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"Down the wood and the punishment of children
in family and school ”
Soviet poster 1926
Abuses, rape, murders of children and women within the family or relative And a friendly environment has become daily news. Mother killed her children, Father raped his son or daughter, woman murdered by partner her son hit his mother to death, 15 -year -old raped and tortured Their classmate ...
None crime is not the same as the other, each one is a tragedy and all together indicate moral discharge, relaxation or dismantling social bonds and the complete decomposition of society. But even these findings, No matter how right they are, it matters from which side one sees them. The Always around the crime, morality and consciousness of people have deep class character.
Each Historical period has its own characteristics, its own crimes, the Her own code of ethics, her laws, judges and punishments. In capitalism, as in all class societies, what is crime the determines the ruling class. Crime is considered to be any action to question her power or violates her laws.
THE capitalism, as opposed to other periods that each lord, feudal lord or emperor judged and punished on the basis of his own private interests, It proposes the interests of the ruling class as a whole. Judges, Courts, lawyers, prisons and guards, police and other institutions, They chase, judge and punish the crime and the criminals and leave in the The crimes of the ruling class are untouched.
THE Marx and Engels write in their common work "The German Ideology":
'How closely legal relationships are linked to development of these material forces resulting from the division of work, it appears already purely by the historical evolution of judicial power and by the mourning of feudal lords for the development of law. Just at the time when lies between the sovereignty of aristocracy and the sovereignty of urban Order ... the power of the courts began to look significant and in the period of bourgeoisie domination, when this developed division of Work is absolutely necessary, the power of the courts reaches its climax. " [i] .
THE Civil Justice is considered to be judged correctly, if it is blind, if he tries the crime and does not see the man who committed it. Judges the act and that is considered an objective attitude. When the gray cells of a whose mystery of crime or the gaffes of a clouu stumble over the killer, everything ends. The rest, that is, who and how much will be punished, is Railed!
To 29 -year -old pediatrician from Veria, who threw her eleven -month -old child at Frozen waters of Aliakmonas, the murder category was recited by intention. She was handcuffed and led her to prison. No mitigating She was not recognized, despite the psychiatric problems she faces. You do He did not protect her so as not to get to the crime.
Each Crime could have been the beginning of the accusations of the same Justice. For when he proclaims that in front of the law everyone is equal, their He is unequal in front of the judge's judgment.
The 12 -year -old from Sepolia had no support, blackmail her and threaten her And all the righteousness had done was to put her mother in prison. THE The rest of the family lives in miserable conditions. It is obvious that there is organized attempt on the part of all the official and informal institutions of the state to conceal the case, which begins with Micho and reaches very high. None Sensitive bourgeois is not moved, the President of the Republic does not deal with the lock. They have to cover their affiliate. No state institution cares about any victims of any crime.
The Channels inform us of all cases. For months we were watching Detailed reports on the appearance of Manos Daskalakis in her trial Pispirigou. As parents of murdered children they fed broadcasts and websites. Thus, tragedies turn into soap operas and victims they are bent over.
Each crime is used by propaganda mechanisms in a way that It serves the interests of the ruling class. Characteristically, the rape of 15 -year -old boy from his classmates in Ilion is used in the campaign of the power system against youth. Theories about the bullying and the way of managing the There are incidents in schools to tie young people. Politicians and journalists and other "experts" are launching mydals against families and their teachers and require 'exemplary Punishment "of" K@Lopades ". Teenagers were in custody with concise procedures. They were not recognized honest prior life as recognized in the cop mastrian in the case trafficking of Heliopolis. The fifteen -year -old are treated worse than adults. By two meters and two weights weigh Judges the justice they award. After all, teenagers in Ilion have no High interconnections are not professional criminals, such as godfathers, Cats and the davids.
THE Georgia was raped as a group of wealthy children in luxury hotel in Thessaloniki but all mechanisms were recruited to blame her and cancel it. Bakoyannis' car killed the young courier out of the House but it is more than obvious that they are hunting for case. When the money and power are adversary on the one hand and the woman and the poor on the other hand, by definition the first ones are always acquitted and the Second are the usual suspects!
Crimes that characterizes them by the interconnection between people, occupy headlines, they are given unlimited time and space to present and comment. For organized crime, which has the support and the Tolerance of the state and its institutions, other measures and weights are observed. The channels stumble, the judges acquit, the police cover and the politicians legislate to facilitate it. His action scares the people. Whichever recruits to his lines by the mass of desperate, pushes them to Social margin. Its roots reach the system deep.
Argue many that if the punishment is cruel and exemplary, he will piss and prevent others from doing such criminal acts. The crime justifies state repression and omnipresent Police as well as the existence of an iron -prisons of a correctional system, which upgrades the Amateur criminal to a professional and punishes the unruly people. In general, the Crime is very useful for the power system that gives birth to it.
Alienation conditions
THE Today's man is shaped in conditions of capitalist imperialist barbarism. The financial crisis that was not overcome, the memorandums that are in full force, the pandemic that does not say to end, the war in Ukraine raging, the Palestinian genocide, the threats of nuclear deceased hanging over the heads of mankind, the poverty that spread out, the fascism that brings to the surface its toughest look authority, the Remules and the viciousness circulating in the luxurious lounges of bourgeois, revanchism and contempt for the people who are declared overtly and everyday by all the agents of the system, they make the present a lot Difficult and the future of disgust. You will not survive, if you do not submit, they say cynically to the people those who have secured in all possible ways to They live for many and good years. Show their wealth, stressing that she Society was made for the few.
Not This is the first time that circumstances have been difficult for peoples. But because of of defeat and retreat of movements and communist ideas, remain Fig. and cannot explain how it happened in such a short time have lost so much. Kinematic weakness does not mean expiration of class struggle. As long as it is not over, the system will penetrate everywhere, throws his ideological poison and will project his rotten ideals by projecting as Model himself and he will seem omnipotent.
In difficult and barbaric conditions Work and Life, like today's, deepen the alienation that the system Individual property sinks man. The one who produces the wealth but the his life is miserable, ends up living alienated by himself, From the other man and from the world around him. Lost the essence of man, His sociality and all his relationships are tested. Marx describes Very gleecent how exploitation at work and the misery of life are taking out On the surface the wildest and animalistic characteristics of man.
'Work for the worker is not a affirmation is a denial, does not feel happy but unhappy, does not develop a physical and spiritual activity but nourishes his body and destroys his spirit ... no longer feels like his free activities but only its living functions, food, sleep and reproduction and that, in Its human functions feels that it is nothing more than an animal. Animal becomes human and human becomes animalistic. Of course, the Food, drink, recreation etc are also genuine human functions. However, perceived in abstract as isolated by the sphere of all the other human activities and displayed as the only and last purpose, are animal functions » [ii] .
THE man who will be found alone in the social storm, experiences the Collective weakness as personal failure, is in confusion, overflowing with Anger, immersed in depression. Wastewater measurements do not only show the its levels Covid but also the levels of despair and social loneliness of people who They are trying to control with psychotropic drugs and various substances and drugs. The psychological problems that hit red during the quarantine period, remain in the same color. According to the World Health Organization/which, Two years 2020-2022 in Greece was recorded by suicides by 25%. The People commit suicide, abuse and kill each other. The human life has no value anyway but only if it can, like the goods, may sold and purchased or if it can produce 'useful things'. Production So many "useful things" also produce populations of "useless" people. In class society luxury and deprivation, waste and philanthropy, Wealth and poverty cannot be separated. Selfishness, futility, the self -centenance, arrogance, disdain and depreciation of human life, which stem from the misery and impasses of the capitalist system They are experienced as personal impasses.
'There is a form of inert, excessive wealth dedicated entirely in the pleasures whose owner, while behaving as a person who will live a day only and is frantically and uninvited, considering at the same time the slave work of others (human sweat and human blood) as the prey for his desires. That is why he generally considers himself man, including of course himself, as a vain being, as A being that offers himself only for sacrifice. On the basis of this wealth man appears to be man's contempt, either as arrogance or as a split Those who could maintain a hundred human lives or as an unnecessary illusion that his ruthless diskness and his unstoppable, counterproductive consumption It is the condition for each other's work and therefore its existence » [iii] .
The man who cannot explain What happens to him, loaded with anxieties and immersed in poverty, can't see anything nice around him as he only thinks of survival of. When he does not see her through collective claim, he thinks individual solutions to make money, since in capitalism everything is commodity and Money is the measure of the value of things and people. The way Transaction and sale of things, becomes a way of contact with the other man. When people work and feel with pacemaker the system Operation, everything turns over and reverses their essence.
'Money transforms faith into infidelity, love into hatred, hate In love, virtue in vicious, vulgarity in virtue, the slave to a master, the master of slave, stupidity in mind, mind in stupidity » [iv] .
THE Babel in his book "The Woman and The Socialism" published in 1891, refers to increasing crime between workers and Workers who stayed on the street when they lost their job. If we were erasing from the its text the dates, it refers to its situations evolve the 1878, we would say that it describes today's era. He writes:
'Honest society does not know what it is to give up for many months most elemental needs of order and cleanliness, to turn from a place in place on an empty stomach and get nothing more than badly hidden Hate, of just those that are the system of the system. We add that Married families live in darkest misery, which is not rarely pushes desperate parents to the most terrible crimes over the their sons and on themselves. In these recent years they have occurred Horrible incidents. Entire families committed suicide. Women and girls They are increasingly pushed into prostitution. The crime and the immorality take the most varied forms and only prosperous prisons, the prisons and the so -called "reformaries" that no longer arrive to fit the crowd of Their tenants » [v] .
For to eliminate crimes must eliminate the causes that give birth to them, that is, the system of capitalist power. Those who fight for this The purpose cannot be treated in a heinous means. Of course, they can't to prevent society from defending its way against criminals, but therefore struggle more persistently her transformation Society from the foundations.
When Receives collectivity, difficulties seem insurmountable, many They give up any efforts to resist things. Not fight capitalism, serve it, identify with its ideology, which they reproduce with the practices that arise from it.
« The people remain people as much as They feel anger against the ruling class. Become beasts just patiently adapted to their yoke, seeking to make pleasant their lives under Libra, without seeking to crush him. " [vi] .
The dispute of our system
It holds alive and human.
When the system is educated
The ideas, as part of the superstructure, are clicking on economic conditions of every season. Over the years they change and carry the signs of class struggle. Some, such as faith in God and the acceptance of female inequality, are deeply rooted in people's minds, they look timeless and Unchanged, but they are also generations of class society. Ideas and Overall the superstructure, they exert their effect on the facts and some times they determine them. In any case, they affect human behavior, So also the relationships between people.
The System projects, idealizes and teaches ... himself. In practice three Basic characteristics that have influence and shape human behavior. Property, inequality and power. Class society has diluted in mind of people to the idea that property is right, how people too It is property, how inequality between people is natural phenomenon and how human society progresses with the wishes that one can impose. The individual property system could only projects the individualism, the violence by which the power of the few over the many and the exploitation of people at all levels. The They always duplicate to the person who is stripped of any other identification of. Selfishness is a result of class society and infects everyone.
THE Today's time is characterized by a dying of alienation, rushing of Fascist, racist and medieval ideas. Crime is characteristic of the system, its derivative, an example of its impasses. When after each Crime, apart from the criminal, is charged with the family and school, they do not because they question the specific institutions but to convey the responsibility to the people they should, always according to their bourgeois, to reproduce more faithfully the ideal patterns that they themselves define. Parents and teachers have to prove that they respond to their role, Based on the ideal standard for family and school.
THE bourgeoisie constructs ideal standards for everything and distributes roles to People who are the measure of comparison and evaluation. The standards and the roles theory is actually a mechanistic, anti -dialectical and Ataxic perception of the world. Are unreal and stagnant and end up narrow corset in which people are suffocated fit. Standards do not change, on the contrary, people must adapt to them and play the role they have prescribed. The so widespread theories protect existing society from their modernism and thundered any subversive idea or act.
The dominant urban ideology does not recognize the existence of social classes. Perceives society as a whole separate people or groups with common characteristics where people perform Some roles. Each person is as responsible for the problems that has or created. Some people have a criminal nature so they criminate and They infect all society! A group of hereditary the assets or koussuria Its members and each member carries the responsibility of the team. Thus, one Gypsy is by definition guilty, because the gypsies are considered by nature the offenses. The individual responsibility to take over by each and the collective attributed to individual society and class that supports its sovereignty in crime that gives birth to everything the crimes. That is, in exploitation and oppression of the slaves in order to own the wealth they produce.
Against In bourgeois perception, Marxism sees man as a social being. If we remove him this property, if we isolate him from other people, if we see him As a unit, we are really very inhumane. His life of every man, at all its events, is an expression and confirmation of social life. The particular personality of each man is shaped by the conditions surrounding him, which are not stagnant but change continuously, by the degree of awareness of the position of the in human society (class consciousness) and by the way he acts as a social being And not as a person. The awareness of this process is necessary to escape from the vicious circle of alienation.
THE man knows the world through his five senses, which is not Simple biological functions. Cultivated with social association, They can offer pleasure, it is the wealth of human sensitivity. Understands human society and with the spiritual senses (will, love etc), that is, emotions. Human feeling and feeling help in understand the world around us, they tie us with people and give power. The process of shaping the five senses is an achievement of the whole World History that has preceded so far, Marx said [vii] .
Bodies of urban propaganda
The school and the
family share the task of sharing children to make the
A citizen whose capitalism needs.
The school
'Education always responds to the need for a class for maintenance of her ideology ', Mao Che Tug said. The school belongs to the basics ideological institutions of the state, reproduces his ideology and moral not just coming out of the books and matter taught but by the its own function. Morning prayer, parades, fees and punishments, internal operating regulations and more, teach metaphysics, Nationalism, competition, hierarchy.
THE Knowledge, to any extent that it provides it, is one of the materials that enter the building a person's personality. But is not recognized as a collective And social product but as a discovery of special people. Is not offered to all as if not everyone has the ability to understand it or to embrace sides her. The knowledge transmitted by the urban school justifies capitalism.
The school that is being shaped today, after systematic attack on labor Teachers 'rights and students' educational rights are done More class and more authoritarian. Educate children to bend the head, to They are competitive, to care for themselves and not the whole.
THE violence that kids take over their classmates are nothing else despite the reflection of the violence they receive. Theories bullying were made to hide this true and justify the repressive measures of control over them. The School as we know it today, it was made to serve the bourgeoisie. Not can change character and purpose.
The family
Is The phrase is very widespread that "the family is the cell of society". So when the family suffers, it suffers the whole. The social sepsis and the Crime is due to its judgment and disturbing the relationships of its members. On the other hand, it looks like a refuge. Many are shut inside her to They are protected from cursed society!
Many bourgeois dream of returning to an unspecified past that the ideal family model, which is stable and unchanged, is assumed that Ethics was working and dominating and dominating. Idea's invocation ends up frequently in conservative hysteria and reversed slogans from its timeline History, such as "Father, Religion, Family". The urban patterns the submission Woman in the man and the absolute power of parents over children.
THE Marxism clarifies that the family is part of the superstructure that is based on the economic system of society as part of the superstructure It affects and adapts to society, changes from season to season, differentiates social class, educated and educated Its members based on the dominant ideology.
'The influence of society on education is not invented by the Communists. They only change her character, detach education by the influence of the ruling class » [viii] .
we read In the Communist Manifesto. According to Marx, the family closes inside her All contradictions that are widely developed in society and the state.
It can a family to educate with different standards from the urban, He needs to challenge them and act accordingly.
The media and the rest…
Today, that capitalism is in its highest stage, imperialist, all Sides of human life are converted into commodities. Human surrounded by its system, reactive ideology and rotten Ideally. Although classic ideological mechanisms remain, modernize, upgrade and spread out, feel that they are canceled by The rapid and very effective activation of new propaganda mechanisms. It seems that the most up -to -date trends in the system and current needs Other mechanisms have undertaken to propagate them.
The Huge network of media, internet, social media but also Advertising has a great influence on the masses. As a rule they present the reality inverted through reactionary lenses. Advertising sells First ideology to sell the product. Through the internet and the social media media passes in modern ways the most reactive views. All of these mechanisms overflow with fascism, anti -communism, racism, underestimate the woman, promote violence and logic 'I do whatever I want Since I can". They take out the most vulgar views of the bourgeois and indeed, no glitches and pretexts, in the name of freedom and independence of the press. Stypes and heinous crimes are fuel for operation of the media that operate with the heart of the system, which no matter how much Stylish, it will not even get a drip of humanity.
In conclusion…
The The system of individual property is the educator. The dominant ideas They sprout inside him to justify and impose his existence. In Concerning crime, reality, no matter how much they hide it. The rotten exploitation system, which exists because crime is and conditions Barbarism we live in, they turn victims into victims. Their system generates them criminals.
Some victims
Kids, teenagers, young people
THE abuse, rape or murder of a child causes horror. The victims Kids are growing, rapes are daily news and murders they increase. And the children are criminals but they are not criminals. Continue to They are victims and even tragic.
Is It is clear that the magical world of children is a myth. In their friends and In their game they reproduce society with its laws and rules, compromises and resistance, moral values and ideals. The children mimic spontaneous behaviors and are influenced by relationships discipline and oppression of class society, ideology and her prejudices. That is why Kroupskaya opposed the right to have had the Children in some communes to do trials and impose penalties. He said that These courts reproduce the adult courts even If no adult participates!
The chapter sees children and adolescents as exploitation objects, as Consumers, as appropriate ground to sow his ideology. At home, At school, in the park, in their free time they consume and embrace Miserable behaviors and rotten ideals. The game industry treasures and educate. It sells ideals, ideology and lifestyle. By Barbie Up to the computer games, children and adolescents are bombarded by Standards of the bourgeoisie.
The Children dependent as they are from adults, have no weapons and defenses. Not They can protect themselves. Accept stimuli but not feelings, sensitivity and tenderness are considered weakness, cynicism It is over. Everything he addresses is reminiscent of lyrics of music. Not means that anyone who listens to this kind of music will become a criminal, But it certainly affects the behaviors of young people and children. Their minds pound the life patterns of the ruling class such as violence, witch, sex As a witch, easy enrichment and "we play war".
Elements showing an increase in incidents of sexual violence between minors. A picture give us the Items from California, as recorded in an article in the newspaper Ef. (14/1/2023).
« To specific US state 'minors who act sexual violence against Juvenile accounts for 35.6% of the victims' known to the victims. The percentage Children practicing sexual violence to other children is higher in ages between 15 and 17. About one in eight minor offenders are under 12. The sexual violence between minors, in fact, is 25.8% of all sexual offenses » .
System successes Statistics are recorded. Although there is no evidence of the our country, the similar incidents that come to light are enough in the crows of system to crucify youth. System tentacles are spread out around her.
Whoever wins the youth has possibilities to claim the future.
The same causes that give birth to all Crimes are also born against women. Have, of course, the Particular features.
Two people who are strangers between They are united in love and where they lived until yesterday different life, now It is inquisitive in each other's life. The perception of the right to Property is generalized. The man considers his wife's estate. Also perception of gender inequality plays a decisive role in human Relationships in general, let alone in gender relationships and especially in marriage. In some societies the man has legally guaranteed his ownership over to his wife. Until the 1980s the man was recorded as the leader of the family.
Enriched the old ethics with the modern humiliation of woman - pot, beauty beauty, sexual object In each ad presents the woman as the property of each male. So the man will assassinate his wife or partner because he considers her His property and why his selfishness does not let him accept rejection. An unknown will rape a girl and the investigator will turn off aggressive her questions to her, to find out if her appearance was the proper Or if she caused her rape with her behavior!
The man bourgeois may officially not has the right of the first night the feudal lord had but has the ability to buy or blackmail as many nights as she wants from her wives working class.
On every victim of rape, beating The murder is very easily distinguished by the signs of the system.
Prostitution without casualties?
Bordela with dirty sheets and heavy human scents, with syphilis, the AIDS and the misery to crush the Body and the soul of every prostitute, many times covered by veil Romanticism. Today, when the cobblestone has become electronic, prostitution It is projected as a right to processing! Since there is no visible dyeing to waits to get the money of the visa, the payment for sex services is called body self -determination and is considered a right to is protected. Her is her body, why not win by offering enjoyment; These arguments have a disarming simplicity but must is no one completely confused or hypocrite who does not see inhumanity their. Prostitution is not the oldest profession, it is the worst exploitation of the most personal needs, is the bottom that can be found a atom.
Romanticism that has stuck and the right with its freshness, act as a coating of it human misery. Individualism masks in a right and denounces For pouritism whoever unravels him. Steals the tools of those who intervene, the turns against them but cannot perceive the size of their alienation. Have accepted the most cynical side of the system that considers that every human need and activity, soul and body of people, can join his commercial activity, be Field of exploitation and easy enrichment. A woman who doesn't find work, a trans person who has been eliminated by the rest of society why not they sell their bodies to live? The market is free, with one click Surprise independence and solve the survival problem! The 'easy solutions' of System is temptation. Urban ideology by playing alone in Ideological arena, overwhelms any one of a little system and penetrates Deep in their minds.
Elimination of prostitution was always The proclamation of the Communists. Has nothing to do with hypocrisy that characterizes the bourgeoisie. Lenin writes characteristically for '5 The International Conference on the Fight against Prostitution 'organized by the bourgeoisie In 1913 in London:
"The acrobats of love to God and the neighbor, and the police officers for whom misery, poverty and misery are objects mockery, make conferences to "fight against prostitution" which, However, it is preserved and subordinate by the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie. " [ix] .
In the same article we read that when the Austrian representative Hertner attempted to raise the social causes that They favor prostitution, forced him to get out of the step. Lenin is ironic the "solutions" of the bourgeois that promotes religion and the police as an antidote and the suggestions for bodily punishment of the mastic. A century later, the bourgeoisie They haven't shifted a step either!
Prostitution is its supplement A urban family, we read in the Communist Manifesto. In this phrase The different characteristics of prostitution are imprinted on capitalism compared to previous historical periods and the kind of struggle that must be developed to eliminate. Is a constant crime of class society.
The elimination of prostitution for their Communists linked to the struggle to eliminate exploitation, her misery and poverty, to overthrow of capitalism.
About sexuality [x]
Because, where we turn our heads We see and hear a lot about sex because we are talking about crimes and human relationships in conditions of barbarism where sex is very confused, because the subject is chaotic and cannot be arranged in some paragraphs, we are enough In some notes, without implied, that open the matter but not They close and definitely are in the opposite direction by the dominant Perception and fashion.
First of all, there is no physical sexuality. The supposed natural forms in which the Sexual needs, determined by the characteristics of the society. But sexual needs themselves are produced by society.
Capitalism and imperialism treat sexuality as a commodity sold and purchased Like all others, there is the same laws of supply and demand and It is also destroyed by consumption. The question is what is the operation and what are the results of this type of sexual culture to the people.
The sex industry that leaves everywhere footprint, does not treat sex as the medium to express the special content of relationships between individuals but as a means for each person separately in order to escape society and as a moment of enjoyment in a Life without joy and hope. It seems to have been distanled by social Its characteristics, not binding but on the contrary to separate people.
There is no concept of equality to the sex standards that the bourgeoisie is projecting. Characterizes them a relationship dominance and enslavement where the dominant is a male. Not Nothing is positive from reversing the roles of sovereignty.
The sexuality for the dominant Class is a way of demonstrating and enforcing its power and power. The triptych sex - violence - power is promoted everywhere, is the new fashion that lies the system especially in youth, is the viewing of the rug of urban order in standard.
The bans and oppression of Sexuality is part of sexuality. Do not oppose it But they identify it. Sexual freedom in capitalism is like all The other capitalist freedoms exist only in theory and paper.
In urban sexuality not We can contrast a model of revolutionary, hardworking or Marxist sexuality. Nor in socialism the satisfaction of sexual momentum, of the erotic need will not be as simple and rough as it drinks No one a glass of water. In sex life, Lenin said, they play a role not only natural elements but also acquired culture [xi] .
The bourgeois theories about sexuality are dominated by reasons of desire. Has become a common place to We consider sexuality as a separate from class. So her autonomy desire has become one of the deeper bourgeois "truths". Such positions are contrary to materialistic perception. Sexuality must We understand both as a social and a historical relationship. [xii]
The sexual crisis and the sexual problems that seem to plague people and occupy Many times very large space in youth reflections, 'not They are solved, "Kolontai wrote," without fundamental reform of human psychology, without increasing the "Erotic potential". But this mental reform depends completely by the basic reorganization of our socio-economic relationships on to Communist bases » [xiii] .
Love, friendship, companionship, solidarity in the fight for social change
'If man shaped by circumstances then circumstances must be configured Human » Marx and Engels proclaimed a year after meeting Paris Through their common work the "Holy Family". Was then 26 and 27 years old respectively and was their deep friendship to give humanity a new worldview that made the oppressed by the darkness of the story to put them in front of the fight for another society without exploitation man by man. They gave in love, friendship, companionship, and s solidarity a central role in the struggle for social change. They were considered them driving forces to form socialist Personalities. The revolutionary struggle shapes its own ethics that It affects all human relationships. 'History informs us that elaborating the ideology of a social class and consequently of sexual ethics is done within this course of the struggle of this class against opponents of social Forces » [xiv] .
Nevertheless, Only through the humanitarian society of socialism and communism will can man to escape alienation and develop the Sleeping my spiritual and mental powers, he will be able to exchange 'Love only with love, trust only with confidence…" [xv] .
But All of this needs an organized struggle.
[i] Carl Marx-FR. Engels: The German Ideology, Volume 2 whose , ed. GUTENBERG 1989 pp. 66-67
[ii] Carl Marx, Economics and Philosophical Manuscripts 1844, Marxist Bookstore 2012, p.90
[iii] Carl Marx, financial and philosophical manuscripts 1844…, p.153
[iv] op. p. 171
[v] A. Bobel, Woman and Socialism, Historical Publications 1981, p. 205
[vi] Carl Marx, Economically and Philosophical Manuscripts 1844…, p.140
[vii] Carl Marx, economic and philosophical manuscripts 1844…, p. 132
[viii] Marx-Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party, Contemporary Era 1994, p. 46
[ix] Marx-Engels-Lenin, on the female issue, modern era, 1987 p. 92
[x] Clamp Brogiel, Woman in China-Half of Heaven, Cell 1975, pp. 211-231
[xi] Clara Chetkin, Lenin for Woman, Memory 1980, p. 31
[xii] Teresa L. Ebert, Alexandra Kolodai and the red love, article
[xiii] Alexandra Kolodai, the gender relations and Marxism, Govostis, p. 12
[xiv] Alexandra Koldai, gender relations and Marxism, Govosti, p. 28
[xv] Carl Marx, economic and philosophical manuscripts 1844…, p. 171