8 Marzo
from the part of the struggle workers
from the part of the Palestinian women
The workers in a manner indomitable - with all attacks on work, the blackmail of being first fired, with contracts that are made ultra precarious, undergoing discrimination on wages, personal, health attacks, discriminations moved too from racism to immigrant workers, together with behaviors that can be deflected up to sexual harassment - fight, they do not stop.
Nobody can crush us, Nobody can attack our dignity! For this, after the great manifestation of half a million people on November 25th, 8 March we strike!
Workers, workers in many countries of the world (see Bangladesh's textile workers) that they suffer not an attack but all the attacks of masters, governments, e on whose life it falls not an oppression but all oppressions, sexual violence, feminicides - take in their hands the struggle because all life must change, because The only "solution" is to overthrow this company. We are many and we are not Sun!
Il government Melons grants Everything to the masters and chatter, alms to working women; Meloni responds to the feminicides/rapes that are increasing with securitarian decrees, more police in the neighborhoods, while his Squallid, hateful ministers offend women; this government wants take away all rights, first of all the right of abortion, because We must only serve to make more children, to give fresh meat from take advantage of the masters and the homeland, the wars, leaning all over family care work, while healthy worsens; a government racist that from suffering and death to our immigrant sisters; a government that wants to "educate" in schools, even children, a make wars, inculcating a nationalist humus, from "Rambo", of Overcrowding. The fascism of the Meloni government feeds a modern patriarchism of hateful males who react by killing, when Women do not want to be submissive, they want to break ties.
The workers That According to the weapon of struggle, unity, which do not There are individual, private, but social, classy conditions, the result of this capitalist society, they must take one hand collective struggle not only to defend against the attacks of masters e government but to change their whole life and the majority of the women, to change this world . This is our meaning of March 8.
Let's say to the workers: Be daring, proud, more determined on everything. If we women do it, if we become "dangerous", the strength of government, masters, state can be cracked, and then, then ... overturned with the Revolution proletarian of all exploited and oppressed, in which women bring something extra.
In This March 8th all our solidarity goes to women Palestinians, massacre, hungry in tens of thousands, who see their children killed by the bombs e from hunger, thirst, lack of medicines, which cannot give birth in the bombarded hospitals, which abort on the street ... but women That transform their immense pain in resistance. They are a example For all of us.
We call You workers, who know the suffering well, to give support unconditional to Palestinian women, to the resistance of the people Palestinian, against the criminal action of Israel; against wars that the imperialist states, including ours, are bringing to every part of the world.
There is a link between us and the Palestinian women who must become increasingly concrete and stronger: They are also the Meloni government, the owners who in this country who they build weapons, accomplices and responsible for the genocide in Palestine; These monsters how they use our lives for theirs profits, their reactionary, racist, repressive plans to prevent the freedom of women; they are the same who want to crush the Palestinian people. There Palestinian women's struggle is our struggle, It helps us against this putrefied system, and the struggle of us women workers is the struggle of the Palestinians because it weakens i Imperialist monsters.
VIVA On March 8 proletarian and internationalist!
Feminist movement Revolutionary proletarian - Slai workers Cobas SC
mfpr.naz@gmail.com - Wow 3408429376 - b ぉ G: https://femminismorivoluzionario.blogspot.com/
fb: https://www.facebook.com/movimentofemminista.proletariorivoluzionario?locale=it_IT
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Comrade Lenin, the leading light of the international proletariat and the great teacher of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, covers the path to the unity of the unity “We are those who make up the army of the great proletarian strategist, the army of Comrade Lenin. There is nothing to belong to this army above. ” (Stalin) As evidenced by the pages of history, on January 21, 1924, the great leader of the working class and the oppressed peoples of the world, the second great milestone of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Comrade Lenin became immortal and left behind a great heritage of immeasurable value. The teachings of a comrade Lenin, who turned the “world of the future”, the foundations of which were laid down by Marx and Engels, from abstract possibilities into concrete reality, and now, after a century and great shocks in the world, is completely relevant. In order to properly position yourself in the class struggle, it is necessary to accept this “relevance” and focus on it. This “relevance” is simultaneously a cure for reformist, revisionist and parliamentary cretinism, which means surrender and compromise with the ruling ideologies of any kind. This is a guarantee of faith and determination that the communist world can be created. Lenin as a teacher of communism, who melted the ice and paved the way against an international reaction and revisionism
Correctly identify the contradictions in the history of the class struggle, to catch moments of the historical gap and be prepared at these moments for the gap was the most outstanding line of the whole struggle of Comrade Lenin up to his immortality. After the death of Marx and Engels, the leadership of the international proletariat for a long time passed into the hands of the opportunism of the second International for a long time, and, according to Comrade Stalin: “There was a period when the parties of the second International could not take the theoretical struggle for the liberation of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world from the influence of these Opportunist and class of compromise social democrats. In addition to the theoretical struggle for the liberation of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world, with the foundation of the communist international, he developed the form of organization and struggle corresponding to the dynamics of the class struggle in the new period of capitalism. " Comrade Lenin turned the Communist Party and the Communist International into an instrument of war against the bourgeoisie, freeing the Communist Party and the Movement of the Communist International from the shackles of legal forms of struggle: “Instead of revolutionary policies, sobble filtering and vile political bargaining, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary intrigues. For visibility, of course, “revolutionary” resolutions and slogans were accepted ... ”, but which were“ stored in the drawers of the cabinets ”, freed from the vise of legal forms of struggle. “Meanwhile, a new period of imperialist wars and revolutionary battles of the proletariat was approaching. The old methods of struggle turned out to be clearly insufficient and powerless in the face of the omnipotence of financial capital. It was necessary to rebuild all the activities of the second International, his entire method of work, to expel all the philistinism, the narrowness of thinking, political tricks, reneginess, social showing and social-pacifism. It was necessary to revise the entire arsenal of the second International, throw away all rusty and outdated, and forge new weapons. Without this preliminary work, it was useless to start a war against capitalism. Without this work, the proletariat risked to be insufficiently armed, or even unarmed in future revolutionary battles. The honor to carry out this general restructuring and the general purification of the Augish stables of the second International fell on the share of Leninism. ” (Stalin, Fundamentals of Leninism) Comrade Lenin with his characteristic genius caught the essence of the contradiction and realized that the fight against the bourgeoisie could not be quite effective and successful if the burden of the international proletariat is not shaken off, not to fight revisionism and opportunism, not Show the masses the true nature of these views in theory and in practice, not to isolate them, as far as possible.
Having established a dialectical and necessary connection between the “internal struggle” and the “external struggle”, he waged a double struggle. Comrade Lenin left us, the Communists, an extremely important lesson that the struggle against revisionism and opportunism cannot be separated from the struggle against imperialism and all forms of the dominant reaction. On the contrary, the struggle against imperialism should be cleared of revisionism and opportunism. The imperialist system, analyzed in detail by Comrade Lenin in the beginning of the 20th century, has highly maintained the teachings of Lenin in conditions of exacerbation of the contradiction of the imperialist system in the past period, but its contradictions are aggravated, and it is in a spiral unsolvable antagonistic contradictions. Although the collapse of the USSR and the process of integration into the capitalist system through which China went through, for some time prevented the explosion of contradictions, the law of uneven development of capitalism continued, and the meter-propelled rivalry developed to the stage of “disintegration” with regional wars. This indicates a system crisis and that the previous “solutions” no longer work. The imperialists, who for a long time supported their crisis, shifting the burden of the system in the semi -colonies and deepening the robbery of the semi -colonies, came to a standstill here. One of the explosive moments of the problems inherent in the imperialist system that developed in accordance with the Leninist definition of imperialism is that the meter -propelled struggle, which has been manifested in various forms in recent years, is currently moving into regional wars. When Lenin listed the contradictions of imperialism, he mentioned the meter -propelled contradiction as one of the three most important contradictions. We see that events are developing in accordance with the observations of Comrade Lenin about the nature and contradictions of imperialism: “The second contradiction is a contradiction between different financial groups and imperialist powers in their struggle for sources of raw materials, for foreign territories. Imperialism is the removal of capital to the sources of raw materials, a frantic struggle for the monopoly possession of these sources, the struggle for the redistribution of the already divided world, the struggle, which is conducted with special fury, are conducted by new financial groups and powers, striving to take a “place in the sun”, against the old groups and powers , stubbornly clinging to the captured by them. This frantic struggle between various groups of capitalists is noteworthy in that it includes imperialist wars, wars for the accession of foreign territories as an inevitable element. This circumstance, in turn,
It is noteworthy that it leads to the mutual weakening of the imperialists, to the weakening of the position of capitalism as a whole, to the acceleration of the onset of the proletarian revolution and to the practical necessity of this revolution. ” (Stalin, the foundations of Leninism) Russia and China, the former socialist countries, which gave the imperialist system a respite thanks to their new markets, became the main players in the meter -on rivalry, arguing with the hegemonist power of the United States. This means that the scale and nature of the contradictions increase as new and powerful players involve in the struggle for the redistribution of territories. Against this background, there was a large -scale confrontation between the invasion of Russian imperialism into Ukraine. It can be predicted that this trend will deepen and spread further. So far there is no direct confrontation between imperialists, territories where wars are waged for the section are semi -colonies and colonies. The semi -colonies and the oppressed peoples of the world will continue to pay for these wars until the imperialists declare a direct war to each other. With this, the division of the world into a handful of imperialist states and most oppressed countries will be deepened - this was masterfully analyzed by Lenin. The third contradiction is aggravated with imperialist robbery and robbery, and the semi-colonial and semi-feudal rise in powerful national liberation and folk wars, which shake the imperialist system. In parallel with the process in which imperialism is experiencing meter -on contradictions, as well as the contradictions of imperialist countries and oppressed peoples and nations, all parts of the ruling system, especially imperialist states, become more centralized, militaristic and warlike than before, which opens the way for all fascist sentiments, To bring society to the appropriate ideological format. This is carried out either by the so-called right-wing extremists, or under the cover of social democratic or liberal parties. The Communists and the oppressed peoples of the world, faced with the reality of the system, which is becoming more and more reactionary and aggressive every day, is necessary for the Lenin Party, which will lead the struggle of the proletariat for political power, as was indicated by Comrade Lenin in order to organize a powerful resistance against this reaction. Only such a party, today the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party, can wage an irreconcilable struggle with the bourgeoisie.
The great legacy of Lenin, the Leninist concept of the party: the general headquarters of the proletariat “Revolution is not a dinner, not writing an essay, not writing a picture, not embroidery; It cannot be so refined, so leisurely and tender, so moderate, kind, courteous, restrained and generous. Revolution is an uprising, an act violence, as a result of which one class overtures the other. " (Mao Zedong) It is very important how the Communists determine the existing contradictions and how they position themselves in the face of the development of events. Over a hundred years that have passed since the death of Comrade Lenin, the imperialists turned their ruling structures into even greater military vehicles. Their army, police, secret services, etc. Equipped with capabilities incomparable with those that were in the past. On the other hand, a significant part of those who call themselves “communists” or “revolutionaries” ignores this reality (even if it seems theoretically accepted) and far from positioning itself in accordance with it. However, following the ideological and practical line of reconciliation, which locks the working class and oppressed masses into the ruling system, they extinguish the anger of the masses and act as a wave -rope. While the imperialists and the ruling operator structures equip themselves with more and more cruel devices and institutions, it is necessary, as followers of Comrade Lenin, to wage a strong ideological struggle against the fact that those who call themselves “revolutionaries” and “communists”, further and further and further They move away from reality that the revolution and revolutionary struggle will be based on weapons and violence. The tireless struggle of Comrade Lenin against the opportunism of the second International, as a leadership against these views, is one of the important tasks in order to give justice to Comrade Lenin in the year of the century of his immortality. Comrade Lenin defined the new type of the Communist Party as a "military organization of the proletariat." The need for such a definition was caused by the imperialist system and the mutual position of classes. Both the process, which led to the October Revolution, and the Civil War, which erupted with the October Revolution, was the specific reasons that Comrade Lenin called the Communist Party "a military organization of the proletariat." The Communist Party, which will manage the liberation of the proletariat and oppressed masses, should have this characteristic, while the counter -revolution is armed with the apparatus and means of violence on top and commits all these terrible reprisals over the working class and oppressed nations. For a revolutionary war, a military party is needed. Only fools and incorrigible revisionists based on the bourgeoisie can see it differently.
“Some make fun of us as supporters of the“ omnipotence of war ”. Yes, we are supporters of the omnipotence of the revolutionary war; This is good, not bad, it is Marxist. The guns of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We will create a democratic republic. The experience of the class struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that only by force of weapons the working class and working masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and landowners; In this sense, we can say that only with the help of weapons can the whole world be converted. ” (Mao Zedong) At its constituent conference, the MKL defined the construction and recreation of communist parties as an important task in the struggle for the world proletarian revolution. The understanding of the Communist Party, developed by the comrade Mao Zedong, corresponds to the understanding of the Communist Party, stated by Comrade Lenin, as well as enriched by Stalin, and is the realization of the Leninist understanding of the party in the ideology of Marxism-Maoism. During the period of imperialism and the proletarian revolutions in which we are, the Communist Party, capable of withstanding the growing aggression of the imperialist reaction and leading the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world to liberate, should have the quality of the “military organization of the proletariat”. The most important heritage of Lenin is the question of political power as a radical issue of each revolution. Lenin showed that "the proletarian revolution is impossible without the forcible destruction of the bourgeois state machine and without the replacement of its new" and that "everything but power is an illusion." Under the personal leadership of Lenin, the world's first socialist state, the dictatorship of the proletariat was created, which secured the proletarian path to power and its retention. After the death of Lenin, it was his successor Stalin brilliantly determined Leninism, developed it and made the basis of the entire international communist movement. Based on the shoulders of Veliky Lenin, the chairman of the Mao was able to advance the world proletarian revolution to new heights and develop the ideology of the proletariat. Leninism, which today is Marxism-Maoism, should be picked up, protected and applied today. We, like MKL, will continue to fulfill the tasks set by the Great Lenin, and it is good to use the legacy left to us by Comrade Lenin. Comrade Lenin, the great teacher of the international proletariat and Marxism, Leninism-Maoism, He leads and directs our struggle for the world proletarian revolution today, how he led her yesterday!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Long live proletarian internationalism! International Communist League January 2024
We have received documentation that Dazibaos have been set up in proletarian neighborhood in Copenhagen with the parols "Out on the streets 8 March!", "Against Imperialism and Patriarchate!" And "For a red class line in the women's movement!".
We share the documentation here:
He has been held in the central prison of Nagpur since a session court sentenced him on March 7, 2017.
He Superior Bombay Court acquitted on Tuesday to the former professor at Delhi Gn Saibaba and five other people accused of having links with Maoists, he informed Bar and Bench.
Saibaba was first arrested in the case in May 2014, but he was granted on bail twice. He has been held in the central prison of Nagpur since a session court sentenced him on March 7, 2017.
A Judges court Vinay Joshi and Valmiki Sa Menezes annulled the sentence of a session court that had condemned the defendants in 2017. In addition to Saibaba, the Superior Court acquitted Mahesh Tarki, Pandu Pora Narot, Hem Keshwdatta Mishra, Prashant Rahi, Vijay. Nan Tarki. Narote died in prison on August 26, 2022 because of the swine flu.
Hours later, the court He dismissed the Maharashtra government request requested a suspension of Six weeks of the acquittal of Saibaba and the other five, reported Live Law . The Request from the state government states that it has been addressed to the Court Supreme against the verdict and that the application of the sentence Meanwhile it will create serious repercussions.
On October 14, 2022, the Superior Court acquitted Saibaba , holding that a Gadchiroli session court accused Saibaba by virtue of the provisions of the law (prevention) of activities illegal without the sanction of the center. However, the order was suspended by the Supreme Court a day later due to a request presented by the Maharashtra government .
He April 19, 2023, a High Court Chamber composed of the Judges Mr Shah and CT Ravikumar annulled the Absolution and returned the Subject to the Superior Court for a new consideration.
Saibaba, that is in a wheelchair and has a disability of 90%, it was convicted by a court of first instance in 2017 for allegedly have links with the proscribed Communist Party of India (Maoist) and a frontal organization, the Revolutionary Democratic Front. He had been sentenced to life imprisonment.
In His 2022 sentence, the Superior Court said the sanction order issued to process the defendants in the case according to the provisions of the law (prevention) of illegal activities was "Bad from the legal and invalid point of view."
He Court had said that while the State must fight against the Terrorism with "unwavering resolution", a civil society democratic cannot sacrifice due legal process by the perception of a danger to national security.
He last year, the special rapporteur of the United Nations, Mary Lawlor, had said that Saibaba's persistent detention by the India was a "Inhuman and meaningless act" that should end.
Lawlor, who has been in contact with the Indian government in relation to the case, he said that UN human rights experts have raised in repeated occasions serious concerns about its processing. His detention was declared arbitrary by the UN Working Group On arbitrary detention in an opinion issued in 2021, he said.
"He Mr. Saibaba has been arrested in a high security barracks in incompatible conditions with its status as a chair user Wheels, "said the UN expert. "His 8 × 10 feet cell does not have windows and a wall made of bars of iron, which exposes it to extreme climatic conditions, especially to the scorching heat of the summer. ”
Assault on the steering wheel of the Turin police, the claim of the anarchists: "We have jammed the mechanism"
Sunday A garrison is scheduled in Milan: «He is one of our partner, a our friend. He made this way with us and we could only try the possible"
“He is a companion of ours, a friend of ours. He made this path with us and we could only try the possible: Incen his transfer to a CPR , where for 18 months it can be subject to possession and violence, it can be tortured, and then, one day, get to deportation. While Under our eyes The gears of state racism moved , we couldn't afford to remain unarmed ». It was explained in this way, in a Document widespread on the blogs of the anarchist area , The assault on the police flying took place in Turin on 28 February During the taking over, by the police, of a migrant of Moroccan origins .
Man had to be
brought to the CPR of Milan
And then repatriated. On him, according to activists, «has fallen more
powerful the brutality of repression because he chose to fight, he has
chosen to organize yourself ».
With the document
A garrison of solidarity has been announced
At the Moroccan on March 10 in front of the CPR of Milan in via Corelli.
TORINO - Starting from the day after tomorrow, Thursday 7 March, In the most sensitive areas of Turin , will be operational Further interforce services by the State Police, the Carabinieri and the Army Army of the Army of the Safe Road operation.
The new measures, which use the another 54 soldiers assigned to the city of Turin, they were shared in the prefecture within the Provincial Committee for public order and safety. The interventions will be strengthened in the northern area of the city , particularly near the Moscow and Carpanini bridges , In the Porta Palazzo market and in the San Salvario area , Specifically in the quadrilateral
which affects the area adjacent to the Porta Nuova railway station. On the affected areas, the police Municipal will develop in parallel services and administrative checks.
The mayor will bring this request to the security table in the Prefecture
TORINO - the mayor of Turin, Stefano Lo Russo , intends to put in Milan barrier and Presidium of law enforcement agencies also during the night .
As reported by Torinoggi , yesterday the mayor went to MARKET OF PIAZZA FORONI for a site inspection . In the area, for more than a month now, The army soldiers are present, from 7 to 19 , To guarantee the safety of citizens, as wanted by the government Meloni. However, apparently security does not cover the needs of citizens, who complain problems above all at night , when the military are no longer present on the site.
The new goal, following yesterday's inspection, is therefore to put in place the possibility of organize a night garrison . As announced during the intervention in To-Radio, the first citizen will soon bring this request to Security table in the Prefecture .
READ ON 12 AT 12 ROSSOPORTAIA OUR Evaluation on the Meloni/Calderone Government Safety Decree
Deaths at work: from daily tranquility to periodic massacres. The "what to do" is already in the laws (1)
Three days before the massacre in the Esselunga construction site in Florence The European Court of Human Rights condemned Switzerland to not having "complied with its obligation to guarantee the speed of the procedure before the Federal Court »on the serious injuries suffered by A worker prescribed by the slowness of the process. In Italy the our Cassation recognized the right to oblivion in 2019 in the most serious crimes, and the National Public Prosecutor on Work Safety remains confined to the dream book when it could make more incisive the exercise of the criminal action. On the contracts in contract and subcontracting the security obligations are already provided and criminally sanctioned to be dependent both of the clients, and of the contractors or subcontractors and self-employed. Adequate organic and preparation are missing professional controls to exercise systematic supervision e incisive on the application of the rules. And effective means to Workers' representatives for safety.
Therefore, verbal appeals (or singing) are not enough. It is now clear also in the light of the most recent jurisprudential case which, among the multiple problems that have been placing the world of security lately At work, the one concerning protection is being revealed of the workers of the contractors and subcontractors detached at small and large client companies. All the more so they appear, Therefore, the interpretative and application misunderstandings exploded on the subject. Do not think, first of all, that the laws are missing. The Consolidated Work Safety Text is very much
rigorous with regard to the works entrusted by the client to contracting companies or subcontractors or self -employed workers, you want within your own Company, you want on temporary or mobile construction sites. And mind you that the safety obligations are provided and criminally sanctioned to be dependent of the clients, both of the contractors or subcontractors and self-employed.
And so why? Because the obligations are there, but they are not made systematically respect. Of course, there are the supervisory bodies. But weigh the deficiencies suffered by the staff and the professionalism of These organs. Nor is it objected that the controls would not have a capacity direct preventive, in the sense that a vigilance that He arrives the day before the injury and avert him. Evident is that It is already necessary to already an unimaginable supervision of the day before, but the systematic and incisive vigilance capable of pushing businesses the actual observance of the rules written on paper. A goal, This, which, however, appears unattainable in the absence of an effective intervention of the judicial authority. Too often the procedures penalties are not conducted with the indispensable in -depth analysis or in time necessary to avoid the prescription of the crimes. With the disruptive result that spreads between companies, and among them workers, the idea that the laws are there, but they can be violated impunity.
Nor can the many prosecutors of the republic established remedy in our country, each with a restricted area of operation, and for rarely came with specialization on the subject. Nor does it take on relief is the objection moved by some according to which the action of the public Ministry would be merely repressive, and never preventive. An objection clearly contrasting with the multiple judicial experiences that in past have developed under the sign of a close combination between concession and repression jointly aimed at guaranteeing compliance of the criminally sanctioned safety standards regardless of the existence of a crime of murder or personal injury consisting of an injury or in a occupational disease.
Unfortunately, he continues to remain written in the dream book there proposal to create a National Public Prosecutor on Labor Safety. A proposal that none of the governments that have followed one another in these years He was able to make. And I add that very precious has proved to be The experience he has led to some courts to entrust the Procedures regarding work safety at specialized sections.
It's still. Let's not forget to accompany the same representative of workers for security (RLS) in the world of contracts and construction sites, even more so after his first sentence for an injury mortal pronounced by the Cassation on 25 September 2023.
Of course, it is an embarrassing dimension, and - I'm afraid - Usually neglected, of the commitment entrusted tor. Yet, among his attribution, the Tusl (Consolidated Labor Safety Text), to art. 50, paragraph 1, letter a), indicates that of visiting the places of work, and for workplaces are not only the company premises, But - the Cassation teaches peacefully - «every place where the worker must or can go to provide for inconcriptions of any nature in relation to one's business ", and, therefore, even every place in which a contract or subcontracting or a construction site takes place. So more which I never ask the trade union organizations (but also to the legislator): on what resources of time, of means, of autonomy, can concretely I count the RLS called to carry out such demanding tasks?
That's all to say, at this point, that we had to greet with words of hope the ruling issued on February 13, 2024 by the European Court of human rights in leaning Jann-Zwicker et Jann Contro Switzerland on A case that occurred in Switzerland of death for fallen pleural mesothelioma in prescription. Nor the criminal proceeding started in 2006 by same interested party for serious personal injury (but not cultivated by Swiss courts), nor the civil procedure started by the next joined in 2009 after the death, they allowed the moments of get a favorable result. Unanimous conclusion of the Court European human rights: «The prescription of the action promoted From the victim he involved a violation of the European Convention of Human rights ": of art. 6 § 1 (right to a fair process) e of art. 6 § 1 (as regards the duration of the procedure in front of national jurisdictions). Therefore, a violation due to the fact that «it State has not complied with its obligation to guarantee the speed of the procedure before the Federal Court ". With the consequence that the Switzerland must pay 20,800 euros to the moments for moral damage and 14,000 for costs and expenses. Other than that "right to oblivion" enhanced by Cassation in a sentence dated 28 March 2019 n. 13582: «After a certainly a period of time from the commission of the fact, given the attenuation of punishment needs, mature a right to oblivion to the author of the crime "(1)
Raffaele Guariniello
from the part of the struggle workers
from the part of the Palestinian women
The workers in a manner indomitable - with all attacks on work, the blackmail of being first fired, with contracts that are made ultra precarious, undergoing discrimination on wages, personal, health attacks, discriminations moved too from racism to immigrant workers, together with behaviors that can be deflected up to sexual harassment - fight, they do not stop.
Nobody can crush us, Nobody can attack our dignity! For this, after the great manifestation of half a million people on November 25th, 8 March we strike!
Workers, workers in many countries of the world (see Bangladesh's textile workers) that they suffer not an attack but all the attacks of masters, governments, e on whose life it falls not an oppression but all oppressions, sexual violence, feminicides - take in their hands the struggle because all life must change, because The only "solution" is to overthrow this company. We are many and we are not Sun!
Il government Melons grants Everything to the masters and chatter, alms to working women; Meloni responds to the feminicides/rapes that are increasing with securitarian decrees, more police in the neighborhoods, while his Squallid, hateful ministers offend women; this government wants take away all rights, first of all the right of abortion, because We must only serve to make more children, to give fresh meat from take advantage of the masters and the homeland, the wars, leaning all over family care work, while healthy worsens; a government racist that from suffering and death to our immigrant sisters; a government that wants to "educate" in schools, even children, a make wars, inculcating a nationalist humus, from "Rambo", of Overcrowding. The fascism of the Meloni government feeds a modern patriarchism of hateful males who react by killing, when Women do not want to be submissive, they want to break ties.
The workers That According to the weapon of struggle, unity, which do not There are individual, private, but social, classy conditions, the result of this capitalist society, they must take one hand collective struggle not only to defend against the attacks of masters e government but to change their whole life and the majority of the women, to change this world . This is our meaning of March 8.
Let's say to the workers: Be daring, proud, more determined on everything. If we women do it, if we become "dangerous", the strength of government, masters, state can be cracked, and then, then ... overturned with the Revolution proletarian of all exploited and oppressed, in which women bring something extra.
In This March 8th all our solidarity goes to women Palestinians, massacre, hungry in tens of thousands, who see their children killed by the bombs e from hunger, thirst, lack of medicines, which cannot give birth in the bombarded hospitals, which abort on the street ... but women That transform their immense pain in resistance. They are a example For all of us.
We call You workers, who know the suffering well, to give support unconditional to Palestinian women, to the resistance of the people Palestinian, against the criminal action of Israel; against wars that the imperialist states, including ours, are bringing to every part of the world.
There is a link between us and the Palestinian women who must become increasingly concrete and stronger: They are also the Meloni government, the owners who in this country who they build weapons, accomplices and responsible for the genocide in Palestine; These monsters how they use our lives for theirs profits, their reactionary, racist, repressive plans to prevent the freedom of women; they are the same who want to crush the Palestinian people. There Palestinian women's struggle is our struggle, It helps us against this putrefied system, and the struggle of us women workers is the struggle of the Palestinians because it weakens i Imperialist monsters.
VIVA On March 8 proletarian and internationalist!
Feminist movement Revolutionary proletarian - Slai workers Cobas SC
mfpr.naz@gmail.com - Wow 3408429376 - b ぉ G: https://femminismorivoluzionario.blogspot.com/
fb: https://www.facebook.com/movimentofemminista.proletariorivoluzionario?locale=it_IT
An article in the process of translation
By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.
Earn Folket Media has received pictures and a report that revolutionary activists have painted slogans at Økern in Oslo, near Kuben High School. This is Oslo's largest high school, with over 1,600 students.
The slogans "Free Palestine!" And "Support the Palestinian resistance struggle!" is painted flanked by hammer and sickle. The area is located east of Oslo.
By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.
Turkey: Statement for March 8
The Turkish comrades in the women's organization Lilla-Red Collective have published a statement for March 8, published in the Rupa Haber. The statement is entitled "8. March belongs to those who fight for their rights, and not those waiting to get their rights! ”
The statement depicts the importance of March 8 and the fight against imperialism and women's oppression. The comrades write that the representatives of the imperialist system, with their patriarchal culture, talk in the wide and wide about how much progress it has been made for "women's rights", that women are doing better and better. It will be called out on streets and squares, in parliaments and TV broadcasts on how important women's rights are. The imperialists will use March 8 as an opportunity to adorn themselves with the fact that women's rights have improved, and at the same time to dehumanize the masses in the Third World.
But the story of March 8 started in New York on March 8, 1857 with a bloody strike where 40,000 working women demanded to reduce the 16-hour day to 10 hours. They also demanded equal pay for equal work. Supported by the bosses closed the police workers inside a factory before they lit up. 129 workers died in the fire. Later, at the International Socialist Women's Women's Women's Conference) in 1910, Communist Clara Zetkin proposed to do on March 8 to the International Workers' Day.
The statement from the Turkish comrades talks about the terrible conditions of female masses in the Third World Lives Below. Femicide (murder of women), rape and sexual harassment, home violence, human trafficking, prostitution - all kinds of cruel acts of violence are carried out against women. This is especially done in semi -seed countries such as Turkey, India, Pakistan, Philippines, etc. The woman becomes an object to serve the patriarchal society. Furthermore, women are particularly severely affected by wars and conflicts. Especially in Palestine we see this, where Israel does not make a difference to women, children and the elderly, and does as much harm as they can.
Even in western countries, the comrades write, women are forced into involuntary part -time work with low wages. Female workers have hard working conditions, for example in the health care system. Women are subjected to stress and pressure that give major impacts on mental health, and their rights are thus constantly reduced when exposed to hard working conditions, harassment and low wages.
The statement is advocating to fight against Symbolic actions and liberal attitudes around women's struggle, and that the liberation of women can never happen under imperialism, a system based on violence, exploitation, poverty, aggression and unfair war. A revolutionary spirit is necessary to crush imperialism and patriarchy.
Turkey: Call for the 8th of March
(Red Herald)
The Federal Prosecutor's Office considered the evidence against the four young peasants of Rondônia. The activists participated in the taking of Santa Elina Farm, the scene of the Battle of Corumbiara, and had been arrested by the PM of Rondônia on May 14, 2021, accused of illegal gun and radio transmitters during an illegal operation against the camp. At the time, the League of Poor Peasants characterized the arrest as political persecution, denouncing that the only source for the legal process was testimonials of military police.
At the time, the PM of Rondônia was directed by José Hélio Cysneiros Pachá (known as “The Holy Elina Carnage”) chosen by the Bolly Churcher Governor Colonel Marcos Rocha. Popular movements and lawyers denounced that the intentions of the government of Rondônia was to repress and take revenge on the peasant struggle and those activists who participated in the historic camp Manoel Ribeiro.
The Brazilian Association of Lawyers of the Gabriel Pimenta (Abrapo) stated that the Federal Prosecutor's Office corroborated the defense theses, considering doubtful and contradictory the evidence against young people, and decided to acquit the four activists (three peasants and one student of Unir) .
Abrapo also explains that in the analysis of the proof, the MPF and the Federal Criminal Court ridiculed the evidence of the flagrant (possession of weapon and possession of communicating radios). The defense denounced that the weapon found with the four was a blatant forged by the police to criminalize the struggle for the land, but had not had any analysis by the judiciary. In addition to ignoring the illegality that the only witness heard was the police themselves, the weapon that was allegedly in possession of one of the activists was used to convict activists in state courts.
With the new understanding of the MPF, it will be possible to question the conviction, requesting a criminal review that Abrapo considers “quite promising”.
A use It concludes by stating that "this is an important victory for the collective struggle, the lawyers of the people, Abrapo, Cebraspo, newspaper and, and all the supporters of the struggle for the land for those who live and work in it."
On March 8, at 12 noon, in the IFPE's main auditorium in Recife, the Ventania movement will make a cine-Debate of the film Red Detachment of Women to celebrate International Proletarian Women's Day.
The film, the epic of the struggle of proletarian and peasant women, was made in 1961 in the socialist China, and is based on the real story of the Red Detachment of Women, which fought for the release of the people of China in the 1930s and 1940s. In this film was also adapted in ballet and, soon after, opera, both produced by Chiang Ching, actress, Revolutionary Chinese and one of the main leaders of the great proletarian cultural revolution.
1. Non -governmental organizations (NGOs).
The organisms no Government, develop work in the field and among the more masses depressed from the city since the beginning of the 60s of the previous century. One of These NGOs are DESC with ties with IDL, IEP, and an infinity of others. They They sow the ideas that imperialism has instilled. For example, in Bolivia NGOs worked during A ñ os 90 to sow the idea of the “postmodernist” current of the Imperialism of cultural identity and ethnic, to divide the peasantry and isolate it from the other masses, from there it is born that of the "plurinational state", similar in Ecuador, in Peru lo We will highlight below, documenting it with a story of the representatives of The NGOs.
These organisms They grew in Latin America since the 60s, this is not a coincidence, it is the Revolutionary wave era, of popular movements such as the peasant That reached armed action, therefore, it cannot be a coincidence. Analyze, Establish the relationship, behind you have to see, who could be, both to imperialism as the Peruvian reaction is interested in containing the revolution, of There this type of organizations arise.
One of this
NGO is disc, with links with A IDL, IEP,
etc Therefore, we will stop in this one who is behind and its role
counterrevolutionary is clear.
One of its former president of
DES, says:
“(…) DES was born as a Emanation of the Second Vatican Council . Because a group of Christians forms it, of Catholics, to do social work from the social sciences, in the idea that laity have a task to do to continue with God the Father creation of the world and perfect it (…) “(From an interview with Marcial Rubio by Abelardo Sánchez León, especially 35 years old).
The above, which has the value of Confession of part, later, requires not to leave doubt of its origin International reactionary, when he says:
“(…) I found a priest Chilean social Christian . So it begins. He was a Chilean priest who sheath a chain of social support centers in various Latin American countries . Then, make contact with some Catholics Pro Vatican II ”(Rubio, interview cited).
Keep in mind
Catholic to get in tune with the changes that are given worldwide, about
All to try to dispute Marxism his growing influence and roots in
The masses of the world, in the Second Vatican Council (initiated in 1962) it is defined
as "the church of the times", trying to renew its image linked to the
Half, to the darkness to the Inquisition, and gets more in tune with its mission
In the Middle Ages, when the decomposition of the feudal system is given, assuming
"Socorro" tasks to the poor, because the expired feudal system can no longer
feed your own servants. In the 60s. It accentuates its role as "Socorro" or
assistance to the miserable of the earth, when imperialism advances more in
its decomposition (president Mao), and the expired system, through alms
distributed by the Church and the "aid" of international institutions
(Caritas) and the states, their economy, is unable to feed their
own slaves. Of those years also dates that of the “preferential option of
the church for the poor "and managing within its so -called" theology of the
Zeballos Manzur, to the date of publication of the last issue of his magazine
Work, without a doubt, he says who was behind this magazine and the NGOs
As Dec, when he says:
“ To do also responds to The history of an institution and l a history of this in your relationship with the International Cooperation System . As with everything, that part It has also experienced very deep changes. The resources that are previously They could dedicate to this type of effort there are no more years ago and , Despite this, he persisted in the commitment to preserve Your institutional spokesman , maintaining their political will, coupled with the effort of its members and who do directly Magazine . Even so, the will has its limits and the painful but inevitable time to rethink it with a sense of future ”(special work 35,“ some fructifers 35 years ” Director of Desc, Molvina Zeballos Manzur)
When he talks about financing and Who is behind and work, avoids individualization after generic " The International Cooperation System ", To try to hide who is behind -in the land of propaganda and public opinion - of the fight against PCP and the Popular War, which directs. Propaganda counterrevolutionary antisuversive war through “ Your institutional spokesman ”, “ DESC ” Thus, we will have That we take care of this "international cooperation system", later.
Therefore, President Gonzalo teaches, that We must always get used to making an analysis of the facts in the light of the class struggle, contradiction; If one does not analyze the facts linging them to other phenomena, if we do not establish correlations, if we do not locate in the period historical, at the political situation, then, it falls into a description Neopositivist, in idealism.
We must unmask them
well and differentiate your class character
, at the service of who they are, who
pay them, what objectives they pursue, what kind of services they provide, services
that are not such because they are undercutter actions of the revolution.
The president in 1992, He points out that in the 60s the intellectuals said Marxists and felt Proud to be, now there is a great change, they reject Marxism, these intellectuals do local work and hide the idea of state power, either from place where they are or from the country that pays them, they want to erase who is behind The NGO. The real thing is that they are plans of imperialism, which yesterday appeared directly through international organizations and today they are undercover with screens organizations. They pretend that the dough solves its problems to Margin of oppression living from oppressors and imperialism.
The "boom" of the intellectuals will be promoted with the demand for social scientists during the Velasco regime; That's why we saw many Velasquista intellectuals , for that one demand of fascism and corporativization ; They, intellectuals they let them use or consciously served those plans, they lent their services and regime toured for that They defended him by cape and sword; The criticisms that made him were nothing but application of that "critical support" , how much spread to poison the people ; But we should not ever consent to be trafficked, to be fooled, not because they are intellectual We will have any reverence, You always have to analyze what objectives They continue , what classes represent. They present themselves as the good intention misunderstood .
The above
indicated by the president, they are historical facts, therefore, undeniable,
as it comes from the mouth of the most prominent representatives of the
NGO intellectuals;
which, in their celebrations they confess, as happened on the occasion of the last printed number of the magazine of DES, Chief, occasion when their vital route of the NGOs of the “work peasant ”al fascist government Velasco, then at the service of the war against revolutionary and others Imperialism intervention plans in the country. Let us read those who say in the Latest number cited to do:
“1979, the work is born (…) today that He publishes the number 195 of work, I thought it would be interesting to remember which were the reasons why a magazine like this arose , of analysis deep social, who looks at the medium and long term processes, but is registered clearly in The national political situation (…) The stage of Transition to democracy that opened at the end of the 70s had a short period duration. Two years After the president's democratic election Belaunde , this would declare the need for the army , force Trained to face an external enemy, he will take the Control in the areas of the country where he developed his Action the PCP terrorist group - Shining path , particularly Ayacucho. Between 82 and 92, To do I would be Not only an academic magazine but controversy , present in the public debate, read at the national level, with positions questioning of the armed conflict management . The analysis produced by Work during this time of violence serves as critical memory today of a dark era of our republican history “(Cycles, Marisa Glave, Quace, cited edition1).
Of reading the appointment of what
written by this "critical" intellectual, which is closely linked to the
following appointments, it follows that the magazine was born to defend order
existing trying to deceive the people with that poison of "controversial magazine",
to "question" "the management of the armed conflict", "critical memory", when
From the beginning they were put at the service of the order defending the dictatorship
landowner-bourgeois, at the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee,
which is the old Peruvian state, conferring democratic legitimacy to the
Genocidal Government of Belaunde, standing on the contrasubversive war
Against the Popular War and the PCP, condemning them as terrorism. It puts on
side of the armed counterrevolution and condemn the armed revolution.
To cover up your undercurrent role of the Revolution, says "questioning" of "armed conflict management." Have on Tell the appointment and this comment to see that this "critical" management of the Magazine, is the application of the experience of DES and one of its connoted Representative H. Pease, founder of the magazine, in the management of propaganda of the fascist-corporate military government of Velazco Through the “ex-proposed” newspapers by the Military Government, handling with “iron hand” openly propaganda Velazquista and pro-velazquista "critical" propaganda, so that Firmly keep the service line to the fascist regime. Experience that will be applied not only to the magazine but in the uniformization of information of the great media at national and international level against the PCP and the Popular War This task that on behalf of Yankee imperialism would fulfill Vargas Llosa and Gustavo Gorriti, two CIA agents.
Another confession, do not forget that they are
"Children of Cura":
“ I arrived at Dec on March 9 of 1970 at four p.m.(…) DES was born as an emanation of Vatican Council II . Because it is formed by a group of Christians, of Catholics, To do social work from the social sciences, in the idea that lay people have a task to do to continue with God the Father the creation of the world and perfect it (...) so is born. So, Disc was, from his origin, against that elitist, aristocratic society and segregationist because It is located on the side of the poor . And then, Velasco makes a government of
socializing statement (…) The third way , do not forget. It was the time of the third way. Desco It has a position initial SUPPORT TO VELASQUISM . Included, L the two maximum bosses of DESe are going to work at Sinamos . Is left over A second group with a a little more awareness Criticism in front of the Velasco government (that is to say, the velazquistas and those of "critical" support for velazchism, our note) (...) Deco did in the newspapers of the time. From 72 to 76 there is an extensive
participation of members of DES in the newspapers and there is an open discrepancy . All this handles Henry Pease, who was the director of Deco From the year 73 to the year 82, I believe. Henry's iron hand that we all know allows things to circulate Beyond discrepancies on a certain path. All this ends when The Velasco government ends. (…) With Morales Bermúdez, he is not in the government because it takes it as the return .
(…) I found a priest
Chilean social Christian. So it begins. He was a Chilean priest who founds a
Chain of Social Support Centers in various countries in Latin America.
Then, make contact with some pro Vatican Catholics II. Fico Velarde there was
State in Chile - there was
married to a Chilean— and knew
This father. I think the contact comes out there. So a group of Catholics
(…) Path attempts against NGOs . It is another enemy. Path considers enemy to discourage and work. Like me He was president of DES, he was director of the magazine. In February 92 there are some Very strong threats against disc . Very strong. They announce that They are going to kill us. I do not disappound them because I did not want to create panic in the institution, But I did talk to Sinesio, who had been intelligence . "You're in the sights," he told me. "It will fall." "What do I do?" asked. He told me that if I put one hundred armed people in the corner of Dec, Path could put two hundred armed. It has to be intelligence. So, change clothes, change car, route, schedule, change everything. Find out when they can kill you. Make a detailed, intelligent, Where can you always find you. I was impressed because I gave myself
Account (...) I had to change. I believed that an attack against us or against Dec, because the attacks on Work were very strong. Work was very important at that time; It was one of the alternatives of enlightened thought. And on the path was a specialist. But, suddenly, the coup d'etat comes ... at that time they kill To the mother courage, to María Elena Moyano. That happens in February 92 if I don't mistaken. So many say that the following will be a close attack A DEC OR IN DEC. There the attack attack intensified. And on 5 of April 1992 comes the coup d'etat and trail turns against the military and against the State, and forget about us. People believed us We were sympathetic path, but path threatened death (of Trajectory of a thought, an interview with Marcial Rubio by Abelardo Sánchez L eón, especially 35 years old)
We will not comment much about the previous appointment
because President Gonzalo has already referred in previous passages, which dating
of 1992, to the story that tries to tell us Rubio Correa, which was also
Minister of Education in the Transition Government of the
President Valentín Paniagua between November 2000 and July 2001 (Government
of transition from the intervention of Yankee imperialism through
the OAS negotiating table)
. Rubio is
a well -known professor at the Catholic University and closely linked to an outstanding
Velazquista intellectual of the same institution, Luis Pásara, lawyer of Deco
In those years.
Luis Pásara, later, has been like
Advisor in all the reform commissions of the Judiciary, do not forget your
name, because behind his image of "humanist" and "great intellectual" is the
Hand of Yankee imperialism. Professor of the Catholic University (Lima) between
1967 and 1976, founder of the Center for Law and Society Studies (CEDYS). In its
Curriculum is written that as a law sociologist he has investigated the
Justice system over three decades (in Peru, Argentina, Costa
Rich, Chile, Guatemala and Mexico).
Pásara has been the consultant of the Inter -American Institute for Human Rights and the Andean Commission of Jurists, and has made numerous consultancies for the World Bank, USAID, Eurosocial and the Institute of Legal Defense (Peru). Between 1996 and 2000 he was at charge of judicial issues in the nations verification mission Joined in Guatemala (Minugua). He was a member of the International Center for Academics Woodrow Wilson in Washington, D.C. In 1980 and 2011-2012 and the University of Notre Dame in 1985 and 2000-2002. From 2002 to 2004 he was a professor Visitor researcher at the Center for Research and Economic Teaching (CIDE) In Mexico City, Mexico. From 2004 to 2011 he was a researcher at the Interuniversity Institute of Ibero -American Studies of the University of Salamanca, Spain. He is a titular member of Flacso (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences) of Spain.
The Pásara case is important for study and clarify the issue of the judicialization of politics as part of the global hegemonist plan of Yankee imperialism -in its genesis through The work of this law sociologist. As scholars have highlighted This issue on the influence of the international circulation of jurists as Export-import mechanism of legal practices and models and generate innovations in their places of origin, after having made tours academic and individual qualification in university institutions and
US judicial.
The Judicial Power and the Prosecutor's Office, Since the beginning of Belaunde's second government, they form the so -called system Judicial, together with the Specialized Police, are subject to the plans of the Yankee imperialism to control and use it for greater intervention in the country, together with the manipulation of public opinion through great media, NGOs, research journalism, in joint operations with The so -called social networks. This form of the manipulation of opinion public in joint operations charges every day more importance in collusion and struggle reactionary between the factions, groups and characters in Peru and the internal alignments with collusion and struggle between the factions of the Yankee imperialism. This just as a advancement.
GOOD, Now we give Rubio the witness again To tell us about its partners:
“And then, in 72, there was an area
of lawyers who worked in both the work community and in social property.
I was made up of
I fight
, Jorge Santisteban, Diego García
Alberto Bustamante, Guido Lombardi and
I. Guido is a lawyer. Even does not seem.
It does not seem, but it is. We were six
Lawyers It was a large area.
Los Wisconsin Boys
. Lucho Pásara was my
Professor in First Law, in 1967. I took an introduction course to the
Right to him and we became friends. Lucho is a very particular character, but
For some reason I was considered.
He took me as his
He was already there then. Yes, but
I had a certain problem in the afternoons and took me to be in that
schedule and be your assistant. Then, the year 72, when I graduated and graduated, he
He left me the introduction course to legal science in law. To Lucho
Pásara I must, in part, my stay in DES and my quality as a teacher in the
Catholic I have always recognized that ”(Rubio, interview cited).
Another important thing is that he social Christian Henry Pease and Deco They handled the newspapers taken by the Velazquismo, with two hands of open support to Velazco and those of “support critic "," with iron hand "to serve to deceive the people, we repeat the part of the appointment of what Rubio says, in this regard:
„Dec would do in the
newspapers of the time.
From 72 to 76 there is an extensive
Participation of DESC members in the newspapers and there is a discrepancy
All this is handled by Henry Pease, which
He was the director of Dec
From the year 73 to the year 82, I believe. The hand of
Henry iron that we all know allows things to circulate beyond
discrepancies on a certain path. ”
Then, for the new stage that is opened in Peru from 1979 and of the 80 onwards, Pease and Deco use that experience to develop their counterrevolutionary propaganda and poison the masses with that double hand, managed with iron hand against the revolution. Thus, relating the different parts of the puzzle we translate what is really behind the Intellectual words "well intentional "but" misunderstood. Well, Pease is dead but the work of DES and other intellectuals of his continuous cape to deceive the masses with His "critical memory against violence", that is against violence revolutionary, in service of the plans of imperialism and the reaction of Fight the general reorganization of the PCP in and for the Popular War.
Rubio says “Path I loved me kill ”, this miserable is panicked by its counterrevolutionary role With desc and queace, and. It's about the Campaign of unmasking of the PPAPEL counterrevolutionary PCP of it, of This NGO, its magazine and its intellectuals, which sown poison between the masses, as it recognizes it to the End of the appointment, when he says:
“ People believed that we were a path supporters ...”
And he says, "path they wanted to kill me", but Important is that it highlights unintentionally wanting your crop " Sinecio " (Yes, Sinecio López) , another "velazquista intellectual", who writes the Velazco speeches, at that time active member of the service of Peruvian Army Intelligence , that is to say of the genocidal army of the old State, who in his status as an intelligence service officer had charge an address in Sinamos, the corporate management agency for the management of called social organizations for the corporatization of society.
“ Sinecio ”, always as an officer Intelligence , with the disassemble of Sinamos with the government of Morales Bermudez , of the corporate general readjustment, He went to the institute National Culture in the company of your link officer and a couple of Intelligence noncommissioned officers. Well, that is part of the story of this "sociologist".
The important thing is that by own Words of Rubio Correa confirms the "secret" of the links of DES and Chore and other intellectuals with the intelligence services of the reaction.
To continue with The narrative of these intellectuals of "critical conscience" or "memory Criticism ”, in“ Work was a party ”, Abelardo Sánchez León, vomits all hate counterrevolutionary of that anti -communist "left" at the service of the reaction and imperialism that arises as "critical intellectuals", in addition tells those who financed them and many other veleities and relationships:
“ We were at the end of the decade of the 70s, when Henry Pease came up with the idea of founding a Political, social and cultural news magazine, which accompanied the movement Peruvian social . Since the 60s There was a left in Peru in activity that became considered, in the 80s, as the most solid, influential and extended from Latin America . In the
conception of Henry Pease, the Magazine had to attest to that movement and, to some extent, commit to He, guide him and get to power. Henry Pease was not a revolutionary . He He was a politician. He did not believe in subversive media to achieve power. It came from the ranks of Christian democracy and His affiliation with the Christianity was stronger than later Marxist ideas that he read more With academic vocation , with which he did not identify fully. The Magazine would be the voice on the left . And it was.
(…) Juan “Cancho” worked in it Larco, his editor, and journalists José María Salcedo and Raúl González. Juan Larco came from Cuba , where he was linked to the field of culture, the Literature and theater, and, eventually, as a worker in the sugarcane. Juan Larco was located by Marcial Rubio and Luis Peirano . They looked for it in the offices of the Ministry of Education, where it fell after having been for more than ten years in Cuba (...) although Cancho sometimes worked like a Commissioner regarding the political line and the issues to be chosen , to Chema Salcedo fascinated the reports, going out, bringing the breath of the Life to the magazine's cubicle. Raúl González, rather, found a unusual theme and that gave an unexpected prestige to the magazine: I mean The appearance of the Shining Path in 1980, the internal war , the shocking storm in the Andes, first, and then in the cities of the Costa, and made a specialized magazine in the field.
The triangle, in a certain way, ended up configuring: Juan Larco threaded the political line , Chema Salcedo was the blood of the street and Raúl González Se
affirmed how the journalist In subversive matters .
From 1980 to 2000, what is done consolidated as the publication that It gave line to a legal left, Faced, in her own way, to the subversive left of the path and the MRTA , where Chema Salcedo was responsible for breathing the trajín for his pores of a life recalled by bombs and hyperinflation.
* * *
But DES possessed in those years
A generous intellectual arsenal. Among others, were Nelson Manrique, Alberto
Adrianzén, Marcial Rubio, Luis Peirano, Eduardo Ballón, Carmen Rosa Balbi,
Laura de Madalengoitia, Gustavo Riofrío, Mario Zolezzi, Humberto Campodónico, A
Those who joined
PUCP teachers
, our cousins, like
Javier Iguiñiz and Orlando Plaza.
Feathers had, no doubt. Besides,
We could resort to valuable feathers of friendly institutions, such as Carlos's
Iván Degregori del
Peruvian Studies Institute
S or Ernesto de la
Jara del
Legal Defense Institute
. There were also feathers of the
Friends of
, especially those of Carlos Franco and Héctor Béjar and
economists like Óscar Ugarteche. They were all on hand and
willing to write in work.
Work was in all and all (linked to a wide left) were
With work. Cancho didn't have to work. ”
Well, dear readers,
Song tests, "Papelos speak", there is the hand of Cuban revisionism
at the service of the contrasubversive war of the Peruvian State and imperialism
Yankee against the PCP and the Popular War, along with a whole range of
intellectuals of different currents, so you have to differentiate them, but
united for its counterrevolutionary war service. There are the links of
DES, with IDL, the Legal Defense Institute children of “Transparecia
International ”of Yankee Imperialism and the IEP funded by Aidusa, the
CEDEP. The Salcedo Chema of the "unity" revision, of the Prado Carcaman,
Promoscovita, Senderologos such as Gonzales, etc.
In the special number 35
Years, "some fructifers 35 years"
Manzur says:
“ Who also responds to the history of an institution and the history of this in its relationship with the International Cooperation System . How everything happens, that part It has also experienced very deep changes. The resources that are previously They could dedicate to this type of efforts there are no more years ago and Dec, despite this, persisted in the commitment to preserve his spokesman institutional, maintaining their political will, coupled with the effort of their members and who do directly the magazine. Even so, the will It has its limits and the painful but inevitable time of rethink it with a sense of future. ”
We have left them
They express themselves, they confirm that with Morales they were
dismissed from the state agencies created by Velasco and, then, many
They returned and others went to work in non -governmental organizations
(NGO). From velasquism to NGOs, that is its origin and process, behind is the
Imperialism and the Peruvian and World Reaction (the Vatican) this proves it,
It also serves to differentiate them because not all who work there are
Imperialists; In addition, it is useful to see how they act in the field.
It is clear that a plan
conceived for all of Latin America, since the beginning of the 60s as part of the
Alliance for Kenedy's progress, therefore, there is the hand of imperialism;
that those intellectuals who fulfilled functions within the Sinamos applied what
that that organism planned, hence its links with the masses; but how
They were thrown by Morales and lacked money went to the agencies
international and they fortified them. Thus, they sold their capital
intellectual first to fascism and then offered it to imperialism, the same
They did with the mass work or influence they had. What they don't say very
Of course it is who specifically finances them, only refers to the Church
Catholic and international cooperation, but everyone knows that
Vatican is bankrupt; In the case of IDL, Idl-Legal Defense, Idl-Reporteros,
As we will see in a timely manner, he only notes that they are financed by companies and their
Linking with international transparency and soros financial speculator.
In his article León points out that Cancho went from Cuban financing to the
Dutch and German financing, let's read:
“ Juan Larco It was the Eternal Editor of the Magazine Quehacer. It was a formation chemist although, we We all imagined, he never exercised as such. The cheese magazine came to light at a crucial moment: the final years of the military government in its second phase, the moments prior to the installation of the Constituent Assembly and the Appearance of Shining Path in May 198 0. He did it two years after Great general unemployment of 1977. It was the time of Sutep, of a trade union movement Powerful, from a left that was forged in the fight against Morales Bermúdez. Juan Larco, Cancho, arrived at that precise moment and I would annoy it, some time later, telling him that he had the great luck to move from the "financing" of the Cubans to the real financing of the Dutch .
Dutch and German agencies contributed decisively in the possibility of doing streets . Without your trust it would have been impossible. But years later, When disappearing Institutional financing or that of the magazine, the work became in a politically valid product and that programs could support of the allowed margins .
(…) What has lived (...) 35 years. The DESC directors were the directors of the magazine , until that Eduardo Ballón decided, during his mandate, that I assumed driving. They all loved her. Henry Pease founded her with the conviction that characterized; Federico Velarde took her to
field that he liked the most, the one of the
practical policy; Marcial Rubio and Luis Peirano (...) and Molvina Zeballos, the
current president of Dec, kept her against wind and tide ”(León, in
Work was a party ...)
Regarding "theology
of liberation ”. For us, says President Gonzalo, it is not a
advanced position, is an expression of an internal contradiction within the
Catholic Church; is against the class struggle, against violence, against
The popular war, the positions of Gustavo Gutiérrez and the Brazilian Boff are
Part of this, in addition the Peruvian has never been able to face his
Papacy positions, or when his boss came, in addition, he recently just
amend your views. Which is a contradiction of agreement, which can
be used to divide the enemy, okay, but it must be very clear
that we are for the revolution and they for reforms within the same
old order, focus on parliamentary cretinism and openly are against
the party, the popular war and the new power; They make mass concessions and
to the people to contain explosiveness and support demoliberal positions,
Demoburgers, are within what Nicaragua did, beyond they don't go. Us
how we could converge with a pease or with an AMES who are leading those
Catholic positions; Here in Peru that position of the "theology of the
Liberation ”is supporting Fujimori, the participation of members of
The IU, specifically of the MAS, in the Government, example Minister Gloria
Helfer. For us
The issue is to do
work to all of what they are for the revolution and if there are among the churches who
They want and can fight that they do it; In the revolutionary processes it has
Seen this, there are priests who have acted as guerrillas, for example in the
Peru and Mexico; They can pray if they want, but we do not consent to
They spread their ideas and poison the masses; Let's think, today will there be nuns and
priests who dare even to march with their flags against repression
What does the Peruvian people suffer? No, the Peruvian Catholic Church has
react more with the new hierarchs that head it and this is also
part of the counterrevolutionary plans (...)
In recent days, Brazilian agent Luiz Inácio has announced the new bill (PL) that seeks to institutionalize the precarious work . The PL ignores basic rights that other categories have, such as the meal voucher and is already criticized by leaders of application drivers. The local correspondent AND From Belo Horizonte talked with Professor Fábio Tozi, coordinator of the research “Driving to Uber”, from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), to better understand the level of precariousness suffered by application drivers.
Tozi's research investigated the reality of drivers on this platform in Belo Horizonte and the Metropolitan Region. The research was conducted by the UFMG Digital Platform Observatory (OPD) in partnership with the Labor Public Prosecution Service (MPT) and the Intersindical Department of Statistics and Studies (Dieese) and coordinated by the Research Group “Continent” of the Department of Geography of UFMG Institute of Geosciences. The work used as a methodology the interview with 400 drivers selected through the Uber application itself in 80 points in the metropolitan region between Belo Horizonte, Betim, Contagem, Lagoa Santa, Nova Lima, Pedro Leopoldo, Ribeirão das Neves and Vespasiano. The full result It can be read here .
Uber driver: worker or entrepreneur?
According to Professor Fábio Tozi, the profile of application drivers is predominantly male, with 97% being men. There is a relevant distinction between two groups: black young people and white men over 40. Black young people represent a first entry into the job market, while the elders seek reintegration, either as a complement to income or after retirement. The platform has joined these two generations of precarious workers, with most of those seeking reinsertion being non -black (68%). Age cut is a crucial factor in this context. As for their working conditions, the teacher highlights his conditions of worker over-explored as the labor legislation.
“It is a worker who drives 51 hours a week, on average, a very high journey, 6 days a week. They work especially in the morning and afternoon, but common afternoon and night, with a weekly time off, practicing long daily journeys, from 12 hours, which is well above the CLT limit (44 hours of week) which is the limit Legal, which is the legal form of a social convention that says that people have to work to some extent and then rest. That's why it is important, because there are those who may claim that they are not hired by the CLT that there is no reason to compare, but the CLT is the result of reducing the working day to have the right to rest, even, as Karl would say, Marx, to recompose the brain and muscle forces to work again. In addition, they take few breaks: 60% of them say they only take breaks when there is a need to stop (go to the bathroom, eat, drink water). That is, they extend their workday to the limit of the body and have an average income of around 2500 reais ”.
Read below the full interview with Fábio Tozi .
Could you present us with a global overview of the “uberization” process?
Fábio Tozi - There is a movement of history that is the creation of a technical basis, this new technical-scientific-informational medium that has been constituted since the end of World War II. War is always a moment of technology creation and they derive themselves in civil technologies. So the wars created various communication technologies that generated computers, GPS… All we have on the smartphone is war technology: the miniaturization of memory, geolocalizing, GPS, processor, ram, this screen that came from airplanes… All war technology. So we have a movement of history that is consolidating in recent decades.
This converged at a moment with the change in the accumulation regime, which is the thesis of an author's platform capitalism named Nick Srnicek. It works with the perspective that this process begins in 2008 because its viable analytical is the accumulation regime wants to change. For us in geography, this comes this process would be longer, as it would need a technical basis that once consolidated so that at some point the accumulation regime could be directed to these companies “Ponto.com” that comes from 2008 In the subprime crisis, the US (loans, mortgages and everything else) that has taken the surpluses of capital to be invested in Ponto.com, technology companies. This was a movement that grew from 2008 and then followed.
So there are several things: a technical basis that is planetary, that comes from consolidation since the 1950s, which has created an informational capitalism, say so. Which is a progressive informationalization in capitalism and then a change in the latest accumulation regime that complements this global phase. These are global companies that already have a tendency to be large corporations, which are tendentially monopolic. This is the case of Google, Apple, Facebook/Meta, Microsoft. These are companies that lead the first phase of transition. Then there are others: Netflix, Airbnb, Uber, Tesla: the second generation, the latest. Uber begins in 2009, which is the great platform model, which is generalized by Uber that trivializes the platform of work and economy. This is a collective process. Then comes the Chinese, in a more recent process. The 99 is Chinese, Tik Tok, Kwai, Shopee, Shein. It has an Asian model, especially Chinese.
How is the international trend of uberization expressed in the particularities of Brazilian society?
Fábio Tozi - All of this creates an international issue, typical of capitalism, in a process of change. Capitalism has general variables that globalize that are abstract, global are abstract, which will geographically and historically materialize in socio -spatial relations. So they arrive in Brazil and settle in a society that is unequal. Unequisite in income, unequal in regions, in places, we have very rich regions super convenient with the world economy, some parts of São Paulo and Rio, a little here in Belo Horizonte and Recife, but in general lives with a very structure Marked by inequality: concentration of very high income, inheritances of the slave production mode, therefore marked by racism. No wonder young people They tend to be drivers and deliveries in an industry that has been platformally, which is classic in a more unsafe, more insecure, with great invisibility, without legal recognition and society are assumed by black people, in this case by black men. Just think about what the housework has been to this day, in this female case. There is a new historical marriage: a very unequal structure and the arrival of a society's platform economy as a whole, and the economy. So platform is not just the economy, but it is from society.
In your recent interview with “Minas Network” you drew attention to the “social cost” issue of exhaustive working conditions and the “short, medium and long term consequences” of the generalization of labor relations via the platform. In this case, it was a provocation for the public, but returning the provocation to you, what is the prognosis we have in this sense, for example, regarding the social security issue?
Fábio Tozi - It is the question that will appear more, maybe it will take, but it is visible to the whole society. I take the opportunity to cite the research, the first national survey we had about work and platform, which was done by IBGE thanks to an agreement with the Labor Prosecutor, coordinated by Ricardo Antunes. I even wish you would thank you to the MPT and the Dieese who financed this research we did. These are well -consolidated research from the scientific methodology and with public funding.
The rates here are 24% of drivers contribute to social security. So this has to do with what it called "social cost." A very neoliberal expression, but it is good to criticize because people understand. For what it means to keep people working 11 hours a day, 6 days a week: they will get sick, this is the fact. The social cost are people getting sick, people without insurance, without support of the state. Who will they turn to? To the public health system, of course. So they will depend on the state. So we will have a cost, that society will have to bear, due to an unregulated employment relationship.
So let's start to see this, the progressive increase in motorcyclist accidents due to the expansion of Moto-Taxi, Ubermoto, 99moto. And this is a social cost, because this worker goes to the public hospital, it is evident, without any discrimination. But Uber the company that hired him, which he works for, which says he does not hire, which says he is an autonomous entrepreneur, does not contribute to the Brazilian Social Security system, which would refund, for the contribution of all, the service of all. It is a mutualist system, everyone contributes, everyone benefits. And the driver does not have another system on his own, because his cost is already very high, if he incorporates any more cost he will have to work much more, he does not survive, because he is already at least his natural subsistence .
The bus driver, for example, is a category on which there are already many studies. They spend all day driving, on the bus stress, in the heat, the engine noise, the vibration, the gear change, it is a category that works sitting, drinks little water so as not to go to the bathroom, so it has high blood pressure and reading problems . Truck driver too. So we know the problems we will have in the medium term: spending all day sitting, in the same position, driving, exposed to traffic, where there are stress of all kinds. Few breaks, feed badly, drinking little water and going to the bathroom. This creates a stress condition in which the body tends not to stand after some time. I think this is a question.
The other is the social security issue, because at some point these workers will stop driving and will demand from the state their retirement and do not contribute. So they will be beneficiaries or the social security directly, which they did not contribute, where they may not benefit, or the entire social security system that is also contributed throughout the worker's productive life. So this takes these workers, remembering that it is already a structural condition of Brazil, where much of the population does not retire or die right after retiring, given the average life expectancy of the Brazilian and the retirement age, which gives a few years so that the worker can enjoy what he would be entitled to. Again, it is not a new fact, but it updates and goes in the opposite sense to bring people to social rights that have been debated as what is the minimum dignity we expect from working conditions, which is the weekly rest to be With the family, to rest, to perform a cultural, study activity. I have several students who are drivers of Uber or delivery and these students are not reading the texts, because he is making a delivery, he is not resting to attend class in better cognitive learning conditions because he spent the night driving.
So there is a social issue that overflows beyond the working relationship and there is another one that I think is very serious that it is the accidents that should be better studied. We know, these data from motorcycle and bicycle accidents, are increasing and involving passengers at Uber Moto, but also what is the situation of the driver who is driving in long hours he loses the ability to respond, traffic attention, which Creates conditions for multiplication of accidents that will also involve third parties, other cars.
Article sent by a collaborator
It approaches March 8 and the "progressive" government must appear to fight against the abuses and vexations of the old society against proletarian women. Every year it happens that, in the previous days, the National Police and Civil Guard perform raids against brothels to release sex slaves who were forced to prostitute themselves. Thus, "the most progressive government in history", which manages the interests of the imperialist bourgeois state like any other government, cleanses its image a few days before 8m to chest on wheels and press releases.
The PSOE even has the value -cinism, rather- take over the abolition of prostitution . This was said by Ana Redondo this 2024, Minister of Equality. Wants " a society where women and girls are prostituted ” Truly cynical. What effective work does the PSOE do for the liberation of sex slaves? What do you do to avoid white trafficking networks? The government allows brothels to exist. First, because it is a powerful business from which they take a slice directly and indirectly through bribes and clientele networks. There are few cases of corruption of bourgeois politicians related to pimps and prostitution houses. Second, because the liberation of proletarian women does absolutely the same, even more so if they are foreigners.
The brothels that receive raids are not secret. The neighbors of the cities and neighborhoods where they are know where they are, and they know perfectly what happens in there. The police, logically, are also aware. His argument not to freely release women prostituted: police investigation would hinder white trafficking. The reality is very different, since they simply wait for the execution of the operation - by order of the bourgeois government on duty - to be a date where there is good advertising. The PSOE has a bigger face than a lovely of Easter Island. Let's look at a succession of news:
In the Military Barracks of El Bruc (Barcelona), the Ministry of Defense sanctioned a sergeant and an army end - reactionary and antipopular - by Draw a prostitute in a raffle . In other words: the rifa prize is to violate a woman. The news is from February 15.
In Ciudad Real, he freed himself A woman raped by her boss And his friends in an alternate club: " The victim who exercised prostitution in that Ciudad Real Alterne club, informed the agents that because he had a debt to the owner, he took the key from his room preventing him from getting his belongings out of the place. The owner forced her to have sex with him and with the friends of the security guard. In addition, the owner of the club for accommodation and maintenance charged 60 euros every day and also for cocaine consumption another 60 plus this or not occurred, so he accumulated a debt that he could no longer pay, according to the victim to the guard Civil. The Women-Menor team (Emume), a section specialized in investigating crimes about women and minors, also discovered that this woman suffered intimidation, physical and vexatory abuse by customers and was forced to work every day and could rest only Once a month. ” The news is from February 20.
In Vicent del Raspeig (Alicante) they were released 11 women, two of them minors . All of them lived in two villas where they were raped daily. The police took almost a whole year to carry out the investigations! An entire year being raped daily to coincide with the best dates at the advertising level. The detainees captured women abroad, mainly in Colombia, they "helped" them come to Spain in exchange for the promise of working. When they arrived in Spain, they were forced to prostitute themselves to settle the debt of the trip, a debt that will never be resulted. The news is from March 4.
Exactly the same modus operandi happens with others 2 women, also Colombians , in Badajoz. The authorities indicated that " l As victims, mostly women of Colombian nationality, were sexually exploited in an alternate club and in a dating house in Badajoz ” The news is from March 5.
In Murcia, 2 minors guardianship were forced to prostitute and raped. The news is from March 6.
The reader may verify that there are many news of antiprositution police operations near March 8. A quick search is enough in search engines for the main newspaper (El País, ABC, La Razón, El Mundo ...) to verify that the news about antiprositution operations are greater at these dates than during the rest of the year. What a abolitionist government that is only one month a year!
It goes without saying that women released in brothels are not all prostitutes who live or are raped there. The government frees only women considered sexual slaves according to bourgeois legislation. According to bourgeois justice, there is forced prostitution (sex slaves) and free prostitution. They are not those terms, but the reader will allow us to simplify. If a prostituted woman performs her activity under her supposed individual freedom, nothing happens. Obviously we know that all prostitution is forced, and individual freedom does not exist when there is hunger and economic hardships. But that to the abolitionist and more progressive government in history does not matter.
Therefore, we know that for each operation against white trafficking in a brothel, there are many more prostitutes in legal de facto brothels. There are occasions that even in the same place where a raid against White trafficking is carried out continues to work. They stop some and leave others free, which remain pimp of the "free prostitutes." Prostitution is not officially legal in Spain, but these premises are registered as bars, pubs or discos where prostituted women are violated "freely." Therefore, de facto, we call these sites legal brothels.
We must thank the PSOE for giving us such a good lesson of cynicism.
We have received this image in the email.
Indigenous of three different ethnicities, quilombolas and riverside peasants came together in a protest on February 4 in front of the port of Cargill, a monopoly on the grain export branch in Santarém (PA). Indigenous gifts from the peoples Munduruku, Kayapó and Panará were present. Protesters demanded the end of the pro-latifundio and pro-imperialism venture and denounced the effects that the railroad will have on peasants and indigenous people living in the region.
Tracks and consignments were erected by protesters during a protest. “Trail that will have indigenous blood: they will negotiate our lives,” said one of the ranges raised. According to Edilberto Francisco, present in the protest and interviewed by AND , about 60 people participated in the demonstration.
Fergrão is a railway project presented ten years ago by imperialist agribusiness companies, such as ADM, Amaggi, Bunge, Dreyfus and Cargill, target of recent protests. The idea is to cross the Brazilian territory of Mato Grosso, from the city of Sinop, to Pará, in the city of Itaiuba. There will be 933 km of rails, where will pass the grain charges planted in the estates bound for the foreign market, such as China, Europe and the Middle East.
The biggest beneficiaries will be, thus, the Brazilian Latifundium, the late sector of the country responsible for keeping the economy late, stagnant and submissive to the wishes of the dominant imperialist proceedings. The railway promises to significantly cheaper the costs of freight in Brazilian lands. Along with the exemptions given by the state that almost completely cancel export rates, the large farmers will have a new brutal profit increase.
Formulated in 2014, the project was initially closed by Dilma Rousseff (PT). Then it was fed by Michel Temer (MDB), Bolsonaro and finally returned to the hands of the PT in the third government of Luiz Inacio. In it, it was integrated into the acceleration and growth project as a way to ensure the construction of the railroad.
“Why is the government interested in meeting the interests of agribusiness?” Asks Edilberto. “Because our government is a submissive coalition government, arrested, to the interests of agribusiness henchmen and agricultural export companies,” he explains, before adding that: “In the National Congress, the government is playing that game of ' Loses two to win a ',' loses three to win two ', and in that the damage will all come to us. ”
To culminate its construction, the Fergrão will have to cross more than 40 TIS. Six of them are in PA and concentrate 2,600 people. Three isolated indigenous peoples also live on the area route, according to inhamazon and chaff surveys and wheat. In addition, there are several villages of riverside peasants living by the Tapajós river and will be affected by the construction and the developments arising from it.
The project also promises to increase conflict on the land as it will increase the land dispute by the landlord in the Amazon. With the cheapest shipping, more landowners will seek to implement the estates for grain planting in the region. In addition, since MT's shipping to PA will also be cheaper, landowners who sought to migrate MT soy and corn plantations to the Amazon will not necessarily do so, in which case it can prioritize cattle breeding in the Amazon region.
Anyway, Ferroogrão promises to increase the land dispute of landowners in the region that is already the largest stage of conflicts by land in Brazil. In 2022, four of the five states with the highest conflict rates on the Earth were in the Legal Amazon. There are thousands of abroad families living in the region and face, day after day, the landowners and their armed bands in the struggle for the conquest of land to live and work.
In the “Arc of Deforestation of the Amazon”, one of the routes that Ferragrão will pass, there are at least 102 agrarian reform settlements, in addition to 16 indigenous lands. Certainly, they will all be affected by the project, both in the most direct aspects of the enterprise itself, and by the land conflicts derived from the railroad and its changes in the region.
Even so, the government continues with the planning. To top it off, none of the peasants or indigenous people who live there were even consulted by the government about the project.
Posters from the Red Women's Committees FRG have appeared in several parts of Hamburg. At this point we document some pictures that were sent to us. In this context, we also remind you of the upcoming event in Hamburg:
Thursday, March 7th
6:30 p.m.
International Center B5
Brigittenstr. 5 (St. Pauli)
(The event takes place as part of the Tayad Café, together with other groups)
If the above are the basic elements of the period, which should have to They are the focus of reflection and confrontation in the context of the massive election process of the union, in practice at all So things didn't move. Once again the micro -politics dominated confrontation to the limits of the organizational potential of each political power involved in the union.
Increasing participation by about 200 votes and recording several new ones Members, first of all, a fairly positive element that cannot be left At the level of electoral recording but must to be used In the direction of participating in everyday Association's life and confrontation with employers in labor places. We would say that the above finding is one of the most decisive Issues of the Association for the whole time. Is the issue that the new Administration but also all political forces are judged in front of developments. Whether it is possible to set up small or large races against the employer of the industry and the anti -labor attack with real terms and mass participation rather than with virtual elements struggling and take off.
Once again the element of implementation of legality was the A key point of confrontation during the electoral process and defined situations. Once again the ESAK faction - Implementation of Galp Law 1264, with the majority in the Electoral Committee, with a basic argument on "Implementation of Legality", denied the Applying the Association Statute and imposed Thursday's removal Heraklion's headquarters in Heraklion's Board of Directors, Headquarters from "Function" in Athens Board and the removal of the fifth seat from the "Class Initiative" in the Board of Directors of Patras.
N1264 It has been for decades basic vehicle of state and governments, according to which they imposed their involvement on the interior of the unions, always With the threat of "legality" and any sanctions followed or not Its application. At the same time the law gives increased potential to the large forces excluding the smallest of the second and third distributions. To Act is a blow to democracy within the unions and narrowing of representation only by the dominant factions.
In today's period the controversy over the "application of legality" takes new dimensions in front of the state's pursuit to implement the Anti -labor aspects of the new Hatzidakis Law with which every force, but And the union itself as a whole is already confronted. Arguments used and report that: ' Press on the employer not to recognize the "Legal" representative of the industry workers and the fight for the BSE is blocked », declares as a key element of victorious outcome of the fight for the BSE the implementation of legality and at the same time disoriented over the basic terms of the constitution of the labor movement In contrast to capital, the state and its mechanisms.
The class course in a difficult and polarized climate made a slight increase in the number of her votes which is first of all a positive element. At the same time is the fact that the which must be recognized and replied that the result is lacking both in relation to the political vacuum that is evident within the association, as well as the potential of the political view of the class course. Important and especially a positive issue that should to take advantage of the next period is the nationwide presence in the SMT with ballots in Athens, Chania, Heraklion, Larissa and Thessaloniki.
In recent days, trial began in the Supreme Military Court of the case of the Army military who murdered with 82 shots the musician Evaldo Rosa and the Latinha collector Luciano Macedo. Before being interrupted by a request for a view, the Military Minister Rapporteur presented his thesis in which he reduces from 30 to three years of punishment, to which he was followed by the prime minister to vote. Everything indicates that the corporatism of the barracks and the spirit of caste that maintains the military will be preserved, especially the high officials, in the most widely impunity of criminals.
For Lieutenant Brigadier Carlos Augusto Amaral, rapporteur of the case, it is “a mistake fully justified by situations”, that is, the reactionary military acted in “self-defense” by promoting the summary shooting of a car where a car was Black family going to a baptism. In addition, he said the driver of the car, musician Luciano, "represented an imaginary threat." Although he said that the “military did not seek death,” the minister was missing (it is assumed to be aware of military practice) to shoot 257 times against a car is intended to intend to commit a murder of all who there they were.
Lieutenant Brigadier Carlos Augusto Amaral Oliveira, according to a military minister to vote, agreed with the thesis.
The lawyer who defends the murderous military is Rodrigo Rocca, former lawyer of Flávio Bolsonaro. Specialist in Military Law, Rocca has already defended officers processed by the MPF for crimes committed during the military regime.
Although there is no forecast for the trial to be resumed, it is hard to imagine a turnaround. The 30-year prison reduction for three will mean another white letter to kill.
The legal cover -up in the highest military court in the country is wide open. This means, in practice, impunity to the killers in uniform in cases where the military applies their well -known doctrine of war against the people, which comes down to ostensible policing on the sole purpose of stealing and imposing terror against the poor and poor people, Promote a priori trial of the alleged crimes committed and execute the death penalty. All the moment the military agents choose.
Parties of the "centrão" and "opposition" to the government, such as União, PP and the PL pocketist, dominated the commissions of the House in the pre-agreement that has taken over the last days in the National Congress. While parties closer to the government will chair façade committees, such as supervision and control, the PL is in the lead of the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJ) and Education.
The PL even appointed the Boconist Deputy Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG) to preside over education, but the nomination was not consolidated after the afternoon of discussions on March 6. Notorium Falastrão, Ferreira was present in the Bolsonarist agitation of the end of February on Paulista Avenue.
The CCJ, in turn, should be delivered to the parliamentary Carolina de Toni (PL-SC). Since 2018, Toni has also been resistance from the governors for the appointment, but the PL did not give up the nomination. In the House, the CCJ deliberates on important issues, such as constitutional amendments and bills. In the past, it was the CCJ that approved the advance of texts such as the Social Security Reform.
The PL also got the Sports Commission and the Foreign Relations and National Defense Commission.
The "Centrão" was not behind in the dispute for the vital committees. PP, President's Party in fact Arthur Lira, was treated from the commissions of agriculture, finance and taxation and the mixed budget commission.
Thus, the party gets even more freedom to benefit the landlord and control the budget. Prior to the agreement, parliamentarians, and particularly the PP, were already with more significant control over the budget, especially after the mandatory calendar of the payment of parliamentary amendments was approved.
In the same list, Somos ended the day with the possible control of the Science and Technology Commission. If the agreement is consolidated in this way, there will be no free time for the student struggle this year: on the one hand, students will have to face the demagogic discourse of the government, as it has done since last year; On the other hand are the enemies declared in the committees of education and science and technology.
In this picture, the closest government and the closest "allies" came out in the dispute and have committed commissions that, as much as they allegedly legislate on important topics, exist more by facade in the old Brazilian state than for functionality and success in practical actions.
This is the case of the committees of culture and human rights, divided between the “federation” ruling of PT-PV and PCdoB parties.
The same "federation" also got health, which does not mean good news to professionals in the field. Given the reluctance of the federal government to approve, last year, questions as basic as the minimum nursing floor, it is not possible to expect that by 2024 the requirements of the category will be met without new days of hard struggle.
Weak and more committed government
At the end and to the corporal, the picture indicates for an even weakened government and committed to the "centron" and the reactionaries assumed.
Last year, the government's commitment to these sectors was clear from the approval of measures such as the “tax framework” and the delivery of ministries and organs such as the sports portfolio and the presidency and vice presidents of Caixa Econômica Federal.
This year began with new nods, such as the increase in parliamentary amendments from $ 35 billion by 2023 to $ 41 billion by 2024 and the acceptance of a mandatory payment calendar of these same amendments.
The question is: without further ministries and secondary bodies to deliver, and without the control of money, as Luiz Inacio will negotiate with the "centrão" to make his "political pragmatism" reactionary and fulfill the most basic campaign promises, to Sometimes it delivers everything that is required by the ruling classes? The negotiation will be even more required this year if the commissions board is taken into account.
For the indications, it will be a year of a desperate scenario for the agent Luiz Inacio. On the other hand, it is a fortuitous ground for the breakdown of the people's illusions with the current government, and the growth of the popular struggle for democratic rights and freedoms.
Yesterday the military mission was voted in Parliament in the Red Sea to which Italy participates: the Aspides mission which would have, according to the government declarations, the aim of protecting the commercial streets and to protect the Italian ships operating in the area.
Protect them from who? from the attack that is charged to the "Houthi rebels", or to the armed forces of the South Yemen, who started actually a military action of obstacle of commercial ships, military, who pass through the Red Sea, from which, according to when it comes Declared, 15% of global trade circulates.
Why he did it? By solidarity with the attacked Palestinian people, massacred and victim of a genocidal plan by the state Nazi's Zionist of Israel. A genocidal plan that has so far caused over 30,000 deaths, of which about half women e children; who destroyed houses, hospitals, structures of all kinds, of civil life in Palestine.
That forced and forces the Palestinian people to abandon the Strip of Gaza, pushed towards an exodus and a deportation that Remember that of the Nazis against the Jews during the second world War.
That He did not hesitate to shoot - and to kill - against the masses hungry reduced to the bread and had to have it help Humanitaries of UN missions, etc. etc. Israel shot on women and children. This crime against humanity is the ongoing genocide towards the people of Palestine, who have
need of solidarity political-military of all the forces of the Arab masses in that area e So what started and made the so -called "Houthi rebels" that's what all Arab masses and all states should do Arabs of the area that are said to be against the genocide in place of the State of Israel and alongside the Palestinian people.
So The attack of the "Houthi rebels" ("Ribelli Houthi" is one simplified definition) is right and necessary, we support unconditionally every action against commercial and military ships of the imperialist countries that solidarize with the Zionist state of Nazi of Israel type that must be attacked, hindered, because This helps to stop genocidal aggression, helps to restore the peace in that area, peace guaranteed only by justice for the people Palestinian.
Self We had the possibilities we would do a military/social contingent in support of those who fight the state of Israel and imperialism that supports him.
For This is radically against the military, imperialist mission, accomplice of the genocide, of Italy, within the framework of the European agreement, With the Aspides mission which is part of a war crime, it is one march towards the war against peoples within the march general of the imperialist countries towards a third world war.
Everyone those who say they love peace, democracy, that yes declare solidarity with the Palestinian people, all those who they want to cease fire in that area, all those who say to be against wars, against imperialism, should oppose this mission, in parliament as in the squares, which is also you already do or have begun to do, especially in the great Milan event of March 24th. And instead this government there Drag in this infamous war, this government deploy the soldiers Italians to kill and to stop those who solidarize with the people Palestinian and contribute to the massacre of the Palestinian people.
AND just not only to oppose this mission but that this mission be hit by those who solidarize with the Palestinian people.
The our no is unconditional and in parliament, instead a crime, a crime: the forces of the self -styled opposition, the Democratic Party in Schlein head, which is said to be against the Meloni government that you want put how to counterbalance, which also exploits the infamy of the existence of This government to bring votes home, as happened in Sardinia, Instead it votes in favor, or in some way it is with the government in This criminal mission. And therefore in Parliament one is celebrated farce, a farce warflower, an orgy of words to hide the real interests that there are in this mission, which are not alone war, but they are cheap, behind this mission there are the profits of multinationals, i profits of the war industries, a filth mission for i profits, a filth mission for the war. For this it is However, the Parliament is needed, which outside Parliament does feel the loud and clear voice.
When Imperialism and its governments speak of peace, they do it to do the wars, because they are their system, their interests economic behind the wars there.
That Are Italian troops in the Red Sea are doing? The Red Sea is Italian?
This is colonialism, this is imperialism. The peoples of the area cannot decide whether or not to stop commercial ships, military in a context of a genocidal war against the people of the Palestine, defined as terrorists. Terrorism are the bombs of imperialism. Military actions, from Hamas to Houthi rebels, I am a national liberation struggle. On this no misunderstanding can there to be.
AND This position is the only position that respects the interests of proletarians, of the popular masses, of all those who do not want to This country a world made of genocide wars, of all those who they understand that it is the same government that in our country cuts the citizenship income, impoverishes the poor, does nothing for save work, health, health, school and instead it matters all of these Money in the cauldron of military spending and military missions.
"Raise wages, lower the weapons " - it is said - but this passes through exposed of this government, of this government of the war to which the proletarian and popular opposition must be opposed, the other war, The war of people because only the war of the people stops the wars. Everyone should know by trivially reading the history books.
This Mission, however, takes place in a picture in which Italy has the command, it is the usual "Pennacchi command", because Italy has the command of a mission that reflects the interests imperialism in general, it is alongside imperialism American who has real interests and inside a mission with France and Germany that are countries that have even greater interests than those of Italy in the area. Therefore a mission for the masters and the Italian multinationals in a picture of servants of the servants of American imperialism and major imperialist powers. There logic of servants has always been internal nature, nature effective of all those who refer - moreover more or less explicitly - in Mussolini, to fascism, they follow in the footsteps neocolonial and imperialist and bring, today as then, our country on the side of the barbarism, on the side of the oppression of the proletarians and peoples.
The No to this mission must be really supported and is combined with the support for political-military, cultural make-up, Ideological and even moral of this mission.
Yes is on the side of peoples and peace, if you have courage, the consciousness, to say this.
The pages of the press are full of the question of the dossier of the Perugia investigation. There is an investigation, apparently, of the Prosecutor of Perugia who uses investigations by the Guardia di Finanza in Picture is still not clear that.
But "Secret dossier", use of the judiciary to hit the parties adverse within the economic, political and social system of This country are inherent in the capitalist system which, behind the dress of freedom and democracy, covers a war between gangs, a war between bandits to occupy the main economic positions, to do profits, to control economy, state, judiciary.
AND So nothing new under the sun. The nature of these operations P2 taught us. Operations that were intended to provide the tools for an institutional reform, for a real change of regime in our country, to cancel the Republic born from Resistance and establish a modern fascist dictatorship.
The National Renaissance Gelli Plan: the heirs of this Gelli plan I am in government and not from now, but from the long cycle that has brought From Berlusconi to Meloni.
Now they scream to the plot.
I had The Minister of Defense Crosetto began, to say: "There are some Investigations, they want to hit us with the judiciary ".
Wanted The sky was true! Because, actually, behind the white leaf of the "Virgin from the candid mantle" of Meloni, a worm of corrupt ministers is hidden, linked to business, linked to the parasitism, social and political of this country. Crosetto, who is on the payroll of the war industry and all of his action is based on the interests of the war industry, as a saleswoman of the war industry should actually be investigated and hit for
This figure of his.
AND What about Santanché? What about the filthy slaves of the Government, of the Mastro, the Undersecretary who shoots the policeman ... .. a shit. This shit should be brought to light, it should Going out into the newspapers should be hit by the judiciary. Self This was the purpose of this investigation we are in favor of This investigation. But let's fear that it is not so, that it is still inside the war between bands that use official and unofficial means in the Economic policy dispute and so on.
However We think that all those who are subjects of this investigation, belonging, both to the government area and to the oppositions, are of criminals. And that for this reason their shores are in defense of the crime because, apart from dossier and counter -pounds, the only one attention that the press should have and, consequently, i citizens and the judiciary, is what the things written about it To these characters are true or not! And are quiet: they are true In most cases.
This shows the rotten of a social political system, of the way of Training of governments, ministers of his ruling class. I am The rotten, natural product of the capitalist-imperialist system in its putrescent phase of which Italy is part.
This System must be shot down, this is the point. This system does not reforms, breaks down and does not change, if you don't want the Verminaio of what is written by the newspapers remains unpunished e only a factor of the political struggle between parties and gangs remains between gangs, between businessmen, between masters and masters, etc. etc. work for a different future that breaks down this system.
Abatement of this system cannot take place within whom this system He keeps him standing, he cannot take place inside his institutions, not because there are also no good ones in the institutions people but because the institutions and the logic that forms them, guides them, Plasma is something that serves to preserve this system. TO Also keep when you criticize it to try to save him.
For This is necessary a revolution! A social revolution, politics, moral, cultural that can lead to restore in our country a semblance of civilization, democracy, of equality, of freedom. All this, in the current historical phase, yes he calls political struggle against a modern fascism, police status, regime of governments as business committees, states at the service of strong powers, namely the great industrial, banking capital, etc. etc.
There Fight against this system must be conducted by those who have no interest and does not derive any privilege from this system: and these are the workers and workers who, just to say, are the only ones that "pay the taxes fully", as they say normally, while from the little one to the great trader, from the masters to the banks, they taxes do not pay or pay them a ridiculous measure.
AND So we are always there. Are the exploited, the oppressed, the masses of this country, and among them a lot of good people who are not part exactly of the proletariat of the popular masses, who must rebel.
But The rebellion does not go through the votes. Does not pass through the system, We saw it. When it puts confidence in parties that are said Against the caste, against the system etc. etc. - see the last experience of the 5 Star Movement, of the grillini - you can see the end they do, It is then seen how this populist demagogy leads them to Parliament, in which they then turn into more or less systematic rulers of this system, and indeed, when they are not needed, they leave the pace a Worst people of them as those in government are currently.
So not the parliamentary way and not the vote change things and the way parliamentary or vote are an influential participation factor in public life, in the construction of governments, in operation of the state, in what is absolutely indispensable e necessary in every society.
AND Here that the need for the revolution is born.
There Revolution is not a password of ancient extremists set For communism, already failed in Russia and China. All this is A caricatured version. The revolution is a people who do rebel, guided by the class that produces wealth in this country and therefore can transform this wealth from a source of profit in a source of well -being. This class is the working class, together with all those who in this country perceive income, salaries, necessary to live in different degrees, these are masses. But the masses who vote, the masses that vents their opposition in electoral abstention or in the mass media, in social networks, such as yes he says, they are helpless masses, companions who accompany the ordinary operation of this system that does not deserve to work.
AND So there is a need for a necessary change, of an initial gearbox, build the tools to fight against this system for a real revolution And for a change in progress, because fighting you change.
The acquittal of Siebaba and his five co -defendant comrades is the second in a row, after that of October 2022 with the same, up and down. And then, like now, the reactionary government of the Maharastra State in cooperation with the federal, in New Delhi, had appealed against it, resulting in the fighter remaining in prison in harsh conditions, leading him to confident physical extermination. Already one of the five detainees Pandu Narote died in prison on August 25, 2022.
The announcement of the second acquittal, which is a blatant for the reactionary forces in India, was welcomed by the organizations and solidarity movements in the country and internationally demanding this time the court ruling be respected and the fighter to be released immediately!
Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of an article from the bulletin of the People’s Women’s Movement from Brazil.
During the last election period the situation of the women was one of the most discussed points, but despite all the promises during this period, the life of women of the people has not experienced any change, not in form, not in content, specially its poorest parts, as the inhabitants from the favelas in the cities and of the landless peasants and peasants with little land in the interior.
In this period, the opportunist government of Luiz Inacio and Alckmin, put its “governance” agenda (read: alliance with the same reactionary coalition that is in the government, whatever the government, from Sarney to Bolsonaro) into practice and try to pacify the coup generals and the extreme right, regardless the popular interests. Shy measures considered in the elections, such as taxes on large fortunes or recognition of workers’ rights for care workers, were not implemented. For the poor, on the contrary, the only policy has been the increase in violence in the countryside and in the city.
Another clear fact of crisis and increase of political violence, as evidenced in the recent murders of the Quilombola leader Mãe Bernadete and Pajé Nega in Pataxó, both in the state of Bahia, which is governed by the PT member Jerônimo Rodrigues, which has done nothing to reduce the attacks from the latifundium and the extreme right against public lands and indigenous territories. Even more, he encouraged it by the recent approval of the criminal temporary framwork
[Translator’s note: Marco Temporal]
, associations of big landlords, hoarders and thieves such as the group “Invasion Zero”, have armed and trained actual gunmen armies to promote the reincorporation of illegal possessions of land, to murder leaders and to try to control the struggle for land. Most of these gentlemen make up the social base of Bolsonarism and the extreme right, and openly defend the return of their leader to the government and the outcome of the fascist military coup. As for this, Luiz Inacio and his minister give the budget to his “allies”, Artur Lira and other white collar bandits in Congress, as if such appeasement policy could contain the coup rage that comes mainly from the armed forces and the big landlords.
The recurring episodes of police massacres – as the one which derived from the “Operation Summer” in Santos, which already has resulted in 54 deaths, additionally to the permanent siege of the Cariocas favelas
[Translator’s note:
Rio de Janeiro]
, show a clear reactionary civil war of the ruling classes of big bourgeoisie and big landlords at the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee, against the people. As we have seen, to assemble the police and equip repression at all levels, there is no contingency of expenses or financial limitations. For healthcare and education, the economic cuts and devaluation of professionals and structural degradation are a routine, as revealed in the inability of the State to prevent and offer assistance to workers during the current dengue epidemic. In short, for the rich, everything for the people, nothing!
Public policy promises for women, which were so trumpeted during the electoral farce, were already forgotten. Because they were made by pure makeup, as in the case of the distribution of menstrual absorbents in the “people’s pharmacy program” for which an endless bureaucracy is demanded to verify poverty, an exposure and humiliation that inhibits many women from seeking it. Matters such as the valuation of the minimum wage and the Salary Equalization Law between men and women of the same profession became a dead letter. Most women remain without formal employment and survive how they can in order to feed their children. Among the workers, black women lead the worst unemployment, payment and occupation indices in unprotected employment, without a signed contract and without rights.
The economic crisis, and unemployment and inflation weigh even more on the women. As has been shown by the National Research by Continuous Proves from Homes, carried out by the IBGE
[Translator Note: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics]
in the fourth quarter of 2023, inequality between men and women in the labor market increased. From 20% in the previous quarter, the income difference between men and women increased to 25%. They gain 25% less. Women workers, especially black workers, are the ones who suffer more hunger and unemployment – female unemployment is 55% greater than male unemployment, and 47% of women live in a situation of food insecurity.
This lack economic protection exposes us to other violence. In this way, only in the first four months of 2023, 17,500 sexual violations against children or teenagers were registered, and despite this cruel reality, access to abortion in the current law (in cases of incest, when the mother’s life is in danger and fetal anencephaly) has been increasingly difficult though public health services, forcing women to put their lives at risk to carry out abortion.
Impulse the New Democratic Revolution and the popular protest!
The serious economic, political and military crisis in which the country is immersed, it is not a conjunctional or temporary fact: its roots are in the five centuries of latifundium and domination, first colonial, then imperialist. An economy subjected by latifundium and imperialism, always stagnant and without margin for national development. Ruling classes, lackeys of imperialism, minor partners, who are happy with crumbs. Permanent political crisis, frequent revolutionary situations and recurring military interventions.
Additionally to the unbearable yoke that weighs on us, the people, the women still carry a fourth mountain of exploitation: female oppression. This, is expressed in unpaid domestic work; in the inferior and preconceived form in how women are seen by patriarchal ideology; in the lowest salaries and more degrading work conditions that affect us, in addition to several other spiritual consequences, such as self-underestimation, which ties us to unhappy situations and suffering.
On this 8 th of March, we, the People’s Women’s Movement, call on workers’ women from the countryside and the city to impulse the Agrarian Revolution and Popular Protest, joining the ranks of the New Democratic Revolution in our country. We must, in every part of every corner of this country, take what is ours by right – land, bread, employment, until we have the government of everything, that is, the power. That this memorable date, which is registered in the list of the dates of the international proletariat, once again marks the need to link all these new resistance struggles with the struggle for a New Brazil and a New World, in which the red flag waves sovereign.
Featured image: because they had no recent picture of her police sought with a 30-years-old picture for Daniela; source:demvolkedienen.org
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of an article published on Demolition :
In Berlin, Daniela Klette, who was sought as a member of the Red Army Faction, was arrested by the police. Daniela Klette supposedly belongs to the so-called third generation of the RAF and is said to have been fleeing since its dissolution in 1998 with two other RAF-members.
The public prosecutor announced yesterday that the arrested was Daniela Klette. The 65-year-old has been fleeing since she went underground in the early 1990s. Yesterday she was in an apartment in Berlin Kreuzberg, where she lived under a fake name. The said apartment in Kreuzberg is said to have been rented through a third person. In the apartment, the police allegedly found a foreign pass and ammunition, but without the associated weapon. Daniela’s neighbors describe her as friendly and told the journalists of the bourgeois press that she regularly gave mathematics tutoring to children from the neighborhood.
The German judiciary accuses Daniela for attempted murder and various tried and completed serious robberies. However, it is all about her activities after the RAF dissolved. Together with the other two underground alleged RAF combatants Ernst-Volker Staub and Burkhard Garweg, she is said to have financed her life underground with robberies. Even the RAF has been dissolved, there is still the possibility that Daniela will also be convicted in addition to the robberies, also according to paragraph 129 a, “membership in a terrorist association”. Membership in the RAF is actually time-barred, but the upcoming question is whether the judiciary defines the attacks committed as activities of the RAF or not.
The State has been looking for higher intensity against the three RAF combatants since the beginning of February. Recently there was an TV-episode in the so-called “Aktenzeichen XY … ungelöst” handling quite sensational the so -called “RAF Trio” and appealed to the German subservant and snitching spirit. Apparently with an excessive success, because according to the editors of the show, 250 information from spectators received them. A short time afterwards, a major operation by the police in Wuppertal was also triggered, with an uninvolved old man, threatening and arrested by the special units of the police with assault rifles. Previously, the police had a call from someone who thought recognizing the older passers-by recognized as one of the RAF combatants they were looking for. Ultimately, the crucial indication for Daniela’s arrest was supposedly also given by a snitch. However, some time before the show aired in November 2023. The police did not reveal more information about the given note or the denunciations.
There are currently numerous attacks by the class-justice in the FRG. There are regular demonstration bans and attacks on protests while increasingly larger population groups are demonized and their bourgeois democratic rights are denied. At the same time, there are increased repression against left-wing structures. House searches take place regularly and the rotten German State is increasingly trying to put anti-fascists into jail. In the middle of this situation, the reaction is also increasingly looking for those people who fought the State with the weapon in their hands and have not been found by it since then.
Now after yesterday’s arrest, the German repression authorities are enjoying their success, in the hope of showing strength and intimidating resistance. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced in a message from the Ministry of the Interior: “Nobody should feel safe underground.” Of course, this does not apply to the approximately 600 fascists sought by arrest warrant, which went underground.
Even though Daniela has now been arrested, she managed to avoid the persecution of the repression authorities for over thirty years, together with her companions.
We publish a statement that we have received.
On 5th March 2024, Anti-Terrorism Squad UP raided the home of Allahabad High Court advocate Kripa Shanker Singh and former teacher and now a private typist at Allahabad High Court Binda Sona Singh, after which the two were arrested by the ATS. Kripa Shanker Singh is an eminent lawyer who has been fighting cases related to political prisoners. The case in which they were arrested was registered in 2019 when political activists and intellectuals Manish and Amita Azad were arrested. Many lawyers, eminent academics and political activists were interrogated during the course of that case’s investigation. Similarly in 2010, Manish’s sister, People’s Union for Civil Liberties UP State President Seema Azad and her partner, lawyer Vishwa Vijay were arrested in 2010 under a similar case where the state alleged that they were members of the Maoist party. While the Azads were released on bail, 6 months ago Brijesh (of the Mazdoor Kisan Ekta Manch in Deoria) and a pregnant Prabha Kushwaha (of the Savitri Bai Phule Sangharsh Samiti) were also arrested by UP ATS from their home in Deoria. On 9th December 2023, a day before the world celebrated the Human Rights Day, Prabha underwent a miscarriage due to the lack of medical facilities provided to her by the police in a timely manner, the denial of a bail to her by the Courts on medical grounds even when doctors recommended it due to hers being a high-risk pregnancy, under this very “Maoist links” case. This act expresses how the state essentially killed the Kushwahas’ baby in womb and sidelined the humanitarian ground and justified all acts of oppression on political prisoners. The arrests of the Singhs makes this the third arrest of an activist couple in Uttar Pradesh under the “Maoist links” case
In the last 6 months, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has raided student organizations, homes of farmers union activists, anti-caste activists, authors, intellectuals, lawyers and human rights activists all under this very “Maoist links” case in a harassment campaign, deeming them all as potentially linked to the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist). On the same day, on 5th March 2024, ex-Delhi University educator Dr. G.N. Saibaba, scholar and cultural activist Hem Mishra, journalist Prashant Rahi, Adivasi peasant activists Mahesh Tirki, Vijay Tirki and the institutionally murdered activist Pandu Narote were acquitted for a second time by the Bombay High Court after a decade of false incarceration. During the same case, people’s activist Pandu Narote was killed at the hands of the state in prison after wilfully choosing to not move him to the ICU ward after he suffered from swine flu, to which he succumbed at the young age of 33. In the acquittal order of this case, the High Court bench reiterated the position that not only is upholding the Maoist ideology/philosophy not a crime or evidence of membership of the CPI (Maoist), having access to documents related to the philosophy of “Marxism-Leninism-Maoism” or documents of CPI (Maoist) on them, electronically or otherwise, is also not a crime and not evidence of membership of the Maoist party since they are so readily available on the internet. Yet, in the Uttar Pradesh Maoist links case in which Kripa Shanker Singh and Binda Sona Singh have been arrested on the very same day as this judgement, the NIA and ATS’ charges are based entirely on the extraction of data from the electronic devices held by these activists that have been seized and the investigation conducted by the Forensic Science Laboratory which have allegedly found Maoist documents on their devices. The government has failed to concretely provide any details on what exactly these documents include. The NIA, ED and ATS in Uttar Pradesh have become the swords with which the Yogi Adityanath-led BJP government unleash the brunt of Brahmanical Hindutva fascism on all democratic rights, anti-caste, women’s rights, civil liberties, anti-displacement, anti-communal, anti-fascist activists to silence all forms of political dissent, unleashing a spate of Red Scare tactics upon such activists by branding them all with varying shades of “urban Naxals.”
This has also been the general trend all across India since the advent of Brahmanical Hindutva fascism after the victory of the BJP in 2014, particularly intensifying after the arrests conducted in the Bhima Koregaon conspiracy case. The state is trying to establish the narrative and lay the founding stones for multiple such Bhima Koregaon-like conspiracy cases across India, putting forth the idea that very existence of political democratic dissent is equitable with Naxalism. After all, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself stated in the 2022 Surajkund Chintan Shivir that “every form of Naxalism, be it of the pen or the gun, must be uprooted.” In this distorted narrative of brahmanical Hindutva fascism then, a lawyer fighting the cases of political prisoners, for democratic rights of people, like Kripa Shanker Singh, becomes a Maoist.
CASR strongly condemns the arrest Allahabad High Court advocate Kripa Shanker Singh and and former teacher Binda Sona Singh for their contributions in fighting against the incarceration of activists and the release of political prisoners.
CASR demands the immediate release of Kripa Shanker Singh and Binda Sona Singh.
We demand an immediate end to the witch hunting campaign of the NIA, ATS and the Yogi Adityanath-led Uttar Pradesh government against all democratic activists under the name of “Maoist links” case.
Constituents: AIRSO, AISA, AISF, APCR, BASF, BSM, BHIM Army, BSCEM, CEM, CRPP, CTF, DISSC, DSU, DTF, Forum Against Reportionation Telangana, FRATERNITY, Iapl, InnOCENCE NETWORKA, KARNATAKA JANASHAKA JANASHAKA Resident Lawyers Association, Mazdoor Adhikar Sangathan, Mazdoor Patrika, NAPM, Nishant Natya Manch, Nowruz, NTUI, People's Watch, Rihai Manch, Samajwadi Janparishad, Smajwadi Lok Manch, Bahujan Samjavadi Manch, Sfi, Sfi, Sfi, Sfi, Sfi, Sfi, Sfi Peace Alliance, WSS, Y4S
We share an overview of actions and statements that we have seen for the 8 th March this year.
Regarding Turkey we have already shared a statement by the New Democratic Women (YDK) as well as activities carried out by them in Istanbul. We have also shared a statement by the Purple-Red collective. YDK has also published a poster and put up dazibaos mobilizing for the 8 th of March in Izmir.
In Brazil, the People’s Woman’s Movement (MFP) have published a Bulletin for the 8 th of March. We have recently published an article by the MFP on the victory of the Red Army in the battle of Stalingrad, with a particular focus on the heroic struggle of women.
In Lyon, France, the People’s Women’s Committee has called for a meeting on the 7 th of March.
In the Spanish State, the newspaper Servir al Pueblo has published an editorial, which we have already translated to English, on how the State and imperialism sustain patriarchal violence.
Servier Al Pueblo Has also published in Translation into Spanish of A document by the MFP of Brazil, on the life and work of Aurora Picornell.
Also a graffiti has been made in Albacete , with the slogan “Long Live the Palestinian woman with a rifle in the hand!”
In Austria, red flag Has called for demonstrations on the 8 th of March in the cities of Wien, Linz and Innsbruck. We have previously published a translation of an article by Rote Fahne on the struggle for the oldest self-managed autonomous women’s center in Europe
From Germany we have published a translation of a call for the 8 th of March by the Red Women’s Committees .
Several events have also been called for in different cities in Germany. Earlier this month there has been presentations in Bremen , Cologne and Bochum . On the 7 th of March there will be an event by the Red Women’s Committee in Hamburg. On the 8 th of March the Red Women’s Committee has called for demonstrations in Leipzig , Bremerhaven , Essen and Cologne . There has also been reports of mobilization for the events:
In Italy, The News Site for popular democracy Has Published a flyer for an internationalist 8 th of March against fascism and imperialism.
We have previously reported on actions for the 8th of March in Denmark, Norway and Finland. There are now reports of more actions in the Nordic countries.
In Copenhagen, Denmark, On the poster with the slogans “Out on the streets March 8!”, “Against imperialism and patriarchy!” and “For a red class line in the women’s movement!” have been put up in proletarian neighborhoods.
In Norway, Kampkomiteen has published a call for the 8 th of March, with events and demonstrations in the cities off Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Kristiansand. There are also several reports of posters being put up in the Region of Trøndelag . The posters mobilizing for the 8 th of March were put up in the regional capital, Trondheim , as well as several other places. You can read more reports here and here .
In Finland, the news site Punalippu has shared calls for demonstrations in Helsinki and Tampere . The news site has also published a poster mobilizing for the 8 th of March, which has been put up in Tampere.
Featured image: Saibaba.
On Tuesday the High Court of Bombay acquitted G.N. Saibaba and another five accused of being linked with the Maoists, a case fabricated by the old State that sought to criminalize him for his activity in defense of democratic rights, labeling him as Maoist. The own justice of the old Indian State had admitted this, since they were not able to prove his involvement in anything that he was accused of. The other five acquitted were Mahesh Tirki, Pandu Pora Narote, Hem Keshwdatta Mishra, Prashant Rahi, Vijay. Nan Tirki. Narote died in prison in August of 2022.
It is not the first time that a lower court decided the acquittal and therefore the release of G.N. Saibaba: the most notorious case was when in 2022 it was decided to release him by a Maharashtra court, but later the Supreme Court of the Indian State said that G.N. Saibaba was a threat to national security and decided that he should remain in prison.
Regarding the health of Professor Saibaba and the inhumane treatment by the old Indian State, there were questions even by the United Nations. These questions were not answered. We already reported on his numerous health issues that were worsening because of his incarceration: “ After he suffered from polio and problems with his spine in his youth, he was left in a wheelchair. He has several other health problems that are worsening as a result of the terrible conditions of his detention and lack of needed medical assistance. ”
Precisely for this reason, activists and organizations for democratic rights denounced that this acquittal arrives very late, and that now no one can give him back his freedom and his lost health condition, and also they have denounced that many other Muslim, Dalit and Adivasi activists are still imprisioned under the UAPA (Unlawful Activity Prevention Act) and they must be released. They have also denounced that this is not something exclusive to the BJP government, but that successive Indian governments have repressed the Indian people in this way.
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On October 11, 12 and 13, Jujuy will be the host of the 37th Plurinational Meeting of Women and Dissidencies, after having been unanimously chosen as headquarters during the previous edition held in Bariloche. The Organizing Commission that was formed in December 2023, already held four plenary meetings, in which it was agreed that the meeting will take place on the aforementioned dates and will be the third time in the history that our province is in charge of the organization of this event.
This meeting, recognized for its inclusive and plural character, aims to address various problems that affect women and dissidents in today's society, seeking the articulation of strategies to build a more equal future for all. More than 100,000 women and dissidents are expected to participate in the province.
It is important to note that at this time, the organizing commission of the 37th Plurinational Meeting of Women and Dissidencies is making the efforts to maintain a hearing with the governor of the province, Carlos Sadir, to present in detail the magnitude of the event and before this, the Importance of being accompanied from state institutions so that we receive in our province a large contingent of women and dissidents, which will self -revoke from different parts of the country.
The plurinational meeting of women and dissidents not only represents a unique opportunity to make visible the demands and needs of the sector, but also contributes to the strengthening of the network of organizations and groups that work tirelessly for gender equality.
Jujuy's choice as headquarters value the history of a local women's movement and dissidents that star Province has been giving the political fight for better working and salary conditions, for the defense of our natural resources, for the right to manifest and have a decent life.
It is important to note that in the last meeting, held in Bariloche, more than 350 workshops with 70 different themes, such as gender violence, political participation, women and dissidents of the original peoples, habitat and territory, health, health violence, obstetric violence, obstetric violence, obstetric violence, obstetric violence, obstetric , transfemicides, ecofeminism, sexual and reproductive rights, women, dissidents and sports, femicides, childhoods, among many others.
We prepare to strengthen the traveled path and perform in Jujuy in this 2024 In our conquered rights, exacerbating inequalities and gender oppressions. Given this, this 37th encounter aims to strengthen the feminist and dissident movement throughout the country.
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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This date has a great meaning for all, in the first place, because it is a day of struggle and because this March 8 is not another day.
Today more than ever we continue to raise the flags of the Socialist Congress of Women of 1910, in Denmark, where Clara Zetkin proposed the commemoration of an International Working Women's Day.
This March 8 will find us together in the streets, in the squares, denouncing the alarming and distressing situation we are going through, which we face from each place.
It will be a day of struggle, massive, combative and federal.
Throughout the country we have been organizing for a month, for this March 8, in assemblies, with our participation in multisectoral, in our neighborhoods, in our workplaces. And we have been organizing it from least to greatest, promoting, at this specific moment, the widest unit, because the situation merits it.
It is not time to divide with other forces, even if we have differences, it is time to face, as we have been doing from each place and from the first moment in which this policy was applied that carry out Milei, Villarruel and Bullrich of Hunger, of delivery of delivery of Our sovereignty and our wealth, and repression. We have been doing an important tour, fighting the unity of the entire women's and feminist movement of our country. There was a significant amount of meetings throughout the country to capture the unit and one of the main points of agreement is how to face hunger, poverty, adjustment and inflation that are discharged with fury over our people.
We are part of our people, who has been fighting against the brutal adjustment of the redational and fascist government of Milei, with massive strikes, such as the 24/1 where we made the Busian law backward, with struggles that travel our country: workers, peasants, of Women and youth, from natives, of culture and science workers and other popular sectors.
This March 8 we have a lot to say, to claim, to continue fighting:
Women and dissidents have lower employment and more precarious rate; with income and salaries that are three times less than those of men. Salaries, pensions and retirements border the indigence line. Thousands were thrown into poverty in these last two months.
The first violence we receive women and dissidents is poverty. The prices of the family basket reached a 200%increase, and we cannot meet the basic needs. Many families today eat once a day. Millions of women are heads of family, they are alone and see how the economy collapses; Nothing reaches. Danger that the boys can start classes: school supplies suffered a rise of more than 200%.
There is no food delivery in the dining rooms, so they cannot even go looking for a plate of food. Many children stopped consuming milk, meat and bread. The 10 kg carafe in many neighborhoods costs $ 15,000.
In addition, the housing situation for millions was aggravated, affected by the repeal of the rental law. Contracts can be negotiated in any period and currency, under any price and update, completely forsaken the tenants.
The health situation is alarming: increases in prepaid medicine, although 90% do not have it. 80% of the financing of the public system is in charge of the provinces and municipalities (65% and 15% respectively) therefore the effect of the restriction of co -participible resources is devastating. In addition, the Ministry of Health of the Nation stated that the budget is frozen. This affects vaccination, reproductive health, AIDS, tuberculosis, oncological and others. Pharmaceuticals such as Roemmers and Bagó fill their pockets with released prices.
Another of the issues that will be on this day is the growth of violence against women. In January of this 2024 there were 30 femicides.
There will also be the claim on what this government intends, such as the repeal of Law IVE, approved in 2020 as well as the prohibition of inclusive language in public administration and other places.
Of course there are thousands of more claims, which will be visible on this day. In this situation our program is fully valid:
*Equal salary for equal work. I work for all. Enough of inflation and adjustment.
*No to the IMF.
*Salaries, retirements and pensions that allow the family basket to be achieved.
*Emergency in violence against women, salaries for promoters in violence prevention. Enough of femicides.
*Maternal-patchring gardens in each workplace and study.
*School Kits for school age.
Food supply to dining rooms and snacks throughout the country.
*Earth, roof and work for all.
*Down the DNU 70 and the repressive protocol.
María Rosario writes
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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Around this issue of the 30th anniversary of the coup d'etat, a deep political and ideological debate is being displayed. As Juan B. Alberdi said, the false story is the basis of the false policy. And since there is no so -called "objectivity", because this is nothing more than an extreme form of subjectivity, each social class focuses history from its particular point of view. Now, then, there is a great debate around three main axes.
The first is the one that considers the coup as a simple continuity of the government of Isabel Perón. Just as the PC, in the 1930s, said in a first analysis that Uriburu's coup came nothing more than to deepen Yrigoyen's "fascist" policy, it is now said that the blow of March 24 came to deepen the "fascist" policy of the Peronist government. Thus, victims and perpetrators are matched.
The second is that great struggles are denied during the years of the dictatorship. It seems that in those years in Argentina nothing happened. But those struggles are the ones that explain why, while the Pinochet dictatorship lasted 17 years, and until recently it was a lifetime senator, and the dictatorship of Brazil lasted more than 20 years -since the '64 until the '85 -, the dictatorship Argentina fell at age 7 and a half, and after the fifth year it was staggering. What caused that collapse of the Violvidelista dictatorship, which like many others in Argentina had come to settle for a long time? ...
This dictatorship had to leave because there was a town that fought; Starting with the mothers of Plaza de Mayo, the mothers of the disappeared, with their rounds of every week.
And the third fact that refuses, or hides, is the international framework in which the coup d'etat occurred. And so it is absolutely inexplicable what happened in Argentina. It is hidden that there was a fierce dispute over world hegemony between two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union.
It was not today's world: the Yankees had just been defeated in Vietnam. The Russians occupied Danang's base, which the Yankees had there; They set foot in the Yemen; in the Red Sea-because they controlled Ethiopia; With the fall of the Portuguese Empire they set foot in Mozambique; Also on the western banks of the Atlantic, in Angola. And because of the strong infiltration they had set foot in Central America, in Nicaragua; They were also advancing in the guerrilla struggle that Shafik Handal directed in El Salvador.
The Yankees were in decline; They were going to be until the beginning of the '80s. But they had advanced in South America: they had given the blow of Brazil; September's blow of ’73 in Chile; The blow in Uruguay; The blow in Bolivia; They controlled Paraguay; They had managed the Velazco Alvarado government in Peru.
And then Argentina had become the dispute center, due to a fundamental strategic objective: the control of the South Atlantic. Which would lead to the two great conflicts that to some extent were going to determine the end of the dictatorship: one for the Beagle with Chile, where the attempt of the violo -videlist dictatorship of bringing to a fratricidal war to our people failed; and the Malvinas war, where the control of the South Atlantic was also at stake. It is impossible to understand the Falklands War without this element. Because a Third World country will control Malvinas, Georgias and South Sandwich, and with that The events that determined the imposition of the dictatorship in 1976.
Here we have many young people; Possibly many of you were born after 3/24/76, or were very small. I observe sometimes the naturalness with which they are late for appointments. It is possible that, after so many years of constitutional democracy-that of my generation we never knew such a prolonged period of constitutional democracy, we are of a generation in which sometimes arriving 5 minutes late to an appointment involved the life of a partner-it is, it is You can think of young people that we live will never happen again. That is now a holiday, that some are going to say: "Che, we are going to eat a roast on 24, which is a holiday." They may consider that this will never happen again.
But in Argentina, since 1930, we never met a relatively prolonged period of citizen freedoms. In Argentina there was a "calesite": coup and backlash, blow and backlash; and in the periods of civil governments the state of siege; Even the Frondizi government was entering Law 4.144 on expulsion of foreigners; They governed anti -communist repressive laws ... civil governments, even the Government of Perón, ruled with a state of siege. However, it is possible that it is thought that 1976 cannot be repeated again.
But the cause of this institutional instability is the structure of Argentina. The fact that this is a country played by imperialist powers: English and French; English and German, Italian, Yankees later, Yankees and Russians ... and now there is a new “figurine”, the Chinese, who are building their port in Timbúes (Rosario), who want to keep the Belgrano Railroad, which by just 6 Millions and a half dollars stayed with the Sierra Grande mine in Río Negro. All these imperialisms fight for domain: they buy factories, buy land, buy generals, ministers, judges, legislators. And that is one of the fundamental causes of instability.
Now some say that the landowner oligarchy does not exist anymore. And they say it at this time of Jauja of the landowner oligarchy, because they never had the situation they have now: oral contracts, with a period of one year or a harvest, to pay in cash and in advance before entering the field ... and They say that the landowner oligarchy does not exist anymore. How does it do not exist anymore? If the same surnames are! ...
How many thousands of hectares do miguens have, always? And perhaps the south, in addition to the Benetton, does not continue to be in the hands of the Menéndez Behety and the Braun Menéndez? ...
Do you think that in the province of Jujuy there may be a governor who governs without consulting each important act with the Blaquier, who have 260,000 hectares and are the owners of the province?
So is there or does not exist the landowner oligarchy?
And there is the interimperialist dispute. Therefore, companions, especially young people, do not believe that "never again." As long as that exists, when necessary for the ruling classes and cannot govern in another way, there will be coup and counterattacks of state.
There are also the judges, the prosecutors ... This Strassera, who defended Ibarra, isn't it the same prosecutor who gave the order to pave the CELS? Isn't it the same prosecutor as when, at the end of the dictatorship, we were made judgment and gave us a arrest warrant, he was working with the judge of the Nicasio Dibur dictatorship?
And how many are there of those, companions? The other day, Eduardo Schiaffino, head of the aeronautics, made an act of formal "repentance", and read a statement where aeronautics, who had not yet done so, makes "self -criticism" of his position in the dictatorship. He "forgot" to say the word "repudiate": he said it was a reading problem ... Eduardo Schiaffino was one of those who collaborated in the attempted Capellini's coup in December 1975. He is a pichon of fascist who recited the books from Bruno Genta when he was young; And that in December 1976, when Mao Tsetung died, he made a toast for that death. And you believe that this Schiaffino is “repentant” of having participated in the coup of ’76? What do we have a "democratic" figure leading the Argentine aeronautics?
It would be a tremendous mistake to believe that. Do not believe that March 24 is just the memory of a tragic day that will never be repeated again. We have to know her well precisely because it can be repeated again.
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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On March 8, 2012, in the city of Rosario, Comrade Miguel Rubinich, founder of the PCR and a member of his central committee, at the age of 77, after a long illness against which he fought with the same fortitude with the fought by revolution and communism.
Miguel was an invaluable partner in the construction and unity of our beloved PCR and JCR, and in the tasks that we raise in pursuit of the tasks that the proletariat needs for the National and Social Liberation Revolution.
Rubinich was a one -piece partner. Sincere in their ideas and actions. Solidary. Communist in all sense of the word. He never boasted of his tasks within the party, on the contrary: his humility marked his desire to learn from each partner.
He was an indispensable partner in Santa Fe, in the understanding of the history of our regional because he was a humble connoisseur of workers and peasant tasks in the province. His experience was reflected in the book Notes on the history of the Santa Fe regional of the PCR.
Years later, his contribution at the head of the National Education Commission was fundamental for a set of affiliates-for which he was “the teacher” Marelli-, he would advance in Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and in the line of our PCR.
Dear Miguel Rubinich, until victory always!
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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The Galician, as we all said and he claimed, since he was born at Cameixa, Carballino, in 1929, went through several tasks in his 50 years of militancy in our PCR, which he contributed to enlarge with his effort militant.
Campos Janeiro was part of the thousands who broke with the PC revisionist direction and founded the PCR, integrating their provisional address.
Responsible for a working area of Greater Buenos Aires in the first years of the party, then a member of the Trade Union Commission, and in recent times working in the area of political relations, he always knew how to win the respect and affection of comrades and allies. From his youth, he came to Argentina at age 17, participated in workers' struggles and in that way he became communist.
Among many other activities, he was the founder and first secretary of the External Debt forum, and had an active participation in the Federation of Galician Societies, an institution that keeps the ideology of the Spanish Republic alive.
As Jacinto Roldán, today general secretary of the PCR, said in the name of the Central Committee, in his farewell: “With his friendly but firm character, he carried out a network of framework with friendly forces convinced of the need to build a popular and national front such as Instrument of the struggle for the liberation of our beloved homeland. Our martyrs, our dead are our flag. We are not going to betray it and we will continue fighting for keeping it high until the final triumph. ”
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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"Women carry half of the sky on their backs and must conquer it," said Mao. During the revolution in China, millions of women mobilized led by the PCCH. His participation in the war against Japanese invasion crushed the reactionary idea that women "only serve domestic work."
The Agrarian Reform, where millions of women participated actively, demolished the patriarchal-feudal system. The peasants conquered personal property titles on the earth and ceased to be the "wife of ...". The Agrarian Reform: "The Earth for those who work it!" He did more for them than millions of speeches about their right to equality. With the New Democracy Revolution, the women - liberated from the old family structure - became at the forefront of revolutionary transformations.
During the great proletarian cultural revolution more than 300 million women mobilized against revisionism, in defense of the communist path. Collective domestic work workshops, collective dining rooms were created, pointing out society to be responsible for children and that they were not "property" of the family or the State; in the perspective of ending the private character of the family and domestic tasks, freeing the woman from home exclusivism.
The book "Half of the sky" by Claudine Broyelle (edited by Agora), gives us bright examples of the enormous advances of the proletarian female movement in the Chinese revolution, mainly during the great proletarian cultural revolution.
“The problem does not consist of knowing how quickly march, but where to march. The problem does not consist of knowing whether or not the workers are prepared, but how and why they should prepare. ” V. I. Lenin.
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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With our rights not. From the feminist articulation of Paraguay we summon the eighth 8m march of the International Day of Working Women. We are working women in the countryside and the city, who belong to organizations and self -consisting, unite the fight against the violence and inequalities suffered by women women every day in a macho and patriarchal country.
A year ago we warned, unfortunately and this begins to be fulfilled: cartism is a political sector that today is in power and constantly seeks to strip us of our historical conquests and make us go back in rights achieved with a lot of struggle, nobody ever gave us anything.
But women together and organized, as we have done for 7 years, we will combine this 8m 2024 in one voice, all adding efforts, supporting and reaffirming that if they touch one, we all react.
Know that far from dismantling or discouraging ourselves in our struggles, we are increasingly united and strong to defend what is conquered with so much effort.
This year we have decided to launch the 8mpy 2024 march in front of Congress, and obviously it is not a coincidence, we consider that here are the main henchmen of nefarious economic political power, which in a accelerated and authoritarian way violate our lives and the life of the population Paraguaya in general.
We strongly repudiate overwhelming and political violence committed against a senator, stripping her of her investiture arbitrarily and unconstitutional, hitting democracy. We denounce that in recent months the political companions have suffered the resurgence of violence and political persecution, threatening the right to political participation in the same way as men. We demand that legislators and policies be respected and that public policies are generated that promote greater participation of women.
We also repudiate the machismo and the violent plan of the Colorado Chartist movement, today in its second period of government, which promotes the repeal of Law 5777 on the integral protection of women against all kinds of violence. We warn you that we will not let this happen, that we will resist putting our body and mind even definitely stop this nefat intention to leave us without protection.
Women denounce precariousness and inequality, we gain 12.7% less equal work as a man, we also suffer harassment in our places and in the buses on my way to work. To this is added that only 60% of women have paid employment in Paraguay. In addition, we dedicate 27 hours per week to domestic and care tasks, which fall mostly in us, a job often invisible, and that hinders our leading participation in the different areas of society.
We demand that the right of women be fulfilled to plan their lives, to be able to decide how many, when and with whom he wants to have children or if he does not want to have them, because many women go through violence by health personnel, who, based on misinformation And prejudices, they deny access to contraceptive methods such as copper T or tubal ligation, even when free access to them is a right.
Sadly yesterday he took a public status a new case of a 10 -year -old girl victim of abuse who became pregnant and forced by this state that denies rights to become such a small mother. We repeat are non -mothers girls, enough to force a girl!
Today we are here to warn all macho, the negligent and accomplices authorities and precarizer entrepreneurs, who threaten our labor, political, social and economic rights that next Friday, March 8, the working women and diverse women, we will go out to the streets to the streets to the streets Demand a dignified life, with equal opportunities and without discrimination. Because our work is worth!
We invite all people, especially women who join this march where once again we will go out for our labor rights and against all kinds of violence.
We are next Friday 8m at 5:00 p.m. In the Uruguayan square and march at 6:30 p.m. to the Plaza de la Democracia.
With our rights not!
For our rights and against all violence!
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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In the early hours of Thursday, February 29, more than a thousand Palestinians rowed waiting for a ration of flour to alleviate the absolute famine they suffer. The Israeli occupation army began shooting Mansalva, killing more than 110 Palestinian citizens, and leaving more than 750 injured. Israel states that the people who lined up were "a threat to the state of Israel."
Israel not only murders the Palestinian people with their weapons. He also does it from the blockade of humanitarian aid of all kinds. Without any shame, the Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, asked to stop the entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip since, he says, "endangers" the life of Israeli soldiers. He wrote in X (former Twiter) "This is another clear reason why we must stop transferring this help, which is actually help that harms the soldiers and gives Hamas to Hamas." The Israeli invading army washed his hands and said "only" killed 10 people, and the rest died crushed by the trucks that arrived to distribute food.
As of March 1, the Israeli army killed more than 30,200 people, 12,650 of them children, and caused more than 71,400 injured. In addition, it makes the lives of those who still resist defending their original land. The World Health Organization recognizes more than 700 thousand Palestinians with diseases and infections, without the possibility of medical treatment, and excessive growth in cancer cases. Israel kills more than 200 Palestinians every day, most women and children.
More than two million Palestinians had to leave their homes and emigrate. Israel advances occupying territories in the Gaza Strip, a plan that had been carrying out with the construction of illegal settlements already in the West Bank (usually with orthodox Jews of the extreme right).
Israel cut the supply of light and drinking water from the beginning of the aggressions 5 months ago. The Ministry of Health of Gaza confirmed that in the last two days six children died for malnutrition and dehydration in the north of the strip.
The world does not remain still, and the imperialist powers position themselves about the killing of the Palestinians waiting for food.
Egypt and Jordan sentenced Israel's "inhuman" attack on Thursday in Gaza. The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that “the attack against peaceful citizens who ran to achieve their part of humanitarian aid is a shameful crime, a flagrant violation of the provisions of international law and a contempt for the value of the human being ”
The UN condemned the fact, although the Security Committee was not issued, where Yankees have veto power. China asked for a "high fire" and guarantee the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Among the Arab countries, Qatar and Egypt press for an urgent truce.
Yankees continue with their hypocrisy. While President Joe Biden said that this Israel attack complicates an agreement for peace, they say they cannot "specify" the amount of dead or the way those deaths occurred. And in a manifestation of the "Jewish voice for peace", when Biden presented himself in a television show, the arrest of 50 protesters occurred. Among them was Hunter Schafer, recognized actress of "Euphoria" and "The Hunger Games."
In the Latin American field, presidents met at the VIII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and agreed to seek a broader peace conference. The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, summoned progressive governments to meet at the summit held in San Vicente and the Grenadines, to bring peace to the Palestinian people. The presidents of Cuba, Honduras, Bolivia, Venezuela, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Belize and Barbados were present. Although in that specific meeting of the summit was the president of Brazil Lula da Silva, his position is known against the Israeli invasion and massacre to the Palestinian people. Lula was present at the Celac Summit. Argentina, with the government of the reactionary of Milei, which supports Israeli genocide, was not present.
In Israel the opposition to the Netanyahu government grows by the management of the invasion and massacre in Palestine, without privileging the recovery of the Israeli hostages. The possibility of going to advanced elections is being evaluated. Faced with this, Netanyahu affirms that early elections "would mean losing the war."
From the PCR-PTP we support solidarity with the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people in front of the Israeli occupation army. We demand the withdrawal of all the occupation forces of the Palestinian territories, and we defend the right of Palestine to its self -determination.
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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Several days ago, the decision of the Milei government to paradinate the Fisu is published in various media, what is the Fisu? It is the Urban Socio Integration Fund, created in 2019 and has as its main objective the financing of projects developed by the SISU (Secretariat of Socio -Urban Integration) for the 6,467 popular neighborhoods already registered in the Renabap, where 6,188,975 people live (6,188,975 people inhabit ( almost 14% of the country's total population).
Financed with 9% of the country tax (with a very important impact of 15% of the contribution to the great fortunes achieved in 2021), these funds greatly exceeded the possibilities of those usually destined by the Ministry of Social Development on which the SISU depended.
Until now, according to the words of the new director of the Sisu Sebastián Pareja, an average of 2 million dollars has been raised. That is, more than 700 million dollars annually, 700 billion pesos. Therefore, management of the Secretariat was able to influence a very important extent in national public works during the 2020-2023 period.
The decision of the new government modifies the distribution of the funds currently the FISU of the country tax, reducing those destined to popular urbanization only 1%!
94% transfer it to a diffuse item conveniently called "economic infrastructure." 5% to "tourism." Continuing with the annual projection, it would be 658 billion for which economics, 35 billion for “tourism” and only 7 billion pesos for the works really destined for popular neighborhoods.
This occurs when the ex-sisu passed, along with the rest of the structure of the former Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat to depend directly on the Ministry of Economy commanded by Caputo.
The executed works were fundamentally through municipalities, of various provincial directorates and in 25% by cooperatives of social organizations, which allowed to generate the closest to genuine work to a large number of the classmates and companions of those of those same neighborhoods.
In 2016 it was possible to build a national instrument that allowed identifying the so -called popular neighborhoods, spaces that gather at least eight homes, with insecurity in land tenure and without at least two basic services.
This survey was systematized, in order to build a diagnosis on the situation of access to basic services, urban equipment and conditions of the housing of the popular sectors throughout the country.
The impact on the life of 14% of the people who live in our country is not difficult to imagine, and the federal distribution of popular neighborhoods accounts for a national problem of access to housing and the city.
More than half of the neighborhoods do not have safe water for consumption or safe electricity and other paths or pavement.
The policies of the Secretariat of Socio-urban Integration are part of that process that has achieved, with the prominence of the National Table of Popular Barrios, to build the necessary consensus to advance in a sustained policy destined for the more than 6 million inhabitants of Popular neighbourhoods.
Among the contributions of the SISU policy we highlight: its massive scope, federalism in the distribution of works. The participation of neighborhood and local tables. The generation of work in Cooperativa and companies with the inhabitants of the neighborhoods. Access to basic infrastructure. The improvement of housing focused on the situation of women in popular neighborhoods. The recognition of professional workers who historically developed in the popular habitat.
About 200 professionals from different disciplines associated with habitat (the vast majority young between 25 and 35 years old) have been direct participants in the early works and other modalities of the program during 2020-2023, as technical managers or inspectors. From the project and monitoring areas of the Secretariat.
They and they have witnessed, since their professional responsibility with the territories, of the crucial importance that the realization of thousands and thousands of square meters of sidewalks have had to "leave the mud" and reach school.
Of intra-tanks and pressurization installations to reach the drinking water where it only dripped a few hours of the day.
Of electrical to new facilities to limit repeated fires with loss of goods and lives.
And the facilities of community centers and sports beach for recreation, sports and socialization of young people.
Without 1,300 works carried out in three years in the thousands of popular neighborhoods, throughout the country, with enormous participation and prominence of various social organizations.
It had never been reached so much in the field of the struggle for popular habitat.
The main condition that has allowed us to reach this historic achievement, has been the long struggle of great sectors of our people for decades and decades for the worthy habitat.
With the resistance to the forced eradication of settlements developed by the military dictatorships of the 60s and 70s, exemplified with Villa 31 de Retiro.
With the occupations of the 70s -as the historic struggle of the residents of the complex 17 in Tablada, La Matanza. The congresses on the Chagas and the Housing in Villa del Soto, Córdoba of settlers, architects and doctors together with students of the Total Workshop of Córdoba.
With the innumerable land shots, and in several cases, popular urbanizations that then conquered the expropriation of them - in neighborhoods such as María Elena in Laferrere, Matanza, or in the town of Abasto in La Plata.
The effort of residents, villeros movements, social organizations, of the Church and union, of professionals and intellectuals; that we have fought, discussed, learned and projected together various strategies to improve- and change- the unfair conditions of access to the city and the territory.
In this persevering spiral of struggles, in the recent period the creation of the National Registry of Popular Neighborhoods (Renabap) is achieved, based on the work of social organizations in 2016; The sanction of Law 27,453 of Urbanization of Popular Neighborhoods in 2018, and Fisu financing in 2019.
Given the recent measures of the dental, the struggles initiated two months ago in the SISU are enhanced for the 153 dismissals, the uncertainty of the continuity of the rest of the workers.
Assemblies, by sectors and generals, coordination with the unions- ATE and UPCN- and the mobilizations of a large number of companions to court, on the 24/1, to the Ministry of Housing and the organized participation of many and many and many On 2/29 to economy, accompanying the call for state sectors in Unit with the Board of Popular Neighborhoods.
We appreciate the collaboration of classmates, colleagues, friends and friends for the production of this note.
During the previous management from the Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat, the procrear was relaunched. A program with different lines for access to housing for the middle and low medium classes.
It was understood by different lines: credit for the purchase of housing in urban developments. Credit for construction on its own lot. Credit for the purchase of lots with services. Credit for refaction.
The urban development line consists of urban interventions of different scales in cities throughout the country, in total there are 74 developments that were in execution as of December 10, 2023 with different degrees of progress. These 74 developments total a total of almost 17,000 homes distributed throughout the country with a federal criterion. These homes were going to be overcome among the people who register, with different segments of subsidy to the value with the family income, the higher income less subsidy, the minimum requirement of 2 minimum vital and mobile salaries (SMVM) being.
This caused this modality to be the only option to access a home for the middle and a half low class sectors.
As of December 10, 2023, what was the Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat became the Ministry of Territorial Development, Housing and Habitat being the only appointed official Héctor Lostri, without organizational structure or designated officials, the Secretariat is paralyzed.
From that moment on, certificates owed to companies were stopped and no instruction is given to continue the works, which leads companies to reduce personnel to a minimum, leaving one or two security people completely and completely paralyzed the tasks.
It is estimated that by the paralysis of these 17,000 homes, 25,000 direct jobs and many other indirect jobs have been lost, in addition to the impact it produces in the small shops in the neighborhood the stoppage of these works. Let's think that a work of 300 homes could have more than 300 operators working, positively impacting the small local neighborhood shops.
The recent news of the temporary closure of Acindar dimensions as far as the tremendous consequences that anarchococapitalist policy in all areas related to the construction industry (the so -called "mother of industries" are rapidly causing, due to the multiplier effects it has) .
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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President Milei in the opening of legislative sessions, in a staging never seen, without concrete words for the serious situation that his policy of adjustment, hunger and national delivery pushes in our homeland, among several threats announced the closure of the state news agency , Télam.
On Monday 4, the Télam building appeared fenced and with a large deployment of the Federal Police that prevented access to the 700 “licensed” employees for a week, with salary enjoyment. They also lowered the website.
The workers, the Sipreba, the three union plants and a set of social and political organizations, including the PTP-PCR and the CCC, starred in a hug to Télam on Monday at noon.
Milei's alleged attack on the caste is against the people, and he conceals that in 80 days he sank millions of Argentines in poverty and hunger and that this plan does not close without repression and without covering, misinforming and hiding this brutal discharge of the crisis about the people.
In Télam, thanks to its workers, there was no danger that the famous “they do not see it” of this Proper Oligarchic and Pro Imperialist, which did not even appoint Malvinas in his speech of the past March 1.
For this reason, the Revolutionary Communist Party and the Labor and the People party in Union for the Homeland, call to surround and defend Télam, the National News Agency of all Argentines. And also to national radio and public television, which this government intends to privatize.
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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On Monday, March 4, the National Peasant Federation together with different organizations of small producers, family agriculture, cooperatives of regional economies, workers and workers of family agriculture called for a national day of struggle, with vegetables, mobilizations, acts in the offices of the National Institute of Family, Peasant and Indigenous Agriculture (INAFCI) and a concentration in the doors of the Ministry of Agriculture in the City of Buenos Aires.
As the FNC raises in its call: “This occurs within the framework of a huge aggravation of the social, economic and productive conditions that the sector of the economic policy applied by the Milei government applies. The situation was serious to December 10, but in recent months with the devaluation, increase in inputs, fuels, rates and leases, the low prices of our production, among others lead to ruin and disappearance to thousands and thousands of small producers . Seriously impacting unemployment and food supply that we produce and that the people need so much.
As we have been holding in Argentina Plata there are! But the Milei government adjusts the workers, peasants and the people and allocates that money to the payment of the debt scam to the IMF and to continue benefiting a handful of landowners and large monopolies.
For all we demand:
• Defense of family farming workers.
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Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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The National Government, chaired by Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel, in just over two months has greatly deepened the sufferings of the Argentine people.
In the specific case of public education, it has decided to stop turning the budgetary items for education to each province: the National Teaching Incentive Fund (FONID), Connectivity, Salary Compensating Fund and other educational items (pedagogical programs, school dining rooms and Cup of Cup and Cup of milk, progress, connect equality and school infrastructure). It also eliminates the Institutional Improvements Plan of Technical Schools and the budgetary lines that are fundamental for its operation. And refuses to convene the National Teaching Parity.
These are the causes that explain the national unemployment of Ctera, of February 26, date on which the school cycle 10 educational jurisdictions began.
The forcefulness of the call to the National Teaching strike by all the centrals led the National Government to summon the guilds to a meeting, without it having the character of the national parity claimed. Ctera decides to hold it despite this call.
Even so, to that meeting the National Government was without any response to the teaching demands of education funds.
Given this situation, the national teaching unions nucleated in the CGT, call a national strike on March 4.
We consider that being the same claims that gave rise to the national unemployment of Ctera on Monday 26, we call on all the other national and provincial unions to converge in the 4th unemployment and in all the measures that arise from now on (8 and 24 March and April 2, on the way to a great federal march together with the university unions) and to make the highest efforts to strengthen unity to face the policies of adjustment and delivery of this reactionary and fascist government.
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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Workers of the SISU (Secretariat of Socio -Urban Integration), cooperatives of the CCC and other organizations of the UTEP, as well as executing units of municipalities of the Conurbano, and the workers of Renabap.
The Milei government reduced to 1% the resources of the Socio -Urban Integration Fund (FISU), modifying the percentage it received from the country tax. With these funds, and others from agreements with the Inter -American Development Bank, through the SISU a series of works were being made, such as the “My piece” program and others.
After the day, we talked with the fellow Héctor Osorio, leader of the CCC and the PCR of La Matanza, a member of the Secretariat of Socio -Urban Integration, who told us: “We converged with the UTEP and the National Table of Popular Neighborhoods in a day where we were going to consider the Minister of Economy Caputo why the definance of the Fisu, and that directly punishes the most marginalized and deemed popular neighborhoods. We have different projects in execution, and others elaborated for the future. Making the works stop increases unemployment and sticks in all shops in the neighborhoods. Because most cooperative partners are from popular neighborhoods and spend the money from their salary there. There is still in those neighborhoods what we previously called "The butcher's notebook", where the merchant notes you and you pay when you charge.
“We converge with the UTEP, in addition, because with this cut there are no more than 28 thousand cooperatives who were working on these works. With the silver that is not enough for six months, or to finish the works. There are about 1100 works in execution, from paths, internal water connections, asphalt, luminaires, gutter cord, construction of sports centers, etc.
“The day was very successful, for the massiveness he had. We delivered a petition in the entrance table and asked for a meeting as a popular neighborhood table, and they told us that they answered in 20 days.
“We must bear in mind that this government, as soon as it assumed, fired 160 colleagues from the 600 employees of the Secretariat. A few days later they gave their heads against the wall, because they saw that the structure of the Secretariat was very firm, and they had fired key people in operation, such as those who controlled the agreements with the universities. That helped us for the fight for reincorporation, in which we had been advancing, until this stop from now. They agreed to return them as new hiring, but now everything was in the air. The officials say that they will fight to cover what they take from the country tax, with other funds, such as those that would allocate to infrastructure
“We fight to reveal the decree that definance the SISU. It is the only way to have funds guarantees for works.
“After the day, we agreed to continue assemblies in the neighborhoods, together between the neighbors and the cooperatives of the works, to see how to advance in the claim from the neighborhoods. On that basis we will meet with the Popular Neighborhood Table, to discuss new days.
“Because we know that this Government wants to set foot in the head to social organizations. If they do with the governors, with us much more. That is why we will follow the fight in unity. ”
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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The correspondent in the southern zone of Greater Buenos Aires reported that “on Monday 26/2 we met the 16 cooperatives of the municipality of Almirante Brown with the mayor Mariano Cascallares, the Secretary of Infrastructure Gabriela Fernández and the head of the Alejandro Torres program. without news by the AySA company in relation to payments and the continuity of the program. Given the company's refusal to respond to the mayors and cooperatives, we decided to mobilize on Thursday 29/2 and summon the other cooperatives of the other districts. From the CCC we raised at the Conurbano and Capital table what we had decided in Almirante Brown, and there they agreed to join the Matanza and Quilmes cooperatives, calling for 11.30 of 29/2 at Aysa headquarters.
“Before the police refusal to be able to travel in subway the Cooperatives of Alte. Brown, Varela, and February 3 decided to march towards the company on Yrigoyen street leaving a lane for vehicular traffic. Thus we arrive at Aysa's headquarters where we come together with the companions of the Matanza and Quilmes cooperatives. ”
The fellow Jorge Mazzina, president of the Federation of Cooperatives René Salamanca, of the CCC, told us that “the protest occurred within the framework of the paralysis of the public works arranged by the government of Milei. We were coming with funds of the funds, even before the change of government, because they said they did not know what was going to happen to the works.
“In the day, cooperatives from different organizations and executing units of municipalities of Conurbano, in the absence of payment and the danger of the continuity of the works of drinking water and sewers. From the Federation of Cooperatives René Salamanca CCC we participate cooperatives in the Southern Zone, Quilmes, Matanza and the North Zone.
“We concentrate in front of Aysa's offices, asking for a meeting. We received one of those responsible for the program, Rodolfo Rojas, a career official we have known for more than 20 years. Because we have been doing these works with cooperatives from before Aysa, around 2003, 2004. Rojas received a delegation from the different organizations. We raise the problems of cooperatives. Some, like ours, are due to payment since December. Others owe two months.
“Despite this, from our Federation he could pay the colleagues with their own funds, but Aysa owes us. There is a situation in the company because the president appointed by Milei resigned, and then they tell you that there is no one who firm the disbursements. Let us keep in mind that these funds depend on 70% of the treasure, and in 30% of the World Bank. The officials state that there is no one who firm even the funds that come from the agreements with the World Bank.
“We propose the anguish of the companions and colleagues who are owed between two and four months of salary, and who do not know whether to continue in the cooperative or not, because the continuity of the work is not guaranteed. Rojas asked for 15 days "to see what happens", but without being able to ensure whether or not he was going to be charged.
“There is debate between cooperatives and organizations on how to continue, because there are different and complex realities, but it was agreed that the fighting day had been very good and unitary. We go to a meeting in the next few days, and we propose to mobilize the Ministry of Economy to demand the continuity of the works and backward payments, because that is where it is decided whether they pay or not.
“The situation is very delicate, for cooperatives and companions. Because as long as they do not pay salaries, inflation grows every day and colleagues are filled with debts. ”
At the exit of the meeting with the officials, an assembly was held, in which the leaders of the different organizations ratified the commitment not to wait for said period of crossed arms, and that we were going to deepen the struggle plan.
Comrade Mazzina finally stated that “it is demonstrated, in these 20 years, that this work system in cooperatives is much higher in some cases than private companies, with better quality results. In addition, we give work to a lot of people more than a private company. Therefore, what is the reason to cut these programs, which were maintained even during the Macri government?
It is because this government, as Milei said, wants to cut all public works, and also in our case, attack the unemployed and precarious. We see this with the resolution to get the plans to enhance work, because they are not interested in training and less than the partners are inserted into production. Because our partners, in these cooperatives, have been trained, have been perfected, did important jobs, have earned their salary working on the laying of drinking water networks, and superiors such as sewers in many neighborhoods, improving the quality of life of the neighbors. That is why cutting these programs naked the essence of what this government is. ”
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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The Topper company (exalpargatas), which is located in Aguilares, last week the contracts of around 80 workers. First there were 23 and then another 45 in general, they had 6 -month contracts. They cut by the thinner thread.
The CEO of the firm had communicated yesterday to the guild that there was a decrease in sales pronounced and that the company would take the decision as a last resort.
The company belongs to the Camargo Correa conglomerate. It markets throughout South America, but mainly in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Favored in recent years by the policies of the Government of Fernández, the production of espadrilles grew and returned to take labor, since between 2015 and 2019 there was a wave of layoffs.
The firm started with 500 employees in 2019 and so far that figure had risen to 1067. In addition to Aguilares, the cessation affected young people from Santa Ana, Juan Bautista Alberdi, Aguilares and Trinidad.
The union "accompanied" the dismissed to sign their dismissal without proposing any exit or help.
We chatted with a Topper dismissed who told us: "Families are disconsolate before the state of things and just at the beginning of classes they lose their livelihood."
In the era of Milei, with a wild adjustment, those of more below end up paying the most powerful party.
He also told us that: "The dismissed now have to go looking for work in the SMEs that work for Topper and pay two mangoes, in very precarious jobs." The labor model that allows us to exploit even the last one that a person can give.
Given this result of the very serious situation caused by the policy of adjustment and delivery of the Milei government, with the impact on one of the most important regions of Tucumán only the response of the people, in solidarity with the dismissed, in organizing and fighting, in organizing and fighting to defeat government plans.
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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Silvio, whom we interviewed on February 28, began telling us that the intern had had a meeting with company managers a few hours ago (the largest steel in the world of Indian and English capitals), in which they ratified what had come to To say first by the media, that the plant would be completely paralyzed between March 18 and April 14.
Acosta remarks that “it is significant that the company has left by all means, as never before, without talking first with us, the workers. There is a reality, which is the fall of almost 40% of production, particularly what is linked to the domestic market, first, for public works, and also the products sold in the market.
“We make steel for construction, and special steels, which serve from the bars for oil wells, the climax, the super fine wires for the tires, irons for shock absorbers, wire for the field, etc. What Acindar produces is a reflection of the daily economy, construction, public works, etc. With the economic situation there is, who is going to buy a iron to make a house, or a fence?
“The main fall is in public works, that this government stopped. Another concern that the company raises is that tariff barriers be released, because this would allow between Chinese steel and Turkish steel, which are the main competitors of steel that is made in Acindar.
“The company was already in an achique of production, which we were seeing. Now they stop the entire factory, but we came from one sector for a week, another day. They stopped an hour, two, six hours. In January we saw that managers did not heat up if production was not reached. The plant has an annual average of one million two hundred thousand tons (1,300,000). And for this year they have scheduled seven hundred and twenty (720,000) tons. ”
“We are arguing among the workers two issues, says Acosta. On the one hand, the real situation of the economy, and the situation of the colleagues. We ask the company that we recognize that there is a fall in production, but that they take over. Because we always pay the adjustment the workers. The company already disconnected 100 partners hired in January. Some had entered the pandemic, and covered vacations or absences. We held this time within the company, but now they ended the contract.
“We also have suffering the achique of turns. We pass from four shifts to three. This is a blow to the pocket, because the decline in shifts implies the end of the additional ones we have, 150 or 170 thousand pesos more, for turns. Going down from four to three shifts means that they "spare" a whole shift of colleagues.
“That is why we ask the company to take care of this situation. We do not want to discuss suspensions, or compensatory days. We have told him that during that month people come to the factory, that courses, training, maintenance, cleaning, etc. If anyone wants to take a few days, to do it, but not by obligation.
“We have been told that this situation could be repeated in the middle of the year, or in May, because it is not seen that the production is releasing. We have told you that at that time we will discuss in particular. But now that the company takes over, because it is not in a bad financial situation to bank. We are in the midst of meetings to discuss this. ”
Silvio also states that this situation in Acindar occurs in the midst of the joint discussion for the steel sector within the UOM. “Complex situation, because on the one hand there is a fall in real production, which will take the opportunity to try to negotiate something, but it is not the same for all companies. Techint, for example, Paolo Rocca's company is producing full, mainly with pipes for the gas pipeline.
“Paolo Rocca is now on both sides of the counter in the parity. As a company he takes his lawyer to the negotiation, and at the same time he is in the Ministry of Labor. And Rocca is the main spokesman for the posture of ‘We are not going to accompany inflation. We offer 15%, and if inflation gives 30%, we feel it. And there the parity is locked.
We, and from the guild, come with the approach that salariars accompany inflation. Internally, in Acindar, we have achieved increases, because we made different measures of force. ”
On the mood of the companions, Acosta tells us that “there is a part that was scared, which says the thing is elapsed, another part says 'we voted for it but not for this', and you have another part, minimal, than It says' Well ... this is a company of the company to press the government. The vast majority, concerned about what is happening, and with uncertainty about the panorama that opens.
“We were warning, already in the electoral campaign. We took a steering wheel in which we stated that if Milei won, he was going to cut the public works.
“Now we are arguing with the companions, because we are at the crossroads of the parity, with the internal situation in the plant. We recognize the fall in production, and we place that the problem is the government's policy, which comes to deindustrialize.
“Because this affects Acindar, and more than 50 workshops that are in Villa Constitución, which do not have the same back as an acindar. With this measure also stop the truckers who move the scrap, it is a chain.
"That is why we clearly propose that we have to face this agro -export model, which loves us to the fullest, and we propose a national productive model, where it is discussed for what and for whom it occurs in the country."
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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The first thing the fellow Alderete tells us is that “it is false that organizations are intermediaries for colleagues who charge work. It is an idea that they want to put years ago. The reality is that the high ones were given by the Ministry of Social Development, now the Ministry of Human Capital is given. Now within human capital, and each beneficiary has a card in which money is deposited.
“Our social organization, I understand that the others too, all they do is control the daily presentism of workers who receive the plan, because those who receive a social program carry out some consideration or work in a dining room or a textile cooperative. They make, for example, overalls for schools, aprons for hospitals or chins for the public system, as was done during the pandemic. Quite occasionally came to control an official of the Ministry. We do the assistance control because we fight, that people work. The control should do it the State, but the reality is that it does not. ”
In particular, on the change of the plan to enhance work, says Juan Carlos that “we must remember that the pass of the Ministry of Social Development to the Ministry of Labor was already scheduled and scheduled with Massa, when he was Minister of Economy. Originally the plans to work were a program of the Ministry of Labor, it is not new, they had been planning it before.
“We are concerned that neither Minister Pettovello nor anyone say how they will implement this change in plans. These changes do not know how they are going to be implemented, we do not know anything about how the new system would be, why don't they give details? Why do the backs of organizations that nucleate these workers? History has shown that whenever they do something behind the democratic organizations of workers, it is to implement measures against them.
They will divide by ages, 18 to 50 years, and another for over 50 and mothers of four children or more. But what they don't say is that they are destroying sources of work every day. Therefore, where are those partners and colleagues go to work? Where will your job insertion be? They are inventions that circulate to reduce social plans.
Alderete says that Milei does not have a government plan, a political plan: “It is a business plan, which has a name and surname. For something the main business caste of Argentina is installed in the government. They occupy very important positions, and they care about businesses more than people.
“They are advancing with that plan based on the destruction of wages, and in particular in relation to unemployed and precarious, not only freeze the amounts of enhancing work, but also unwill them from the minimum, vital and mobile salary.
“We are going to an army of unemployed as our country had never lived. We are already recession, this will be stronger yet. The amount of unemployed that will be unfortunately will be immense, very large. ”
On the CCC struggle plan and the set of popular movements that are being developed to face these plans, says Juan Carlos that “the time comes we will have to raise some fighting plans that are tougher, and install. It will not be easy, there will be confrontations. The second of Minister Bullrich resigned because she had relations with the governors, but not only that, we also know that she did not agree that there are great repressions in our country. You don't want to take charge of that. We have to prepare and prepare the whole of the companions and colleagues. ”
Finally, Alderete reaffirms that “the situation in the dining rooms and milk drinks is tremendous, very serious. Every day in many dining rooms we have to put ‘we have no food’, ‘it is not going to cook today’. The dining rooms that are working fail to cover the demand. Companions row to withdraw the food or eat in the dining room and does not reach. The truth is that the companions who hold the dining rooms do magic to cook and find how to get something in the stomach that teenager, that boy, that grandfather.
Therefore, to continue facing this government, which has very powerful sectors behind it and they believe owners and lords of our country, you have to get together with everyone, in unity. ”
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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Before the offensive wave against freedoms, human rights and denial to the state genocide of the coup of 1976, remember our class and revolutionary leader, René Salamanca becomes more validity than ever.
Gerardo Luna spoke for the Tribute Commission, Ramón Rodríguez, CCC coordinator, Atilio López (son), Hilda Bustos, General Secretary of the CGT Córdoba, Jorge Folloni, Secretary of Environment of the Municipality, and Arnoldo Gómez, of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the PCR.
“I bring the greeting and recognition of Mayor Daniel Passerini and thanks to you for making us participate in this act in honor of a great fighter such as René Salamanca, we believe that Córdoba is an example and you are an example of the struggle for memory , the truth and justice and having had the possibility to value this place for the municipality is very important ”, were the words of Jorge Folloni, who spoke on behalf of the municipality.
Ilda Bustos, general secretary of the CGT of Córdoba: “For the labor movement there is a very clear reference in this union leadership, they are the obligatory reference for today. This need to bring them to the present has to do with that unity action they had but also with behaviors, with principles, with commitments and convictions. René Salamanca apart from having an incredible leader as a leader, as the fellow Luna said, which has to do with respect for the decision of the bases, with the exercise of true union democracy, but also with political clarity. He had the political clarity of defining what was coming, on March 24 it was the one who suffered the first consequences of what this coup d'etat of 1976 meant, that political clarity that accompanied him all his short life, left us this need to be put into practice the exercise of that action that we have to claim every day. ”
Arnoldo Gómez closed the act by raising “What did Otto Vargas, César Gody Álvarez, Atilio López, Agustín Tosco and René Salamanca, who thought different He made the CCC in Villa Libertador, see the list and the tail of neighbors who came to look for their daily food have to rebel any Argentine with dignity. They had this outrage to change the situation of their people and for rebelling in front of this. This is the main thing that we must inherit from them, it is the rebellion that already appeared here with the unemployment of 24, because it will not be contemplating that we are going to face this but standing up, facing each of the measures that this government is taking ”
“Milei removes the funds for any of the popular needs that there are today, there is no money, how is there no money? In less than two months the Central Bank has gathered 8,000 million dollars, where they left, but what the Argentines produced? And that the bank bought issuing tickets and that they pay the interests of the Leliq, is the silver they have taken out of our pockets, is the silver that they challenge to the provinces. There is another way, it is for which we have to generate the conditions of change to be produced: the road is the inverse, those millions of dollars that are gathering to pay the IMF must cease the payment that Argentina is bleeding, and The weights that are being used to pay financial usury have to go to production, consumption, salaries. They are annihilating our production day by day and will make necessary every day that the people join to oppose this. ”
The national deputy Gabriela Estévez, the provincial legislator Federico Alessandri, Mariana Mandakovic of the CTA, the current of state current René Salamanca and Malvina Toscco were sent.
To close the act, the new commemorative plaque was discovered, in the square that bears his name, next to the Permanent Tribute Commission to René Salamanca.
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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In March, retirement and pensions will have a rise of 27.18%, which arises from applying the current mobility formula (updates assets every three months). They total a $ 70,000 bonus (before $ 55,000) who charge the minimum, which will be total to be $ 204,445 (the lower assets receive a proportional bonus until reaching it).
Additionally, those who charge the minimum, agreed without moratorium and have more than 30 years of contributions receive a plus of $ 31,851, carrying credit at $ 236,296. Half, which is barely higher than the minimum, would be around $ 225,000, which shows the flattening of the sector's income pyramid.
Thus, retirements and pensions, which were frozen nominally since December, again receive a miserable increase, being well behind inflation. Considering a 15% price increase scenario both in February and March (added to 51% accumulated in the previous two months), the minimum retirement with bonus will fall 18% and the salaries not reached by bonds will fall 23% in real terms -The inflation counted- in just four months of Milei management.
The Milei government thus consolidates a brutal cut on pension benefits, which at the time of its assumption had been held for six years of sustained fall. In that period, a first great ax occurred during the macrista management. The formula change, which began to rule in March 2018, contemplated a quarterly update for a weighted average inflation (70%) and the Ripte Salary Index (30%), both with a six -month lag.
When splicing with the previous formula (which was semiannual), the new mobility law began "eating" a quarter to the assets. Then, the 2018-2019 pricing acceleration generated a gigantic licustment of them (by the lag by incorporating inflation and salary variation), together with the absence of compensatory bonds.
In 2020, with prices slowing down, they touched updates of the assets linked to the highest prior inflation, which temporarily implied increases in real terms. But Alberto Fernández, as soon as he assumed, to avoid this situation and to continue with the inflationary liquefaction of the pension benefits, suspended the formula and established increases by decree that year, well below what would have corresponded by law for the salaries located by above the minimum.
As of March 2021, the current law began to be governed, which unhook the inflation retirements and update them by a simple average of the salary index (Ripte or INDEC) and the tax collection destined for Anses, also lagging behind; In December, the Total Resources of ANSEs act as a stop, opting for the variant that throws the slightest increase. In a framework of increasing inflation, real assets continued to show rapid real, much more vertiginous deterioration in the case of those not benefited from bonds.
Thus, in the last six years, the evolution of retirement was catastrophic. In January 2024 -to contemplate the last official inflation data -, with respect to the same month of 2018, the purchasing power of the minimum being (with bond) was reduced 34%, while for the assets adjusted only by mobility decreased 59%.
In the middle of the chainsaw and the generalized blender on the popular sectors, retirees and pensioners take the worst part of the adjustment again. Comparing an interannual form, real spending on retirement and pensions (Base Base) fell 23.9% in December and 38.1% in January, becoming the main adjustment variable. This last month, for the first time, interest spending became similar.
Milei and Caputo celebrated the fiscal surplus, both primary and financial (before and after the payment of interest) of January. Amid the generalized cut of social spending, that was mainly achieved at the expense of pension benefits, which explained almost 40% of the real fall of total spending that month.
Thus, in January the minimum retirement with bonus fell 25% and the assets adjusted only by mobility decreased 41% in the interannual comparison, always measured in real terms. For March, it can be estimated that these falls will reach 32% and 44% year -on -year respectively.
Milei, with the brutality that characterizes it, said that "all Argentines were impoverished" and justified the brutal adjustment that is implementing on retirees because "it is the age segment that has the least poor in Argentina." For the doubts, he clarified that he was also adjusting "to the little ones", where he acknowledged that poverty reaches two thirds. Again, of the supposed chainsaw that promised the caste, or news.
In his speech in the opening of ordinary sessions, Milei attacked the millions of retirees and retirees who did it with moratorium, as if they had not worked the vast majority in the informal sector, and left the door open to return to the private retirement system that imposed menemism. The caste, grateful.
Ramiro Suárez writes
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024
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On Friday, March 1, Milei arrived at Congress, which he had described as "rats nest", surrounded by an immense security operation with thousands of troops. Inside the Congress did not talk about rats. He set up a careful filming of the enclosure where he only focused on official legislators and specially selected "applauders."
In his speech he raised his strategic plan, reiterating the program of the most reactionary and fascist sector of the ruling classes. Many of those points had already been driven during the videlist dictatorship, menemism and macrismo. As usual, he lying again with the inflation figures, he attacked the millions of people who retired with a moratorium (because they worked in black all their lives), and reopened the door to the privatization of retirement.
In his hatred of unions and popular organizations, Milei returned with the old oligarchic project to reform the union elections, limiting the mandates of their leaders. He would never think of stating that, in the Jockey Club, the AEA or the Rural Society the same was done.
The president announced the closure of the Official Agency Télam, whose workers mobilized on Monday 4 "to defend the National News and Advertising Agency and those who work on it."
He did not devote a word to the situation of those affected by his policy. He did not talk about the lack of food in the dining rooms, the salary loss of the workers, or the Sablazo to retirement and pensions. Nor of the brutal increases in services, transport, fuels. With total hypocrisy he said that thanks to his policy they lowered rents. He just asked for "patience and confidence", nor did he talk about production, industry, commerce or anything that has to do with the concrete life of the millions that inhabit this soil.
His plan is for an Argentine that there are at least 20 million people left over. Brutally punishes the people with inflation, adjustment and delivery. It does not reach him with the applaud of Congress.
On the end of the speech Milei opened the doors to those governors who are subordinated to apply that plan that is graphs in the 10 points that “May Pact” pretentiously called (see box). Of course, for the provinces to turn to the provinces, these governors have to yield to the extortion of previously guaranteeing the approval of the Omnibus law and the validity of the DNU. It intends to force, in complicity with macrismo, a majority in Congress and also support in justice to apply that plan.
For doubts, Milei said in an interview with the British media Financial Times , that, if Congress does not accompany him, he will try to put the reforms by decree.
What hides is that after the active national unemployment of January 24, and the multiple workers, peasant and popular struggles that toured the Argentine summer, failed with its Bus Bus bill and has not been able to obtain triumphs in Congress until now.
Inflation raises in the popular sectors. Hunger grows in the neighborhoods and in the field. According to CAME (Argentine Confederation of the Medium Enterprises) in February, retail sales fell 25.5% in relation to February 2023. In food that fall was 33.3%.
The recessive policy of the government causes thousands of layoffs, in the State and in many branches of the private sector, as reported by construction workers mobilizing the Ministry of Labor.
The recession reaches thousands of small and medium enterprises, and large monopolies such as Acindar, which suspends its four plants for a month, and Topper, which says goodbye to Tucumán.
The same day that Milei spoke in Congress, fuel prices, electric and water rates in the amb, gas, sanitary prepaids.
Faced with the terrible flood that the people suffered in the province of Corrientes, with hundreds and hundreds of evacuees, the government of Milei did not say a single word.
On February 22 and 23, hundreds of route cuts, acts, popular pots and marches claimed for food assistance to the dining rooms before the very serious food social situation that causes the policy of adjustment and delivery.
On 2/28, an act was held in Córdoba remembering René Salamanca, leader of the Smata Córdoba and a member of the Central Committee of the PCR, kidnapped by the genocidal dictatorship.
In CABA they mobilized by the salaries owed cooperatives of AySA, and also workers and cooperatives who worked in arrangements and construction in the popular neighborhoods.
The aeronautical unions made a massive national unemployment. They denounce that Caputo broke the salary agreement that had already been signed.
In Rosario a historic sovereign sample was made of oath to the flag. A wide call had a shocking deployment, at the age of 212 years of the creation of our flag by Manuel Belgrano.
On March 4, teachers of guilds linked to the CGT stopped and made mobilizations for their salaries and funds to launch the educational system.
The National Peasant Federation, together with organizations of small producers, cooperatives of the regional economies, carried out a national day of struggle, with vegetables and acts throughout the country. Milei's policy, with inflation and devaluation lead to ruin and despair to thousands and thousands of small producers.
The Women's Movement advances with its assemblies throughout the country, preparing a massive day on 8/3, denouncing hunger, violence, femicides and Milei's DNU.
The nations and native peoples, who historically suffered genocides of the landowner oligarchy to take over their lands have also prepared to face this policy.
In the Autonomous CTA, with the participation of colleagues from the state of state and the Conadu H, it was decided Milei adjustment and delivery policy.
Milei also clashes with the imperialist dispute that shakes Argentina. He kneels before "West": United States, Great Britain and also Israel. He hugs with Trump betting that he wins the United States elections in November 2024, and supports "Bolsonarism" against Lula in Brazil. He needs to fulfill the IMF and intends to advance in his policy of delivering to Great Britain the sovereignty of Malvinas and other islands and waters of the South Atlantic and Antarctica.
Therefore, for the first time in an opening of sessions in Congress since 1983, he did not say a word about our Falkland Islands in his speech.
He had already declared a admirer of Margaret Thatcher, the British prime minister who led the colonial war against Argentina.
Diana Mondino, Minister of Foreign Affairs, said: "Malvinas islanders must decide their own destiny." British falsehood. They are British in a colonial occupation. The United Nations say it.
Milei met with British Chancellor Cameron. Our sovereign rights in Malvinas and more than 4 million km of sea were in the background. Days later, Cameron made a provocative trip to Malvinas. Mondino's "answer" was to invite him to meet.
Now England expanded an exclusion zone around the San Pedro Islands, from 283 thousand to about 449 thousand square kilometers from Argentine territory. There has been no official response.
They negotiate the arrival of a Yankee aircraft carrier and the construction of a base and a port.
Oil concessions favor British companies, in Tierra del Fuego and Buenos Aires. Laws 26,659 and 26,386 are not fulfilled, which prohibit oil and fishing farms in the national territory to those who have direct or indirect relationship with Malvinas. The Gaucho Rivero law prohibits the use of national ports by British ships.
The submission to the English of Milei in the Malvinas issue is worse than that of Menem-Di Tella with their "carnal relations", and that of Macri-Malcorra with its Foradori-Duncan Agreement.
It relies on the management of Vice President Victoria Villarruel, daughter of Officer VGM Eduardo Villarruel, who uses the Malvinas issue to claim the dictatorship and support the demalvinization of Milei.
This vestpatria policy is very dangerous. Argentina is a country in dispute in a world in which World War factors grow. A world in which Russian President Putin warned about the "tragic consequences" if any country sent allies to Ukraine. "We also have weapons capable of achieving objectives in their territory."
A world in which Israel continues with its brutal genocide of the Palestinian people. In that world, many imperialist powers, such as the United States, China, Russia, Japan and European countries, fight for Argentina.
Milei is a serial liar. Future invents a "Argentina power" as long as it does not deliver food to the dining rooms, says goodbye to tens of thousands of workers, take over the State funds for the provinces. And kneel before the IMF, USA, England and others.
Now he tries to gain time with the "May Pact" that was quickly supported by Macri and his henchmen.
In his speech he threatened that, if they accept well, and if we do not go to the conflict.
It is a necessity for the people and the Argentine nation twisting the arm to this disastrous policy.
From the PCR and its JCR, from the beginning of the Milei government, we have been working for the widest unit of the workers and popular sectors, listening and arguing with many Milei voters who are climbing their policy.
Milei and his allies are committed to deepening the political, economic, cultural and social division in our homeland. You need to divide and destroy popular forces. That is why from Congress, he summoned the opportunists to join their strength. And announced that He will work to destroy social, union and popular organizations.
We remain at the forefront of the struggles for popular emergencies and against delivery and repression. From there we work to expand the unit. To give him time is to allow Milei to advance with his measures, which would only worse the situation of the great masses.
But day by day a situation advances in which it can be generated an objective revolutionary situation, As stated by the CC of our PCR at the beginning of January, remembering the experience of the 2001 popular rebellion: Argentinazo .
As seen in the national strike of January 24, and in the struggles of truck drivers, oil, state, teachers and many more unions, The working class was at the head of the confrontation with Milei and its partners.
In addition, social organizations grow in the face of hunger and unemployment. They mobilize retired and pensioners. The organization and struggle of the peasantry grows. And movements emerge in all lands, as has been seen in women, young people, culture, cooperatives, SMEs, and many more.
A new active national strike is necessary. Throughout the country they grow Multisectoral that unite the workers and popular forces, with an extraordinary breadth. We fight to be Coordinating Centers of the labor and popular struggle. That is the way to Drink his arm to Milei's policy and open the way to the conquest of Another policy and another government, in favor of the people .
In the fight, we join with broad Peronist masses, also Catholics, to which Pope Francis sent his clear defense orientation of the poorest, in front of Milei's opportunistic attempt with his visit. Also the unit with other popular and national forces.
In this situation, we work to advance the accumulation of revolutionary forces, incorporating thousands into the PCR and the JCR, offering them a struggle. It is our duty to prepare and prepare the masses so that these changes are in favor of the working class and the people and open a revolutionary path.
In the midst of everyday struggles, we advance with tributes to our dear Otto Vargas, first general secretary of our party, five years after his death. On March 15, the JCR organizes a tribute to Otto in CABA, in which the Secretary General of the PCR, Jacinto Roldán, will speak.
These activities are central to reaffirm our revolutionary objectives, the same for which we founded our party 56 years ago.
Write the Life
Lies, hunger, repression and demalvinization
THE "MAY PACT "For mercy
From the landowner oligarchy, monopolies, banks, etc.
Except for financial speculation, bonds and debts with the IMF.
At the cost of reducing wages, retirements and plans, a brutal recession, and eliminating food provision, and investment in education, health, science, culture, technology, etc.
Take taxes to the richest, allow the money laundering abroad.
I will stop extorting them if they approve the "Bus Law" and other laws that you present.
Advance in delivery to the "western" imperialist monopolies of lithium, oil, gas, minerals, energy, the Argentine sea, rivers, etc.
Repeal the laws of employment contract and collective agreements, eliminate vacations, bonus, compensation and all lobby to free hiring and flexibility.
Eliminate the distribution system and the state retirement, finish off the ANSES guarantee fund. Eliminate dorary retirement.
Return to private retirement AFJP.
Copy the Yankee model, favoring the private financing of political parties with the contributions of monopolies, landowners and drug traffickers.
Free importation of merchandise without protectionist barriers for national production. Back to Argentina from the beginning of the 20th century, with more delay and dependence.
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We publish this unofficial translation made by the red herald of the article published by A New Democracy (and).
The crisis of bourgeois democracy mentioned by The Economist It is one of the direct results of the relative overproduction crisis of imperialism. Fascism and the tendency to reacting - extended through the mouth of an organ of the imperialist monopoly of communications - cannot prevent the main tendency of revolutions worldwide.
A recent survey of Economist Intelligence , the magazine's data research sector The Economist He showed that less than 8% of the entire world population lives in what they classify as "full democracy." This form of government only exists, according to the investigation, in 24 countries. On the other hand, 39.9% live under an “authoritarian regime”, in force in 59 countries. There is no doubt about the imperialist criteria to classify what is "democratic" and what is not. However, what emerges from research is the expression of an era in which it is not possible to hide the development of the political crisis in the time we live - whose base is the decomposition of the world imperialist system.
The data is as follows: 37.6% of the world's population lives under a “failed democracy” regime, existing in 50 countries (29.9% of existing countries). Another 15.2% of the population, inhabitants of 34 countries (20.4%), lives under the so -called "hybrid regime." The current results mentioned in the survey are the result of an increase in the "democratic crisis": in the last edition, 39.6% of the world's population lived in an "authoritarian regime", 0.3% less than the Current figure.
The symptoms of a political crisis cannot be taken in isolation. Politics is the concentrated expression of the economy. And the crisis of bourgeois democracy mentioned by The Economist It is one of the direct results of the relative overproduction crisis of imperialism. The most recent expressions of this economic crisis are the real estate crisis in China, which mainly affects giants such as Egregre , and bank bankruptcies in the United States, which damaged names such as Silicon Valley Bank , Silvergate y Signature Bank .
In addition, prior to the survey de Economist Intelligence , an Oxfam report found that the concentration of income into the world has increased. In the United States, throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, inflation rates crushed the achievements of popular masses in an economic cattle. From 2020 until now, 791 million workers have had to live with a lower salary than inflation.
Hence the political consequences perceived year after year. Knowing that the unresolved crisis of its regime tends to awaken and increasingly powerful uprisings between popular masses - as is happening incessantly in recent years -, the ruling classes resort to repression as the only alternative. In the last two years countries such as France or the United Kingdom have used or advanced measures and bills to restrict rights as basic as strikes and popular street manifestations. Throughout Europe, militarization advances at a rapid pace: in addition to the increase in the military budget, organizations such as NATO welcomed Finland as a new member in 2023.
These are traces of a sick organism with a terminal condition. It is a fact that the world lives in a new period of revolutions. The open popular struggles, as in Palestine or in Latin American countries, Southeast Asia or even Europe, are indications of this, followed next to the growing explosiveness of the masses expressed in popular demonstrations and surveys that do not stop shuddering, From the United States, Europe and then China, the entire world. The highlight of the current moment is precisely the transcendental and historical operation of Al-Aqsa-the tactical offensive of the Palestinian national resistance-which demonstrates very clearly that it is possible that popular forces defeat the world imperialist system. Imperialism has already given the alarm about the possibilities of victories of popular organizations. Fascism and the tendency to react - revealed by the mouth of an organ of the imperialist communications monopoly - cannot stop this main trend.
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We are having a very bad time. The policies of this government lead us to extermination. Today we are shrinking a lot what production is for the cost of inputs, rents, electricity.
Our inputs, for example, a kilo of imported beet seeds went from $ 25,000 to $ 80,000. Next season will be without tomato, without bellish, everything that is the thick harvest, which is finishing, a thousand tomato seeds left $ 100,000.
For a family, only family production, between one hectare and one hectare and a half, a part can be sold, as in much of the country and within the horticultural cord with family agriculture.
The hectare lease of paying $ 40,000 to $ 60,000 we pay $ 120,000- $ 150,000 a monthly hectare. In many cases the contracts are with real estate and in others directly with the owner. And we are cornering us, for example, everything that was the livestock zone on Route 36, Poblet, Oliden, which are 50, 100 hectares fields that are being rented in small plots, the producers assemble society to be able to rent to be able to rent to be able to rent to be able to rent to be able to rent to be able to rent to be able to rent , they are livestock areas that can no longer follow and put the land for rent. And as in the cord we do not have a delimitation that protects us has been progressing strongly urbanization over the horticultural cord, that is pushing us to remote places.
I had been working with my children a hectare, today I am working a hectare room. In my case I am a median and today I work less because I cannot buy the inputs, the seed is very expensive. I even talked to my son if this is going to be the last plantation because I can't pay the seedling. Last year I bought an cabbage plant at $ 3,200, today it is at $ 7,000.
I produce everything that is the production of leaves, from chard, beet, parsley, I do not make more tomato production because it is very expensive. Lately we are seeing the cheapest.
At the time of planting or sowing we cannot make a number to say about this plantation I will get so much, I recover and so much left of surplus, unfortunately not. When we reap, if we reap because it depends on how the market works, but we have to end up throwing. But we see that the consumer in the greengrocer costs him.
We supply the markets of Greater Buenos Aires, even come to take for the north. Here are very few who produce and go to the market, mostly we sell through intermediation. Many times it is a discussion regarding prices because we fight fair prices for us and the intermediary discusses fuel, toll, market stall. It is a chain where the gain is not in us. For example, a month ago I was drawing CRESPA lettuce, $ 800 the drawer, I went to the greengrocer to buy a little fruit, I asked how much the kilo of lettuce was and they told me $ 2,000 the CRESPA, the Creole. I mean, with a lettuce kilo, almost three drawers pay me.
The State should implement direct purchase for this sector
With each of the governments we always propose and fight to be suppliers of hospitals, municipalities, and unfortunately it is not concretized. With the amount of production we have in the cord we can supply those places. It is a decision that has to make the status of direct purchase to the producers. They know that it is a fresh vegetable, because it is not the same as going to the market and from there the transfer is made. If we do not reap and sell the green leafy vegetable we have to throw it, with the vegetable we cannot speculate how other sectors of the production do.
The payment of the land rental
To pay the lease the situation is very complicated. If we are four of the family working, two have to go out to make changas to bring money outside to pay the rent. In the short term you can't follow anymore, we have been seeing that ...
The project of giving fiscal lands to the quinteros remained in nothingness, it is a struggle that we have been raised.
Producers who rent land closer to the route are around $ 300,000 the hectare. Those who are more inside can be between 70, $ 80,000, it must be guaranteed that the roads are in conditions for the trucks to enter, and it is the work of the producers that there are paths in conditions. For example, in the Cordón de la Plata in the 8 years of management of the mayor Julio Garro we never had a road made by the municipality, the producers always putting the hand to the pocket to buy rubble and improve them, and when the roads improve the price of the rent is already going up.
To cover costs, our production has to go to a large volume and fast, for example I produce everything in the field, it is a slower production than in greenhouse.
The fight for access to Earth to improve conditions
I now produce leafy vegetables, arugula I cannot produce because it does not come, in greenhouse yes, the same with spinach. In the cord, it works in a conventional way, that if it is not chemical, those beautiful, brilliant leaves like tomatoes, which is what the consumer wants does not come. It is to take out the production and prepare the earth again and sow again. They are not the conditions in which we want to produce the earth, it saddens us because we know that we are harming the earth. That is why we fight access to the Earth to improve those conditions. Working a hectare without stopping as we are doing try to solve but without the earth resting, without giving it the respite it needs. It ends using fertilizer or "healing" with bromide, which is not the best. Working an ecological production, healthy, as some families have been doing, but they also say they don't know if they will continue. With three, four hectares, with rotary culture because the earth has to rest, it has to recover, a family of four can quietly work.
That is why we fight access to Earth. We have time to recover the production of the horticultural cord and improve it, not only in production but in living conditions because we want to produce healthy, we want to produce in better conditions but with this policy it is impossible.
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We share this article found in the HERALDO RED
This February 24, the total war of aggression against Ukraine by Russian imperialism marks its second anniversary. This unfair war has generated hundreds of thousands of dead and injured and millions of displaced people, causing misery and pain throughout the Ukrainian people.
Through the heroic defense of his homeland by the people of Ukraine, despite the national regime, headed by the Yankees Lacayo, Zelensky, the Russian aggressor so far has not been able to complete his highest war objectives.
It is fair and correct to reaffirm what the International Communist League said a year ago: “The main contradiction is that between Ukraine, a country oppressed by imperialism, and Russia, an imperialist country. Regardless of the class character of the Ukrainian regime and its service to the interests of other imperialist powers, mainly Yankee superpower, any confusion at this point leads to Ukraine to deny Ukraine its right to national independence and sovereignty, it is therefore at least indirectly, support the interests of Russian imperialism. ” as well as "The long-term plan of the Yankees is to fence and in the end defeat their only nuclear equivalent and the Russian counter-remedies to resume lost positions, it is the key factor that has led to war."
It is particularly notorious that what was written then was proven then: “The Zelensky regime is put into acute contradiction with the interests of the vast majority of the Ukrainian people, trafficked with their fair patriotic feelings, applies absolute centralism and there is no kind of democratic rights for the people. The right of opinion, assembly and organization is suppressed by a draconian and chauvinist repression and the regime depends on openly fascist military formations to crush any expression of popular discontent. This sabotage the armed resistance of the people by relying on weapons, eagerly offered by NATO directed by the Yankees, fearing the armed people who are the only ones that really defend the nation. ”
This is an important fact. Because today it is clear and obvious that the main point for which the Zelensky regime is not able to defeat Russian imperialist aggression-despite the heroic sacrifices of the Ukrainian people-it is because traitors sell-patrias are supported by imperialism, mainly Yankee, and not in the town.
This is expressed, among many other things, in the case of the fall of Avdiivka, a small town in the Donetsk region. A bitter tragedy as wars write them. How the press reports , the soldiers parked there carried out desperate attempts to escape the ruins of the town. One of them wrote: " It was just surviving. The road to Avdiivka was full of Ukrainian bodies. " A commander reported on the radio that the injured would not be evacuated. The men were left behind to be executed by the Russian invaders. In this way, the Ukrainian armed forces made the decision to leave the people, taking Russia their most significant victory since the city of Bakhmut captured last year. “ Be capable To save the town is our most important task, " Zelensky said in the most cynically possible way at the Munich Security Conference. The New York Times analyzed: “At the capture of Russia by Avdii v KA is a strategic and symbolic coup to the Ukraine army. Avdiivka was a bastion of the Ukrainian defenses in the Donetsk region, which protected several military positions clave Ukrainians in The west and putting the nearby city of Donetsk, controlled by Russia, under constant threat. ”
We can see that the current trend is that Russian imperialism is on its way to slowly meet its minimum war objectives. The maps published by the BBC clearly show it:
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Also internally, Russian imperialism is making progress. The new leader of the Wagner mercenaries, Anton Yelizarov, subsequently declared on the restructuring of the organization: “We are building a field for the new units to be formed - which will be within the voluntary bodies of the Russian National Guard (Rosgvardiya) - They can get and settle. " This so -called "Cosaco Camp" will be "almost certain" established in the Russian city of Rostov, in the south, as the Guardian reports . This development finally buries all the speculations and dreams of the West of a military coup against Putin. Also, Navalny's death serves in this regard, as judicial orders do so that Boris Nadezhdin cannot participate in the next elections, established for March 15 to 17 or the liquidation of the deserter pilot in Spain.
Russian imperialism is not only gaining military. Economically, as the CNN reports , Russia enters its third year of war in Ukraine with an unprecedented amount of money in government chests, swollen with a record of 37 billion dollars from crude oil sales to India in 2024. Therefore, India has Increase your purchases of crude oil 13 times more compared to your purchases before the war, a treatment not subject to sanctions and is completely legal. Russian federal reserves increased to the record of 320 billion dollars and are expected to continue rising. Just a third of money is destined to war in Ukraine.
Also in international policies, Russian imperialism is still a force to take into account, as shown in the last proposal for a meeting of all Palestinian factions in Moscow to be able to create national unity in some way, especially between the two great factions , Fatah and Hamas, As the CNN reported On February 18.
Under these impressions, it is necessary to reaffirm the coming tasks, established by the LCI in February last year: “We must also do everything to promote the friendship of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples. Two villages that were united as one in the great Soviet union under the red flag with the sickle and hammer of Lenin and Stalin are now being directed against each other on the battlefield due to intrigues of the imperialists. Communists in training, revolutionaries and all consequent anti-imperialists have the particular responsibility for increasing
The propaganda against the imperialist war in Russia, to raise their struggles to new heights against the imperialist State and its war of aggression by all means that they have. Also fight against imperialist warrism and arms shipments in the respective imperialist countries. ”
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A great greeting to all and all colleagues who have stopped January 24, the day of February 23 where there were 500 towns and cities of the country with empty pots. Carried out and made in the midst of the suffering that our people are suffering.
This is what gives optimism.
Actually 11,500,000 votes so that this catastrophe did not occur. And it's not little. Because in Argentina - as you reviewed - even in the time of Perón there was a right of 30%, 40% well gorilla and another oscillating portion. Milei what he added is that within the town, of what would be the popular field, he bit 20%, 30% who added it to that right. This is the new phenomenon, the phenomenon that generated Milei, and with that capital disputes the hegemony within the ruling classes. Within the Popular Campo Milei is not a majority, most of the town, even in the election, we were the 45% that we vote so that this does not occur. And that in the midst of Alberto Fernández's bad government and the distrust generated by Massa, is not little.
Now that 30% that he had and who won in a youth sector, in a sector of industrial workers and in a transversality throughout the country, is the one that is decreasing today. Of the 56% who added with the support of macrismo and coaligate gorilism, all statistics give today 50. That is, the government already lost about 6 points. Those 6 points have lost them within their own 30%, of their base, because that is where the general strike of January 24 influenced and hit, did not affect the voter of that right that Macri led. Milei is now losing his popular base and is gaining his traditional right -wing base to Macri.
The DNU and the BUNIBUS law are a project that tries to iron at thirty million Argentines who, for that Milei country project, have to stay in a situation of servitude, the Bus Law was complicated, the DNU must be turned.
In these 80 days there has been a transfer from our pockets to the large groups that is fabulous. This is what Milei says in his message, "I can continue doing this from the Executive, beyond what the Parliament votes."
De Renzis: What the Albina Vides field producer told today in this program, on the one hand the cost of the seed, on the other hand, what those who later mark four and five times are paid ... and the monthly lease of one hectare to landowners that have hundreds of hectares of rent that do nothing and that take a lot of silver.
Arnoldo Gómez: This is all our agrarian production. Albina Vides painted the green belt, the same goes for soybeans, that parasitic income that does not return to production.
De Renzis: Of course, this could be fixed by the State, but it does not put will, because the State has fiscal lands, on the one hand, which could be given to work, I think you Alderete when he was a deputy had presented a project, and on the other side , the center of consumption, which the first thing they should do, both the provinces and the nation and the State itself, is to buy the producer to avoid three, four and five times the price that increases.
Arnoldo Gómez: The producer pointed out what production quality we could have if land is given to all those families that want to produce in good ecological conditions. On the other hand, they have to be paying the imported seeds and the owner of the Earth, there you have two bloody of our economy
De Renzis: ... here we are talking about one hectare have to live four people in the family, and they have to pay the rent, so, all that becomes very difficult, because we also continue paying the seeds that they send you, when the truth is that we We could have a recycling of own seeds.
Arnoldo Gómez: All this is what you want to be sanctioned for decades and by law. That is the megaproject and the DNU. That for decades thousands of producers such as Albina bend the back and produce without claiming.
We are at this time.
The unemployment hit very hard especially at the basis of influence of Milei, Macri thought it was the time to, leading his right -wing sector, to take the government to Milei. In the midst of this dispute was the pull of governors and lobis that retouched the body's body to the megaley land. The strike hit the right -wing project and impacted mostly in Milei, who without giving the control of the cabinet to the attempt of Macri, seeks to make a new agreement, offering parliamentary participation to the governors and macrism Antinational of the Megaley and DNU.
Do not give time, you have to go to the DNU and prevent this from stabilizing, because they seek to stabilize it for decades.
We are in one of those moments of politics that in turbulence to impose reaction is necessary for the people to advance. And let's keep in mind that this majority, that 45% who voted so that this does not happen, did so with a high degree of consciousness, is a majority in the people who know where this situation leads us. And the 30% that Milei excited with the change is shrinking.
It is necessary to discuss that there is another exit. For example, there is "no money" and in 82 days the Central Bank joined eight billion dollars. Where did they come from? They left the production of Albina Vides in the green belt, of industrial production ... that is, Argentina has a great capacity for wealth production and that is silver.
To buy those eight billion dollars, the Central Bank issued as it was not broadcast throughout the last year. They are the new tickets that we see circular. Now, to get those tickets from the circulation, it is no longer that the Central Bank is absorbed with the Leliq, the Leliqs transformed into treasure bonds. Therefore, to pay the interests of these bonds, they have sucked all the money of popular consumption and the provinces, which maintains the zero and dry deficit the monetary base. That is why pesos do not circulate and dollars accumulate to pay the IMF and the bonds, with the banks doing the intermediation gain ... there is money if those dollars do not go to the IMF anymore and if the weights stop going to pay interest to the banks and go to production and consumption.
De Renzis: The DNU yes or if they have to turn it, because it is in force.
Arnoldo Gómez: That is what is at stake now, how we achieve the unity of the different union plants, popular, multisectoral assemblies, to push unemployment and turn it.
The entire maneuver of the May 25 pact is that Milei seeks to hold the DNU that was in danger.
De Renzis : The CGT is asking the governors not to go to the call on May 25, but the first thing they should ask is the deputies to turn it over once.
Arnoldo Gómez: It goes in line. We greet all these struggles. The Argentine people have a destiny of greatness.
We publish this translation to Russian of the statement by the ICL on Lenin.
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Comrade Lenin, the leading light of the international proletariat and the great teacher of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, covers the path to the unity of the unity “We are those who make up the army of the great proletarian strategist, the army of Comrade Lenin. There is nothing to belong to this army above. ” (Stalin) As evidenced by the pages of history, on January 21, 1924, the great leader of the working class and the oppressed peoples of the world, the second great milestone of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Comrade Lenin became immortal and left behind a great heritage of immeasurable value. The teachings of a comrade Lenin, who turned the “world of the future”, the foundations of which were laid down by Marx and Engels, from abstract possibilities into concrete reality, and now, after a century and great shocks in the world, is completely relevant. In order to properly position yourself in the class struggle, it is necessary to accept this “relevance” and focus on it. This “relevance” is simultaneously a cure for reformist, revisionist and parliamentary cretinism, which means surrender and compromise with the ruling ideologies of any kind. This is a guarantee of faith and determination that the communist world can be created. Lenin as a teacher of communism, who melted the ice and paved the way against an international reaction and revisionism
Correctly identify the contradictions in the history of the class struggle, to catch moments of the historical gap and be prepared at these moments for the gap was the most outstanding line of the whole struggle of Comrade Lenin up to his immortality. After the death of Marx and Engels, the leadership of the international proletariat for a long time passed into the hands of the opportunism of the second International for a long time, and, according to Comrade Stalin: “There was a period when the parties of the second International could not take the theoretical struggle for the liberation of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world from the influence of these Opportunist and class of compromise social democrats. In addition to the theoretical struggle for the liberation of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world, with the foundation of the communist international, he developed the form of organization and struggle corresponding to the dynamics of the class struggle in the new period of capitalism. " Comrade Lenin turned the Communist Party and the Communist International into an instrument of war against the bourgeoisie, freeing the Communist Party and the Movement of the Communist International from the shackles of legal forms of struggle: “Instead of revolutionary policies, sobble filtering and vile political bargaining, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary intrigues. For visibility, of course, “revolutionary” resolutions and slogans were accepted ... ”, but which were“ stored in the drawers of the cabinets ”, freed from the vise of legal forms of struggle. “Meanwhile, a new period of imperialist wars and revolutionary battles of the proletariat was approaching. The old methods of struggle turned out to be clearly insufficient and powerless in the face of the omnipotence of financial capital. It was necessary to rebuild all the activities of the second International, his entire method of work, to expel all the philistinism, the narrowness of thinking, political tricks, reneginess, social showing and social-pacifism. It was necessary to revise the entire arsenal of the second International, throw away all rusty and outdated, and forge new weapons. Without this preliminary work, it was useless to start a war against capitalism. Without this work, the proletariat risked to be insufficiently armed, or even unarmed in future revolutionary battles. The honor to carry out this general restructuring and the general purification of the Augish stables of the second International fell on the share of Leninism. ” (Stalin, Fundamentals of Leninism) Comrade Lenin with his characteristic genius caught the essence of the contradiction and realized that the fight against the bourgeoisie could not be quite effective and successful if the burden of the international proletariat is not shaken off, not to fight revisionism and opportunism, not Show the masses the true nature of these views in theory and in practice, not to isolate them, as far as possible.
Having established a dialectical and necessary connection between the “internal struggle” and the “external struggle”, he waged a double struggle. Comrade Lenin left us, the Communists, an extremely important lesson that the struggle against revisionism and opportunism cannot be separated from the struggle against imperialism and all forms of the dominant reaction. On the contrary, the struggle against imperialism should be cleared of revisionism and opportunism. The imperialist system, analyzed in detail by Comrade Lenin in the beginning of the 20th century, has highly maintained the teachings of Lenin in conditions of exacerbation of the contradiction of the imperialist system in the past period, but its contradictions are aggravated, and it is in a spiral unsolvable antagonistic contradictions. Although the collapse of the USSR and the process of integration into the capitalist system through which China went through, for some time prevented the explosion of contradictions, the law of uneven development of capitalism continued, and the meter-propelled rivalry developed to the stage of “disintegration” with regional wars. This indicates a system crisis and that the previous “solutions” no longer work. The imperialists, who for a long time supported their crisis, shifting the burden of the system in the semi -colonies and deepening the robbery of the semi -colonies, came to a standstill here. One of the explosive moments of the problems inherent in the imperialist system that developed in accordance with the Leninist definition of imperialism is that the meter -propelled struggle, which has been manifested in various forms in recent years, is currently moving into regional wars. When Lenin listed the contradictions of imperialism, he mentioned the meter -propelled contradiction as one of the three most important contradictions. We see that events are developing in accordance with the observations of Comrade Lenin about the nature and contradictions of imperialism: “The second contradiction is a contradiction between different financial groups and imperialist powers in their struggle for sources of raw materials, for foreign territories. Imperialism is the removal of capital to the sources of raw materials, a frantic struggle for the monopoly possession of these sources, the struggle for the redistribution of the already divided world, the struggle, which is conducted with special fury, are conducted by new financial groups and powers, striving to take a “place in the sun”, against the old groups and powers , stubbornly clinging to the captured by them. This frantic struggle between various groups of capitalists is noteworthy in that it includes imperialist wars, wars for the accession of foreign territories as an inevitable element. This circumstance, in turn,
It is noteworthy that it leads to the mutual weakening of the imperialists, to the weakening of the position of capitalism as a whole, to the acceleration of the onset of the proletarian revolution and to the practical necessity of this revolution. ” (Stalin, the foundations of Leninism) Russia and China, the former socialist countries, which gave the imperialist system a respite thanks to their new markets, became the main players in the meter -on rivalry, arguing with the hegemonist power of the United States. This means that the scale and nature of the contradictions increase as new and powerful players involve in the struggle for the redistribution of territories. Against this background, there was a large -scale confrontation between the invasion of Russian imperialism into Ukraine. It can be predicted that this trend will deepen and spread further. So far there is no direct confrontation between imperialists, territories where wars are waged for the section are semi -colonies and colonies. The semi -colonies and the oppressed peoples of the world will continue to pay for these wars until the imperialists declare a direct war to each other. With this, the division of the world into a handful of imperialist states and most oppressed countries will be deepened - this was masterfully analyzed by Lenin. The third contradiction is aggravated with imperialist robbery and robbery, and the semi-colonial and semi-feudal rise in powerful national liberation and folk wars, which shake the imperialist system. In parallel with the process in which imperialism is experiencing meter -on contradictions, as well as the contradictions of imperialist countries and oppressed peoples and nations, all parts of the ruling system, especially imperialist states, become more centralized, militaristic and warlike than before, which opens the way for all fascist sentiments, To bring society to the appropriate ideological format. This is carried out either by the so-called right-wing extremists, or under the cover of social democratic or liberal parties. The Communists and the oppressed peoples of the world, faced with the reality of the system, which is becoming more and more reactionary and aggressive every day, is necessary for the Lenin Party, which will lead the struggle of the proletariat for political power, as was indicated by Comrade Lenin in order to organize a powerful resistance against this reaction. Only such a party, today the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party, can wage an irreconcilable struggle with the bourgeoisie.
The great legacy of Lenin, the Leninist concept of the party: the general headquarters of the proletariat “Revolution is not a dinner, not writing an essay, not writing a picture, not embroidery; It cannot be so refined, so leisurely and tender, so moderate, kind, courteous, restrained and generous. Revolution is an uprising, an act violence, as a result of which one class overtures the other. " (Mao Zedong) It is very important how the Communists determine the existing contradictions and how they position themselves in the face of the development of events. Over a hundred years that have passed since the death of Comrade Lenin, the imperialists turned their ruling structures into even greater military vehicles. Their army, police, secret services, etc. Equipped with capabilities incomparable with those that were in the past. On the other hand, a significant part of those who call themselves “communists” or “revolutionaries” ignores this reality (even if it seems theoretically accepted) and far from positioning itself in accordance with it. However, following the ideological and practical line of reconciliation, which locks the working class and oppressed masses into the ruling system, they extinguish the anger of the masses and act as a wave -rope. While the imperialists and the ruling operator structures equip themselves with more and more cruel devices and institutions, it is necessary, as followers of Comrade Lenin, to wage a strong ideological struggle against the fact that those who call themselves “revolutionaries” and “communists”, further and further and further They move away from reality that the revolution and revolutionary struggle will be based on weapons and violence. The tireless struggle of Comrade Lenin against the opportunism of the second International, as a leadership against these views, is one of the important tasks in order to give justice to Comrade Lenin in the year of the century of his immortality. Comrade Lenin defined the new type of the Communist Party as a "military organization of the proletariat." The need for such a definition was caused by the imperialist system and the mutual position of classes. Both the process, which led to the October Revolution, and the Civil War, which erupted with the October Revolution, was the specific reasons that Comrade Lenin called the Communist Party "a military organization of the proletariat." The Communist Party, which will manage the liberation of the proletariat and oppressed masses, should have this characteristic, while the counter -revolution is armed with the apparatus and means of violence on top and commits all these terrible reprisals over the working class and oppressed nations. For a revolutionary war, a military party is needed. Only fools and incorrigible revisionists based on the bourgeoisie can see it differently.
“Some make fun of us as supporters of the“ omnipotence of war ”. Yes, we are supporters of the omnipotence of the revolutionary war; This is good, not bad, it is Marxist. The guns of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We will create a democratic republic. The experience of the class struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that only by force of weapons the working class and working masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and landowners; In this sense, we can say that only with the help of weapons can the whole world be converted. ” (Mao Zedong) At its constituent conference, the MKL defined the construction and recreation of communist parties as an important task in the struggle for the world proletarian revolution. The understanding of the Communist Party, developed by the comrade Mao Zedong, corresponds to the understanding of the Communist Party, stated by Comrade Lenin, as well as enriched by Stalin, and is the realization of the Leninist understanding of the party in the ideology of Marxism-Maoism. During the period of imperialism and the proletarian revolutions in which we are, the Communist Party, capable of withstanding the growing aggression of the imperialist reaction and leading the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world to liberate, should have the quality of the “military organization of the proletariat”. The most important heritage of Lenin is the question of political power as a radical issue of each revolution. Lenin showed that "the proletarian revolution is impossible without the forcible destruction of the bourgeois state machine and without the replacement of its new" and that "everything but power is an illusion." Under the personal leadership of Lenin, the world's first socialist state, the dictatorship of the proletariat was created, which secured the proletarian path to power and its retention. After the death of Lenin, it was his successor Stalin brilliantly determined Leninism, developed it and made the basis of the entire international communist movement. Based on the shoulders of Veliky Lenin, the chairman of the Mao was able to advance the world proletarian revolution to new heights and develop the ideology of the proletariat. Leninism, which today is Marxism-Maoism, should be picked up, protected and applied today. We, like MKL, will continue to fulfill the tasks set by the Great Lenin, and it is good to use the legacy left to us by Comrade Lenin. Comrade Lenin, the great teacher of the international proletariat and Marxism, Leninism-Maoism, He leads and directs our struggle for the world proletarian revolution today, how he led her yesterday!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Long live proletarian internationalism! International Communist League January 2024
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