult conditions and bans. All over the world, women have struggled and continue to struggle for their invisible, ignored and underpaid labor. As in other countries, women in Turkey, Kurdistan and the Middle East are taking to the streets and shouting their demands on the streets.

Today, women are being condemned to more poverty, which has been exposed by the deepening economic crisis on a global scale, and are being slaughtered by the wars going on around the world. The roads of migration become the roads of death for women. If they are not on the road, they are subjected to attacks such as harassment and rape in addition to poverty where they stay, and they are killed in their homes, workplaces and streets as a result of male violence.

Today, the fascist AKP-MHP bloc, the representative of the patriarchal State, constantly attacks women’s vested rights. These attacks have become even more reckless after the annulment of the Istanbul Convention, which was signed with the rising wave of women’s struggle and rebellion. Women who struggle for their rights and gains are also subjected to all kinds of violence by the patriarchal State.

In this geography, as in Palestine and Rojava, poor peoples, mostly women and LGBTI+s, are massacred in the wars waged by the imperialist-capitalist system in search of markets.

On the other hand, the blatant massacre of workers and nature in Erzincan İliç by the patriarchal State and its representatives AKP-MHP will cause serious problems in the region in the coming years. This massacre will place a new and heavy workload on the shoulders of women. Already today, women are worried about their future in the region, wondering what they can do for a healthier future for their children.

We saw a similar situation when the 6th of February Maraş earthquake turned into a massacre of hundreds of thousands of people. Women were forced to shoulder very heavy burdens for the survival of those left behind and are still trying to survive in the earthquake zone by shouldering burdens that are getting exponentially heavier.

In the wars caused by the sovereigns, the burden of the poor peoples, the burden of the massacre of nature and all living things through ecological massacres, the burden of the massacre of people, nature and living things in the region through the earthquake, and the burden of the poverty caused by the economic crisis are also placed on the shoulders of women. Just as their labor at home is ignored, the worth of the labor they create in workplaces and factories is decreasing day by day.

Despite all the countless burdens, women stubbornly and persistently do not give up their struggle all over the world. We women, with the burden of the world on our shoulders, with the weaving workers in our memory, persistently continue the struggle for freedom that we inherited and engraved in our consciousness despite all wars, massacres and attacks. We are in every moment of life and struggle, as in the resistance of Palestinian women, as in the resistance of Rojavan women against the war waged by the imperialist-capitalists and their lackey the Turkish State using all kinds of technology, as in the resistance of women who have been shouldering the invisible but increasing burden since the 6th of February, as in the resistance of women at Agrobay, Özak, Sputnik, Burda Bebek and in countless factories who claim their labor, which is ignored and seen as cheap labor, as in the resistance of women. We are also present in the struggle for survival against the violence, harassment and rape they are subjected to at home with the argument of the patriarchal State’s “sacred family”, and in the effort to organize in universities despite all oppression and attacks. We are also the ones who put a stop to the patriarchal State that hatefully tries to make our lives dependent on cotton threads with elevator massacres. We are the women and LGBTI+”s who do not withdraw from workplaces, workplaces, streets and action areas despite all attacks and ignoring. We will be on the streets this 8th of March as we are every 8th of March. We continue our march for freedom this 8th of March as well. We call on all women to take action on the streets to enlarge this march.

Long live 8th of March, long live women’s solidarity!

New democratic woman

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